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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Agree she looks good. Looks like she's using lip filler. She may have had a facelift. Her jawline looks tight. The biggest change is her weight loss though. I read she's lost 30 lbs. I guess we'll see the new version on the next season. By the way, she was asked if she used Ozempic, the Type 2 diabetes drug many (especially celebrities) are taking now for weight loss. She said she has "never used Ozempic" or any weight loss drugs. She said she did it by cutting out alcohol, sugar and all other carbs. She's 125 lbs now and was 155 lbs. I never would've guessed she weighed 155. She's only 5'2 or 5'3", so that weight is higher than I thought what she was carrying. Kyle Richards Reveals How She Slimmed Down Without Using Weight Loss Drug Ozempic (yahoo.com)
  2. It takes A LOT to get the boot. You can assault someone and stay on the show (Brandi, Nene Leakes, Porsha from ATL, Teresa Guidice, etc). Speaking of Teresa, you can go to prison and still be on the show. And you can be in serious legal trouble and still be a HW (Erika Girardi, Jen Shah). In fact, I'm thinking it's a resume enhancement for these women. I'm probably leaving out a bunch of other stuff. Bravo's "standards" are circling the drain.
  3. A few days ago there was a YT video of (supposedly) Brandi in a knock-down, drag-out physical fight with another woman. The video said it was Caroline Manzo. Due to the fight, neither of their faces were clearly seen. It might have been Brandi but the other woman’s body looked younger and slimmer than Caroline. The video said this was why Brandi got booted. But now the video is gone so maybe it was a fake. Other stories are saying it’s due to her kissing Carolina.
  4. Below is Irlene Mandrell, Christina's mother. I'm old and I remember the Mandrell sisters had a show way back. I thought of the three, Barbara, Louise and Irlene, Irlene was the least talented. I thought Louise was the prettiest. I remember she had a killer body and my dad used to lust after her. Agree with the comments about Zach seeming scared off by Christina being a mother. I don't think she'll make it to final four. Definite producer influence for Briana getting a rose. Zach doesn't seem into her at all. He sure is kissing a lot of the women!
  5. I heard this happened on the last day of filming, so we'll see Caroline and Brandi for most of the episodes. Brandi is out of control. If a man had done this, he would've been immediately booted off the show. Yet Brandi has pulled this garbage with more than one HW. I'm glad they kicked her off. She's obnoxious and embarrassing.
  6. Me too, and I laughed when she was talking to Chris and dryly referred to Deborah as “Cookie Monster.”
  7. Most of the women were so drunk, obnoxious and out of control at the strip club that I felt uncomfortable watching it. What a sloppy, embarrassing display. I don’t believe Mia’s story about Wendy. I think Mia likes to believes everyone is lusting for her. I can believe Karen has had issues with alcohol, but I don’t buy the bathroom story. Charisse was wasted and spewning garbage at the wall. She clearly detests Karen. Even when I was 20, I wouldn’t have worn that bodysuit or whatever it was. I liked Robyn’s first wedding dress the best, but the whole scene seemed staged.
  8. I agree with most of what he said. I think Wendy looks fabulous! My next favorite is Gizelle, although I wish she had nixed the gloves. Ashley looks very pretty and I agree about the hair color and style being flattering, but the dress looks like an ice skating costume to me. I don’t like anything about Karen’s look, especially the make-up and hair. Robyn looks good but her hair is flat and the shade of blonde isn’t the most flattering. Candiace’s outfit is over the top and too much for her tiny frame. Mia’s makes her look hippy. Jacqueline’s is ok but kind of prom. Charisse’s makes her figure look better than usual to me. She often looks undefined and kind of frumpy. She looks good overall but I agree the hairstyle doesn’t suit her.
  9. Robyn also said in one of the earlier seasons that she didn’t want to be a single mother and thought it was important for her children to have both a mother and father in the home. This may be why she puts up with Juan’s infidelities. I agree these women but a lot of emphasis on having a man, but I don’t think Gizelle and Robyn have few options. They’re aren’t that old and they are both very attractive and have a lot to offer.
  10. I like Kaity too and think she’s really pretty. Whoever commented on Zach’s nostrils read my mind. It was the first thing I noticed about him last season. The women keep saying he’s tall and I noticed he and Jesse Palmer are about the same height, so maybe in person the nostrils aren’t as apparent. Was Madison’s meltdown because she was drunk or just a hot mess? It was clear Zach was not into her. I think he wants to be the pursuer as is the case with many of the Bachelors. Agree she looks much older than 26. I fast-forwarded through the limo scenes. It’s always been my least favorite part of the first episode, so stagy and awkward. I’d rather watch the drama at the cocktail party, which is also awkward and stagy but more entertaining to me. Didn’t understand or like the meatball scene. Yuck! Not the impression I’d want to make on a new guy but that’s just me.
  11. According to this: — Juan was having a relationship with another woman for over a year during Covid. — Robyn knew about the relationship and asked the woman not to say anything. — He shows hotel receipts. — Last communication the woman had with Juan was text he sent her a year ago. She didn’t reply. — She said it ended because Juan would like to be with women and then pass them off to his friends. One of his friends exposed himself to this woman and made a demand to her. Unclear whether this is the woman Karen referenced.
  12. Agree. Karen thinks very highly of herself. I’d call her attractive on a good day, not beautiful. I can believe Juan is messing around, but I don’t believe he’s lusting for Karen. Mia’s face does not look good close-up in HDTV. If the Blue Eyes rumors are true, I wonder why Ray has stayed with Karen.
  13. A story I read said a “former supermodel” will be joining BH. Was Chrissy Teigen a supermodel? I don’t remember her being that popular as a model.
  14. New housewife for BH. https://www.allabouttrh.com/2023/01/20/meet-the-rumored-new-member-of-the-rhobh-cast-ayda-field-williams/
  15. If she did have a facelift, then it was pretty soon after her first one. She talked about having one a few years ago.
  16. Shannon said they were still working on the interviews for the show. I wonder if they will edit out a lot of the footage with John now that it’s widely known they split up. One of the knocks I have against all the HWs shows is there is too long a gap between filming and airing. Given the prevalence of social media, much of the material is stale by the time the show airs. Just have to add that in that one photo of Shannon with John, I barely recognized Shannon. Either there was a lot of touching up or she’s entering Kardashian-land. I believe it’s likely a filter or photoshop because in the clip with Jeff Lewis, she looked more like herself. Why is mystery woman’s face not shown?
  17. I’m watching S2, E1 and can’t figure out the timeline. Are they going back and forth in time? In one scene we see Fia right after Adam’s death and in another Michael has a full beard and wild hair like he’s been in prison for awhile. Same thing with other scenes of the memorial for Adam, so shortly after his death, while Michael still looks like he’s been in the wilderness for a year. Big Mo is looking for Eugene like the shooting just happened. Doesn’t make sense. Months or even a few years would’ve had to have passed for Michael’s trial and the growth of his hair, him losing a bunch of weight, etc.
  18. I just finished watching S1. Going against the grain and admitting I enjoyed the show. Yes, there were plot holes and inconsistencies, but it was interesting to me and kept my attention. I thought Bryan Cranston was very good. I didn’t think he overacted. I saw a man slowly becoming undone by allowing his moral code to be completely compromised. He was on the ragged edge trying to hold things together, so it was understandable to me that he was volatile and very expressive at times. Having said this, I also did not watch Breaking Bad and have not seen Bryan Cranston in anything, so perhaps that made it easier for me to accept him in this role. As a character, Adam wasn’t riveting, nor was the actor portraying him compelling. However, I don’t think this was necessary. BC was the star, and I saw this show as being about the father as he devolved into someone he himself didn’t even recognize. All we needed to know was that Michael was fiercely loyal to his son and loved him very much, and I saw that in BC’s performance. I also thought Michael Stuhlbarg was good as Jimmy Baxter. I didn’t like Hope Lange’s performance, but I rarely like her in anything. Agree that the daughter looked too old, even older than the teacher. The romance seemed a bit force and accelerated to me. I enjoyed seeing Margo Martindale and loved the shade she was throwing at Lee at dinner. It was a small role but I thought the woman playing Big Mo was excellent. She had this quiet menace about her. I’d like to see more from her. Things I didn’t understand: the subplot about the mother’s death not being clearly explained; Fia not figuring out who Adam’s father was; why the jury acquitted Carlo; the baseball stuff; why it took the cop so long to figure out what was going on. The ending was dramatic but abrupt. I want to see what the fallout will be for Michael, so I’m glad there’s a S2.
  19. Starlight, I’m so sorry that happened to you. 😕 I understand why she’s upset. He wasn’t honest with her. It sounds like he didn’t want to break up with her on TV, but he was wiling to go along and pretend everything was fine. Not cool.
  20. I just started reading one of the books about Tammy. It’s by her daughter, Jackie. So far, it is sad. The daughters thought their mother’s death was suspicious. No autopsy was done and a doctor traveled from six hours away to declare her dead. It was ruled a blood clot but with no evidence to support it. Jackie saw her mother the day before, and Tammy was zonked out slumped on the couch. Richey also appeared out of it. He frequently made excuses for Tammy’s condition. I still have a lot to read, but it sounds like Richey wasn’t a good guy and he enabled Tammy’s addition and took advantage of her. She speaks highly of George Jones.
  21. Here is Shannon talking about the break-up with John.. She still seems fragile and upset.
  22. Yep. A few plastic surgeons I follow on YT won’t even do the procedure anymore. They said there is great potential for damage to the nerves in the face too. I started to say I don’t understand why these HWs keep messing with their faces, but then I realized it’s probably because they are on TV and being compared to each other and inspected and critiqued by millions. It’s a set up to make some feel insecure. I don’t envy any of them. No way would I want to be in their shows. I hope it’s true Jackie is not coming back as a regular. She’d be better off walking away from the show even as a friend. It can’t be good for her eating disorder. I only watched a few episodes last season. Luis is slimy. I don’t think I can tolerate much more of him, so I don’t know if I’ll watch this season. I also can only stand Teresa for a few minutes at a time. I wish when she went to prison, that would’ve ended her run on this show. I guess Andy likes her though as she brings drama.
  23. Looks like she may have also gotten cheek implants or buccal fat removal, which is trendy now in celebrity circles. I’m not a fan of it. If often makes people look harsher and older.
  24. Wow. That is surprising. I thought he was better too. I just finished it. Very sad. I wonder what really killed her and if it was an overdose. They did a good job of making her look frail near the end. In one scene she was holding onto a stool to balance herself. Her last husband seemed like a horrible person to me, at least the way he was portrayed. In terms of her singing, I thought Jessica was best in the "Help Me Make it Through the Night" song, which is interesting because it wasn't originally Tammy's song. It was a cover. I believe Sammi Smith was the original artist. The song was written by Kris Kristofferson. Always loved the song and Jessica's performance was poignant. Surprised Tammy didn't have a will. I wonder if Richey gave anything to the kids.
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