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S01.E10: How Queer Everything Is Today!


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Kate Kane was already out as a lesbian. Parker mentioned she'd been featured in the Advocate as one of the 30 Gay CEOS Under 30.

That's why it's a kind of stupid risk, even though I get why she did it. Because Batwoman comes out and it narrows down the field of who it could be by a huge amount, especially taking into account her previous public Army training and the money needed to be a one woman army.

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Wonder how many of those 30 Gay CEOs under 30 live in Gotham? People might suspect them now too.

Kate having a clear, full color photo on the cover of Catco probably wasn’t the best idea, but she’s now in a world where glasses work as a superhero disguise. So it’s probably fine.

This was the first episode where I started to believe Luke and Kate could be friends. Hope they build on it.

Edited by BaggythePanther
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On 1/24/2020 at 8:14 AM, Rahul said:

I really did not like that Batwoman's identity was revealed--and to all of Gotham at that--so early on the series. Now she will likely do what she did already with Alfred's daughter and employ others to periodically don her suit--a trope that got very tired very quickly on Arrow. Moreover, why would she ever pose for the cover of a Catco magazine like that when you can clearly make out her facial features? It defies all logic.


Batwoman's identity was never revealed. That was a fakeout by Parker that was intended to fool Alice. The real "public" announcement to everyone was the warning about the bomb at the dance.

Edited by legaleagle53
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On 1/20/2020 at 2:25 AM, Maverick said:

 If Beth being back is connected to Kate's wish, maybe the Monitor is still around and giving the Paragons gifts, like  he gave Oliver the chance to say goodbye to Mia and William.  

I just assumed it was a magic cupcake. Bruce probably kept it as a trophy after defeating some villain known as Cupcake Conjurer. Or maybe The Pastry Poobah. 

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On 1/25/2020 at 2:35 PM, BaggythePanther said:

Kate having a clear, full color photo on the cover of Catco probably wasn’t the best idea, but she’s now in a world where glasses work as a superhero disguise. So it’s probably fine.

Now I want to see Mouse impersonate Kara. And lose his glasses. And get mistaken for Supergirl. And then go back to Square One because he figures it must be because he screwed up his Kara disguise.

  • LOL 2

Sorry, but weeks later, it still amazes me how nonchalantly they 'deleted' Sophie's husband from the narrative. These CW/DC shows usually get rid of one corner of the triangle by the end of the first season anyway, and I know Crisis was an opportunity to change things, but it's still odd to me that they didn't even make their breakup a mini-arc for Sophie.

Is the triangle now Kate-Sophie-Batwoman? Because you know they love their triangles on CW.

46 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Not that I particularly want to see him back as he's dull and it's only prolonging the inevitable anyway, but are we sure he's gone for good? Sophie seemed to think things were up in the air rather than 100% done with him. I have missed something? 

Sophie said he left her, and we haven't seen him since before the crossover. I guess he could come back (they didn't say he left the Crows or Gotham), but they barely did anything with him beforehand and he wasn't a regular, so I think the writers are admitting defeat and are done with him.

5 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Nyssa, yes. Kara, no. Alex Danvers is enough of a lesbian presence on Supergirl. We don't need another one in Kara.

Kara would be bisexual 🙂 Also, speaking for me, I'm always up for more queer content in shows. 

And she's single, and Kate is a step up from pretty much every other romance Supergirl has thrown at Kara so far. Low though that bar may be.

But given the whole separate shows thing, I doubt you need to worry about it much.

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11 hours ago, Trini said:

Sophie said he left her, and we haven't seen him since before the crossover. I guess he could come back (they didn't say he left the Crows or Gotham), but they barely did anything with him beforehand and he wasn't a regular, so I think the writers are admitting defeat and are done with him.

Maybe. Given Alice's remarks about lying to yourself and being in a cage of your own making, I don't think Sophie's entirely done with that drama and he'll come back. If only to finish that storyline off. Maybe not. It doesn't really matter either way because I doubt they're getting off the "Batmoore" train anytime soon. I just wish I could be on board with it but nope.

If Kara and Kate had a brief crossover thing the fury of the Supercorp fandom would be a thing to behold as well as renewed calls to make it Canon back on Supergirl, which they don't want to do, so for this reason I think Kara's staying officially straight with a girl crush on Kate.

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On 2/2/2020 at 9:47 PM, quarks said:

Kara would be bisexual 🙂 Also, speaking for me, I'm always up for more queer content in shows. 

And she's single, and Kate is a step up from pretty much every other romance Supergirl has thrown at Kara so far. Low though that bar may be.

But given the whole separate shows thing, I doubt you need to worry about it much.

Good. I've had enough of messing with canon just for the sake of being "woke." Kara has never ONCE shown any indication of being gay or bi, and that's always been true in the comics as well. It's why I opposed making Alex a lesbian -- there was no buildup or any sort of hint before it was just suddenly sprung on us as a retroactive fact. Not everyone is a 5 on the Kinsey Scale and just waiting for the right person to move the needle. Suddenly forcing such a major character shift for the sake of "wokeness" is insulting to those of us who AREN'T "sexually fluid" and who DON'T regard sexual orientation as an arbitrary choice. If it's organic (as it is with Kate and Sophie), that's one thing. If it's just out of the blue with no prior foundation being laid (as it was with Alex and would be with Kara), that's another thing altogether.

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On 1/20/2020 at 2:40 AM, bettername2come said:

I really enjoyed this one. First because I was just amused by a villain with a Go Fund Me. Then by having her actually be a sympathetic high school student who truly never meant to hurt anyone. And then by having her have standards and keep Kate's identity safe. I really love that Kate supports her and had Batwoman come out because of her, but that she still didn't let the girl get off scot-free and gave her a fair consequence. I wouldn't mind seeing her occasionally. 

I did agree with Luke about the misinformation being a good thing. Of course, as soon as he said that I knew it would come out this episode. At least she didn't give out a huge amount of specific information, unlike Nia from Supergirl who admitted to being a half-human half-alien trans-woman from an alien-friendly town who broke her nose in kickball at 15. No idea how that identity hasn't gone public. 

I assume Kara wrote the article on Batwoman since it was in Catco. She must have been so excited when Kate called her. I really like their friendship.

Did...did Kate actually just get her birthday wish? That ending confused me.

Oh, I never thought of that? But surely she'd wish for her mum back too?

On 1/20/2020 at 3:09 AM, quarks said:

1) Delighted to see Kara remembering that she's a journalist, even if she's doing that on another show.

2) Awww, Rachel Maddow is sad about the death of the guy she had a one night stand with [wow is that kinda hard to type about Rachel Maddow, heh] and willing to gossip her way past that grief, heh. Still, nice of Batwoman to acknowledge Oliver Queen's death, however briefly.

3) This week's bad guy had a Go Fund Me. I admit it, I laughed. Also at the community service punishment. I hope she returns and becomes a sidekick of sorts.

4) Batwoman refusing to kiss the Captain America dude. Hee.

4) So....that end! Is this Beth a fake or is this a Beth from another Earth who managed to survive Crisis, the way a few other characters did over on Supergirl?

Yeah, I like that idea too, she seems a bit too useful to just disregard. 

On 1/20/2020 at 3:09 AM, Bulldog said:

I like that on a show featuring caped crusaders, face swapping, and Alice in Wonderland loving villains, the bridge too far for these writers was showing Kate actually eating carbs.

It isn't like she doesn't work it off

On 1/20/2020 at 4:09 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Batwoman is back and I continue to believe that Kate might actually secretly miss dealing with the Crisis situation, because multi-dimensional destruction and even alien overlords (not to mention the egos of her counterparts.  And Lex) might still be easier than some of the shit she has to deal with here!

In typical CW D.C. fashion, they made no bones about going completely broad and on the nose when it comes to addressing social issues in this episode, but I'm okay with it since it's almost part of this franchise's charm.  Plus, I did like it leading to Kate coming out as "Batwoman", which is something rare in the superhero world.  Parker was likable enough (despite her whole blackmail thing.  Teenagers, am I right?!), and I wouldn't mind seeing her again.

Yeah, while it's not quite as bad as "No one on The Flash believing Barry that Clifford was The Thinker since he's in a wheelchair" was, everyone acting like Mary is a nutter for thinking someone impersonated Jacob is silly to me.  Even if they didn't know about Crisis or have the craziness that goes down, Gotham has enough insanity in its history to not make that too far-fetched.  Clayface still exists, right?

Still think something is going down with Dr. Campbell, because Sebastian Roche has been used very little so far.

Glad Kate and Mary hugged.  But Mary needs to find out the truth, dammit!

Alice really has already become one of my favorite villains in the Arrowverse, thanks to Rachel Skarsten.  If loving her is wrong, I don't want to be right!

That ending was... interesting.  Beth is back?  Is this due to the whole "merging the Earths" together thing during the crossover?  Another one of Alice's tricks?  Hmm...

It's interesting that Sophie who is one of the heroes is universally hated by fans and Alice who is one of the villains seems universally loved. That was one of the great things about Gotham, it made you care for the bad guys, 

Edited by Joe Hellandback

1. What Scarecrow incident on the subway? 

2. Yes, that's exactly the reaction Batwoman would get if she crashed a high school dance these days. 

3. That amount of C4 would bring the building down, not create a Hollywood fireball.

4. I do like the himbo cop, he provides great comic relief. Nice to set him up with Mary?

5. Speaking of whom she just seems lost, you're so glad that Kate gives her that hug in the end, Jacob's superb present for both of them. 

6. I don't know what this 'puppy' guy's problem with Jacob is but if I were Jacob I'd wrap the metal cord from the phone around his neck. The razor in his food makes me wince. 

7.  Nice that the Batwoman story is in Catco magazine, lovely touch. 

8. Kate telling Alice where to get off, you cheer yet you still feel bad for her, for them both. Mouse also seems to growing tired of Alice's attempts to woo Kate. 

9. So they finally capture Alice? Probably better to let the Crows have her than stick her in Arkham. Have to figure Mouse must be on his way though. 

10. So in the Batwoman world Chris Evans plays Captain America?

11. The little cake is a nice touch but she should have shared it with Lucas, I'd like Kate to be nicer to him, it always seems to be a one way street with them. 

12. Ok, for my money this is a Beth from an alternate universe. Note she DOESN'T know who Sophie is and it can't be Mouse, Kate can't pull his mask off. 


I'm sure now Alice has been locked up she won't pose any trouble ever again. Though on the subject of characters being locked up - no way would Jake Kane be in prison. He might have to pay $1m+ in bail (and maybe wear an ankle tag), but he has access to lawyers who would get him out on bail. And even if he was in prison, he would certainly be in protective custody, since he was a former cop who put many of them in there.

Kate should take a page from her cousin's book - he's taken his playboy image as a mask for his real orientation for years. Allegedly.

Parker - When someone tells you to run, go away from the villain not past her. With Batwoman there, Alice would have had trouble chasing you. Maybe Alice has other goons about, but at least make her work to kidnap you.

On 1/20/2020 at 3:47 AM, Maverick said:

 I love that in a world that now contains metahumans, dopplegangers, aliens, magic and highly advanced holography no one can believe that someone could impersonate Jacob.

Exactly - it makes it even less plausible that Jake would be in jail. Were his lawyers sleeping through their bail hearing?

On 1/20/2020 at 9:37 AM, Trini said:

I knew they'd eventually get rid of Sophie's husband, but offscreen with just a line of dialog?

He should be thankful he wasn't "Fridged" for added Angst (at least not yet).

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