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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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2 minutes ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

I wonder what Cole’s intentions are now that he knows Jordan is in Victor’s personal prison. I know he’s going to talk to Michael. What do you think he wants to do? Turn Victor and Jordan in to the police? Tell Victoria and Nick? Let her escape or what? 

Cole is a do-gooder so he'll likely bumble something and she will escape. Then she will rondezvous with 9-Toes Sheila, they will somehow switch faces, and Sheila will come back to GC to terrorize Lauren again, whilst Jordan terrorizes someone over on B&B. Kitty cats will be involved somehow. And there will be kidnappings a'plenty. An PeePaw will die buried alive in a truckload of rotting, steamed brussel sprouts.

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13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

are the writers getting inspiration from The Addams Family or The Munsters? 

Dark Shadows redux; for those who don't know, Dark Shadows was a gothic soap opera with a huge cult following that aired on ABC from 1966 to 1971 and was the inspiration for the Dark Shadows movies.

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15 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

Cole is a do-gooder so he'll likely bumble something and she will escape. Then she will rondezvous with 9-Toes Sheila, they will somehow switch faces, and Sheila will come back to GC to terrorize Lauren again, whilst Jordan terrorizes someone over on B&B. Kitty cats will be involved somehow. And there will be kidnappings a'plenty. An PeePaw will die buried alive in a truckload of rotting, steamed brussel sprouts.

Ugh I could see something like that happen. 

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19 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sheesh, Vic going thru a secret door with a silver tray is making me wonder -- are the writers getting inspiration from The Addams Family or The Munsters?  

Was it JT who hid in the room behind the secret door in the paneling for a couple of weeks?   Victor didn't even know the room existed then, but now it has a staircase to the basement dungeon too.

Edited by Denize
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Wow, when was the last time Jack and Devon had a scene together?

Surely Tucker knows the person he's talking to isn't Ashley. Ashley isn't so handsy. And she'd never wear a black, lowcut, form-fitting outfit Morticia Addams wouldn't even be caught dead in.

Whoa, Cole was proper stunned and horrified. Was it because he now knows Jordan's not dead? Or because he realized Victor's gone psycho?

"Think of what Neil would do." Seriously, Jack, that's your best advice for Devon? Neil likely wouldn't have merged his company with Jill's to begin with.

Please, I'll never believe in a million years Nate considers Elena to be The One Who Got Away. Didn't seem like Audra really bought it either.

Guess Cole wasn't worried Jordan would tell Victor Cole had found her in the secret jail cell. Hmm.

OK, Tucker does know about Ashley's alters, he just can't address them by name yet.

Apparently smartypants Claire has read the Wikipedia page on theories of childhood education. Victoria was eating it up as Claire was dropping all the key jargon. This is my unimpressed face.

Uh oh, Cole called the Newman family fixer, Michael Baldwin. Bet he wants to work out a way for Jordan to leave without facing legal repercussions. Ehhh. I think Cole needs to let Victor handle his own crap.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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It won’t take long for Victor to figure out Cole knows. when he left Jordan, Cole left the secret door open. 

I just can’t with Victoria and her ‘the NERVE of Summer to not immediately accept Claire into the family and trust her with Harrison! Just who does she think she is anyway?’ Settle down lady. Your daughter is a grown ass woman who can find another job. It still makes no sense to me that she wants her daughter to be hired help to the Abbots. And what was with that silver lane blouse Victoria was wearing?

good for Tucker finally asking who he’s talking to, ie, which personality. But geez when Ashley passed out, the first thing he should have done was call a damn ambulance! Wonder how long he’ll wait before he does? Or will he just call Jack instead?

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I know quite a bit about horses and Victoria and Claire/Eve are not even close to be wearing the proper cloths, unless they changed, for grooming horses.  The proper attire would be clothes that you wouldn’t mind getting covered in horse hair and boots that you wouldn’t mind stepping in horse shit.  I find that most horses are really no different than big dogs. Horses are loyal and affectionate.  

Audra is ok with vanilla ice cream before lunch but she would like a chocolate ice cream banana split, after lunch, for dessert 😉.  

So Cole is bringing Michael into the fold so what?  Is Cole going to turn Victor in?  What Cole doesn’t recognize but Micheal does is that VICTOR NEVER LOOSES!  

A couple of surprises today. Audra is a bit older than I thought she was when she talked about contemplating her life in her twenties; but on Y&R, mostly nobody is the age they should be. 

Also Claire/Eve must have a 4 year college degree ir she’s going for a masters in early education. Did Auntie Jordan allow Claire/Eve to go to college or did she get her degree on line?  


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Jeez, Ashley pawing at Tuck over & over & over gave me the creeps.  Was this Stalker Ashley?  Yuck.  Felt the need for a shower after watching that -- so icky.

For all Traci's clucking & smothering & yapping, she & Jackie are pretty damn useless in helping Ashley.  And Alan is mostly a non-entity.  Their scenes are a bunch of babble & nothing. 

Idk, I think Cole did the right thing to call Michael.  He knows he's no match against Vic.  He just tried it & got himself nearly thrown out.  It's worth a try to go thru Michael.  But yeah, Vic has gone completely nuts & I wanna see Michael try to reason with him.  Good luck cuz he's really enjoying this sick shit.

Still think J. Eddie is a crap actor, but he did give the appropriate horrified/WTF looks.  Vic was looking at Cole very suspiciously.  With the secret door left open & Jordie's desperation & big mouth, he'll know pretty quickly Cole knows.  Fireworks a-comin'.

Fashion Fail Alert!  Audra's off-the-shoulder polka dot blouse was so unflattering on her, and Vicky's Reynolds Wrap blouse -- feh!

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Audra and Nate were actually eating ice cream. Soft serve. I kept waiting for a big embarrassing glop of it to end up on someone's lap, lol.

Now that he's sticking around a while longer it looked like Alan was given a slight wardrobe upgrade.

Aren't horses fairly easily spooked? I would've expected Claire's mare to catch a bad vibe off her and kick Claire in the face. Right between her doe eyes. 😼

Ditto comments upthread, I also continue not to see why the Abbotts don't simply 5150 Ashley. If they leave it up to her she'll never agree to seek treatment because the alters won't let her.

2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Fashion Fail Alert!  Audra's off-the-shoulder polka dot blouse was so unflattering on her, and Vicky's Reynolds Wrap blouse -- feh!

Yeah Victoria's top was so awful I almost thought it was a joke. I did like Audra's. She sure wears a lot of black outfits though.

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Er, why am I getting the feeling Vic's dopey plan to imprison Jordie is gonna totally backfire, and Jordie will escape & hold them all captive again?  Ya think?  How many times can they repeat the same shit over & over & over & over?  Guess endlessly, eh?  Hello, Sheila!  Yup, Jordie & Sheila, the gals that can escape anything/anywhere & aren't capable of dying.

Anyone notice Lily was able to walk on grass in the park in spikey high heels without falling over?  Now that's talent.  Well, some kind of talent.

C'mon show, do a reveal that Claire is really evil . . . pretty please?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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13 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Did Auntie Jordan allow Claire/Eve to go to college or did she get her degree on line?

Claire held the job at Newman and was (kinda) vetted by Nikki when they had Claire's interview at Society.  I don't think she would have been able to pull either off if she didn't have some kind of education.  (And if she fudged the interview question of education, then she can just use that.) Of course, that was for business, I assume, and I'm not sure how that translates into working on an Education Masters.  I'm sure Mommy Victoria will get/buy her into whatever school she wants.  She will have her masters next week and open  a state-of-the-art pre-school  by June.


8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Er, why am I getting the feeling Vic's dopey plan to imprison Jordie is gonna totally backfire, and Jordie will escape & hold them all captive again?

Because the MWT and IIC think that's stellar writing.  ooooo, so gripping-Jordan's on the loose again.  What will happen?  The tension is more than mere mortals such as us can handle.  #dingdongmakesurethewitchisdeadthistime



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Yeesh, I can't with Jordan always finding a possible way to escape. Victor should've had her sleeping on a plain cloth pallet on the floor or a thin layer of memory foam.

The real Ashley's back. Yay.

Wait, how did Ashley end up in different clothes after she fainted?  What happened to the lacy, low-cut jumpsuit she had on yesterday?

Oh thank goodness, Victor caught Jordan before she could jimmy the lock to the cell. But, yikes, Nikki's back. Surprise, Nik! Guess who's not only alive, she's in your basement?!

Something was off about Claire to me. I think she suspects if not hopes Jordan isn't actually dead.

FFS, Jack, climb off your high horse. Tucker might've just saved Ashley's life, or at least kept her from taking his. Ungrateful much?

Hey Cole and Michael, you ASAP need to be calling law enforcement authorities, not leisurely agonizing over how to protect Victor from them.

You know what Jack, Nikki would probably be better off if she never saw you again. Tucker's handling of troubled Ashley ain't got nothing on your alcoholism-enabling skills.

Time to let Ashley go, Tucker. Sounds like Audra and Glissade are your main problems now.

Is it possible Alan did something back in Paris to cause Ashley's mental break? His trying to talk her into returning there while she's in such a vulnerable state seemed iffy to me.

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IRL since Claire seemingly has a business degree but no education credits, she would have a long road ahead of her to pursue a masters in early childhood education. If she’d done any work in the field, she could use that as life experience. But since she isn’t Harrison’s nanny and has no other experience, there would likely be many prerequisite courses to take first. But of course since this is a soap and she’s Victor Newman’s granddaughter, he’ll just buy her a spot in the program and ensure she receives top grades and the best job available. Maybe even open a private practice for her and get her patients as well. Nice life if you can get it .

so Cole and Michael are going to hatch a plan to get Jordan out of the cellar and into a real prison while keeping Victor out of prison. Of course now that Victor knows Cole is onto him, he’ll probably move her before they can get to her.

at least Jack had the grace to thank Tucker, however reluctantly. Really, Tucker is the ONLY one who has seen almost from the beginning that Ashley needs professional help.  Her family was too busy wringing their hands and coddling her. 

Nikki’s counselor was just so impressed with her progress in 24 hours that he/she thought Nikki should come home early? Remind me never to send a loved one to whatever rehab she was in! Can’t wait for her to find out Jordan is still alive. She’ll be back in rehab in 5 minutes Lol!

4 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

how did Ashley end up in different clothes after she fainted?  What happened to the lacy, low-cut jumpsuit she had on yesterday?

I wondered the same, then realized she wa2 just wearing a jacket over the dress/pants. The top itself was strapless, more like a corset. The lace sleeves weren’t attached. 

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A Brief Recap - Bailouts for Billionaires 

Jack, Traci and Alan attempt to discern the source of Ashley’s trauma without any input from Ashley. Tucker and real Ashley play an irritating game of “I’m not touching you!”

Cole meets Michael and spills the brussel’s sprouts about Victor’s private prison. Michael requires no convincing. Cole pays him a dollar for services rendered, and considering the solution Michael concocts, he owes Cole 0.99 cents.

A roller disco enthusiast and a wide eyed ingenue blither blather.

Jordan tries to pick her cell’s lock. Victor has a chuckle at her expense and states the obvious: he has no human decency.

Nikki returns from rehab.

Tucker escorts Ashley home, where Jack acts like a paternalistic donkey. Alan behaves like a normal person, which probably won’t work out well for him in Genoa City.

Michael decides that he and Cole should surreptitiously smuggle Jordan out of Victor’s prison and into a real one. See where this is going? When Jordan inevitably escapes, it will be the dumbass duo’s fault and Victor will skate on his bullshit again. Dig up, stupids.

There’s a Newman family reunion! I don’t care. 


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On 5/22/2024 at 11:27 AM, surfgirl said:

Cole is a do-gooder so he'll likely bumble something and she will escape. Then she will rondezvous with 9-Toes Sheila, they will somehow switch faces, and Sheila will come back to GC to terrorize Lauren again, whilst Jordan terrorizes someone over on B&B. Kitty cats will be involved somehow. And there will be kidnappings a'plenty. An PeePaw will die buried alive in a truckload of rotting, steamed brussel sprouts.

@surfgirl, I'll have what you're having, ha ha. (That one psycho can stay over on B&B though. AFAIC, GC doesn't need her and Y&R doesn't need her either.)

About Claire's education, when Nikki hired her as an assistant at Newman Media, via her resume she told Nikki and Audra she had an MBA from Wharton. If that was true, she won't have any trouble getting into another graduate program, even in a different discipline. Odds are she'll attend GCU, which has never sounded to me like it was anything close to Ivy League-level.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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6 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

If that was true, she won't have any trouble getting into another graduate program, even in a different discipline. Odds are she'll attend GCU, which has never sounded to me like it was anything close Ivy League-level.

Except in Cheese Hooping and the myriad uses of Curds and Whey.

cheese GIF

He is Risen.

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Didn't Ashley go visit Dr. Alan after learning the Paris blowup with Tucker was not as she imagined ?? After that, her actions changed from angry/upset to unhinged. Guess the cause of her D.I.D might not be a Parisian street mugging or hotel rape, but something induced by Dr. Alan. 

But WHY ?? 

I loved Tucker today. I want one of my own.      😍

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As usual, the monkeys with a keyboard, are trying to shovel more bull shit.  We have another very private conversation taking place in a public space. Plus Auntie Jordan is trying to open the cell door with a thin wire. At least, Auntie Jordan find a random paper clip 😉.  I’ve heard of speed dating but never heard of speed rehab. There must have been a revolving door on Nikki’s rehab facility.  Nikki saves Auntie Jordan’s live by calling 911 so she can reap more havoc and now Cole and Michael are going to allow Auntie Jordan out of her cell to reap more havoc because she will figure out a way to dupe the authorities once again.  

Jack is channeling his inner Victor by blaming Tucker for what happened to Ashley as Victor blamed Jack for what happened to Nikki. 


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Ease up on Tuck, Jackie.  He did more to help your sis than you, Traci & Alan combined, with all that useless waste-of-time yapping.  Traci's endless hovering & worry-wort routine is really bugging the heck outta me.

Alan seems like quite the gentleman.  Loved what he was wearing today.  So is he not what he appears to be?  Why is he suddenly diagnosing Ashley, when he specifically said to Traci & Jackie he wouldn't do that?  And why would he want to take her back to Europe with him & separate her from all of her trusted family?  I'm suspicious . . .

Me thinks Nikki was brought outta rehab to have a confrontation with Jordie.  Welp, hope there's still Vodka in the living room pillows, dear.

Oh, and is that Crisco I saw on the hands of Cole & Michael?  Cuz I can sure as shit predict those 2 numbskulls are gonna totally fuck up whatever they've got planned for Jordie & she'll easily slip thru their fingers.

Sheesh, the happy-happy crap with Vicky & Claire is getting on my nerves.  Jordie, escape already & make it stop quick, would ya?

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WHY the everloving fuck do Jackie boy and Traci act like it's the first-time they've ever heard of DID when Alan talks to them about Ashley? This is like the eleventy billionth time he's had a convo with one or both of these dimwits and every.damn.time they act like it's a NEW REVELATION! 

Tucker doing the right thing with Ash, imagine that. Are we headed towards an Ashley recuperation (she'll go to a speed psych unit and be out in a week, a la Nikkers) and a Tuckley reunion? Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. BTW, Jackie boy was such an asshole to Tucker when he brought Ashley home. I've never said this before but STFU Jack!

Is ol grampire sending a manicurist down to see Jordan once a week because her mani looks pretty fresh to me. How bout you guys?

Also, it seems like it's just a stairways down to Gramp's cell block and a thin hallway oanel.is the only thing standing between anyone and Jordan so itnseems.like anyone could hear her yelling from.down there. This whole thing is so so so DUMB. 

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16 hours ago, Sake614 said:

IRL since Claire seemingly has a business degree but no education credits, she would have a long road ahead of her to pursue a masters in early childhood education. If she’d done any work in the field, she could use that as life experience. But since she isn’t Harrison’s nanny and has no other experience, there would likely be many prerequisite courses to take first. But of course since this is a soap and she’s Victor Newman’s granddaughter, he’ll just buy her a spot in the program and ensure she receives top grades and the best job available. Maybe even open a private practice for her and get her patients as well. Nice life if you can get it .

so Cole and Michael are going to hatch a plan to get Jordan out of the cellar and into a real prison while keeping Victor out of prison. Of course now that Victor knows Cole is onto him, he’ll probably move her before they can get to her.

at least Jack had the grace to thank Tucker, however reluctantly. Really, Tucker is the ONLY one who has seen almost from the beginning that Ashley needs professional help.  Her family was too busy wringing their hands and coddling her. 

Nikki’s counselor was just so impressed with her progress in 24 hours that he/she thought Nikki should come home early? Remind me never to send a loved one to whatever rehab she was in! Can’t wait for her to find out Jordan is still alive. She’ll be back in rehab in 5 minutes Lol!

I wondered the same, then realized she wa2 just wearing a jacket over the dress/pants. The top itself was strapless, more like a corset. The lace sleeves weren’t attached. 

I’m sure the soap version of Claire will have her with her M in Education degree in 6 mos and she’ll use her trust fund money to start her own preschool for troubled kids. 

I recall someone saying something funny regarding Nikki’s rehab stint, I don’t know if it was here or FB, but it really made me laugh, about her opting for the drive thru version. Even how short her stay was a stretch for the soaps. Ugh she looks good and actually seems happy. I’m not looking forward to when she inevitably finds out about Jordan and is back to square one. 

I’m sure with Victor it won’t be easy for Cole and Michael to carry out any plan they have. 

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On 5/22/2024 at 9:02 PM, Sake614 said:

It won’t take long for Victor to figure out Cole knows. when he left Jordan, Cole left the secret door open. 

I just can’t with Victoria and her ‘the NERVE of Summer to not immediately accept Claire into the family and trust her with Harrison! Just who does she think she is anyway?’ Settle down lady. Your daughter is a grown ass woman who can find another job. It still makes no sense to me that she wants her daughter to be hired help to the Abbots. And what was with that silver lane blouse Victoria was wearing?

good for Tucker finally asking who he’s talking to, ie, which personality. But geez when Ashley passed out, the first thing he should have done was call a damn ambulance! Wonder how long he’ll wait before he does? Or will he just call Jack instead?

Yes it seems disingenuous for Victoria to feel that way especially since how she’s treated Adam. I think Summer is over the top too, but Victoria needs to check herself too. I get why she wants to be like that for Claire , with all she missed but it’s so much. I think even Claire thought it was too much. The best thing for Summer would be to get to know Claire herself and see if her fears are founded or unfounded and she can do that by having supervised visits with Harrison and Claire with her and Kyle present and just getting to know her better. I agree it’s too fast for Summer and Kyle to give Claire the nanny job but Victoria is overcompensating but this plan seems ok. 

On 5/22/2024 at 10:08 PM, Waldo13 said:

I know quite a bit about horses and Victoria and Claire/Eve are not even close to be wearing the proper cloths, unless they changed, for grooming horses.  The proper attire would be clothes that you wouldn’t mind getting covered in horse hair and boots that you wouldn’t mind stepping in horse shit.  I find that most horses are really no different than big dogs. Horses are loyal and affectionate.  

Audra is ok with vanilla ice cream before lunch but she would like a chocolate ice cream banana split, after lunch, for dessert 😉.  

So Cole is bringing Michael into the fold so what?  Is Cole going to turn Victor in?  What Cole doesn’t recognize but Micheal does is that VICTOR NEVER LOOSES!  

A couple of surprises today. Audra is a bit older than I thought she was when she talked about contemplating her life in her twenties; but on Y&R, mostly nobody is the age they should be. 

Also Claire/Eve must have a 4 year college degree ir she’s going for a masters in early education. Did Auntie Jordan allow Claire/Eve to go to college or did she get her degree on line?  


My thought is that she got her degree online. 

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On 5/22/2024 at 11:43 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Jeez, Ashley pawing at Tuck over & over & over gave me the creeps.  Was this Stalker Ashley?  Yuck.  Felt the need for a shower after watching that -- so icky.

For all Traci's clucking & smothering & yapping, she & Jackie are pretty damn useless in helping Ashley.  And Alan is mostly a non-entity.  Their scenes are a bunch of babble & nothing. 

Idk, I think Cole did the right thing to call Michael.  He knows he's no match against Vic.  He just tried it & got himself nearly thrown out.  It's worth a try to go thru Michael.  But yeah, Vic has gone completely nuts & I wanna see Michael try to reason with him.  Good luck cuz he's really enjoying this sick shit.

Still think J. Eddie is a crap actor, but he did give the appropriate horrified/WTF looks.  Vic was looking at Cole very suspiciously.  With the secret door left open & Jordie's desperation & big mouth, he'll know pretty quickly Cole knows.  Fireworks a-comin'.

Fashion Fail Alert!  Audra's off-the-shoulder polka dot blouse was so unflattering on her, and Vicky's Reynolds Wrap blouse -- feh!

I felt like Traci and Jack are so worried about making Ashley upset at them if they have to commit her. As Alan said there are better options than what she went through. Didn’t Claire and Chelsea get such amazing help at GC hospital? Sorry for the slight sarcasm there . I don’t know exactly what happened to Ashley at Fairview but if it was like what happened to Sharon I get it but there are other options. They are doing Ashley a disservice and putting other people in danger. Alan is actually a bit of a help but definitely not enough.

23 hours ago, AManfred said:

Yes, I loved that. Anyone else still remember the infamous AMC donut scene where Greenlee and Kendall just picked apart their donuts and never actually ate them?

I remember that. I loved that show but yes we see that a lot actually, so it was great to see them actually eat the ice cream.

22 hours ago, Js Nana said:

I'm suddenly wondering about the why and how of the Alan Laurent character - is he a path to salvation, or the villain of the piece?

Wondering too re: Alan.

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16 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

A Brief Recap - Bailouts for Billionaires 

Jack, Traci and Alan attempt to discern the source of Ashley’s trauma without any input from Ashley. Tucker and real Ashley play an irritating game of “I’m not touching you!”

Cole meets Michael and spills the brussel’s sprouts about Victor’s private prison. Michael requires no convincing. Cole pays him a dollar for services rendered, and considering the solution Michael concocts, he owes Cole 0.99 cents.

A roller disco enthusiast and a wide eyed ingenue blither blather.

Jordan tries to pick her cell’s lock. Victor has a chuckle at her expense and states the obvious: he has no human decency.

Nikki returns from rehab.

Tucker escorts Ashley home, where Jack acts like a paternalistic donkey. Alan behaves like a normal person, which probably won’t work out well for him in Genoa City.

Michael decides that he and Cole should surreptitiously smuggle Jordan out of Victor’s prison and into a real one. See where this is going? When Jordan inevitably escapes, it will be the dumbass duo’s fault and Victor will skate on his bullshit again. Dig up, stupids.

There’s a Newman family reunion! I don’t care. 


I always look forward to your posts! 

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On 5/23/2024 at 3:37 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

Nikki returns from rehab.

But....did she?  Return, yes, but from Rehab?

Where's that annoying plastic wrist ID that everyone forgets to take off and then when you try to rip it, you end having to go find a scissors anyway.

While she wasn't gone long enough to construct one of those jewelry boxes made out of popsicle sticks or decorated with painted dry pasta, if she really was at Rehab she was gone long enough to make plenty of macrame string plant holders for the whole family.  Yet, nary an item from the daily mandatory Arts and Crafts classes.

Are we SURE she wasn't on a tour of Wisconsin's finest start-up hard cider and potato wine tasting rooms?

Does she wonder at all about the lingering scent of brussel sprouts, or does she just automatically assume that's the olfactory after-odor Victor leaves in his wake following a rousing exercise of arm farts and self gratifications?

Questions, questions, questions......

Edited by boes
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27 minutes ago, boes said:

But....did she?  Return, yes, but from Rehab?

Where's that annoying plastic wrist ID that everyone forgets to take off and then when you try to rip it, you end having to go find a scissors anyway.

While she wasn't gone long enough to construct one of those jewelry boxes made out of popsicle sticks or decorated with painted dry pasta, if she really was at Rehab she was gone long enough to make enough macrame string plant holders for the whole family.  Yet, nary an item from the daily mandatory Arts and Crafts classes.

Are we SURE she wasn't on a tour of Wisconsin's finest start-up hard cider and potato wine tasting rooms?

Does she wonder at all about the lingering scent of brussel sprouts, or does she just automatically assume that's the olfactory after-scent Victor leaves in his wake following a rousing exercise of arm farts and self gratifications?

Questions, questions, questions......

You are so funny too .

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On 5/23/2024 at 11:52 AM, AManfred said:

Anyone else still remember the infamous AMC donut scene where Greenlee and Kendall just picked apart their donuts and never actually ate them?

I wish I'd seen it, but I was never an All My Children fan - in fact, I cannot recall ever having actually watched a full episode of that show.

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A Brief Recap - Asshole Family Values

Three assholes walk into a restaurant. That’s not the beginning of a joke. Nick, Summer and Phyllis spend low-quality time being charmless and off-putting together. Nick shows off the asshole whispering skills he’s honed over the years.

Claire’s excited to ride her first horsey! Yay!

In the park, Kyle pretends to be a bird, possibly the Cringe-footed tit. Harrison discovers fresh new traumas as his father is curb stomped by a flock of rogue peacocks who mistake his bristling bouffant for territorial aggression.

Cole mobilizes for deployment in a high stakes mission where he and Michael Baldwin will step on rakes and slam their genitalia in a car door. Cole puts on an ultra smooth facade for Victoria and Claire, while Michael artfully finesses Victor and Nikki out the door. Nothing about their behavior is sus.

Harrison thinks he sees the witch again, which is weird because Phyllis is actually at Society mugging for the camera. He’s caught on to Summer’s disdain for Claire. Kyle denies it, though to be fair, he has no idea Summer is wishing for a magic wand that could erase Claire from existence. POUT!

Michael infiltrates the Newman compound and summons his partner in futility. They descend into the vampire’s crypt, but dun dun dun! Father Time is undefeated, thanks to the Great Value motion sensors glued to the wall. Busted! Victor abandons Nikki to dinner with schmucks as he races to prevent his psychotic plan from unraveling.

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Guess Summer and Phyllis are raiding each other's closets now. Nah, Phyllis would never wear that goofy off-the-shoulder schmatta Summer had on today.

Nikki, you owe Lauren way more than a long, expensive lunch. I'm thinking a huge donation to an addiction-prevention charity in her son Fen's name might be more apt.

Harrison thought chickens could fly. Heh, one of the writers must have been watching classic WKRP reruns recently.

Victoria, what Cole was secretly doing was calling in a drone strike on your aluminum foil blouse. Oh wait, that was only in my dreams.

Geez, Cole can't act non-suspicious to save his life. He must be horrible at poker. Claire was seeing right through him, but she didn't know what she was seeing.

Hey Summer, speaking of instincts, I have one about you. You're a self-centered dim bulb who thinks you're entitled to own another woman's child. FOH.

Victor has the entry to his wine cellar jail on a text alert system. There's nothing like high-tech to help you hold someone hostage, right Vic?

The Newman ranch CGI background again. It's so awful, it has to be a Y&R inside joke. Was that a Guernsey cow behind Claire's left shoulder, or a pinto horse?

And there's more ridiculous CGI. Did the the audience really need to see Claire, Harrison, and Cole Kyle riding on a fake Ferris wheel?

Snooze, lose, Cole and Michael. While you two were dawdling over at Society you could've had Jordan handled before Victor had time to intervene. Good grief.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Claire/Eve is upsetting your little boy?  First of all he is not a possession to call yours second of all you are putting more stress on Harrison by not letting him see Claire/Eve even though he keeps asking for her.  Every time Summer❄️x7 talks about Claire/Eve, she turns green. 


Summer❄️x7, don’t forget that Harrison is someone else’s child. You are basically a mommy by proxy. Phillis🕷️🕷️, you interloper, stop blowing smoke your daughter’s ass. It’s not Summer’s call. It’s Kyle’s call. Kyle is just capitulating to your concerns. 


Why is it that they harp on Summer❄️X7 feelings more than they do on Harrison’s feelings. They make it seem that Summer❄️’s feelings are paramount. 


Claire/Eve it’s very important to wear boots while riding a horse. Not only that but it’s very important to wear riding pants also. While riding there is friction between your legs, knees, and thighs.  Boots and riding pants mitigate the friction which can cause you to develop sores.  


Phillis🕷️🕷️ you’re such a transparent fool. You’re not attacking Claire/Eve just having a conversation but in that conversation you are attacking Claire/Eve. 


They still don’t realize that Victor is smarter than the average bear and the rest are just Ranger Smith. 


It looks like the bulb, though dim, went off in Summer❄️x6 head and will do what benefits Harrison more than herself. Is Summer❄️x6 becoming altruistic?  Only if bears don’t shit in the woods. 


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5 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

A Brief Recap - Asshole Family Values

Three assholes walk into a restaurant. That’s not the beginning of a joke. Nick, Summer and Phyllis spend low-quality time being charmless and off-putting together. Nick shows off the asshole whispering skills he’s honed over the years.

Claire’s excited to ride her first horsey! Yay!

In the park, Kyle pretends to be a bird, possibly the Cringe-footed tit. Harrison discovers fresh new traumas as his father is curb stomped by a flock of rogue peacocks who mistake his bristling bouffant for territorial aggression.

Cole mobilizes for deployment in a high stakes mission where he and Michael Baldwin will step on rakes and slam their genitalia in a car door. Cole puts on an ultra smooth facade for Victoria and Claire, while Michael artfully finesses Victor and Nikki out the door. Nothing about their behavior is sus.

Harrison thinks he sees the witch again, which is weird because Phyllis is actually at Society mugging for the camera. He’s caught on to Summer’s disdain for Claire. Kyle denies it, though to be fair, he has no idea Summer is wishing for a magic wand that could erase Claire from existence. POUT!

Michael infiltrates the Newman compound and summons his partner in futility. They descend into the vampire’s crypt, but dun dun dun! Father Time is undefeated, thanks to the Great Value motion sensors glued to the wall. Busted! Victor abandons Nikki to dinner with schmucks as he races to prevent his psychotic plan from unraveling.

As long as I've lurked here waaay before posting in the thread, I have always enjoyed your posts Ninj. You get a format, then when you switch to a new one, I always feel sad because I miss the former format. Yet the new format always surpasses the old. Bravo on the new A Brief Recraps!  huzzuh!

3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Claire/Eve it’s very important to wear boots while riding a horse. Not only that but it’s very important to wear riding pants also. While riding there is friction between your legs, knees, and thighs.  Boots and riding pants mitigate the friction which can cause you to develop sores.  

THANK YOU! This has been bugging the crap out of me! I mean, is Mop going to ride with her aluminum foil blouse on? Because that thing is going to spook the horses something awful!

3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The Newman ranch CGI background again. It's so awful, it has to be a Y&R inside joke. Was that a Guernsey cow behind Claire's left shoulder, or a pinto horse?

And there's more ridiculous CGI. Did the the audience really need to see Claire, Harrison, and Cole riding on a fake Ferris wheel?

This garbage is just so.damn.lazy.

Edited by surfgirl
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18 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sheesh, the happy-happy crap with Vicky & Claire is getting on my nerves.  Jordie, escape already & make it stop quick, would ya?

The happy-happy crap in front of a green screen showing horsies in the pasture was truly gag-inducing (and cheap looking).  What's next, the entire show done in front of green screens of each of the sets to save even more money, doing a stage play rather than a TV show?

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1 hour ago, Denize said:

The happy-happy crap in front of a green screen showing horsies in the pasture was truly gag-inducing (and cheap looking).  What's next, the entire show done in front of green screens of each of the sets to save even more money, doing a stage play rather than a TV show?

I was really hoping the entire episode would have been narrated by Mr. Ed.

Follow your heart, Claire.  You too, Victoria.  But stay upwind of your father and grandfather.


Watch out, Wilbur, it's Auntie Jordan!

With Phyllis though, I think her spirit animal is more likely to be Kramer's horse, Rusty.


Breathe it all in Phyllis, that scent must take you right back to Boogie Nights with Nick.

Those green screen scenes were Emmy worthy, IMO.  Never in a million years would I have ever thought they weren't real.  They were just as grounded in reality as Nick's sex appeal, Billy's intelligence and Phyllis's sense of ethics, along with Victor's moral code.  You rarely see this level of writing.

I can honestly say the entire episode reminded me of nothing more than a steaming plate of brussel sprouts.

The Bard himself could do no better.

Edited by boes
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Ah, so Count Chocula (or is it Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows?) comes to foil whatever plot those 2 boobs cooked up.  And what's next?  Hard to guess that Jordie will still escape somehow?  Nah, not Jordie, the elderly lady with the powers of 10 super villains.  Nah.

Clearly, Cole does not have a poker face.  Or is it that J. Eddie is a crap actor as I've said before?  Me thinks the latter.

Oh Summer, don't you have a boyfriend somewhere?  Or did he disappear into thin air?  Hmmmm.

Did anyone else think the top of that fugly plaid potato sack Summer was wearing was gonna fall right off her?

Would it cost so much to actually film some scenes outdoors?  The ferris wheel scene was so awkward.  And they weren't even locked into their seat, which I thought is a requirement on those things.  Guess the cheapie budget didn't allow for that?

Idk, Phyllis was actually understated -- for her.  What the what?

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14 hours ago, boes said:

Phyllis's sense of ethics

Surely an oxymoron?


10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Hard to guess that Jordie will still escape somehow?  

Wouldn't it be a hoot if Jordie managed to imprison Michael, Cole and Grampire and stroll out?

I'm glad the producers gave 2nd graders crayons and had them do th green screen.


1 hour ago, MollyB said:

Much Ado About Nothing?

I just took a shower, now I have to go back because I just pissed myself.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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On 5/23/2024 at 6:18 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wait, how did Ashley end up in different clothes after she fainted?  What happened to the lacy, low-cut jumpsuit she had on yesterday?

It's the same outfit with the lacy bolero jacket covered up by an outer, long-sleeved jacket.

On 5/23/2024 at 6:18 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Something was off about Claire to me.

She did seem to me to be genuinely happy to see Nikki back from rehab, so I'm leaning more towards she's on a path to emotional rehabilitation herself.

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22 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

thanks to the Great Value motion sensors glued to the wall.

You'd think that two intelligent (?) people trying to sneak into TGVNs secret dungeon would look out for things like security detection devices and booby traps that release swinging razor edged pendulums when tripped.

  • LOL 7
2 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Wouldn't it be a hoot if Jordie managed to imprison Michael, Cole and Grampire and stroll out?

. . . and as the weeks of their captivity drag on, the strongest among them - Victor is the first to go, but he isn't quite dead yet when Cole and Michael start gnawing on his bones - resorts to cannibalism to survive; all in vain, because it will be 30 years before their remains are found when the old Newman Mansion is torn down after the financially destitute surviving members of the Newman family are forced to sell this decaying symbol of their former greatness to a real estate developer.

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13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows?) comes to foil whatever plot those 2 boobs cooked up.  And what's next?  Hard to

Ah, the late, great Jonathan Frid - he saved Dark Shadows from cancellation when, 10 months into the show's run, he joined the cast as the reluctant, guilt-ridden vampire, Barnabas Collins.

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22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

You're a self-centered dim bulb who thinks you're entitled to own another woman's child. FOH.

Every time Summer rants on about her son, I have to hold myself back from running up to the TV screen and screaming "Tara Locke, Tara Locke - remember her, you fucking idiot?" - - and Summer doesn't hate Claire simply because she presents strong competition in the contest to be crowned as TVGN's favorite grandchild, she also hates Claire because she knows that Kyle's obvious interest in her makes Claire a potential threat to her position as Harrison's stepmother. Talk about being left out in the cold, not only does she fear being relegated to lesser grandchild status with TGVN, but Summer also fears losing her in with the Abbott family in the form of being Harrison's stepmother - and it would all be Claire's fault.

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