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Everything posted by halgia

  1. Just finished. The main thing bugging me right now? They got the year wrong! Veronica was class of '06 in high school, movie was at her ten year reunion so '16, then they say "last December" was 2012. What the fuck. Overall, I liked it fine. Not following up at all on Grace was probably the thing that bugged me the most from the show, so I agree it's good that we see she kind of turned out okay, though of course they can't really keep having the main victim of the inciting crime keep have some deep connection to Veronica in future books. I'm a little worried that the super-close election was a way for them to back out on it if they want to keep a Lamb in office.... I'd also be okay with her dumping Logan for Leo, but not super thrilled with her agonizing about it for a while if that's what happens. The one obligatory check-in with Hunter and Lianne was probably about right. And yeah, the Duncan/Lilly reminder at the end seems like a it could easily be a setup for them showing up in the next book. Also: does Veronica know that Duncan had Aaron Echols murdered? That popped in my head when she was all reluctant to go with the outside-the-law violent reaction.
  2. If you've read the comics, be very careful to avoid spoiling those who don't, and keep in mind that some people may have much stricter notions of what a spoiler is. Any substantial comic talk should go in the comics thread; minor discussion is okay here, but be very liberal with the spoiler tags, and don't give away too much outside the tags either.
  3. Before the episode finishes airing, take it to the speculation/live chat thread.
  4. Guess what time it (almost) is! This thread is for speculating about the premiere for the back half of season 5, and chatting during airtime.
  5. I played the first (and so far, only) episode of Life is Strange last night. It's a Telltale-style adventure game with the feel of an indie movie (they call it "The Walking Dead meets Gone Home...with time travel", which is pretty apt), and I liked it so. much. The lip syncing is kind of comically bad, and it's pretty 18-year-old earnest, but other than that, I totally bought the characters, the time-travel is done basically like Prince of Persia: Sands of Time but with dialogue branches instead of run-and-jump puzzles, and basically, it's one of those things that when I was playing it I felt like it was exactly my life, even though my life is and has never been anything like it.
  6. Heinz was also a pretty major arc on the show, so it's not that likely that it itself is a clue, in my mind.
  7. Humming (birds)? Grousing? Dark clouds? Sounds like nature, and we all know what that means.... (Nothing really stands out to me, though I am realizing that those are all sky-related things.)
  8. Actually, I just looked it up in the PA driver's manual (page 48 here) and it seems to say you can't do that. Huh! I hadn't even considered that this would be illegal, since everyone does it and I was explicitly taught to in the NY state class, but I guess it is here.
  9. is dangerous, and often illegal. I was taught to do that in (NY) driver's ed, which in a quick google seems to be what most people say. I haven't found anything (quickly) saying that it's illegal, and several saying it's legal (though not compulsory). Since moving to Pittsburgh I've gotten used to the Pittsburgh left, which makes heavy traffic flow so much more smoothly when there isn't a protected left, but is apparently actually illegal here.
  10. The book Cryptonomicon (by Neal Stephenson) has like six pages devoted to the proper method of eating cereal to avoid this. In 8th grade, it was pretty much my favorite thing I'd ever read, but I never really took the lesson to heart, I guess.
  11. Stop talking about Beth fans. Talk about the show. The moratorium is still in place, and when people go places they're not supposed to go bad things happen.
  12. I think the line was something about how Marnie is way worse off in this situation than Shoshanna was in that one. Which was both absurd, but also totally believable that Marnie would think that.
  13. The Allusionist: ~15 minutes every other week of an interesting bit of etymology/etc, with Helen Zaltzman (of Answer Me This! fame). Only two episodes so far, but they're both pretty enjoyable.
  14. "My daughter was still born." Casey Wilson was so great. I loved her idea to bring in Shannon's dummy, and how her cohost pointed out that it makes no sense at all.
  15. Guys? Chill. It's time for a moratorium on talking about Beth fans for a while, since you apparently can't do it responsibly. Stick to the show.
  16. I thought that was pretty obvious from the story, though I did know it otherwise and maybe in retrospect should have been more careful about that. I did during Day 1, which is why I stole your powers on Night 1. :) Everyone was being super explicit about who they were – the only people I even investigated were JayKay (but in retrospect it became real clear she was Britta right after), and then to distinguish Athena/Spruce who weren't doing much hinting. I kept debating whether I should fake someone or just stay quiet about it – the problem if you fake someone is that then you're really obvious to them, but you also can't kill them until the very end....
  17. I'll chalk that one up as a win! Because I was totally going to kill six of you all by myself. Definitely was going to happen. For sure. Apple pie moonshine for me, in honor of the Justified premiere tonight. ...just noticed this – does this mean you're pronouncing it "ell oh ell mafia", stacey? Weird.
  18. ...is that what we were voting to do? I wasn't totally clear on that, lol. :p
  19. 7 to DL jessied112 (stacey, SilverStormm, BizBuzz, Lisin, TJtrack99, Athena, Dougal), 1 to break out the blue hair dye
  20. I really liked this one. It was a fun side adventure, with nice thematic ties to the end of the previous ep, and Finn and PB just being bros is great. Also, I want a giant housecat I can ride around.
  21. Nitpicking, it was Georgia, the state that's "right next to this one." But, yeah, the glaringly obvious avoiding of having Bobby in the same scene as anyone but Andy and Travis was ridiculous. Maybe it was just a scheduling thing, who knows. And overall, other than pretty much the "Fancy" scene this episode just completely fell flat for me.
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