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Everything posted by Mondrianyone

  1. It's way older than the British Baking Show. I've been doing it for decades. I don't know what rock these judges have been hiding under.
  2. More on pickled eggs. I used this guy's basic recipe. I left out the pickled onions, because I don't like them. I made my own pickling spice--you can find tons of recipes for that on the Web, and I honestly don't remember which I ended up using. I tweaked it a little, adding more peppercorns and cloves, based on what my husband said they should taste like. And I think they came out great, but you can adjust it all to suit yourself. There's a video further down on that page. Aren't they pretty?
  3. They are great--and they look so beautiful! I had them for the first time at my boyfriend's (now my husband) parents' house in Pennsylvania, where they're a common dish. My in-laws were very surprised I'd never seen or heard of them before. You can leave them in to pickle for a short time, so they come out with just a hint of purple on the outside, or you can leave them in for longer so that the purple color reaches all the way in to the edge of the yolk--that's my favorite. Somewhere I have a recipe for the pickling brine that comes closest to what my husband remembers them tasting like--although after I went through the whole process of reproducing his childhood memory, he admitted he never really liked them! But I like them, so what the hell. I'll post the recipe if I can dig it up. Make them, they're wonderful!
  4. It's not just you. I'm not watching this season because of her. But I can totally believe the business about the trophy, because that's how she always was on The Kitchen (which I also no longer watch because of her). In addition to being loud, obnoxious, insecure, and desperate for attention, she's also the worst sport I've ever seen, for an adult. Not surprised to read here that this season sucks. I don't know whether the Food Network people are just not discouraging her from acting out her worst impulses or actively encouraging her to behave as she does. But maybe it's finally coming back to bite them either way.
  5. We would be dangerous in the same house, @Gramto6. I do exactly what you do. And then I forget what dish I was buying the spice for, so when it gets here, I don't know what to do with it. We had to have a special cabinet built for all the spices. I'd post a photo of it if I weren't too embarrassed.
  6. That's how I took it as well. These subtle spelling/pronunciation jokes are a rare thing. They should be appreciated.
  7. I see what you did there. People who work in convenience stores, especially the late-night shifts, are said to have the most dangerous job of all, and as someone who watches The First 48 like it's my job, I believe it. Maybe we should start thanking them, too.
  8. Did Dateline or one of the other magazine shows already do this story? I know I've seen it, in addition to that movie starring Amy Ryan as Shannan Gilbert's mother. Me, too. She was really a moron, but Al Sharpton certainly got a lot of mileage out of defending her ridiculous story.
  9. If you're having one of those days where everything seems like shit, you read this post and can say, "Well, at least I've never had that argument," and that's something to be grateful for.
  10. I got my laugh of the night when the Khana head said something along the lines of "No more Mr. Nice Guy from here on." Uh-huh.
  11. We used to go to Tiffinanny's in Massapequa (say that three times fast!). I loved all the Tiffany lamps--no idea if the place still exists. There was a time when you could wake me up from a dead sleep and I'd be able to recite "Massapequa, Massapequa Park, Amityville, Copiague, Lindenhurst . . ." like a railroad zombie. But I never ran into Seinfeld in Massapequa. Did see him at Mineola with Phoebe Snow, though. He was very funny. With some of those names, it's a miracle we could tell people what town we were from if we ever got lost!
  12. One of the Baldwin brothers--Billy, I think--says he went to high school with this guy. I bet the next reunion is going to be fun.
  13. Do I need another thing to be horrified by? Maybe so. Right now I'm horrified/relieved by the arrest of the Long Island serial killer, who was doing his work where I grew up. These are all just Dateline stories until one of them happens on your home turf, and then they suddenly become real. An architect, no less, and a married man, being a monster in plain sight where I used to go to the beach. It's really chilling.
  14. If I were your mom, I think that would hurt my feelings. But maybe things are different in your family.
  15. Well, I'm certainly not a doctor, so I have no business diagnosing you. Just saying that if having kids the old-fashioned way is a high priority, you might want to be sure your OB/GYN is taking these changes seriously. This could be helpful: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/01/18/797354824/menopause-starts-younger-than-you-think-heres-what-you-need-to-know Best of luck.
  16. This is per healthline.com, but all the medical sites say the same thing re changed frequency. During perimenopause, your periods may be: Irregular. Rather than having a period once every 28 days, you might get them less or more often. Closer together or further apart. The length of time between periods can vary from month to month. Some months you might get periods back to back. In other months, you might go more than four weeks without getting a period. Absent. Some months you might not get a period at all. You might think you’re in menopause, but it’s not official until you’ve been period-free for 12 months. Heavy. You may bleed a lot, soaking through your pads. Light. Your bleeding might be so light that you barely need to use a panty liner. Sometimes the spotting is so faint that it doesn’t even look like a period. Short or long. The duration of your periods can change, too. You might bleed for just a day or two or for more than a week at a time. It sounds like you're in perimenopause. If you want to have kids via your own DNA, you should probably start thinking about saving your eggs, because you never know when the time will pass.
  17. I haven't been bingeing, and that's who I assumed it was as well. If they expect viewers to be shocked when that fact is eventually revealed, I think it's the writers who are in for a surprise.
  18. Yup, that was stated explicitly.
  19. Sorry in advance if this is a stupid question. It may have been addressed and I just missed it. But do we know how Ridley, on a retired cop's salary, is able to afford a beautiful lakefront house with lots of shoreline and also own a jazz club? I'd like to sign up for that retirement plan.
  20. Not repellents, aside from the usual suspects. But I have a great little gizmo for dealing with itchy bites. (You can get it on Amazon, but that always links directly to my account.) Helps if you zap the bite right after it happens, but I find it works even a couple of days later.
  21. I actually have a few hatpins, thanks to my mom, who graduated from the High School of Millinery--a real place, and she was a professional milliner before she got married. The only thing I like better about the flyswatter (and you would be swatting a genuine fly) is it puts a little more distance between your hand and the target.
  22. I rarely go to the movies myself. On two of the few times I have, also practically empty theaters, some guy sits down right next to me. I don't need to have a house fall on me to tell me what comes (verb used advisedly) next. I seem to have some kind of built-in flasher attractor. It just occurred to me that carrying a flyswatter might not be a bad idea.
  23. I've loved Adrian Dunbar since forever, so I was very excited about the prospect of this series. But if it doesn't get better after the first two parts I've already seen, I may have to forsake my love. Or watch with the sound turned off. I'm finding the dialogue kind of shockingly trite. And as a lifelong jazz fan (and a lyricist), I also wish the music would be reduced drastically. The one song I've heard so far was pretty awful, and Dunbar isn't a great enough singer to warrant as much time as he was given. Fingers crossed for the rest of it.
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