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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Hmmm, Vic suddenly shows up everywhere nobody wants to see him, eh?  And all dressed in black, hunched over, with his old man shuffle.  Sheesh, all he needs are horns & a pitchfork to complete the look . . . and it ain't even Halloween yet.  I really wanna see someone do a Homer Simpson girly scream when he appears outta nowhere.  Vic is reminding me more & more of Mr. Burns.

Well, Billy against Vic doesn't interest me much -- but add Phyllis to the mix?  I'm in, but briefly, very briefly.

Lots of coupling going on in GC -- and they all squick me out.

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1 hour ago, Peppermint said:

Perhaps a mis-type, but exactly conveys my feelings...

It was very icky snd squicky

And also, if Claire really gives a shit about fitting in with her family and developing good relationships with everyone despite her heinous initial actions, then maybe don't work for ir get involved with your cousin's recent ex husband and their child? That whole story line is offensive on so many levels.

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The only thing worse than a jobless Phyllis is Phyllis with a job. That means more scenes, more shoulders, more big teeth and worse than anything, the revival of Philly.  It’s absolutely disgusting. 
Victor might be pissed at Audra but he’s not going to be any happier with Kyle once he realizes his sweet innocent new granddaughter is involved with him

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

If it keeps him away from Sally, I’m here for it. Easier to just FF if they’re both in scenes together! 🤣

Unfortunately, I’m sure Billy and Sally will happen. Phyllis hates her so she’ll most likely get to go off on her. It’s a lose lose. 

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10 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Victor might be pissed at Audra but he’s not going to be any happier with Kyle once he realizes his sweet innocent new granddaughter is involved with him

I dunno, I haven't gotten the impression Victor truly cares that much about Claire. He just doesn't want any more Abbott mixed in his bloodline.

10 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

the revival of Philly

 MS' Phyllis and JT's Billy. Oy, can't see it and don't wanna. I am Team Silly/Bally.

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Well today’s show was an hour I’ll never get back. Lucy whining about moving being the single worst thing that could ever happen to her.

sharon and Cameron discussing murder without actually using the word. And how exactly is killing Daniel going to help sharon feel better? It won’t bring Cassie back to life

Victoria and Cole coming downstairs while she fixes her hideous blouse (shouldn’t she have done that before leaving the room?) only to join the blossoming new boring couple, Kyle and Claire, for dinner. 

shoot me now. 


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28 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Lucy whining about moving being the single worst thing that could ever happen to her.

Well this blows. I can make a best guess that Delulucy will freak out, run away, get Faith involved, AGAIN, and get in another accident resulting in either her death or Faith's. I would hope TIIC know we'd rather keep Faith, mmmkay?

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Suite 352. The camera sure lingered on the number for some reason.

Keeping a secret, Victoria? Hah, you and Cole were making out in the GCAC lobby while clearly in a state of dishevelment. People wanting to keep their trysts private don't paw each other in public.

Right, Lucy, the entire universe revolves around you. 🙄

OMG, Claire actually asked her parents what they were doing upstairs together. Vikki and Cole have no reason to be ashamed but dang. Maybe they should've gone to the No-Tell Motel, lol.

So Harrison is the considered the class mayor at school. That's cute. He's already putting his Abbott male charm to good use.

Whatever, Lucy. Thousands of kids are growing up in military or foreign service families and have moved many times all over the world. You're not special.

Cole said he's resigning from his prestige job at Oxford. Next stop, GCU, the glorified community college!

Hey, it's Esther.

Eh, I don't think it's Esther's place to tell Sharon she should have tea instead of coffee. She's still Sharon's employee.

It must've been like the third or fourth time "today" Kyle went home and poured himself a drink. Good grief.

Why does Daniel keep going to Crimson Lights when he knows he's likely to run into Sharon there? It's as if he wants to keep her riled up.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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20 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

It must've been like the third or fourth time "today" Kyle went home and poured himself a drink. Good grief.

I had the same thought when he poured a glass. I’m like, wait, didn’t you just get home from dinner where you were drinking? Why do you need ANOTHER drink the minute you walk in the house? 

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

I had the same thought when he poured a glass. I’m like, wait, didn’t you just get home from dinner where you were drinking? Why do you need ANOTHER drink the minute you walk in the house? 

I would imagine they drink because pot smoking is ☠️

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6 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Sharon and Cameron discussing murder without actually using the word. And how exactly is killing Daniel going to help sharon feel better? It won’t bring Cassie back to life

Why hasn't the blood on CamRon's shirt turned brown yet?

If Daniel had died instead of Cassie, Cassie would have been guilty of manslaughter and driving without a license. How would that make things better?

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You know what Show needs?  What Show needs is more repeat conversations of the same things between the same characters day after day after day.  Every day.  Show needs to go have people gathered around a table, or grouped together in whatever way works so they can say the same thing that they've said yesterday, the week before and the week before that.  Nothing gets an audience to tune in more than knowing that there will be absolutely nothing new to see or hear.

Every now and then, Show can throw in a scene or two indicating a future action because we viewers are conditioned now to know that nothing's going to happen immediately, or even soon, if at all.  But we will be able to anticipate future endless repeats of whatever new idea, problem or character that's been introduced.

Like today, I'm fully confident that we'll be hearing a lot more about Claire's liking of hot sauce.  I think it's a fair bet, too, that Harrison is going to do something unbearably cute with hot sauce as well.  

Nothing can be more pleasing that more scenes of that computer generated family, you know, Daniel, Lucy and R2D2's cousin Heather, discussing and fighting about Lucy's behavior, Daniel's lack of a job and Heather's lack of a personality.  Put that in an episode with scenes of Nick sitting at a table trying to remember those two syllable words he tried to memorize to discuss Sharon's situation and you've got an Emmy episode on our hands.  Then, toss in Cameron, that double advertisement for Tide Stain Remover and Glade plug-ins and you've got an episode that can't lose.

Now, Daniel and Sharon are together.  I'll be on the edge of my seat for the next week or so while they eventually move to the patio to continue their conversation.

I'm hoping that tomorrow's episode will throw in a Connor soliloquy on OCD, maybe a Kyle rant or Victor passing gas just to shake things up.  Maybe, if we're lucky, we'll get to see another ButtBiscuit scene or two where's he's all sweaty and red with a bad case of the sads, or at least some nasal congestion.

Show really shines under Josh Griffith's control.  Oh yeah.

5 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I had the same thought when he poured a glass. I’m like, wait, didn’t you just get home from dinner where you were drinking? Why do you need ANOTHER drink the minute you walk in the house? 

Show is making me wish for a drink these days.


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Yeah, hard not to notice the breathlessness of Vail.  What's with this?  Sheesh, her acting really stinks.

Should name of show be changed to "Boring Convos in Bars, Restaurants, Living Rooms, Parks, Coffee Joints & Tiny Offices"?  And oh, man, they all drink a ton on show, don't they?  Funny how the booze doesn't make any of 'em more interesting.

Looking at Cameron is making me nauseous.  So ghosts in Sharon's head don't ever bath?  Yuck.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Whatever, Lucy. Thousands of kids are growing up in military or foreign service families and have moved many times all over the world. You're not special.

If she had some close attachments to GC, like friends and family she actually grew up with I would understand her wanting to stay there. But she was a baby when Daniel and Hairther left.  She doesn't have any connection with GC.  And, way to go DannyBoy.  You lecture how you can't leave GC because you don't want to teach Lucy-fer it's ok to run out on a problem and then, as soon as Hairther wants to confront/talk/solve the problem, you run out.  To possibly the last place on earth you should be.  What a maroon.


15 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Why do you need ANOTHER drink the minute you walk in the house? 

It shows what a big boy he's become now.  Question:  it looked as if Clare wasn't drinking.  Isn't she old enough?  This coupling is going to be squicky if they keep de-aging her.


13 hours ago, boes said:

hearing a lot more about Claire's liking of hot sauce.

Speaking of reusing plot lines, isn't hot sauce and french fries Sally's thing?  GCAC must have really great FFs because Phylth was eating them the other day.

Edited by MollyB
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16 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I had the same thought when he poured a glass. I’m like, wait, didn’t you just get home from dinner where you were drinking? Why do you need ANOTHER drink the minute you walk in the house? 

These people need to start drinking some water. I'm surprised they all aren't stumbling around like Drunki used to with all the alcohol.

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Great. Bluetooth and Billy working together which means we will be subjected to her overacting and disregarding personal space.  And her hideous fashion sense.

ETA; AND I WANT BITCHY DIANE BACK.  At least she dressed well. Come on Diane, we KNOW you still have it.

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Hey, it's Abby.

Chelsea doesn't seem to understand how breaking up works. Two words, Billy: restraining order.

AFAIC Adam needed to tell Connor in no uncertain terms to stay out of grown folks business. The kid is doing quantitative analysis in his head on messy stuff no child should be worrying about.

Wow, when was the last time Devon and Phyllis had a nose-to-nose? Ever? He handled her way more graciously than she deserved given her attitude. WTAF.

I thought Sharon was behaving in front of Daniel like she was drunk or high on something. I couldn't understand why he didn't notice.

Lol, Phyllis busted into Billy's office like the Kool-Aid Man. Sucks to be you, Chelz. Buh bye.

But Phyllis being kinda aggressive with Billy when he's sorta vulnerable? Oy. <pleasenocouchsexpleasenocouchsexpleasenocouchsex>

"Who puts a breakfast food in a cookie?" Good one, Red. But the Quaker Oats company would like to have a word regarding homemade oatmeal cookies. Yum.

How was Nick not wily enough to keep Sharon from driving? He could've driven them back to her house in her car and picked his car up from the coffeehouse later.

Billy, stop acting brand new. Ditto comments upthread, Phyllis has never encountered a boundary she wouldn't violate or a lane she wouldn't cross. No way will she be your second-in-command without doing stuff you won't want. Regrets, you'll have a few.

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Phillis🕷️ walks in and, as usual, starts  an unwarranted conversation. Phillis🕷️’s black outfit just needs a scythe to complete the look.  Phillis🕷️sits down, tells Billy👃 lies, and helps herself to a cookie.  Could anybody be more obnoxious?  

Billy👃is a total ass hole (I know I’m repeating myself).  For Billy👃, his hate of Adam is stronger than his love for Chelsea.  In my humble opinion, that means that Billy👃 was in lust and not love. I don’t think he’s even capable of real love except as self love. 



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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Phyllis busted into Billy's office like the Kool-Aid Man.


ETA: If the Kool-Aid Man had tube sock tits, cold shoulder tops, and velociraptor arms, and was a dumpster humper.

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13 hours ago, surfgirl said:


ETA: If the Kool-Aid Man had tube sock tits, cold shoulder tops, and velociraptor arms, and was a dumpster humper.

Marry me.  With all my worldly goods, I thee endow if you keep talking like this!!  A most excellent post, surfgirl!!

15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Chelsea doesn't seem to understand how breaking up works. Two words, Billy: restraining order.

Or a tranquilizer gun.  Nothing, ever, will make me feel sorry for Billy but if he filled Chelsea's mouth with plaster of paris and planted her head first in Chancellor Park,  I wouldn't rat him out to the cops.  She's approaching Phyllis levels of intolerable.  

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A new day in GC, finally.

Cole, you don't need to be asking Victor for his blessing to date his daughter. Not unless the Newmans are royalty and there's an official line of succession at risk. Sure.

Ohhh, Billy basically wanted Phyllis to be an admin assistant but she fast-talked herself the title and salary of a COO. His negotiating skills are not great.

Poor Cole, out here catching strays because Victor thinks Victoria's man-picker is broken.

How many times are Claire and Victoria going to discuss Claire getting involved with Kyle? And whether Claire should stop being Harrison's nanny and work at NE instead? Yawn.

Nikki, you have no idea how much Victor hasn't told you. His disloyalty issue with Cole is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Billy admitted to Phyllis that he hasn't told Jill he fired Lily! I've been saying Lily should call Jill. She might could get her job back without Victor's involvement.

Wait a minute. Billy doesn't own A-C, Jill does. How are the Newmans going to buy him out? What Victoria was suggesting sounded more like a bribe to me. 🤔

Phyllis used her techie brain to figure out how Lily undermined Billy on his pending AI company deal. Whee, Billy now has a Doberman on leash payroll and she's just waiting for the signal to attack. Lily, you in danger, girl.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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On the style front, I liked Billy's light gray double-breasted suit today. Nah on the no-tie thing though. Seems too faddish.

Looks like Cole inherited Tucker's slim jeans. I don't think he does them the justice Tucker did, if my drift is caught. 😏

What in the Bizarro world Phantom of the Opera was that goofy skirt/diagonal apron thing Victoria had on?

I thought Nikki had a C-suite Stevie Nicks vibe today, if Stevie flatironed her hair. 🎶Stand back!🎶

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Nikki, you have no idea how much Victor hasn't told you. His disloyalty issue with Cole is merely the tip of the iceberg.

OH yeah, she doesn't know anything about The Great Brussel Sprouts Caper of 2024 does she?!?

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Billy admitted to Phyllis that he hasn't told Jill he fired Lily! I've been saying Lily should call Jill. She might could get her job back without Victor's involvement.

WTAF man?!? WHY does JG make this so moronic when it doesn't have to be?

2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Looks like Cole inherited Tucker's slim jeans. I don't think he does them the justice Tucker did, if my drift is caught. 😏

Your drift is caught ma'am. Tucker had some nice junk in the trunk and junk in the glove box as well. Cole? He's about as sexy as a box of kiddie raisins.

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Phillis🕷️, as usual, hears but doesn’t listen. She thinks she’s second in command while Billy👃told her she was nothing more than a grunt.  But making Phillis🕷️ the COO is really making her second in command and executive power. Phillis🕷️ will do her own thing and ask for forgiveness later.  Does this now mean that Phillis🕷️ will now have more air time 🤢🤮?  Phillis🕷️is only there a hot second and she’s already giving Billy👃grief.  

I guess that Claire/Eve is not a virgin. Even though she has zero romantic experience she had non sincere encounters.  I only mention this because it would be upsetting, to me, if Kyle was her first.  

Victoria, that fantastic business woman, has a plan to save Billy👃’s reputation by offering to buy him out.  First of all, Billy👃doesn’t own AC, Jill does.  


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