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Thomas Crown

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Everything posted by Thomas Crown

  1. I would prefer the two killers idea since the story arc has been a snoozer so far. Much to my disappointment we have to eliminate Bailey at this point since there is no logical reason for the writers having her break into the house and discovering the hidden box under the desk if she was really involved. So she's out as a suspect. That leaves either Fred faking his death or the pesky neighbor as the killer.
  2. I watched recently "City of Passion" *** and really enjoyed it. It actually references those two season 2 episodes that you recommended. I was surprised to see Erik Estrada in these 3 episodes and he was actually pretty good as the Cop who's marriage is falling apart. I've been sampling episodes from the first 4 seasons and I have to say that even though it last many seasons on NBC, I think that Hunter was a very underrated show during that period. I don't think it got enough recognition for being a very good cop show. It's gritty and not afraid to take chances with the storylines. *** WendyCR72 ... hopefully in the original broadcast there wasn't that much original music since I watched these episodes on my flawed Region 1 set 😀
  3. Castle, Remington Steele, Moonlighting ... seems all my favorite romantic detective shows had co-stars that really hated each other behind the scenes.
  4. A bit behind everyone else in responding but this is fantastic news. Such a fun show and really different than the usual standard sitcoms that we've been seeing on TV the last few decades.
  5. Please don't 😀 For a 10 p.m. show the Rookie has been surprisingly not too graphic IMO when it comes to showing gratuitous violence. The neighbor has to be a red herring right? It can't be that obvious .... come on writers! Even though I'm enjoying this season more than last, the writers sure do have challenges planning out their story lines and arcs. A multiple episode arc and the writers just now introducing the killer? I guess I'm in the minority on this forum but I'm actually enjoying all the Chenford bickering leading to eventual hookup.
  6. Good call by those in charge. Any risk is too much risk and there really is no need to have real guns on set. I really don't think it will make too much difference for the viewing audience if the scenes are played out with fake guns.
  7. Same here. The writers could still have him turn out to be guilty of murder which would be a nice twist for me.
  8. Looks like Chen has been stealing baby Jackson's little boots and hiding them in Tim's locker.
  9. Really strong premiere IMO despite the silly premise that they could storm a compound in a foreign country. Bradford continues to be my favorite character. Did anyone notice the picture of the dog he adopted next to his bed? Oh, bring on the Bradford and Chen romance! Took a while but I'm okay with it since the show seems to be going in that direction. I guess there was a lot of things happening behind the scenes involving the actor playing Jackson. Not sure we'll get the true story. He couldn't even come back for the first episode. His death was brutal and senseless.
  10. Revisiting this show is such a great time capsule to all those 80's cop shows that I grew up with and Hunter holds up really well IMO. Obviously it doesn't have the visual appeal/style that a show like Miami Vice had in the 80s with it use of vibrant colors but it's still fun to watch for the 80's throwback. Despite watching the show religiously back in the 80s, I have little recollection of any of the episodes so it's like watching the show for the first time. I've been sampling episodes from the early seasons based on the episode titles only. I don't see myself having the time to rewatch all 7 seasons so I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations they would like to share of their favorite episodes that they would recommend from any season? I unfortunately procrastinated and did not order the German DVD sets with original music. Looks like that set is now OOO. Instead I have the Region 1 DVDs with music substitutions.
  11. So true. Also, the action scenes in Guatemala look like they recycled some sets from an old A-team episode. Soldiers of fortune living in the Los Angeles underground on a dangerous mission they are not. Still it looks like a fun intense season premiere. Speculation based on an important cast member not in the Promo
  12. Wow. To come back after 40 years with this kind of quality is truly amazing. It's like they never left. Those 2 songs hit all the right emotional beats for me. Abba doesn't need the money or the fame with this new album. They just came back for the love of music and for their fans. What a beautiful gift to the fans.
  13. Promo is up for the season premiere which is only 3 weeks away. Lots of interesting speculation based on that promo. Episode is titled "Life and Death". Season 4 Promo
  14. Yikes. Not the best lead in for the Rookie come this fall.
  15. This show is very Castle-ish in how the big season ending cliffhanger gets resolved pretty quickly on the following season premiere so that they can go back to their weekly episodic stories. I expect that too with season 4, which is good because I don't want to watch a storyline involving a pregnancy in danger or a pregnant character being threatened. This show has been pretty good in depicting not too much graphic violence. Let Angela have her baby in peace. I'm actually surprised they wrapped up (for now) the Lucy undercover plot. I was expecting the summer hiatus to reflect the several months that Lucy was undercover and the season premiere would then pick up the storyline with Lucy still undercover and with potentially having developed a drug habit a la Tim's ex-wife. Lucy was rocking the green dress and the red lipstick. Wow indeed Femmefan1946. I can see why Tim was checking Lucy out. Melissa O'Neil is seriously attractive. So is the rest of the cast btw. I'm loving all the posts involving concern for Smitty! The character just grows on you. So Nolan will begin season 4 still a Rookie if the premiere picks up right after the non-wedding ....
  16. Thank you ABC for the renewal. But I'm still mad about you cancelling "Forever" and "Whisky Cavalier" but this renewal helps 😜. Honestly, I could easily see the Rookie going into a 5th season the way the ratings have been consistent for 2 years now since moving to Sunday nights. The ratings on Sunday night for the key demo are very good overall considering the time slot.
  17. Her cover will be blown a few days into the UC mission on the following Sunday night when the members of the drug cartel she infiltrated all sit down to watch American Idol. They like to unwind on Sunday nights by catching their favorite show after a long hard week. Despite the betrayal of having a cop hiding in their inner circle, they'll equally be disappointed that Lucy never went on to compete at Hollywood Week on American Idol. Lucy got talent.
  18. They sure like to do tease the Bradford and Chen shippers but I think they'll pull the trigger for them in season 4. Think of the wedding dance as an appetizer of what's to come next season 😀
  19. TIm: Lucy it's the last dance of the night. I've been waiting all night for this moment. Will you dance with me? Lucy: I would love to Tim. They move closer to each other, waiting for the moment the slow music starts. Their eyes remained locked as Tim gently puts his hand behind Lucy's back and moves her closer to him. Tim smiles as Lucy moves in even closer ... Then DJ Smitty plays YMCA by the Village People. * Chenford army throw bricks at the TV *
  20. Decent episode with some interesting points covered although I still can't stand Rick Wilson even if he bashes Trump and gives props to Biden. I would have preferred the discussion on population growth had been brought up at the beginning of the panel so that more time could have been allocated to it. I'm on the side that even without increasing the population on the planet, we are still facing some serious crisis over the next few decades just from the damage we've already done to the eco system along with the increasing rate that we are using up so much of the world's natural resources. IMO, some of the crisis that were are facing on this planet are increasing at an exponential rate that is not mirroring the rate growth of population. I wouldn't mind if Bill decided to revisit this issue in the futur. The interview with John McWhorter was also good. At one point during their discussion of twitter, wokeness and a trend of thinking that things could never had been worse in the past because they weren't alive back in the day, Bill countered that he knew about the French Revolution despite not being alive at the time. He referenced guests on his show saying this phrase of "not being alive at the time". Made me think of this segment from many years ago on his show.
  21. Great news. I'm going to celebrate with a bowl of corn flakes.
  22. The back end of season 3 has been really strong IMO. Another great episode last night. Bring on season 4.
  23. that episode of Magnum is airing again tonight for those that want to see her MMA skills. I really hope they bring her back and keep Tim as her TO.
  24. Very good episode last night but as usual I find the Nolan stories the least entertaining for me. Bradford continues to my favorite character by far and I hope they continue to give him more interesting storylines. As others have mentioned, I really hope they bring back Barnes and keep her with Bradford. Knowing the actress has some serious real life fighting skills, I would expect the writers to incorporate that into the show at one point. Boo to Badger being fired so quickly. A missed the opportunity for a Smitty & Badger team-up. Come on writers ... gold 😀
  25. I've been taking my time, but since last fall I've been watching the show for the first time since it aired on ABC. I'm currently midway through season 3 and damn this show is still hilarious. I recently watched the one with the Remington Steele Cameo. Yes the fashion is so 80s, but the screwball comedy aspect still works for me and could easily work today IMO. So many great one liners and they show really took some great creative chances in those first 3 seasons. I'm one of those that lost interest due to the constant repeats (and not because the characters hooked up) so I don't think I ever saw any episodes in season 4 or 5. I know everyone says that show fell completely off a cliff into a big fireball for those last 2 seasons but I'm still going to watch if only because there were so few episodes 🙂
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