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There Once Was A Merle From Nantucket: The Walking Dead Limericks

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Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Rick's been caught by a stronger foe
Who kills his friend, then lets him go
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe


Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Negan's worse than Gov or Joe
Rick will reap as he has sown
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe


Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
Rick was high, and now he's low
Half his stuff is what he owes
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe


Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

Slavery is the status quo

The Saviors are the Gestapo
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe


Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
The cliffhanger happened, so let it go
You're still going to watch this !@#$%^& show
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

Edited by PeterPirate
  • Applause 1
  • Love 6

K-I-L-L my enemies. K-I-L-L my enemies.
I am your superior, blood on my bat!


K-I-L-L my pawns. K-I-L-L my pawns.
You are my subjects, blood on my bat!


K-I-L-L to make a point. K-I-L-L to make a point.
What is yours is mine, blood on my bat!


K-I-L-L! K-I-L-L!
I am your landlord, I am your master.


K-I-L-L! K-I-L-L!
Blood on my bat! Blood on my bat!

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Hey, wait just a doggone minute. She's seven years older than he is - hardly putting her into "cougar" territory.

Shiva is bear-sized.

If Carol ends up with him...

Cougar beats grizzly.

5 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Daryl the captive

Will Negan bash his brains out

Or give him a bath

Rules about Daryl:

Don't feed him after midnight

or give him a bath

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 4

"It's The Kingdom," said Morgan, a brave and fair knight.
He's given Carol the debate - is killing right?
He showed her the gardens, the clothes, the food.
But when she sees King E, she's in the mood.
He's a LARPer, that's for sure,
Are there skeletons behind the closet door?
The people are cool, the tiger neat.
King E is dreaming of the sheets.
But the thing is, the most important of all,
true love creeps up and makes us fall.
As for Carol and King E,
He wants her, she wants the D.

  • Love 3

Here sits Daryl in his own dirt,
Not wearing pants and ne'er a shirt. 
My mom was happy, screaming with delight
Until she saw the torture brought by Dwight.

We're happy here, on Easy Street.
Except poor Sherry in Negan's sheets.
Gordon was fed up, ran away.
Dwight's begging couldn't make him stay.

The system is crude, made up of points.
Still have Mary Jane to make the joints.
A frat house on drugs are the Saviors.
Rude, mean,  terrible behaviors.

And now they take stuff from Camp Dinner Bell.
Rick's weak, a former shell.
Fear not! Michonne has a gun.
Soon it will be Negan, ready to run.

  • Love 3

Midseason premiere, time has come
To look at what our friends have done.

With Rick's new balls and Maggie's as well,
I like this new Camp Dinner Bell.

Will we see Negan, hit with Lucille?
I wonder how the Saviors will feel.

We'll give them a fright, give them a scare.
Much excitement fills the air.

I can't wait for tomorrow, it's been so long.
My mom won't shut up, 'til she sees Daryl's schlong.

I've missed writing these poems, as I am witty.
I just hope this season ain't so shitty.

  • Love 5

Jesus is everywhere, in my heart.
But Gregory is still a dickhole, a fart.

Who's really running the Hilltop town?
For certain it's Maggie and not the clown.

Rick needs an army, some food and things.
Let's go ask Zeke the king.

He says no, anger ensues.
But Rick goes on, ne'er subdued.

They find some bombs in the road.
And there they go! Walkers explode.

Tensions arise, the ladies of Abe.
I think one might be expecting a babe.

Pee Pants runs off, where is he?
He's taken the car, some cans of peas.

What's that? A shadow? A person in there?
If Pee Pants is gone, then I don't care.

They find a clue in plain sight
And they're off in daylight.

There's people afoot, new ones to meet.
But Rick and his crew can't be beat.

They've found the men, the army, the guns.
And now they're certain to have won.

They'll fight against Saviors, Negan's peeps.
They'll need some gas, some bombs, some Jeeps.

We'll wait in silence and in fear,
For the battle will soon be near.

And who will they kill, a favorite again?
All signs are pointing to Ben.

Edited by SpaghettiTuesdays
  • Love 3

Look at you enjoying a crappy videogame, that's so cute,
Pardon me while I stare at the screen, like a mute.
I drank too much, I think I might be sick,
Cease your verbal noise and watch me play with my controller-joystick.

That looks like a lot to handle,
Vacate the immediate vicinity as I'm gonna light this candle.
Wow, look at that white stuff shoot out even more,
Lady, that is just a lucky happenstance of metaphor.

You're one us now, Haircut.
Is there any possibility of chance I could get a look at your bared butt?
I didn't say it before, but that's quite the mullet,
If you truly appreciate this fine follicle helmet, you should spectate later as I endeavor to manufacture a bullet.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 1

A synopsis of "Bury Me Here" as narrated by Judis:

Fruit.  Insufficient.  More.
Guns.  Surrender.  Now.  (guns... *drool*)
Benjamin.  New.  Trial.  Winslow.  Replace.
Man.  Crazed.  Not.  Now.  Again.
Woman.  Isolated.  Now.  Again.  Fight.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 2

Oh, give me a town with no Negan around, where the pig and the cantaloupe pay

Where seldom is heard a non-Renaissance word, and where Jerry serves cobbler all day

Oh, Tigertown's fun, why can't it be the show every time?

Screw it, let the main cast walk in circles half assed

While we watch Zeke instead of Rick Grimes...

  • Love 3
On 2/4/2015 at 4:10 AM, CletusMusashi said:

Haiku for the seasons:


Season 1:
A hero gets shot.
Then civilization falls.
Then he fights zombies.


Season 2:
One group saves zombies.
Rick's group just moves in with them.
Zaniness ensues.


Season 3:

Move into prison.
Then find whole town of people.
It's evil though. War!


Season 4:

"All leaders are bad.
'Unless they are named Rick Grimes!"

Really? WTF?

First half of Season 5:

Carol is awesome

but most of these people suck.

Where's Lord Fluffington?

Second Half of Season 5:

Time to cull redshirts

Whole lot of dumb shit happens

But, hey! Morgan's back!

Season 6:

Parades are a thing...

And Saviors might be scary

if they'd just talk less.

Season 7:

Negan likes to talk

And the group sucks without Glenn

Isn't Negan cool?

Edited by CletusMusashi
  • Love 2

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