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Married At First Sight (Australia) - General Discussion

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On 1/30/2023 at 6:43 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

They're baaaack!

Season 10, Episode 1, is now available  on southhemitv! On my Smart TV, I go to the Internet and then Google that term. 

Starting with 10 couples! 

LennieBriscoe you are the best!!! I am 20 mins in to the first episode LOVE MAFS Aussie. The men though, what a hodgepodge!!! 

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Episode 2: No spoilers---

One wedding ceremony is totally new to the MAFS World, US or Australia. And it's awesome!

The second one seems at the altar like one of those heaven-sent matches.

Still loving the Sydney scenery! And now amazing Singapore for one honeymoon, and white-sand island beaches for the other!


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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What a prick Harrison is. This is not the person you want to learn to trust again with. 
I really liked the first couple they showed. He has such an infectious smile and she seemed very happy.  She looks like Chloe Sevingy.  
I’m on episode two now. Duncan is totally making an ass of himself. 

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This is Duncan. He isn't in Episode 2!


You might mean "Wedding Officiant"  Jesse, who gets the "icks" if women talk when he doesn't want them to:



Edited by LennieBriscoe
On 2/4/2023 at 3:44 PM, Welshman in Ca said:

Except it's not because I tried that & there was no feed available from anywhere, even the tube of you.

Pull up the website, southhemitv.com on your phone,  find the show on there. If you have  an iPhone you can play it on there then share to your TV. There is probably a way to do it on android too. 

Edited by Chloecat
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21 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

How many episodes of the current season are available on shm videos. I only saw three. I need more!

I see six episodes there now. I get my episodes elsewhere, but it looks like they're out on both sites at about the same time.

I don't know what the spoiler policy is in this thread, so I'll put my comments in a spoiler box. I've watched episodes 1-6.



Melinda - I take back every negative thought I had about her. She exposed Harrison for the bullshitter that he is.
Harrison - He's so full of shit that I think I saw some drip out from his ear. I actually fear for any woman who dates that gaslighting jackass. He was cast for the ratings.
Bronte - Run! But based on the preview it looks like she doesn't, and I have a hard time feeling sympathy for her. When people show you who they are...
Jesse - He entertains me, and I actually understood him when he said that he freezes when he's stressed out.  
Everyone else - Pick it up, I'm getting bored.


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4 minutes ago, Caudex said:

I see six episodes there now. I get my episodes elsewhere, but it looks like they're out on both sites at about the same time.

I don't know what the spoiler policy is in this thread, so I'll put my comments in a spoiler box. I've watched episodes 1-6.


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Melinda - I take back every negative thought I had about her. She exposed Harrison for the bullshitter that he is.
Harrison - He's so full of shit that I think I saw some drip out from his ear. I actually fear for any woman who dates that gaslighting jackass. He was cast for the ratings.
Bronte - Run! But based on the preview it looks like she doesn't, and I have a hard time feeling sympathy for her. When people show you who they are...
Jesse - He entertains me, and I actually understood him when he said that he freezes when he's stressed out.  
Everyone else - Pick it up, I'm getting bored.


Thank you! I must have been on the wrong page and didn’t see those. 

Episodes 1--8 are up! Australia has 4 episodes per week. 

I predict that after you watch all 8, you will be on Team Jesse (Who Gets the "Icks" Around and Shushes Claire); and Team Josh (Who "Will Be Eaten Alive" by Hot to Trot Melissa). 

NOTE: The stupid UK Daily Mail has already spoiled two of these couples, like who has a new gf, etc.! I didn't click on an article; they simply printed the revelation as an unexpected preview to an article and below the info printed "Spoiler"! 

Thanks a lot, DM. 🤬🤬🤬

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8 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

The last time I checked shvideos had taken the episodes down. I was able to watch the first five though. 

When was this? I binged on Episodes 4-8 this morning.

And Episode 9 from today is now up. 

Again, the shows are on my Samsung Smart TV, via Googling the Internet URL of: southhemitv.com

HERE YOU GO! (Link should say "10-6," because  it's  Season 10, Episode 6, but don't  mess with it!):







Edited by LennieBriscoe
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So I just watched Episode 10, and I'm  pretty sure E-11 will be available tomorrow.

If you were ever appalled by the sex talk from the US "experts," wait until you see what "expert" Alessandra has in store for the Oz couples in E-10!

I've decided I don't care for either Josh or Melissa (the 40-Somethings). They are like one of those math problems: "If Melissa's libido is going 60 mph but Josh's is still in 'Parked,' how long until each reaches Chicago?" Nobody TF cares! 

Really dislike Harrison! He claims that the sentence "I'm not going anywhere" is completely different from "I'm not leaving." There weren't enough gaslights in all of Victorian England to compare....


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Ep. 11:

Participants are assigned to take 5 minutes and stare into each other's eyes or kiss. 👀👄

One husband turns really nasty! 👿 Another becomes lovey-dovey enough to toss out the cameraman! 🥰 😉

And yet another is shown in preview as unexpectedly transgressing on a Boys' Night Out. 🤔👎

ETA: That last one was another gaslighting!  

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I laughed so much when Rupert couldn't get a word out of his mouth. Fortunately his new wife wasn't rude about it (just funny!).

"I Hate Cats!" bride should go to therapy for her control issues.

My heart breaks for Jesse. He has such an innocent, boyish quality to him (and he's gorgeous).

Whoever did the music for the show seems to think they're a symphony composer from the 1800s.

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I think Jesse is so handsome! He reminds me of a favorite of mine: Russell Brand. Stupid (and no great beauty) Claire should  have kept her mouth shut. Her confession served no greater purpose, only hurting others. 

Continued on Episode 15, up now.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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22 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Stupid (and no great beauty) Claire should  have kept her mouth shut. Her confession served no greater purpose, only hurting others.

I disagree. Those two not only betrayed their partners, but they also gaslit Jesse and made him think he was the problem. He was forced to grovel in front of everyone and admit he had "jealousy issues". Jesse and Janelle deserved to know the truth.

I like Evelyn. Crazy Cat Hating Lady, not so much.

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I watched the season that Martha and Michael were on, but I don't remember anything about it. I liked Martha on Celebrity Apprentice, though.

(Episode 19) Goddammit with this show. I keep oscillating between loving the drama and hating myself for watching this exploitative shitfest. And I should probably stop watching before I take a flight to Australia and start stalking Jesse.

Evelyn and Rupert have to be actors, right? They're way too normal and take everything with such ease and humor.

I was actually relieved by what Evelyn said to Sandy. I was fearing it could be much worse, like something really offensive about Sandy.

I skipped almost everything else. I have a life other shows to watch and this show is on like 20 hours a week.

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I think Rupert is a blithering nitwit, pretty eyes notwithstanding!

Hate Dan! "You're talking over me! You could have texted me! You're raising your voice!" Sandy better write "Leave" next time! 

Don't see what Jesse ever saw in Claire. Call me petty, but her nose?! 

I had to Google Martha and Michael because I didn't recognize him. I prefer him clean-shaven! 


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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On 2/23/2023 at 5:08 PM, Welshman in Ca said:

Should start a separate thread for it.

There is one here.

I'm addicted to this season, agree with everything that has been said so far but want to reiterate briefly:

  1. I couldn't stand Melissa, so glad Josh got the hell away from her.
  2. I loathe Harrison and his gaslighting ways.
  3. Bronte broke so fast my head is still spinning and I have to question whether it's because she wants to be on tv?
  4. Bronte's sister did such a U-turn from honeymoon call blaming 'the friend' to the family meet up and her "hurt my sister at your peril!"
  5. Dan is a POS, can't believe I believed his "I never took a number" bs from the previous week's dinner - now his true character has been exposed; oh yes he 100% did.
  6. I get that Sandy doesn't want to give up bc she went against her parents and doesn't want them proved right, but girl - the guy is a waste of oxygen.
  7. I thought I was going to dislike Evelyn when they introduced her but she is awesome and I love her.
  8. Rupert seems nice but yeah, he needs to step up his game if he wants to hold onto Evelyn.
  9. Tayla - yuck, what an absolute harpy. I know Hugo called her some choice names when drunk, but he wasn't wrong about her.
  10. Lyndall is a sweetheart, same for Tahnee & Ollie.
  11. Love Jesse, loathe Claire the gaslighter. I could have forgiven the kiss by itself bc they were in a bad place and she was unhappy and thought she didn't want Jesse at that point plus alcohols were involved... but the gaslighting I cannot forgive and neither should he bc it shows her for who she is at her worst and fuck her for that. I fear for future Jesse's mental health if he's romantically involved with Claire.
  12. I like Melinda and her husband whose name escapes me atm, too. She's another one I thought had her head too far up her behind but she's proven me wrong and I'm pleased about it.

Waiting for Sunday's commitment ceremony!

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Epsiode 21: Commitment ceremony

The Good:

Ollie & Tahnee - cute, loved up

Duncan & Alyssa - overall in a good place except for her being insecure about her single parent status

Melinda & Layton - really like each other but two bulls in the same paddock rarely works out long term sadly

Rupert & Evelyn - still love Evelyn, they appear to be going along well, good for them

The Bad:

Jesse & Claire - he is such a compassionate guy and deserves better than someone who can sink as low as Claire has proven she can re gaslighting. Idc how sorry she is #sorrynotsorry

Lyndall & Cam - Lyndall deserves a good, loving, *emotionally intelligent guy vs a man-child who runs to mummy for validation then uses mummy's (nasty) words as a stick to beat his partner with (like a coward would do) under the guise of 'telling it like it is' - gtfo. And don't even get me started on the *affection rationing, wtf. Oh and his *toxic remarks re the butt-dial; his takeaway wasn't "Dan and Hugo were in the wrong" oh no, this guy's takeaway was how Rupert should've been more careful etc... I mean, wtAf? Cam seems pretty dysfunctional as a partner, jury is out on whether he can do better and sustain it, colour me sceptical as he sinks lower in my estimations with each episode.

The Fugly:

Sandy & Dan - so glad she's away from him, what a POS he is; I lol'ed when expert John told him about himself a la the ocean lmao, he needs a dog not a partner, and I wish her good fortune in the dating wars to come

Bronte & Harrison - or as I now call them; Fake & Faker, the level of delusion really is something to behold with this pair. Cringe AF. <<shudder>>

Tayla & Hugo - idk why dafuq Hugo wrote stay, yeah she's physically attractive but the personality tho... I mean, oof, she's not THAT attractive; dude have some self-respect! I hope she does leave bc watching her behaviour & shitty attitude makes me grind my teeth.

Starting tomorrow; the retreat.


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Episode 22

Further from my previous comment, I now believe that not only has Bronte drank the Harrison koolaid, it has turned her into some kind of bizarre Stepford-wife in both her acceptance and denial of him and his behaviour. It's kinda hard and scary (that someone can be so relatively easily manipulated) to watch tbh, I hope her family stage an intervention if she doesn't snap out of it before the end of the show. As for Harrison, I hope no female ever goes near him again, but sadly that won't be the case, predators always find new and willing victims for the most part. Dude should come with a health warning. I hope both Melinda and Evelyn continue to hold his feet to the fire at every possible opportunity, it's the least he deserves. Oh and who does he think he is coming at Rupert with his "I don't trust you"?!! Nobody GAF who you trust, asshole - leave Rupert alone you absolute POS excuse for a human.

I think Alyssa is on a self-sabotage mission and I feel bad for her and Duncan. I hope she doesn't succeed in this mission.

Tayla & Hugo can both please get off my tv screen asap; but especially Tayla.

Cam can join that duo too, he seems to enjoy the company of toxic Harrison, which speaks volumes about his character imo. I'm getting the vibe that Lyndall is kinda clingy (and maybe needy?), which I can understand why; there's a good chance she was already 'a little' prone to being that way due to her never having had a long term relationship, but I can see how his behaviour around rationing affection etc would likely have brought it out in her moreso. That's not healthy for either of them.

I find myself smiling at Jesse & Claire before I remember what happened and then I roll my eyes at myself for doing it.

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Episode 23

The whole Melinda/Layton and Harrison/Bronte drama - I was so glad Layton stepped up and defended his wife against the loathsome Harrison! YES! Teamwork ftw!

Happy Well Done GIF by Top Talent

Then, whatever else I may think of Claire, the fact that when put on the spot in a group setting by Harrison about whether his and Bronte's relationship seems fake, she spoke truth without any hesitation and said "Yeah, kinda" - total respect for that. 👏👏👏

Alyssa continues on her self-sabotage mission with Duncan... sigh, such a pity, I hope they turn it around.

In the preview for next episode (24) it looks like something? goes down at the dinner party... BUT - this show likes to misdirect and make things seem much worse than the reality... so we'll see. However! - after the events of this episode it seems that the scales began to fall from Bronte's eyes and guess what... Harrison then breaks up with her. What.A.Shock.NOT. Ugh such an uber narcissist, vile, vile, vile. But if it means she's no longer in the proximity and clutches of his toxic asshattery - that can only be a good thing and the best outcome possible for her.


The way Harrison dismissed Bronte's offer to move for him as inadequate proof of her sincerity was so irrational that it was the proverbial straw that broke any remaining supportive camel's back. And then Harrison realized he'd gone too far in public with his gaslighting of Bronte of the Beautiful Eyes.

Jesse spoke insightfully when he noted the "realness" of Claire's clandestine kiss---that it was true "liking someone"---when she hadn't yet kissed Jesse, and that he sees her now as just wanting to rehabilitate her image. 

Tayla. Begone. Forevah. Why on Earth did the "experts" match this overly-made-up Drama Queen with the, I'll say it, unattractive, weak-chinned, mouth-breathing Hugo? He needed quite the compensatory outsized personality to tame this shrew! (You've gotta give her parents props for her name. Knowing how "Taylor" would be pronounced, they simply went there!) G'day, mates. 

Ollie rules. I must say I didn't care for Tahnee turning in the car to this happy man and say, "Must everything be a song?" Don't ever silence another's joy!


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I may be too irritated to be coherent lol.

Harrison is THE WORST, I cannot state it enough. I was 100% in Bronte's camp this episode but apparently it was all for naught as from the preview for Sunday - she's been sucked back in. At this point I'm done with her; my sympathy has evaporated, much like her brain sadly. If the experts don't bring him to task for his hideous behaviour on the sofa - they'll be almost as accountable considering they put Bronte in the path of this human garbage. 

When Claire wrote stay the week Jesse wanted out - it did cross my mind if she did it bc she wanted to repair the damage she'd done to her image on tv - but I suppressed my cynicism out of wanting her motivation to come from the right place for the right reasons. Despite that, I still felt that Jesse would be better off away from her, I'm sorry I was right on both counts. At least she had the modicum of grace to not outright deny it.

Tayla... all I can say is

Confused Liam Neeson GIF

Clearly you have less than zero interest in Hugo, so just stay gone! Coming back made NO sense. Glad Hugo told her 'thanks but no thanks'. Glad I won't have to see either of them on my tv screen each episode anymore. #relief

Alyssa, girl, you don't wanna risk being happy do ya? Fear makes people do unfortunate things and that girl be scared shitless. Poor Duncan, he's in a lose/lose situation now and judging by the preview, it only gets worse.

Continuing to LOVE Evelyn and Melinda.

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And now I have to go further:

I loathe Alyssa. She simply has no concept of marriage or of how two married parents live and function. It's always, ad nauseam, "My child, my child, my child. I have a child. My priority is my child. I have a child. Did I mention that I have a child? Yeah, I have a child. My child." Never one GD synonym! Never "son," "daughter," "kid," "kiddo," boy," "girl," NOTHING! Maddening!

I also do not understand Duncan at all. Handsome. Employed. Considerate. The opposite of "desperate."

Duncan, please FTLOG RUN! 

And Lindall needs to drop Cameron pronto. As in yesterday. He's very weird and needs to be solitary in his boring remote Aussie bush life and his barbie, which seems his preference anyway. 

Cam is as cold a fish as those he plays with in the river. His mother did quite the job in convincing  him that showing affection is wrong and only plays into the other's "neediness."

Thus, Cam's reluctant hugs and no kisses. He's a jerk. One wonders what this man, who eschews and denigrates affection in tones of voice that suggest he's convinced he holds the right views, thought when he signed up to be part of a relationship. Go back to your emotionless Mommy, Cammy. Her refusal to comfort you will comfort you. 

See? Weird. 


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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