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S07.E02: The Rock House

Quilt Fairy
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In order to endure the Arctic for 100 days, the participants start building shelters that can make it for the long haul; they turn their attention to procuring food, inadvertently drawing the attention of dangerous predators. 

Original airdate : June 18, 2020

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Sorry to see Correy go. He seemed like he had the skills to go the distance. Good decision to tap out, as he’s a young guy and it would have been foolish to risk permanent injury. I’m actually liking all the contestants thus far. 

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Roland is Top Left guy and Rock House occupant.

He is just probably bored with Colby yammering on and on and got resting bitch face waiting for his turn to comment.

Correy falling in that hole was a heart breaker. He knew he reinjured his meniscus. Thank you for dropping trou.

Callie killing that porcupine was some good luck she needed after drawing a bad cupcake.

Amos' story is inspiring.

Mark...nice buffalo head... his room rating is a 10/10 joining Roland and his bear room rating of a 10/10.

Mark's gill net production is outstanding. Nice variety of fish smoked for his larder.

His shelter is not as formidable as stone but it looks to be sturdy and cozy when winter comes.

 What a great episode showcasing the outstanding cast.

Looking forward to next week...moose hunt.


Edited by humbleopinion
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Fuuuuck. Marine down. Dammit Correy, ya gotta look out for potholes when you've got a vulnerable knee.

They are going to need a "second chances" season just for this group! 

Jesus, does Roland Rock House ever lift anything under 200 pounds! 

When Callie said she had to move her shelter, I was like, umm, that's your shelter?! : D

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4 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

Fuuuuck. Marine down. Dammit Correy, ya gotta look out for potholes when you've got a vulnerable knee.

I wonder if some sort of knee brace would've helped him.  Seems like you would wear something when going on a show like this when you have no idea what the terrain will be like when you get there.  Then again, there was probably nothing that could help his knee with the way he twisted it.  I'm disappointed for him.  He was interesting.

8 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

Jesus, does Roland Rock House ever lift anything under 200 pounds! 

I just hope a rock doesn't shift and crush him in his shelter!  Just kidding.  It looks pretty secure. 

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17 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I wonder if some sort of knee brace would've helped him.  Seems like you would wear something when going on a show like this when you have no idea what the terrain will be like when you get there.  Then again, there was probably nothing that could help his knee with the way he twisted it.  I'm disappointed for him.  He was interesting.

I was already liking Correy and *poof* he's gone.  And usually it takes me a while to warm up to anyone on this show.  Damn!  I agree about needing a second chances season just based on the first few days of this one.  These contestants are interesting and I would have wanted to see more of the two that have tapped out so far.

I had a torn meniscus and even though it was only minor it caused me a lot of pain and swelling plus there was no way I could continue to exercise for a while until it healed or it would have gotten much worse.  He must have torn his and pretty badly the first time to need surgery because usually these days they try physical therapy first and if that doesn't work surgery is a last resort.  That was 3 years ago and even though it's healed if I just twist my knee the wrong way it can get aggravated again, but fortunately so far it's never been as bad as the first time.  A few days of rest and ice and it's OK.  He might have tried ice, heck he was in the Arctic!  But I fully understand why he tapped out.  He did the math in his head and knew he could never go the distance.  The psychology of tapping out is much different with the new rules and the 100 day goal.

I just remembered in the after show he said he also tore his ACL - not clear if that was also a re-injury or the ACL was a new injury but injuring both meniscus and ACL would be heavy duty and there was definitely no way he could have gone on with all that.  Still, I have to wonder about someone that knew they already had an old injury that could be re-aggravated not being more careful.  

Edited by Yeah No
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8 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I just remembered in the after show he said he also tore his ACL - not clear if that was also a re-injury or the ACL was a new injury but injuring both meniscus and ACL would be heavy duty and there was definitely no way he could have gone on with all that.

It sounded like the ACL was a new injury along with the reinjured meniscus.  I think that he stepped in a hole.  Chalk it up to bad luck.  Sigh.  I know that sucked for him.  


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I always root for Marines and I liked Correy so I hated to see him tap out but it was the smart thing to do.  I had surgery two years ago for a torn meniscus so I know he had to be in pain.  Until he hurt his knee, I figured him for going the distance.

I like Amos.  I hope he lasts quite awhile.  

I sort of wish they'd find somewhere to film that doesn't have dangerous predators.  I don't really think they're going to show someone being mauled or eaten alive but I get nervous watching anyway.



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Seeing a pack of five wolves would be my reason for moving! 😳

Count me in as another who thought Roland looked seriously pissed in that after show. I didn’t watch the one after the first episode and I’m not going to waste my time watching it hereafter. 

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2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Seeing a pack of five wolves would be my reason for moving! 😳

Count me in as another who thought Roland looked seriously pissed in that after show. I didn’t watch the one after the first episode and I’m not going to waste my time watching it hereafter. 

Those wolves were beautiful but that lady had real guts to follow them like that. I was fascinated by the various colors in their fur patterns.

I feel bad for Correy  and I am overall quite impressed with this cast.

On a shallow note, Correy  was so handsome. When he had his bow, he looked like some version of Robin Hood.

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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Count me in as another who thought Roland looked seriously pissed in that after show.

Maybe that's his normal look!  I've run across plenty of people over the years who look pissed off at the world, but in many cases, they're actually nice people!  

I'm really impressed with all of them so far.  They have some serious survival skills.  I hope that Roland goes far in this competition because I want to see more of his shelter.  It's pretty awesome! I'm hoping that he'll get back a lot of the calories he spent in making the shelter.  I'm sure he's very confident in his hunting/fishing skills to have built a shelter like that.  I hope it works out well for him.  

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10 hours ago, qtpye said:

On a shallow note, Correy  was so handsome. When he had his bow, he looked like some version of Robin Hood.

The females in my Alone Zoom watching pack swooned over his cute face and when he dropped his pants, bent over to show his cyst behind his knee...they stood and applauded his tushy....

He left while still clean and only slightly skinny before he got haunting sunken eyes, a gaunt face, sooty skin, wrecked hair, cruddy fingernails....

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I know I can't control the forum, but I wish all the comments about the after-show would be put as spoilers.  

I think I am going to stop reading here till the season is over. I'm going to watch each episode, but not the after-show segments.  I'll save them on my DVR and watch them when its over. It will be interesting to see what sorts of subtle clues were given off during those interviews.

As for this episode, I'm enjoying seeing all the wildlife encounters... but I wonder, do these folks have to sign a waiver that their families can't sue if they die while doing this?  I mean what if the wolf pack decided to go after that girl? 

Its a great season so far!

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Want a Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous tour of the Roland’s Rock House.
What’s he got beside his hollow log of berries cache on the menu?

Mark’s 3 stone cooking platforms and his smoking rack full of fish was impressive.

His Fort Knox door is needed to keep predators At bay as they sniffed Fish Friday.

Wonder if the wind is blowing just right if a neighboring cast member can sniff his gill net catch.

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22 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Want a Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous tour of the Roland’s Rock House.

Lol!  I'm hoping he makes it a long time.  I want to see the inner workings of that house too. It's impressive!

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We just started watching Alone with this season. After 2 episodes I'm very impressed. I avoided the show for ages because I was expecting the usual series of clueless contestants crying and going crazy in the wilderness. Instead I'm seeing extremely capable, knowledgeable, self-reliant men and women who really know what they're doing. I love it! 

Here's Callie starting her shelter on Day 9 (?) and I'm wondering what she did for the previous 8 nights. 

There are a thousand reasons I could never do this show but the biggest ones would be 1. Biting bugs and 2. Bears. (Especially if they're grizzlies. I still have PTSD from watching Grizzly Man.) 

Poor Correy. He really had it together and could certainly have made it to the end except for the injury. (Upsetting to contemplate the fate of people in the past who got injured while homesteading alone.) 

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they are all stupid for not making and using trekking poles constantly. Falls have injured 5 people in 7 seasons. You'd think that they'd learn to use a rope tied to something solid for going up and down steep slops, and that they'd learn to boil all food until it falls apart. and all water, too, of course. Bad food and bad water have taken out  4-5 people. Cuts have taken out 3-4 and messed up several others. Kid stuff. 60 years ago, any Boy scout would have known better.

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