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Thrive Without Janelle: The Accountability Group

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A whopping 10,409 steps yesterday!

Spent a long time on the phone with my son (over an hour) and as per my habit, I walked around the house the whole time! In that time I added 2,280 steps to my count. Have to admit, I do feel it today though!

Daughter was off camping yesterday with no service, she just left a quick message on her work sat phone but will be calling today. I see possibly more steps than normal in today's count too...

Yesterday was cloudy all day and the evening too.  :(  Now today, is mostly sunny, hopefully I'll get a glimpse of the moon tonight.

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6,380 steps yesterday.

Forced myself to slow down, though I did more walking around the yard after a  neighbor did a lot of mowing. He is coming back today or tomorrow to do some weed whacking. Will try to take it easy again one more day.

Neighbor showed up on his own volition and did the mowing, "just helping a neighbor". Found somethings in garage he liked, spiked spiders (snow chains) so I gave them to him. He is also very interested in a roll top desk for which he will do some outside chores for me... win/win for both of us, I get rid of the desk, and as he says "best boyfriend ever" as his girl friend has been wanting one!  We have a good barter system going.  An interesting day all in all.

Kitties are frolicking in the freshly cut grass! It was at least 18", my regular landscaper never returned 2 calls, so glad neighbor showed up!

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6,864 steps yesterday.

Tried to take it easy and did a bit better at it. Have a dr appointment in town and it is going to be a very tiring day today so wanted to rest up for it. Just hoping the weather holds and I don't have to drive in thunderstorms!

Bad thunderstorm in the evening yesterday. I hate to complain about. the rain/thunder/lightening when the smoke is so bad to the East. But this is sooo late for this much wet weather and the damp is playing havoc with these old bones! Also afraid of the fire danger once all the weed growth dries out...

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Not a too bad 6,141 steps yesterday!

Man, the weather was terrible on drive up to town! Thunder/lightening and sheets of rain obscuring the view. Felt like I crawled on the highway, but worse in town as streets were basically flooded and water splashed up and over windshield!! Very stressful! Then lots of sitting at dr appointment. Did do a couple of quick shoppings in town before dr, that added some steps. Weather got better and better as I headed home, but I was exhausted by the time I got there!

Good thing is, after ex-rays the dr went ahead and I got  4 steroid shots 2 in each hand. Hands are better today, right trigger still a bit sore but expect that to work out soon. When I told him about my fall and injuries I mentioned that back sometimes bothered me. He said at this point in healing I shouldn't be having pain something may be going on. I said that it was more stiffness and aches if I did too much and the damp weather. He let it go at that...for now. sigh

Only small draw back is the steroid shots will play havoc with my blood sugar for a few days. It was really high last night, this morning better, but still much higher than normal.  However, the pain relief is worth the blip in bg!

Edited by Gramto6
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6,292 steps yesterday.

OK with that number as I really needed to slow down from all the stressors of the last couple of days. Today should be more calm and back to "normal"... what ever that is!

Hands feeling even better today still a little hitch in one finger but better. It may take a day or two more for the shots to fully work. BG back to normal this morning thank goodness!

Edited by Gramto6
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9,228 steps yesterday!

Dr appt, then a grocery shop up in town added a lot of steps. Then a rip roaring thunderstorm passed through last night, shut down TV satellite...paced around for 45 minutes until it passed. Nearly 1,000 steps in that hour alone. Did not expect to walk so much and am feeling it this morning. Planning to take it easy today.

Ophthalmologist appointment yesterday went well. No signs at all of retinopathy and barely any change to rx for glasses so don't really need new ones. Eyes are doing just fine!! Phew!

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8,705 steps yesterday.

17 hours total walking, 15 hours over 250 steps, highest hour-11AM 995 steps. I always have my phone in my pocket so it captures all the steps daily. Early morning and late evening are normally very low step wise and that is fine.

I am still practicing the "learning to listen to my body more closely" rather than the old model of pushing for the most I can achieve.

That being said, I wrenched my right knee somehow getting into bed last night and this morning I can barely walk on it. Applied Salonpas patches and hope they help some. If gently walking doesn't help I may have to resort to an Advil. sigh...

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7,788 steps yesterday. Trying to take it easy...

Felt out of sorts yesterday, chills and just not "right". Hope I am not getting sick. Late in day both wrists started to ache. This morning, right one seems OK but left one is still aching. Don't know what I did or if it is Arthritis... I'm hoping as the day goes on it will work itself out.

Today is garbage day, I had planned on a couple of errands, but I think the garbage up to the road is all that is going to happen until wrist gets better.

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9,259 steps yesterday.

Found an old hand brace from way back when I first had steroid shots for hand and wore it for a while in the morning. Wrist loosened up by mid day so went out and ran errands. Brace helped with the driving and shopping. Grocery shopping as usual add lots of steps!

Both wrists are a bit stiff today but much better than yesterday. Will try to take it easier today..."try" seems to be the operative word!! :)


Edited by Gramto6
added on to post
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10,124  steps yesterday! Don't know how that happened. A few aches here and there, but feeling pretty good today so doesn't seem like any harm done.

New kittens in the back yard. They are really tiny. They discovered they could hop up into the broken dryer vent. I was really worried about them. Lots of walking watching out for them, then saw other neighbor across the road that mowed my lawn and raced over to see if he could recover vent. He came over and promptly 3 kittens hopped up into vent! I made noise inside, ran the washing machine and put the dryer on no heat and finally all 3 came out. Neighbor put screen over vent and I feel much better now. Lots of going back and forth guess that accounted for all the steps.

I think I am now officially the neighborhood "crazy old cat lady"!

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I haven't posted much in the past month or so.  I'm just disgusted because I haven't lost any more weight and even gained a couple of pounds in that time.  Every year at about this time I gain those 2 pounds thanks to water retention as the weather gets hotter and more humid.  I do take a water pill and turmeric but it doesn't do enough.  I end up losing those two pounds in the Fall.  It's kind of like daylight savings time for weight - Spring gain, Fall lose.  Even though I know what causes it, it sucks nonetheless.  

Also, my husband went on a cruise to Bermuda with his sister and her husband without me.  I couldn't go because I have wicked bad motion sickness and nothing helps, plus I'm too sensitive to take any of the medications.  They give me really bad side effects.  I can take ginger but it doesn't do enough in situations like that.  My husband ate like a pig and only gained 2 lbs.  Of course he lost it right away.  If I went and ate like that I'd have gained 5 lbs. and still be struggling to lose it.  When he got back he showed me videos of the choppy seas on the way back and told me I would not have done well in that situation.  I'm sure he's right but watching his videos made me cry at one point because I would have loved to be able to go on a cruise.  This was his first cruise and he loved it.  Now he is determined to find a cruise I can tolerate.  "Lots of luck", I told him.

While he was away, my best girlfriend came to visit me and stayed over for 3 nights.  We had a great time and went out to eat every day for lunch at local restaurants.  I was very careful about what I ate.  I had to watch her eat what I consider to be huge portions of fattening food like fettuccine Alfredo and General Tso's chicken while I stuck to small portions of fish, which at some restaurants are pretty boring and predictable.  She made a comment at one point that I don't eat that much and I replied with, "And yet I'm the one with a weight problem".  

If it sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself and pissed off at my circumstances, I am.  I know my mother felt the same way.   Even though I know my 2 lb. weight gain was from the time of year I still worry that my body has "upped the ante" like it has in the past and now will gain weight despite continuing to follow my diet diligently.  This has happened to me before and from what I've read, I'm not alone and it's why so many people give up on dieting after a while.  They get down to a certain weight and their bodies fight back by gaining despite their best efforts.  It's that old metabolic syndrome again.  My dietician has told me that perhaps I need to make peace with the fact that his is the best I'm going to do. 

I usually get in around 6,000 steps a day, sometimes more, and I've been doing 20 minutes of stationary bike too.  I can't seem to increase that without either hurting myself or not being up to handling all the work I have to do in the house.  When my husband was away I realized how much easier it was to keep up with things.  He doesn't do much housework and rather than have that argument yet again I have chosen not to start a world war that won't accomplish anything.  When he was working full time I didn't expect him to do a lot around here but now he is mostly retired so what's his excuse?  Unfortunately my body doesn't seem to "count" any exercise no matter how strenuous it is unless it's aerobic exercise.  So all the work I do in the house doesn't help me lose or maintain weight.  It just makes me too tired to get in those extra steps.  Again, it sucks.  

This article, from a local medical group is interesting and suggests that for people like me the only answer might be weight loss surgery, however I am not heavy enough to qualify for that.  So I am stuck with about 30 extra pounds that I can't seem to lose and might even end up gaining more back.  🙁

I post this because most people still think that if you have this problem you must be doing wrong and that if you just starved yourself a little more or pushed yourself to to do more exercise it would work.  When you're like me it's a vicious circle and the more you do, the more your body ups the ante and fights back.   Anyway, that's the situation, thanks for indulging me with your attention.


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  On 6/23/2023 at 1:23 PM, Yeah No said:

I haven't posted much in the past month or so.  I'm just disgusted because I haven't lost any more weight and even gained a couple of pounds in that time.  Every year at about this time I gain those 2 pounds thanks to water retention as the weather gets hotter and more humid.  I do take a water pill and turmeric but it doesn't do enough.  I end up losing those two pounds in the Fall.  It's kind of like daylight savings time for weight - Spring gain, Fall lose.  Even though I know what causes it, it sucks nonetheless.  

Also, my husband went on a cruise to Bermuda with his sister and her husband without me.  I couldn't go because I have wicked bad motion sickness and nothing helps, plus I'm too sensitive to take any of the medications.  They give me really bad side effects.  I can take ginger but it doesn't do enough in situations like that.  My husband ate like a pig and only gained 2 lbs.  Of course he lost it right away.  If I went and ate like that I'd have gained 5 lbs. and still be struggling to lose it.  When he got back he showed me videos of the choppy seas on the way back and told me I would not have done well in that situation.  I'm sure he's right but watching his videos made me cry at one point because I would have loved to be able to go on a cruise.  This was his first cruise and he loved it.  Now he is determined to find a cruise I can tolerate.  "Lots of luck", I told him.

While he was away, my best girlfriend came to visit me and stayed over for 3 nights.  We had a great time and went out to eat every day for lunch at local restaurants.  I was very careful about what I ate.  I had to watch her eat what I consider to be huge portions of fattening food like fettuccine Alfredo and General Tso's chicken while I stuck to small portions of fish, which at some restaurants are pretty boring and predictable.  She made a comment at one point that I don't eat that much and I replied with, "And yet I'm the one with a weight problem".  

If it sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself and pissed off at my circumstances, I am.  I know my mother felt the same way.   Even though I know my 2 lb. weight gain was from the time of year I still worry that my body has "upped the ante" like it has in the past and now will gain weight despite continuing to follow my diet diligently.  This has happened to me before and from what I've read, I'm not alone and it's why so many people give up on dieting after a while.  They get down to a certain weight and their bodies fight back by gaining despite their best efforts.  It's that old metabolic syndrome again.  My dietician has told me that perhaps I need to make peace with the fact that his is the best I'm going to do. 

I usually get in around 6,000 steps a day, sometimes more, and I've been doing 20 minutes of stationary bike too.  I can't seem to increase that without either hurting myself or not being up to handling all the work I have to do in the house.  When my husband was away I realized how much easier it was to keep up with things.  He doesn't do much housework and rather than have that argument yet again I have chosen not to start a world war that won't accomplish anything.  When he was working full time I didn't expect him to do a lot around here but now he is mostly retired so what's his excuse?  Unfortunately my body doesn't seem to "count" any exercise no matter how strenuous it is unless it's aerobic exercise.  So all the work I do in the house doesn't help me lose or maintain weight.  It just makes me too tired to get in those extra steps.  Again, it sucks.  

This article, from a local medical group is interesting and suggests that for people like me the only answer might be weight loss surgery, however I am not heavy enough to qualify for that.  So I am stuck with about 30 extra pounds that I can't seem to lose and might even end up gaining more back.  🙁

I post this because most people still think that if you have this problem you must be doing wrong and that if you just starved yourself a little more or pushed yourself to to do more exercise it would work.  When you're like me it's a vicious circle and the more you do, the more your body ups the ante and fights back.   Anyway, that's the situation, thanks for indulging me with your attention.



A dilemma for sure. I am "petite" of stature, treated hypothyroidism, no estrogen because of breast cancer and almost 80. It is for sure a struggle. I would recommend adding weights to your program.  There are plenty on YouTube. I like fitbymyk even though she is young and I am not.  That was the thing that changed my body. It is an every day battle. I feel your pain. Plus I have trouble sleeping and the recent prescription worked great. Side effect weight gain. So I am off it. 

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  On 6/23/2023 at 6:40 PM, lookeyloo said:

A dilemma for sure. I am "petite" of stature, treated hypothyroidism, no estrogen because of breast cancer and almost 80. It is for sure a struggle. I would recommend adding weights to your program.  There are plenty on YouTube. I like fitbymyk even though she is young and I am not.  That was the thing that changed my body. It is an every day battle. I feel your pain. Plus I have trouble sleeping and the recent prescription worked great. Side effect weight gain. So I am off it. 


Thank you.  I'm of "petite stature" too.  Being small also makes managing one's weight more difficult so I've read.  Thanks for the suggestion about the weights.  Would you believe I have a set that's sitting right next to my stationary bike?  The bike even has holders for them.  Unfortunately I can't seem to balance on the bike to use the weights while on it so I'd have to use them off of it.  It's probably a side effect of being short that I have to hold onto the handlebars while leaning forward.  My husband has no problem cycling hands free, but he's much taller than I am.  

I admit to being weight-averse because when I've used them I've built up muscle in my upper arms which should be a good thing, right?  Well in my case it only makes them larger than they already are.  Unfortunately lifting weights doesn't "burn" the fat off your upper arms, although you can build muscle so you can end up with even fatter arms than you had originally.  That happened to me once so I had to stop lifting the weights when I suddenly couldn't fit into a lot of my tops!

I know, it sounds like I have a lot of excuses but it's not easy being me (to which my husband replies "It's not easy being green", LOL). 😉

Edited by Yeah No
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If you build up too much muscle, use lower weights for multiple, multiple reps.

You might look into set point theory and there's also a recent study that shows being overweight or obese can alter the brain so making future weight loss and maintenance much harder.  I haven't tried to remember your weight profile, but another point to ponder is if your goal is currently realistic.  That kind of goes back to set point theory.  If the dietitian is gently suggesting you may need to accept this weight, then that's a valid option. Again I don't remember your weight history.  As recently as 20 years ago I weighed 20 pounds less.  My current doctors would have fits if I tried to diet my way back to that.  If I lose 10 pounds from my current weight, they get concerned.  As we age or if we have certain diseases, it's actually considered healthier to be on the heavier side of the "ideal" weight for our height or possibly even mildly overweight.  

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7,006 steps yesterday. Really had to force myself to slow down a bit. Kind of funny that it was still just a hair over my goal anyway.

I almost hate to jump in here with my weight issues. I have the exact opposite problem...I need to gain some weight back. Since Dec when I had my bad fall, I have lost 23#. I went from a very steady 145# down to right now at 123#. Back in the day. I was 5'5.5" tall, now I am 5'4" so that may account for some of the loss, but my eating has not changed at all...I am diabetic so watch my carbs carefully and have even added some back to see if that will help me gain. I would be OK at 130# but just can't seem to get there.  My gastro is concerned about the loss and lack of ability to gain some back. That was part of the reason he recently sent me for the MRI to make sure there wasn't any cancer going on...fortunately none!

I can't just eat a bunch of anything to gain weight as it could raise my bg and that could end up a problem too.

We are all so different and have different problems, I guess the solutions are going to be as individual as we all are.


Edited by Gramto6
"exact opposite problem" duh...
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  On 6/24/2023 at 3:40 PM, Absolom said:

If you build up too much muscle, use lower weights for multiple, multiple reps.

You might look into set point theory and there's also a recent study that shows being overweight or obese can alter the brain so making future weight loss and maintenance much harder.  I haven't tried to remember your weight profile, but another point to ponder is if your goal is currently realistic.  That kind of goes back to set point theory.  If the dietitian is gently suggesting you may need to accept this weight, then that's a valid option. Again I don't remember your weight history.  As recently as 20 years ago I weighed 20 pounds less.  My current doctors would have fits if I tried to diet my way back to that.  If I lose 10 pounds from my current weight, they get concerned.  As we age or if we have certain diseases, it's actually considered healthier to be on the heavier side of the "ideal" weight for our height or possibly even mildly overweight.  


Agree.  I have come to terms with my "new" body and weight.  I probably could lose it if I ate 400 calories a day for a few months, but, not healthy, no fun, and can't sustain. 

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  On 6/24/2023 at 3:40 PM, Absolom said:

If you build up too much muscle, use lower weights for multiple, multiple reps.

You might look into set point theory and there's also a recent study that shows being overweight or obese can alter the brain so making future weight loss and maintenance much harder.  I haven't tried to remember your weight profile, but another point to ponder is if your goal is currently realistic.  That kind of goes back to set point theory.  If the dietitian is gently suggesting you may need to accept this weight, then that's a valid option. Again I don't remember your weight history.  As recently as 20 years ago I weighed 20 pounds less.  My current doctors would have fits if I tried to diet my way back to that.  If I lose 10 pounds from my current weight, they get concerned.  As we age or if we have certain diseases, it's actually considered healthier to be on the heavier side of the "ideal" weight for our height or possibly even mildly overweight.  


Thanks, I've read a little about set point theory and it squares with my experience.  The weight I am now is the same weight my body got down to 5 years ago when I couldn't eat much because of my gallstone issues.  I'm sure that this is my body's current "set point" because I was still not eating even 1,000 calories a day back then and no more weight came off if you can believe that.  The only problem with it is that at this weight I'm still considered obese on the CDC's Adult BMI calculator.  Right now I'm 5'1" and a half and my BMI is 35.5.  I still would have to lose about 30 lbs. just to be right under the "obese" line into "overweight".  Note that when I was that weight years ago I fit into a women's size 10 (before that got made bigger thanks to vanity sizes) and nobody thought I looked fat much less "borderline obese".  But it was a huge struggle just to lose the 25 lbs. I lost recently much less have to lose another 30 lbs. 

Before menopause I never struggled with my weight and was always in the "normal" range.  I used to eat much more then than I can now, too, but it's the same diet most people who don't have a weight problem eat, I just consider it a lot more now because I eat so little now by comparison.  And I eat more healthy now too.

My blood sugar and my cholesterol have gone down enough to be happy about but my cholesterol is still higher than it should be and my blood sugar is still at the higher end of "normal".  Also, heart disease in older age runs in my family.  While my arteries currently show only a very tiny amount of plaque in a way that the doctors tell me is normal for my age, I don't want them to become any worse.  Hopefully the changes I've made to my diet are helping but I still want to lose more weight.  Unfortunately I can't take most drugs that would help me so it's pretty much on me to improve my health without them.  I had to stop taking the Metformin because it started to give me really bad stomach side effects after a while even in a low dose.  I can't take statins either and forget about most other drugs too.  So that's what I'm up against.

Speaking of what I'm up against, I was looking in a folder on my computer with scanned photos in it and just happened to run across this one.  It's visual confirmation of the source of the "fat gene" in my family.  These are the women in my maternal great grandmother's family on my mother's mother's side.  It was taken in the late 1920's, perhaps 1927 or so.  The young woman on the far left is my grandmother.  The woman seated on her left (our right) is her mother (my great grandmother).  Seated on her lap is my mother's brother (my uncle), who was born in 1926.  All the other women in the photo are sisters of my great grandmother.  None of the women in the photo is over the age of 50 so they were pre-menopause.  My great grandmother's obesity got worse after menopause and she ended up dying in the mid 1930s during the worst part of the Depression.  I don't know her cause of death unfortunately.  I'd have to go through all kinds of hoops to get it given that it happened in NYC. 

Note that all of these women are very short, even shorter than I am.  My grandmother was only 4'11" tall and I don't think most of the other women were much different.  My grandmother ended up living to the age of 80 despite being obese but she died of a heart attack.  The only reason she wasn't heavy yet in this photo is that she was probably no more than 19 years old in it.  By the time she was 40 she was considered overweight and it only got worse from there.  I remember being at an amusement park with her once when I was a kid where they had a "guess your weight" attraction.  She got on the scale and it read 225.  My father took a photo of it so I still have the proof of her weight.  She was only 4'11" so that's really obese.  She did lose some weight toward the end of her life but I don't think it was enough.

Also note that I took advantage of a special intro. deal on an advanced DNA test that told me I have the genes that indicate obesity, so that's more confirmation.  So I don't know how much I can do about this, but I'm not going to stop trying!

Thanks again for your advice!


Stornello Women - Yolanda, Palmira, Flora, etc..jpg

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  On 6/26/2023 at 2:18 PM, Gramto6 said:

7,665 steps yesterday.

I did a quick google search re # of optimum steps for my age and found 7,500.  Of course that was just one article but feels right for me. Will look a bit more if I have time today.


Thanks for bringing that up, I was curious about that.  I found that suggestion in a few articles including this one from Healthline, which says this:


For those aged up to 60 years, walking 8,000–10,000 steps a day may be enough to maintain health. After the age of 60, 6,000–8,000 appears to be sufficient.


So I guess we're not doing as bad as we thought we were!  That's good to know!  No wonder my doctors think I'm doing great!  Lately I've been getting more like 7,000 per day.  I'm still trying to lose those couple of pounds I gained out of nowhere.

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7,733 steps yesterday.

I looked at a couple different studies and 7,000 - 7,500 steps looks like a good goal for me/someone my age (74) and physical abilities at this time to aim for. A good amount of movement, with little risk of any age/ability related injuries... seems like a good plan for me going forward. If I hit 7,000 great, if not that is OK too, as long as I move every hour at least.

I know I can push and do more, but I think those days have to be put in the past...

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  On 8/26/2022 at 3:03 PM, Yeah No said:

Gram, this article should make you feel better.  Here's a quote from it referring to a study involving 72 year old women:

The article talks about how realistic it is for seniors to be able to get in high step counts every day.  I get around 3,000-7,000 steps per day depending on what I'm doing.  Some days I have to go to the doctor or spend time doing stuff at home not racking up high step counts.  I find that if I get too much exercise it has an adverse affect on me in the form of increased aches and pains, fatigue, hunger, etc.  If I walk 7,000 steps a day for a few days in a row I pay for it and have to have a day or more of "down time" to recuperate.  I think the sweet spot is different for everyone depending on their issues, but the article tries to debunk the myth of 10,000 steps being a "one size fits all" goal for everyone at every age.


In the shower I realized I had posted on the subject of age and step count before but I didn't realize it was back in August of 2022!  I think it's significant that since my weight loss 7,000 steps doesn't feel like that much anymore.  Yay!

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@Yeah No Thanks for the repost!

I am still working back from my injured back last Dec, but I am feeling pretty good in the mid 7,000 step range. Too many days much higher than that and I am in pain for a couple of days, so not worth it.

As a former nationally competitive gymnast, 1/2 marathon runner, hiker and backpacker, it has been hard to get the "push through it" mentality out of my head. I think I am finally there and am happy with whatever I can do each day and not worrying about hurting myself trying to do more.

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  On 6/27/2023 at 5:22 PM, Gramto6 said:

@Yeah No Thanks for the repost!

I am still working back from my injured back last Dec, but I am feeling pretty good in the mid 7,000 step range. Too many days much higher than that and I am in pain for a couple of days, so not worth it.

As a former nationally competitive gymnast, 1/2 marathon runner, hiker and backpacker, it has been hard to get the "push through it" mentality out of my head. I think I am finally there and am happy with whatever I can do each day and not worrying about hurting myself trying to do more.


Agreed.  I think that it's more important to move consistently throughout the day than to hit a requisite number of steps.  I just hit 60, and it seems better for me to move around every hour or so than to get all if my movement in at one time.  Due to my aurithis I don't even call what I do exercise anymore, just movement.  😏

But in my mind's eye I'm Ginger Rogers', baby!!!  💃

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8,538 steps yesterday.
Decided to go up to town and do a little shopping. World Market/Cost Plus , then to the large grocery store for a bit of shopping. Stopped in Bed Bath & Beyond everything is now 50% off.  I got a set of sheets and a couple boxes of face masks and shockingly they had a bunch of lint rollers so got more of those (after all the trouble I had finding them a couple of months ago!). So lots of steps in that trip and as usual exhausted when I got home.

Surprisingly don't feel too bad today, but really going to try to take it easy the next couple of days!

Edited by Gramto6
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I just wanted to report that I've lost one of those two pounds I gained.  I've just been keepin' on, keepin' on with my usual routine and ramping up the exercise a little, which I think is helping.

It isn't easy with all the quirky symptoms I get out of nowhere all the time.  Recently I've been suffering from dry mouth and feeling "off" every now and then since the vertigo episode at the end of April.  I saw my gastro. last week and he thinks my water pill might be dehydrating me and causing both the dry mouth and the "off" feeling and vertigo.  He knows how I'm always getting more sensitive to medications.  So now I'm cutting down on that to see if it helps.  Unfortunately a million things can cause dizziness and vertigo so I'm not sure if maybe one of my supplements like magnesium or even liquorice root is causing it.  

I have a BBQ coming up so that will be my next diet challenge, and lunch with two friends the next two days in a row.  So wish me luck!

Edited by Yeah No
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  On 7/4/2023 at 3:09 AM, Yeah No said:

I just wanted to report that I've lost one of those two pounds I gained.  I've just been keepin' on, keepin' on with my usual routine and ramping up the exercise a little, which I think is helping.

It isn't easy with all the quirky symptoms I get out of nowhere all the time.  Recently I've been suffering from dry mouth and feeling "off" every now and then since the vertigo episode at the end of April.  I saw my gastro. last week and he thinks my water pill might be dehydrating me and causing both the dry mouth and the "off" feeling and vertigo.  He knows how I'm always getting more sensitive to medications.  So now I'm cutting down on that to see if it helps.  Unfortunately a million things can cause dizziness and vertigo so I'm not sure if maybe one of my supplements like magnesium or even liquorice root is causing it.  

I have a BBQ coming up so that will be my next diet challenge, and lunch with two friends the next two days in a row.  So wish me luck!


Hoping things get resolved. I know what you mean with lunch out. It is a challenge for me. Lately I've been getting a kids plate and still don't eat it all.  There's usually a healthy for me option. At home I don't always eat lunch so it is a stretch for me. 

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  On 7/4/2023 at 7:20 AM, lookeyloo said:

Hoping things get resolved. I know what you mean with lunch out. It is a challenge for me. Lately I've been getting a kids plate and still don't eat it all.  There's usually a healthy for me option. At home I don't always eat lunch so it is a stretch for me. 


Yeah it's hard for me to eat anything out because I have so few calories I can work with in the first place.  I often only eat veggies for lunch or that plus a couple of slices of turkey breast when I eat at home. When I eat out with friends later I often make dinner for me and my husband and it's tricky to keep the calories down.  I often tell him "he's on his own" for dinner when I eat out for lunch without him, but I'm doing that two days in a row this week.  He's OK with it and is fully self sufficient with food so it's really not an issue from that perspective.  I just hate it when he makes a big production in the kitchen.  He's not the skilled cook I am and sometimes leaves a lot to clean up.  I often think it's less work for me to cook because then he cleans up and washes the dishes.  But when he cooks for himself he doesn't fully clean up after himself.   And he just doesn't get it when I complain about this either..... Although lately he's been on his best behavior, but we'll see how long that lasts....😏

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7,839 steps yesterday.

Woke at 4:30AM with extreme back pain. Almost thought I should call 911. Slowly did a few stretches then got up and slowly walked a bit and worst of pain subsided. Back to bed and when got up at 6:30AM back better but still sorest it has been in a while. I think I'm going to take it really easy today.


@Yeah No Glad to hear you are going in the right direction again! Yay! I hope you can get the other issues resolved quickly. I know you are extremely sensitive to thing as I am too. I tried Licorice root once a loooong time ago and had a bed enough reaction to it I will never take it again. It was so long ago (20+ yrs) I don't remember the reaction, but I remember it was bad and to stay away from the Licorice root supplement forever. Though I have been known to be a red licorice lover...LOL!

Supplements have been known to cause as bad reactions as some meds so be very aware of any changes when you try something new. Research has been my best friend on that front.

Edited by Gramto6
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6,305 steps yesterday. 

I don't know any details yet but my neighbor's (across my dirt road) garage caught fire yesterday afternoon and burned to the ground.  It was a huge 2 story garage/workshop with probably more sq footage than my home! I went out to feed the cats, looked up and saw black smoke billowing up and flames coming out all the windows! It was very close to the neighbor that mowed my lawn and had just finished mowing again. He raced across the road and turned his irrigation water on the fence between them.

Checked on Nextdoor app this morning and one of the firefighters posted an answer re the fire. He said it was a garage fire, no one injured. That was good to hear,  no reason given yet for the cause. It was an awful sight to watch it burn down, especially so close to home!

I was doing pretty good taking it slow until the fire. Then I walked up the road to talk to next door neighbor to see if they knew what happened. Then walked back when fire dept had things in hand. Unexpected steps. Back seems to be OK so far today for what rest I have given it.

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