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S01.E22: Every Little Step

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The kids meet a homeless man in their neighborhood; Paul and Rainbow try to help their local homeless community by starting a soup kitchen at Rainbow's school; Denise has a new boyfriend and Alicia doesn't think they're a match.

Airs April 28, 2020.

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What the hell was Alicia's advice to Denise? She was in a relationship with someone who ticked most of her boxes and she found interesting and captivating and who was very invested in her. He just dominated the conversation.

That's not a cut bait and throw in the towel scenario, it's an opportunity for Denise to assert herself in the relationship. Alicia is constantly pushing her Children to stand up for themselves on the face of challenging circumstances, but her advice to her sister is to quit on a relationship because the very nice, polite partner she has talks about his work a lot. That seems completely incongruous!

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Saying the Earth was flat was enough to scare Geoffrey away, but if she really wanted to make sure he left she should have said the earth is only 6000 years old.

I felt really good after watching this episode. Great job writers.

Edited by AnimeMania
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That was nice, I really liked the lesson that Bow learned. There are lots of problems out there, and while maybe one person cant solve them completely, every little bit can help! Even Harrison helped out! 

Always fun seeing Wayne Brady, and I didn't think Geoffrey was that bad, but he and Denise didn't really seem to have much in common. If the person I was dating started going on about the flat Earth, I would probably have headed for the hills too! 

Dont stop! Believing! 

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Even though they played it for laughs with the spelling, I liked that they had Geoffrey correct her about calling him Geoff. I also have a name that is commonly shortened. Even though I go by both, I find it weird that many people when they first meet me take it upon themselves to shorten it even though I use the full version when I introduce myself. Just one of those quirks of society. 

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I thought this was a boring episode not a fan. I don’t know what happened I was really liking the show for a bit there but it’s a struggle to watch and finish episodes lately.

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I really liked Denise's white dress at the beginning of the episode.

TMW you see Pryex bowls you still use on a sitcom set in the 80s. Hmm, I now feel like those bowls must be worth something. 🤔

Lol, Denise didn't know that "old ass" wine is usually considered a good thing. 🤗

I thought Geoffrey with a "g" seemed like a tool from the jump. Denise wasn't bougie enough for him. But the flat earth thing, yikes.

In my town the city government has put up signs advising people that they're not obliged to give money to street beggars. Apparently a lot of those beggars were fake and were coming into the area to take advantage of well-heeled tourists. And I guess there was a sense that not  rewarding the behavior would discourage more of them from targeting the area. I'm not sure whether the signs have worked but I still see seemingly homeless people sleeping in local parks and at bus stops. The problem is likely going to get a lot worse because of the pandemic.

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On 4/29/2020 at 2:17 PM, tennisgurl said:

That was nice, I really liked the lesson that Bow learned. There are lots of problems out there, and while maybe one person cant solve them completely, every little bit can help! Even Harrison helped out! 

And then she grew up and married a man who talks a lot like her grandfather.

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