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Kate Callahan: Love Is All Around

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I don't disagree with you, Normasm.  I was thinking more along the lines of how Willowy described it.  It might be interesting if Kate had trust issues because of her undercover history, and kept everything very superficial with the others.  Reid would call her out on it, because he doesn't 'do' artifice. 


Even if the show didn't pursue it, Reid was the only member of the team to notice that there was anything going on with JJ before the dreadful '200'.  So it's not like he wouldn't notice something going on with a new brunette profiler with an undercover history and trust issues-----oh, that's right----unless her name was Emily Prentiss.  :)




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Willowy said Ha, no, of course he'd share it, just thinking it would be cool if he were always the one to call her on her bs. There could be a whole thing of her going "Damnit, Reid!" when he'd figure her out, every time. :)


He's never done that, and it would be OOC if he did. He never called Elle out, although he felt something was wrong. He didn't call Emily out, because he really didn't know what might be going on, but trusted her to take care of it. And with his suspicions of JJ's actions last season, the writers gave him the visible doubts, but none - none - of the follow through when it turned out she had kept the secrets that almost got her killed. All we got was a pursed-lip look at her from far away and 3/4 oblique.


And yes, there should be a difference with a newbie: Reid trusts less and less as time goes on, or should, if the writers take into account his 10 years of legacy as a character... 

Edited by normasm
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I think that Reid didn't so much call people out in an aggressive way, but he did try to get through to them.

With Elle he went to her hotel room and told her what he thought was going on and asked her to talk to him. When she wasn't opening up he said "Please".


He asked Hotch if he wanted him to take over an interview when he knew that Hotch was having some issues with Haley. Not really calling him out, but showing that he knew something was up and he was willing to listen when Hotch opened up a little at the end of that episode.


With Emily he commented on her nails and said he knew she picked at them when she was nervous or stressed (I can't remember the exact words). He then opened up to her in what I think was an attempt to get her to reciprocate.


He also noted that Rossi had been staring at the same page of a newspaper for too long and went and confronted him. 


So he never did the in-your-face "What the hell is wrong with you" type calling out, but he did a more polite "I know something must be wrong and I'm willing to listen" type approach.

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Yeah Reid can be very empathetic, but he is more like that with team members he has a close relationship already. I don't see him acting that way toward a newbie, not for a while anyway unless they form a pretty quick friendship.

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Well, I'm pretty sure that at least once he'll check out her rack. :-D


Also, I didn't mean to imply earlier that Matthew would have to suck up to JLH to get publicity. I meant if he genuinely liked her and vice versa, that it could be good for his career.

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I think the only female Reid never checked out was Alex, so I think it is safe to say that Reid will be at least surreptitiously checking out Kate's bodacious rack. :) :) :)  As long as they don't try and set stuff up like they did with Ashley (thankfully that seemed to get squashed right after "What Happens at Home..."). That was just ooky, and yet another reason (though farther down the list) why I didn't like her character. 

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I can't wait to see how they work together. I hope it's a teasing type of back and forth, rather than her being smarmy with him. I'd like her to toss something at him and he shoot her a spot-on retort right back instead of just standing there looking befuddled like they've had him do so many times before. I'd like him to show a "Nuh-uh, newbie" attitude towards her. It's past time for Reid to have someone he can banter off of and I'm hoping she'll be the one. 

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Guys, if he knew something about a newbie that smelled off to him,he would go immediately to Hotch, maybe to the whole team. He would not hold a newbie's secret out against the whole team. Unless they make NewReid. God, please do not allow this.


Agreed but it could be more like the JJ/Will reveal -- I loved when she finally admitted to everyone they were dating and they were all like, "FINALLY!!"  It really bothers me when it seems that these incredibly perceptive people are totally fucking oblivious to their team members and I love small reveals like that that show they notice but give each other breathing room, you know?

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JJ has never been a newbie, though, dusang, so yeah, I can see the team knowing something's going on with JJ but giving her space. That's so different than feeling that a new team member is hiding something, and it feels "off" to this very smart profiler. 


I hope they play it that Reid is tired of warming to people and losing them, so he is cool to the new member. Not cold, not childish and bitchy, just making her prove she's worth getting gutted when she leaves, like they all do. 

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I'll just be satisfied if, whenever Reid gets a line, Callahan doesn't roll her eyes or grimace, but instead shows admiration or appreciation of his contributions. It would be nice to have another member of the team value Reid rather than making him the butt of her jokes.

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The Reid and Seaver thing.. Ugh.. And that was when they said they were planning to give Reid a girlfriend that season but Matthew said they nixxed the idea because of the mess with AJ and Paget. I really think they were trying to set Seaver up to be the girlfriend. They didn't have the chemistry though, and when it started out it seemed way too forced. Well, the whole Seaver thing was just forced. She did not fit at all and they just tried to hammer her in there and it just made things worse.


I really hope they don't have Reid being clueless and coming off as less experienced than Kate.


The "newbie" thing made me think of an episode of Stargate:SG1 where Dr. Daniel Jackson told Cameron something like "hey, New Guy, don't touch anything!" which was particularly hilarious if you watched reruns of the older seasons and saw that Daniel would walk around just randomly touching things on strange worlds.

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I'll just be satisfied if, whenever Reid gets a line, Callahan doesn't roll her eyes or grimace, but instead shows admiration or appreciation of his contributions. It would be nice to have another member of the team value Reid rather than making him the butt of her jokes.

This is what I'm worried about too, and its why I'm already annoyed and she's not even here yet. It isn't bad enough that half the time the characters treat Reid like he's from Jupiter or something, now the writers have a brand new shiny toy to play with. I'd like to look forward to what develops, but I'm worried.

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This is what I'm worried about too, and its why I'm already annoyed and she's not even here yet. It isn't bad enough that half the time the characters treat Reid like he's from Jupiter or something, now the writers have a brand new shiny toy to play with. I'd like to look forward to what develops, but I'm worried.

And this is why I grew to really like Alex Blake because she didn't treat Reid like that at all.Yes she made that one remark on the plane but then she later apologized to Reid. Her and Reid both seemed to understand and had mutual respect for each other. I know that the 2 of them were suppose to have a prior history before the BAU. The show however never really bothered to expound upon it. I guess Blake and Reid were just not as important as Messer's "golden girl" and Cruz.


I'd personally would love it if Callahan was somewhat in awe of his genius abilities.I think the team has known him for so long that the often take him being a genius for granted.So I would just love it if Reid could be seen thru a fresh pair of eyes such as Kate Callahan. 

Edited by missmycat
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Yeah. I'd love it if she was actually interested in his factoids. I was annoyed when Seaver said "I'm sorry" and he said "For what" and her reply was "For asking". It was uncalled for from a newbie.

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So I'm actually hoping that they will give this new character a history.

Scenario A.I can see it now...her mother/father/sister/brother (pick one) was mysteriously murdered and the case has never been solved.  She joined the FBI and then the BAU to give herself insider info that will allow her to find the killer and bring him/her to justice.   In the process, she will discover a massive cover-up operation that will change..."everything".

Scenario B.  Her mother/father/sister/brother is a drug user/alcoholic/ex-con/girlfriend of mob guy (Pick one or more) who is constantly barging into her life and bringing their problems under her roof.

Scenario C.  She became so deeply involved with the "Big Bad" during her undercover days that she now fears for her safety because "BB" has escaped from custody and is looking for the snitch.

Scenario D.  She spent the past few years undercover running a massage parlor? and providing "happy endings" for a bunch of yahoos in Texas and discovered that she kinda liked it.  As she joins the BAU she is picturing Hotch, Morgan, or Reid on her table (or JJ?)

Scenario E.  None of the above.  Erica and her minions actually come up with something original--but I doubt it...

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Scenario A.I can see it now...her mother/father/sister/brother (pick one) was mysteriously murdered and the case has never been solved.  She joined the FBI and then the BAU to give herself insider info that will allow her to find the killer and bring him/her to justice.   In the process, she will discover a massive cover-up operation that will change..."everything".

Scenario B.  Her mother/father/sister/brother is a drug user/alcoholic/ex-con/girlfriend of mob guy (Pick one or more) who is constantly barging into her life and bringing their problems under her roof.

Scenario C.  She became so deeply involved with the "Big Bad" during her undercover days that she now fears for her safety because "BB" has escaped from custody and is looking for the snitch.

Scenario D.  She spent the past few years undercover running a massage parlor? and providing "happy endings" for a bunch of yahoos in Texas and discovered that she kinda liked it.  As she joins the BAU she is picturing Hotch, Morgan, or Reid on her table (or JJ?)

Scenario E.  None of the above.  Erica and her minions actually come up with something original--but I doubt it...

OMG I am literally cracking up right now over your post. I probably shouldn't though because one of those scenarios may very well become a reality on the show.I have to say though if any were to come to pass, I am so hoping it would be scenario D, with Reid being the one she is picturing on her table.

Edited by missmycat
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You forgot that she knows what someone did last summer.... :P


Apparently the cast went to the CBS party, but they couldn't find JLH (she was there in an unfortunate pants-suit-- the shirt looked great, but the pants were hiked up high and made her look shorter and wider). Joe said he loves her to death, but I'm not sure on the rest of the cast. Of course, they need time to get to know her more. People made fun of her outfit at the party. 


One of them said that Jennifer brings an energy that is very much part of her character. So she might end up being bubbly.


I hope that she's lively but not annoying. 


As for the family member that was formerly in the mob or something-- if she had close affiliations with a criminal like that prior to joining the FBI, she would not have passed the security clearance. They will reject people because of their family members and social ties.


AJ made it sound like they are going to have to do some backstory on the new character and mentioned something about maybe the team can do some undercover stories. Ugh. No. I know she was joking, but I don't want the writers getting any ideas.



Edited by zannej
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That's a truly unfortunate outfit! It obscures what's nice about her figure while emphasizing every single flaw - and it creates some flaws that might not be there! OK, I know that is very superficial, but i couldn't help it. And, hey, I would go after any other cast member in a red carpet situation, but the others looked great, especially AJ. OK, Matthew was a tad underdressed...


But I digress. What I really wanted to say echoes what some are saying here already: I'm nervous about the message I'm getting from her not joining the cast at any time in the evening. This is not good in any scenario I can run. There's either an avoidance issue or an ego play at work here...

Edited by normasm
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Did she even try? That shirt makes her look droopy up top, not to mention the underarm jub on full display, and those unflattering high-waisted pants! Or it's all a jumpsuit, I can't really tell, but ugh! No lipstick, even? And what's with that pose? She gonna break into lunges any moment? 


I'm not saying everyone needs to be dressed and made up to the nines always, but celebs on a red carpet event should really bring their a-game. That's just awful.

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Well, that's interesting. She's saying that Kate is a criminal psychologist. Not a word about undercover. And that they've all dealt with her before. OK.


She seemed nice in the interview.


Oh, and thank you, Willowy

Edited by normasm
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I'm not sure if this is good or not. It seems similar to Blake, as in apart from García they all knew her before we were introduced to her, and she had a long FBI history. 


I am glad that Callahan's not going to be confused about the procedure and we won't have to listen to any explanations of how it all works - it's been ten years, we get it. Plus, having an established dynamic between her and the other characters should make it more seamless and cause less disruption emotionally and professionally.  But it also might be rather understated and less interesting.


Plus, she's another tiny tough asskicker... let's hope they don't have JJ be jealous of her or anything idiotic like that, or I will kick something. I just hope the girls get along and back each other up. I liked the way JJ and Prentiss related to one another.


I like that she's a psychologist and hope that they give her some serious credentials - the only other psychology graduate is Reid and if I remember correctly, it was only one of his degrees, not a doctorate. It would be great to see a real expert at work.

Edited by Lebanna
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I absolutely love that she's a psychologist---JLH is such a natural 'people person', IMO, and I can totally see her displaying the empathy, warmth and insight that role would entail. And while she's not exactly looking her best in the above picture or that E! interview [/understatement!], I just find her so eminently likable. I feel like that she might add a nice, natural energy, exuberance and vivacity to a team that can sometimes seem a bit staid and flat. 

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Did she even try? That shirt makes her look droopy up top, not to mention the underarm jub on full display, and those unflattering high-waisted pants! Or it's all a jumpsuit, I can't really tell, but ugh! No lipstick, even? And what's with that pose? She gonna break into lunges any moment? 


I'm not saying everyone needs to be dressed and made up to the nines always, but celebs on a red carpet event should really bring their a-game. That's just awful.

Looks like a jumpsuit to me and an ugly one at that. It's definitely not suited to her figure.

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I am glad that Callahan's not going to be confused about the procedure and we won't have to listen to any explanations of how it all works - it's been ten years, we get it. Plus, having an established dynamic between her and the other characters should make it more seamless and cause less disruption emotionally and professionally.  


I agree with this. I'm hoping that she's introduced as easily as another Kate - Katie Cole. She seemed familiar to everyone, if a little weary, and worked seamlessly with the team. 

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I think its a separate shirt and pants. She mentioned something about thanking her stylist for picking it out for her, so she's not the one who picked it herself. Those pants look like they were meant to be underneath a top and not with a top tucked in. Or maybe they were meant with someone with a longer torso. On her it seems to cut her off and the crotch hangs so low it makes her look sort of like an oompa loompa.


I actually liked the design of the shirt, I just think it should have been untucked to extend her torso more and then had a nice fit and flare skirt or some pants that were more fitted at the top instead of looking so bulky. (And I am no fashion expert at all-- I get most of my clothes for under $10 at Walmart and I've been wearing the same shoes for 13 years-- they've been falling apart for the past year).


I did really like her snake bracelet though. Her earrings looked cool, too.


Anyway, its interesting that she says she doesn't like change and that she wasn't ready to go back to work but for some reason she took the offer. I noticed that she didn't mention having watched the show before. Also interesting that she said she's a criminal psychologist.


I have to say that I'm a tad disappointed that they are going to have the team already know her and have her jump right in and be an expert. I find it more realistic and interesting to see them trying to get to know someone new and then forming bonds. Plus it would be nice to see her having to learn the ropes at least a little. Sure she's had experience in another division, but things here might work a little bit differently. I hope they don't have her trump other team members. And she said that her character is a "badass" and "scrappy". I'm getting shades of Elle. At least she seems to be having fun so far. She really does seem engaging in the interview. I loved her cheese-wiz comment.


Hopefully it will all work out.

Edited by zannej
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Aren't they profilers?, able to snuff out someone faking it versus the real deal? That was their explanation about why The Replicator couldn't have been in the BAU- they'd snuff it out. So how is Kate able to fool them in an undercover operation?

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Aren't they profilers?, able to snuff out someone faking it versus the real deal? That was their explanation about why The Replicator couldn't have been in the BAU- they'd snuff it out. So how is Kate able to fool them in an undercover operation?


Where does it say that she fools the BAU team?

Edited by dusang
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Here is a slide show of the newbie. JLH seems to be really enjoying herself. I've got to say I really like the way she is dressed.Loved the scenes with Reid.And the scenes with Morgan and Reid.A bit disappointed there wasn't any Hotch scenes,but ecstatic that there wasn't any with the Mary Sue either. Although I'm sure some will show up sooner or later.





Edited by missmycat
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Where does it say that she fools the BAU team?

The article I read said that the team met her before- at the karaoke night last season- and saw her schmoozing with a criminal, with the team being surprised by it. That sounds to me like she fooled the team into thinking she's associating with criminals when she really wasn't.

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I think it means they saw her at the karaoke last year, and when they meet her this year, they recognize her from that, finding out that she was undercover then.


Agree to disagree -- I read it as she was at karaoke as herself and now, in the course of an investigation perhaps, they run across her schmoozing their suspect in an undercover role and are surprised their investigations have crossed paths.  But it's pointless to debate the nuances of an Ausiello blurb, it will all be clear in October.

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Did anyone else eyeroll and/or facepalm about how none of the team has ever shmoozed with a bad guy before? Hello... Prentiss... Reid... even Hotch to an extent...


They really need someone competent to be in charge of continuity. And Erica just needs to watch the earlier seasons before she opens her piehole. Someone said it was like the time she said it was appropriate that Morgan was the first one to know Prentiss was leaving because he was the last one to know she was alive... Uh... He found out at the same time as everyone else.


Anyway, I hope that the niece isn't too young and cutesy and that if they show her they get a good actress for her. I'm not sure how they are going to reconcile her having enough time to take care of a child while traveling, unless she has a stay-at-home husband or wife or girlfriend or boyfriend or something...

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Wait, where did we find out she's raising her niece? I completely missed that.


If so, then I agree - it's already unusual that Hotch's sister-in-law is basically raising Jack while Hotch constantly leaves for days at a time (I mean, it absolutely happens, but it's usually a tough situation for everybody to cope with sometimes, and they never show us that side of it).


JJ's situation is more regular, although the idea that either she or her husband are always home when they both work more than full time jobs with changeable schedules seems unlikely. Again, they make a big thing out of JJ being supermom, but they never show us the problems she might be facing any more.


So if this is happening, then whatever they come up with is sure to be pretty unrealistic. Although I'll jump for joy if Kate's significant other works part time so s/he can be home at two to help the kid with her homework.

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Lebanna, Shemar said that in an interview at the CBS thing they had. 


I would so love it if Kate has a girlfriend who helps look after the girl. Although, I don't want to see either one more than we see Jack and Henry in a season.

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Thanks, normasm. I couldn't remember where I heard/read about the niece. Shemar actually seemed rather genuine when he talked about how JLH fit right in. He's not the world's best actor and he didn't sound like he was just hyping things. I'm hoping that its true and that she really is gelling with the cast well. (kitten stepped on my keyboard and deleted some stuff).


The fact that JLH has a baby might mean that she doesn't want to work the same hours AJ worked last season, so maybe she will want to take it easy and not have too much screentime.

Edited by zannej
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Right now, I am pretty open minded about Jennifer on the show, and from everything I've read and what little I've seen from the promos, I think I will like her character. I'm hoping she becomes (platonically) friendly with Reid and he'll have another friend who actually appreciates what he brings to the table. :)

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Okay, I just saw JLH on Jimmy Kimmel and they mentioned that she was on Criminal Minds, that it was the 10th season, and that it was creepy and people get killed. That's it. I don't begrudge her wanting to talk about her life, her baby, etc., but to not even mention what her character was like or anything seemed kind of cheap to me.

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