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Thomas Crown

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573 Excellent
  1. In an ideal world, Robert is only getting close to Diane so that he can uncover evidence to finally put Sonny and Jason away in jail.
  2. I really enjoyed the pilot and loved the twist at the end. I hope the show has the courage to follow through on the premise that one of the main characters at the law firm was covering up evidence to the opioid crisis.
  3. The earliest one that I can remember with a post credit scene is "Young Sherlock Holmes " from 1985 where the post credit had both a twist and set-up for a sequel which unfortunately never happened. A great movie from the 1980s imo.
  4. It's exactly like you said, he is apologizing because of the video evidence. Sean Combs is scum and should be in jail. What I also find repulsive is that he apparently paid $50K to the owner's of the hotel to keep them silent about the video. That's so messed up. You have video evidence of a horrible crime and you decide to accept $50K to keep silent. Disgusting.
  5. Like him too as the father in "Cloak & Daggar"
  6. the 35th anniversary tribute was so much better
  7. 30 years ago L&C premiered on ABC. I really enjoyed the show during its 4 seasons but wished the original show runner Deborah Joy Levine would have stayed after season 1. I wasn't a fan of the retooling of the show in mid-season 1 where they shifted the focus away from the L&C romance to a more action oriented show. I remember the fans complaining and the ratings dropping so they reversed course midway in season 2 and the ratings went back up, but still I would have preferred to see the original creator's vision played out since she certainly would not have given us the frog eating clone storyline! I know that TH and DC often get praises for their portrayals of L&C, but John Shea was also great Lex Luther.
  8. With this show being prepped for HD streaming (likely on Disney+), I wish instead they would broadcast it on ABC this fall while the writers strike continues. Come on ABC! Put this classic back on the air instead of all those reality shows.
  9. This thread needs more loving. So many great themes from the 60s, 70s and 80s have already been mentioned, but the Moonlighting theme for me is my personal favorite. It captures the essence of the show so well. Vocals by the great Al Jarreau.
  10. I agree. We will have a serious problem with the next pandemic. The politicizing of the origins of Covid and the media coverage that followed is truly frightening IMO. That's one topic that Bill keeps brining up on his show that I actually don't mind when he goes off on a tangent on it. It's truly scary how quickly news outlets labelled it as conspiracy / racist and would not discuss the origins of the virus despite the "lab leak" being a viable theory to the origin.
  11. I agree about the smugnes and it was nice to see him completely knocked off balance by RB. Heilemenn barely made any coherent points afterwards for the rest of the show including overtime as he was still fuming. 2nd week in a row that someone from MSNBC gets told straight to their face that their network is a problem. Good it should happen more often. I get it. MSNBC is not as bad as Fox, but they're still a problem. Anytime you have news network that caters to a specific target market and delivers the news in a way that the target market wants to hear the news, then it's a problem whether it's coming from Fox or MSNBC. They both use hate for the other side as a business model to get ratings. When providing examples of MSNBC misleading viewers, I'm surprised that no one mentioned the Rachel Maddow & OLN lawsuit as an example. Rachel was pushing night after night the Russian conspiracy story to the point of calling the OAN network as agents for Russia and them providing paid propaganda. After the lawsuit, MSNBC had to go to court and admit that the Maddow show is more entertainment than actual factual news. The Judge even acknowledge this in her ruling noting that Maddow's show is nothing more than hyperbole, exaggeration and pure opinion where MSNBC viewers should not assume that Maddow's show is factually true even when Maddow uses language of certainty. It's interesting story to read and sad acknowledgement about what the news media has become. I hope Dominion wins the lawsuit against Fox so that the network goes away and we never have to hear from Carlson & cie again. Unfortunately, I see them using a similar argument that MSNBC used to get out of it.
  12. Going way back to the early 80s for "V" the original mini series when Julie stands up in the line of fire with just a gun against the firepower of the Visitor's shuttle and then Donovan comes in at the end. Starts around the 2 minute mark in the clip below
  13. The final in the key demo was actually 0.64 beating out CBS in the key demos for the night. Everyone at ABC must be ecstatic with the Rookie's performance on its new night. After being on the cancellation bubble for most of season 1 , then moving to what was considered a death time slot at 10 p.m. on Sunday nights, the Rookie has survived multiple seasons facing stiff competition the last few seasons. And now it's likely going to be renewed for a 6th season. I never thought it would last this long. Congrats to NF for having back to back successful TV shows on ABC.
  14. These two might have already been mentioned by others but I thought I would mention them anyway. Not sure how either could have lasted more than one season based on their premise. Still they were both entertaining summer shows. Harper's Island and BrainDead
  15. I'm really enjoying revisiting this show for the 1st time in a long time. I tried to do this with Moonlighting a while back but quit midway into season 4 after the show lost its way. I've just started Season 2 of RS and watched only a few episodes but no complaints so far. The show is still so much fun with Season 1 having some fantastic episodes. I love that the episodes are close to 50 minutes long giving the stories time to breath. Plus that wonderful jazzy score gives the show such a classy style. Laura is still amazing after all these years. Compared to Maddie Hayes, I would choose Laura every time. And I'm a big Moonlighting fan too, but there is something special about Laura Holt as portrayed by Stephanie Zimbalist. Bastet above perfectly described her and why she's amazing. Speaking of Moonlighting, IMO the season 1 episodes written by Glenn Gordon Caron are prequels to what he would do on Moonlighting. You can easily recognize his style of writing since he would use that template on Moonlighting. For instance, having 2 characters arguing and having their lines overlapping each other worked well on Moonlighting but not on Remington Steele.
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