MarkHB November 15, 2019 Share November 15, 2019 Before she gets off the floor, Donna tells Dick once more, don't bring her down. - or - Quote With Dick still in prison and Gar under the microscope at Cadmus, the remaining Titans are called together to save their teammates. 1 Link to comment
Jenniferbug November 15, 2019 Share November 15, 2019 So...what? I'm not really sure what that was. It was an improvement over last week, but when half the scenes are someone hallucinating or whatever, it's hard to really know what I just watched. Was so pleased that Kory said Bruce showed up to mansplain Titans to them, because that was my thought the whole scene before she said that. I kept thinking, "this is so gross that they couldn't have Hank or Jason in the scene too so it's not literally an old white guy lecturing these women about how they should act". I don't know if it "fixes" it that they had Kory call it out or not, but for now I'm going to let it slide because I'm not entirely sure that was actually Bruce and it seemed like while he was there (dressed in white), the diner was a lot cleaner looking and had the donuts next to him. But then I have no idea what's going on- who or what would be able to make them hear things or see fake commercials or make check engine lights come on to lead them all the to this diner? Why not Hank and Jason too? Speaking of Jason, I still love him by the way. I liked that he was opening up to Rose and it's funny he's apparently a theatre geek. Still don't like Rose one bit, and honestly was there anyone who didn't see that end "twist" coming? So I guess we assume that she was the one setting out the things to mess with the Titans in the tower? Would have been more interesting if it was Jericho body hopping, but they seem to have him trapped in Slade. I think it was a mistake not to show a younger Rose in the flashbacks, even if just in the background, so we could extrapolate that she and Jericho had a sibling bond that might lead her to do this. As it is...why does she care if they killed Jericho? And I guess Dick hallucinates himself into becoming Nightwing? Sure. Not liking where they're going with Gar. Where the hell is Conner? I am retroactively mad at him for giving up so easily last week. I know that's not logical, but I still kept thinking "this is on you, dummy". Sorry that was a novel. If anyone has comic explanations for this Elko stuff or whatever, please tell me in the comics talk thread. 4 Link to comment
madhacker November 15, 2019 Share November 15, 2019 ok, I admit I don't know any sign language.....wth was Jericho signing to Dick while he was in Slade's body? Link to comment
Jenniferbug November 15, 2019 Share November 15, 2019 12 minutes ago, madhacker said: ok, I admit I don't know any sign language.....wth was Jericho signing to Dick while he was in Slade's body? According to a YouTube comment I read, he was signing "help me. I forgive you". 2 2 Link to comment
phoenics November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 (edited) So - I feel like this entire season baited me with Slade being the draw, but switched to literally more setup? This whole season feels like half a season. Like it's building up to the real show and then we'll get the REAL show and then ... BOOM the season is over. We never get to the real show, lol. It's like ... The West Wing or something for Comic shows? Just not as good as TWW? Meaning, the drama is all in the relationships and fighting bad guys is just there to move the plot of relationship drama along? That's ... different? I did like the writing in terms of dialogue - it was very snappy and it made sense - especially Kory's plotline. I saw that Bianca Sam was the writer and Milicent Shelton was the director - they did a good job with what they had to work with - but the whole episode felt almost like a fugue dream? Is this all happening in the Titans' heads? Are they all trapped in a lab somewhere? Tequila lady (the lady who sold Kory the Tequila) was Diner lady today - but no one said anything. Is she gonna just keep showing up every season in random roles like Stan Lee? Or is she part of a mass hallucination? Also - I will be kinda upset if Kory never gets to talk about what she's going through with the team - she shouldn't have to bear all that mess by herself. But right now - ALL of her plot has happened away from the others and it's not connected to them - only Donna seems to know anything about it. That psychiatrist dude was ripped as hell, lol. I don't care about Dawn. At all. Both Dawn and Donna looked like jerks this episode. They are so judgmental of Dick. Are Rachel's powers somehow doing this thing to bring everyone together? Like that part of her that filtered off and killed that guy? Her powers are doing what her subconscious wants? Or are we supposed to believe Batman brought them all together? What? Is Dick schizophrenic or are they just gonna treat BatGhost like it's NBD and shows up only when Dick needs to process something? Also - when BatGhost called out all the people Dick "quit" on, he mentioned Rachel, Gar, Jason and then said "am I leaving anybody out?" and Dick went nuts. Who'd he mean? Kory? Rose? Oh and Rose being this show's version of Terra was an easy callout. I've been suspicious of her since day one. I don't think she even knew Jericho - she's just Slade Jr and she was sent in with a BS story about hating Slade because of Jericho. Jason's sweet tho - I feel bad for him when Rose is revealed as a traitor. Finally - GAR!!! Oh my sweet, sweet GAR!! Mercy Graves is one sick bitch. Conner went into cryo-sleep. Edited November 16, 2019 by phoenics 7 Link to comment
crazymadness November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 I feel like I care less and less about this show every week. 2 Link to comment
Keywestclubkid November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 (edited) Oh for the love of god please don’t have starfire pregnant and that being why she’s throwing up and her powers being wonky Edited November 16, 2019 by Keywestclubkid 3 Link to comment
DeadlyEuphoric November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 (edited) I didn't mind Bruce showing up to play Daddy to Titans and knock some sense into them. The way they have been behaving, deserved it. I also absolutely love that he did not include Hank. Hank is useless, Bruce could of course care less about him. Wish he had left Dawn out too but maybe he thought because she is important to Dick, she should be there for the rescue mission or whatever. The part I don't buy is him doing absolutely nothing about Jason & Rose in Gotham, but I guess he now likes to treat Jason as Dick's very own problem. Or maybe, because they are in Gotham he already has an eye on them and doesn't want them involved with Titans business right now, especially if he has suspicions about Rose. Also love love LOVE that Dick figured that Jericho is alive. Ghost!Bruce can be tiring at times as damn Dick has problems but I love Ghot!Bruce, it is a great insight into what Dick is thinking and feeling. Looks like finally Dick is getting out of self-pity party and is aware he has other responsibilities AND figured out Jericho is alive. He is supposed to be a detective and more than that, trained by Batman himself he is supposed to be very aware of smallest of details. And he obviously was. He needed "time" to go over it and finally solve it, but he HAD noted all the clues along the way. Love that. And the fact he got out himself. YES, he should have.. Guess he will end up getting the Titans all back together and really hope he can tell Donna and Dawn off for trying to put all the blame on him for everything next time he sees them. Those two need to be taken down from their judgemental high pedastals. Actually, Dawn simpply needs to go. So done with her. Donna and Dawn didn't learn much from Bruce's speech about being family. Yes, Gar and Connor needs saving (ASAP) but Titans arent going to accomplish much unless they are together. And these two are still so angry at Dick (which they have no right to be, they are simply projecting) that they continue to abandon him and the rest of the team to do their thing. Poor poor Gar. I do blame Dick in part for this, he should never have left Gar and Connor alone. I just hope he is rescued and saved from it all by the end of this season and that this doesn't play onto next season but it will probably go into next Season 😞 I don't mind that much if Kory is pregnant (if that is what that is about) as I am rather fond of Spoiler her child in the comics But a baby is not something that is likely to work within Titans, so here is hoping they are going the "she is a mess due to personal drama" way about this. When Kory said she found "love" in this world, I believe she was talking about Dick. Aww... Also, I take it Dick ran away but prison guards werent even aware of that? And gotta love he left behind a note explaining his reason for escape, in case guards were curous OR Titans showed up. So thoughtful. 😛 Edited November 16, 2019 by DeadlyEuphoric 4 Link to comment
phoenics November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said: Oh for the love of god please don’t have starfire pregnant and that being why she’s throwing up and her powers being wonky It would have to be an immaculate conception, lol. I think she was just drunk and throwing up. And her powers are wonky because she's grieving. Girl lost her parents, her bodyguard friend/ex-lover AND her entire royal court and she's stranded on Earth with a "family" she barely managed to help cobble together and that "family" just fell apart. She's clearly drinking to dull her pain. 1 Link to comment
DeadlyEuphoric November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 7 minutes ago, phoenics said: She's clearly drinking to dull her pain. The blabbering idiot of a psychiatrist one-night-stand pretty much said so too.. 2 Link to comment
Cthulhudrew November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 The only thing I find more irritating about a show forcing its own characters to jump through awkward plotholes is having the show writers try to be cute by pointing out the awkwardness of their own story. Kory: "So let me get this straight- Bruce Wayne shows up to mansplain us into getting the Titans back together?" Yep. It is just as ridiculous and hamhanded as you make it out to be Kory. Dumbest episode of this show so far, and I'm only a little over halfway through. Blarg. 1 Link to comment
BaggythePanther November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 Are they trying to say Bruce Wayne has magic powers? Because I don’t understand how he was able to make all those coincidences happen (especially Rachel’s dreams) to get the ladies to gather at the diner. I agree that Donna and Dawn are pretty judgmental when it comes to Dick, but when they explained that they were abandoning Dick to his self-flagellation in order to save Gar I was on their side. It’s probably the first time in this series that someone has worried about Gar, so I’ll take it. 22 hours ago, phoenics said: Meaning, the drama is all in the relationships and fighting bad guys is just there to move the plot of relationship drama along? That's ... different? This is kinda what Supergirl does. I think it works for them, not so much for Titans. 4 Link to comment
DeadlyEuphoric November 16, 2019 Share November 16, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, BaggythePanther said: Are they trying to say Bruce Wayne has magic powers? Because I don’t understand how he was able to make all those coincidences happen (especially Rachel’s dreams) to get the ladies to gather at the diner. I agree that Donna and Dawn are pretty judgmental when it comes to Dick, but when they explained that they were abandoning Dick to his self-flagellation in order to save Gar I was on their side. It’s probably the first time in this series that someone has worried about Gar, so I’ll take it. Rachel's dream aside, the rest was him hijacking TV or Radio to implant in them the idea they should go to Elmo or whatever it was... Rachel's dream happened on its own IMO, as in she sensed she had to go to Elmo, as that is where Titans would be meeting. Or Bruce got a telepath or something to put the idea in her brain. Of course it was all a bit too dramatic and one does wonder he could probably simply call like a normal human being and set up a meeting with them the normal way. Doubt they would decline. The problem for me is, Donna and Dawn do not have the knowledge we have about Dick's and Gar's situations. All they know is Dick is locked up in prison, which may be his own doing, but Rachel is seeing dreams of him dying -killed by Deathstroke no less!- so he is possibly in imminent danger that he is not aware of. And that Gar and Superboy are missing and need to be rescued. Bruce just gave them a speech on how important it is for them to be together and work as a team and pretty much told them to rescue Dick (pretty sure he was doing his magic with the diner TV). Donna, even before Bruce's speech, was desperately trying to reach Dick as she knew his help was much needed to find the lost the boys and rescue them. So, as far as they know, Dick is in danger and in need of help AND Gar & Superboy are in danger and in need of help. Of the two, they know exactly where Dick is, and have good reason to think it is Deathstroke going after him to kill him. So, going to his rescue as a team would take what, a few extra hours? And with Dick back in the fold, their chances of finding Superboy and Gar would be increasing. Instead they abandoned him once again, split from the team to go look for Superboy and Gar on their own. In doing so, they pretty much abandoned Rachel and Kory on their own to deal with Deathstroke -and they didn't even know Kory was going to help out, it very much seemed like it was going to be Rachel on her own!- If there is one thing these people should know, it is you never ever face Deathstroke just on your own... So, it wasn't a carefully thought strategic decision, it was a decision made with a "he wants to rot in jail, fine by me!" attitude, just because they are upset with him over Jericho and the fact he got himself in jail in a stupid effort to pay for his "mistakes", a state of mind they very much had a hand in putting him in, btw. They have a problem with Dick's self-hating and self-punishing, but don't have a problem with putting all the blame on him all the time, completely ignoring their part of it all. It bugs me on so many levels. Worst friends ever, if they can be called that. Edited November 16, 2019 by DeadlyEuphoric 8 Link to comment
phoenics November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 2 hours ago, BaggythePanther said: Are they trying to say Bruce Wayne has magic powers? Because I don’t understand how he was able to make all those coincidences happen (especially Rachel’s dreams) to get the ladies to gather at the diner. I agree that Donna and Dawn are pretty judgmental when it comes to Dick, but when they explained that they were abandoning Dick to his self-flagellation in order to save Gar I was on their side. It’s probably the first time in this series that someone has worried about Gar, so I’ll take it. This is kinda what Supergirl does. I think it works for them, not so much for Titans. I guess what I mean is that we barely get any action scenes or "superheroing" - we just get endless conversations about relationship drama. And not even romantic relationships. Just relating in general. It's just dragging. I felt like after the ep with Kory and Dick fighting Deathstroke, we'd see more of that kind of stuff but nope. *heavy sigh* I don't mind some of the team drama I just want more action and faster pacing. The reason this works better on Supergirl is because they do villains of the week. 3 Link to comment
phoenics November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 1 hour ago, DeadlyEuphoric said: Rachel's dream aside, the rest was him hijacking TV or Radio to implant in them the idea they should go to Elmo or whatever it was... Rachel's dream happened on its own IMO, as in she sensed she had to go to Elmo, as that is where Titans would be meeting. Or Bruce got a telepath or something to put the idea in her brain. Of course it was all a bit too dramatic and one does wonder he could probably simply call like a normal human being and set up a meeting with them the normal way. Doubt they would decline. The problem for me is, Donna and Dawn do not have the knowledge we have about Dick's and Gar's situations. All they know is Dick is locked up in prison, which may be his own doing, but Rachel is seeing dreams of him dying -killed by Deathstroke no less!- so he is possibly in imminent danger that he is not aware of. And that Gar and Superboy are missing and need to be rescued. Bruce just gave them a speech on how important it is for them to be together and work as a team and pretty much told them to rescue Dick (pretty sure he was doing his magic with the diner TV). Donna, even before Bruce's speech, was desperately trying to reach Dick as she knew his help was much needed to find the lost the boys and rescue them. So, as far as they know, Dick is in danger and in need of help AND Gar & Superboy are in danger and in need of help. Of the two, they know exactly where Dick is, and have good reason to think it is Deathstroke going after him to kill him. So, going to his rescue as a team would take what, a few extra hours? And with Dick back in the fold, their chances of finding Superboy and Gar would be increasing. Instead they abandoned him once again, split from the team to go look for Superboy and Gar on their own. In doing so, they pretty much abandoned Rachel and Kory on their own to deal with Deathstroke -and they didn't even know Kory was going to help out, it very much seemed like it was going to be Rachel on her own!- If there is one thing these people should know, it is you never ever face Deathstroke just on your own... So, it wasn't a carefully thought strategic decision, it was a decision made with a "he wants to rot in jail, fine by me!" attitude, just because they are upset with him over Jericho and the fact he got himself in jail in a stupid effort to pay for his "mistakes", a state of mind they very much had a hand in putting him in, btw. They have a problem with Dick's self-hating and self-punishing, but don't have a problem with putting all the blame on him all the time, completely ignoring their part of it all. It bugs me on so many levels. Worst friends ever, if they can be called that. ICAM. Also - have you noticed that Dawn NEVER EVER speaks to Kory? When she got to the diner, she acknowledged Rachel but didn't say a word to Kory. She's done this in other scenes too. I hope the show isn't going to make them adversarial over Dick - especially when that should never happen given how much of a shitfriend Dawn has been to Dick and continues to be to Dick. What got me was after she broke up with Hank - she starts heading to SF? Why? Was she going back to Dick? Only to turn on him (again) after she finds out he was in prison. The writing isn't doing Dawn or Donna any favors, tbh. Unless that's the point. Maybe OG Titans didn't work not just because Dick tends to self martyr and act like Batman a bit, but because the OGs themselves are a bunch of judgemental and hypocritical assholes. Whew. Glad to get that out. I do wonder how Hank is doing but hope to God we aren't gonna get a whole episode devoted to him being at the bottom of a bottle. Kory has lost way more than he has (her ENTIRE FAMILY, royal court, ex-lover and way home) yet we just got part of an episode devoted to that. I do hope the show isn't going to make Kory feel all of this stuff in isolation with no one ever finding out or offering her any comfort. No strong black women tropes please. Bianca Sam is very good at writing Kory though - she comes across as 1000% authentic when Bianca writes her. I'm still confused about how Bruce got them all together like that - I really think it was Rachel doing that. Or it should have been her subconscious doing it. It makes the most sense with how the others were contacted. Still felt like a fugue dream. 3 Link to comment
Sakura12 November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 Haven't watched this yet and not sure I want too. They ruined one of my favorite characters on this show to make Dick look like the poor lost boy that becomes a hero. I don't even know what this show is supposed to be about. Link to comment
phoenics November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 1 hour ago, Sakura12 said: Haven't watched this yet and not sure I want too. They ruined one of my favorite characters on this show to make Dick look like the poor lost boy that becomes a hero. I don't even know what this show is supposed to be about. What's sad is making Donna like this wasn't even necessary. She could've been written/played neutral. Hank and Dawn were more than judgmental enough on their own. And Dick hasn't been well served by this plot either. Changing direction a bit, I do think though that whatever is happening to Gar is going to carry over into next season and I'm glad because at least he will get some prolonged focus. I hope. 4 Link to comment
BaggythePanther November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 4 hours ago, phoenics said: I do hope the show isn't going to make Kory feel all of this stuff in isolation with no one ever finding out or offering her any comfort. No strong black women tropes please. I read somewhere that next season Spoiler the main villain will be Blackfire. If this is true I wouldn’t be surprised if no one found what is going on with Kory until the season finale. Link to comment
DeadlyEuphoric November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 9 hours ago, phoenics said: When she got to the diner, she acknowledged Rachel but didn't say a word to Kory. She's done this in other scenes too. I hope the show isn't going to make them adversarial over Dick - especially when that should never happen given how much of a shitfriend Dawn has been to Dick and continues to be to Dick. Not sure show Dick/Dawn can work at all at this point, so hopefully they won't go there. Actually if I am lucky, no Dawn next season. Dawn and Hank clearly have no interest in being a Titan and I can't take another season of their reluctant, judgemental, whiny existence within this team. They aren't happy as a Titan and they spread their misery. Dawn in general doesn't seem to have that great relationships with the women in this show? Don't think they were that close with Donna, they probably never saw one another after the split. She doesn't talk to Kory. Cant remember there being a really memorable scene between him and Rachel (unlike Kory and Rachel who are obviously close). Dawn's world exists of the boy she is currently dating. And I think she is supposed to be somewhat the mother hen of the group, thinking of the safety of the young ones first and feeelings and morality etc but that doesn't really come across much. 6 hours ago, phoenics said: Changing direction a bit, I do think though that whatever is happening to Gar is going to carry over into next season and I'm glad because at least he will get some prolonged focus. I hope. Would like Gar to have some focus, but hate the idea of him spending many episodes not being himself but some spy/sleeper agent Cadmus lobotomized to ultimately betray the Titans. I would like an "in-control of himself" Gar getting some spotlight, be it dealing with the aftermath of the experience with Cadmus and their experiments on him or something else. Besides "someone from the team betrays them" plot is so played out. 3 Link to comment
Sakura12 November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 10 hours ago, phoenics said: And Dick hasn't been well served by this plot either. We're meant to feel sorry for Dick that he has such awful friends so he comes out looking better in this. It is weird that Dawn hasn't acknowledged Kory. I don't think she knows about Dick and Kory unless Donna told her and they don't seem that close either. They gave Kory and Donna a kind of friendship or at least the start of one. They didn't do that for Donna and Dawn. From the flashbacks it looks like Donna kept her distance from all the Titans minus Dick. 1 Link to comment
phoenics November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 4 hours ago, DeadlyEuphoric said: Not sure show Dick/Dawn can work at all at this point, so hopefully they won't go there. Actually if I am lucky, no Dawn next season. Dawn and Hank clearly have no interest in being a Titan and I can't take another season of their reluctant, judgemental, whiny existence within this team. They aren't happy as a Titan and they spread their misery. Dawn in general doesn't seem to have that great relationships with the women in this show? Don't think they were that close with Donna, they probably never saw one another after the split. She doesn't talk to Kory. Cant remember there being a really memorable scene between him and Rachel (unlike Kory and Rachel who are obviously close). Dawn's world exists of the boy she is currently dating. And I think she is supposed to be somewhat the mother hen of the group, thinking of the safety of the young ones first and feeelings and morality etc but that doesn't really come across much. Would like Gar to have some focus, but hate the idea of him spending many episodes not being himself but some spy/sleeper agent Cadmus lobotomized to ultimately betray the Titans. I would like an "in-control of himself" Gar getting some spotlight, be it dealing with the aftermath of the experience with Cadmus and their experiments on him or something else. Besides "someone from the team betrays them" plot is so played out. Agree with everything except Dawn being the mother hen. I think It's Kory who is actually the mother hen. She behaves in action like one and she doesn't turn on people. Minka Kelly tried to claim Dawn was the mother to the younger Titans and social media lit her up and asserted that Kory has had that role since S1 and Dawn does not. She eventually deleted her post. There was some kind of dust up too between Anna Diop, Conor Leslie and Minka ... like a spat... but then it seemed to blow over and they were all following each other again. Minka hasn't said anything like what she said since. About the betrayal thing - I think it's clear that was gonna be Rose... but I think the Cadmus stuff is more about Gar eventually being able to become a true BeastBoy, and not the TigerWithASideOfSnakeBoy he's been for the show's run. 1 2 Link to comment
wingster55 November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 18 hours ago, BaggythePanther said: Are they trying to say Bruce Wayne has magic powers? Because I don’t understand how he was able to make all those coincidences happen (especially Rachel’s dreams) to get the ladies to gather at the diner. No, I think that really was Rachel unknowingly. Bruce showing up so fast was convenient but it’s totally a Batman move to keep tabs on everyone at all times especially when it involves his favorite son. 26 minutes ago, phoenics said: Minka Kelly tried to claim Dawn was the mother to the younger Titans and social media lit her up and asserted that Kory has had that role since S1 and Dawn does not. Which is funny because in a way Minka is right. She met Rachel first and was doing well with her before Dick took her elsewhere. Link to comment
DeadlyEuphoric November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 (edited) 5 hours ago, phoenics said: Agree with everything except Dawn being the mother hen. I think It's Kory who is actually the mother hen. She behaves in action like one and she doesn't turn on people. I didn't mean *I* see Dawn as the mother hen, I do see the show trying to go there with her but they are failing miserably, that is what I meant. Kory definitely fits it better, she actually sticks around and has their backs and tries to take care of them all, for one thing. lol Edited November 17, 2019 by DeadlyEuphoric 2 Link to comment
phoenics November 17, 2019 Share November 17, 2019 2 hours ago, DeadlyEuphoric said: I didn't mean *I* see Dawn as the mother hen, I do see the show trying to go there with her but they are failing miserably, that is what I meant. Kory definitely fits it better, she actually sticks around and has their backs and tries to take care of them all, for one thing. lol Maybe the show is trying for that, but I feel the show is doing just as much, if not more to establish Kory in that role. Honestly I can't figure out what they are trying to do with Dawn. Whether they've given up on Hank and Dawn, a spinoff or if they plan to try to force Dawn onto this team or something, I dunno. Frankly I think a lot of fans would abandon ship if they did that. Hank and Dawn just don't fit on this show. A spin-off I could take, but I really don't need to see them on this show. They disrupt it too much - they literally feel like characters that came from another show. 3 Link to comment
DeadlyEuphoric November 18, 2019 Share November 18, 2019 30 minutes ago, phoenics said: Maybe the show is trying for that, but I feel the show is doing just as much, if not more to establish Kory in that role. Honestly I can't figure out what they are trying to do with Dawn. Whether they've given up on Hank and Dawn, a spinoff or if they plan to try to force Dawn onto this team or something, I dunno. Frankly I think a lot of fans would abandon ship if they did that. Hank and Dawn just don't fit on this show. A spin-off I could take, but I really don't need to see them on this show. They disrupt it too much - they literally feel like characters that came from another show. I have no idea what they are doing with them either. I believe they had a considerable fan following last year which gave them the idea to do a spin-off. I was neutral regarding them. But this season has been really bad for them. They basically suck the fun and energy out of any scene they are in lately, so hard for me to imagine they could carry a spin-off on their own, they are simply not interesting and layered enough. First three things that pop to mind when I think of them is judgemental, whiny and depressed. That is a very bad combo. The only enjoyable scene with them was them singing and that is more on the actors than writing. It is a general problem with the writing for the Original Titans too. We know Dick loved the Titans and cared for it a lot and it shows, but feels every other member could have cared less for the team back then, and could care less now. That was an epic fail of an approach to doing this. You are writing a super-hero team show, you want your audience to love the team and feel excited about it, and you achieve it through enthusiasm of the characters where they want to be together and together are able to do great things. Here, we are in season 2, and most of the characters are going around acting like being part of that team was and is the worst thing ever , and except for a few personal shining moments, as a team, they don't come off as that competent... I am at a point where, next season, I want Titans to be just Dick and the "new" generation who are excited about being a Titan and being part of a family, and don't want any of the Originals involved, because they so clearly don't want to be there. Sometimes I feel at the root of their anger at Dick lies the fact that he got them involved in Titans in the first place. Like he was this needy kid who wanted a team, and they were just humoring him, and ended up suffering for it so are now pissed off at him... It is sad, though, I wish Original Titans team was half likeable and rootable. The reason it is worse for Hank and Dawn is probably because this season there is just no saving grace to them. They are constantly a let down. 3 Link to comment
Lyanna19 November 18, 2019 Share November 18, 2019 Does anyone else feel that they chose the wrong man to play Bruce Wayne? Imo they failed I dislike Dawn, but not as much as the hate I have going for Donna right now, with friends like her, who needs enemies? Poor Gar... Are they setting him up to kill Rachel? I hope Jason dumps Rose, literally and figuratively, she has issues, big time, and frankly, Jason doesn't need her or those issues. I love Dick, (and not the way it sounds!) He's absolutely my hero... 1 Link to comment
phoenics November 20, 2019 Share November 20, 2019 On 11/18/2019 at 10:14 AM, Lyanna19 said: I love Dick, (and not the way it sounds!) This gave me a good belly laugh. I still feel like DinerBruce wasn't real and was some kind of shared hallucination that Rachel's subconscious created. And is that lady in the diner gonna show up every season like Stan Lee in the Marvel movies (though not anymore, sob). 5 Link to comment
Lyanna19 November 20, 2019 Share November 20, 2019 10 hours ago, phoenics said: And is that lady in the diner gonna show up every season like Stan Lee in the Marvel movies (though not anymore, sob). Has that lady appeared before? Could you refresh my memory please? 1 Link to comment
phoenics November 21, 2019 Share November 21, 2019 (edited) 15 hours ago, Lyanna19 said: Has that lady appeared before? Could you refresh my memory please? In S1, Ep 5 I believe, she was the lady in the "Happy Times Liquor Store" who sold Kory the bottle of tequila that Kory tried to use to seduce Dick into giving up his secrets (Dick ended up seducing Kory instead, lol). Anyway - one funny thing I noticed in this episode (E.L.K.O.) was how Teagan was trying SO HARD to channel Anna Diop's walk in the prison ... lol. Bless her heart. No one can strut into a room like Anna. But Teagan trying to copy her mom was adorable. Edited November 21, 2019 by phoenics 2 Link to comment
MarkHB November 21, 2019 Author Share November 21, 2019 Two things occurred to me about the excessively -- something -- episode title. First, by omitting the third letter maybe they were lampshading that a lot of people's first reaction upon watching the episode might be, "[O] Kay............." Second, even though I already made the ELO joke in the opening post of the thread, it is true that one of the more memorable lines in that song sounds like "Don't bring me down, Bbbbbrrrruce!" (Handy link for those who might not have had this come on at all their middle school dances....) 1 2 Link to comment
phoenics November 21, 2019 Share November 21, 2019 12 hours ago, MarkHB said: Two things occurred to me about the excessively -- something -- episode title. First, by omitting the third letter maybe they were lampshading that a lot of people's first reaction upon watching the episode might be, "[O] Kay............." But ... doesn't the K come before the O? Link to comment
MarkHB November 22, 2019 Author Share November 22, 2019 1 hour ago, phoenics said: But ... doesn't the K come before the O? Yeah, but I was omitting the actual O from the reaction, i.e. "Kaaayyyyy...." But then I bracketed it and I've probably explained too much already 🙂 Link to comment
phoenics November 22, 2019 Share November 22, 2019 19 hours ago, MarkHB said: Yeah, but I was omitting the actual O from the reaction, i.e. "Kaaayyyyy...." But then I bracketed it and I've probably explained too much already 🙂 LOL - yes you've totally lost me, lol. 1 Link to comment
Ottis August 28, 2021 Share August 28, 2021 Pretty much fast forwarding through most eps in this pointless season. Including this episode of sulking, pouting and weeniness. Yes, yes, be a team and quit being self involved jackasses. Link to comment
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