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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. In Young Sheldon, one of the older Sheldon voice overs mentions taking his son to a skate park...
  2. I wonder if it's because of Cole Sprouse's schedule. A quick look at his filmography shows him in two films a year in 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2004, along with two TV appearances in 2001. They probably had Ben on as much as they could manage, and honestly, the show would probably have started to turn off people if they focused on Ben and Emma any more then they did. People turned in to see a comedy about 6 friends in the city, not on people raising kids.
  3. I would also add that the history of comics is full of different writers and artists putting their own spin on the characters. Look at how many different runs and how many different stories have been told with the FF. Their history is composed of those writers and artists putting their own spin on them.
  4. Right? Also, how many of them hated She-Hulk when she was doing the same thing the Deadpool movies did, just without the toilet humor and gratuitous violence? I’m not going to say it’s all because of the “she” in She-Hulk, but I do think the “anti-woke” segment of MCU fans had it out for the series. As for me, She-Hulk had issues, but I liked it much better than the Deadpool movies. I am kinda sad the next Deadpool film is the only one we are getting next year, because I am not really looking forward to it. I will see it because of Hugh Jackman, because I love him as Wolverine, but I have a feeling he is going to be the best part of the movie. I find Deadpool, and Ryan Reynolds for that matter, juvenile and smarmy, so I’m basically in it for Jackman/Wolverine and to see where the MCU is going from here. I haven’t hated the newer Marvel movies/shows, but I do think the quality has dipped. I’m hopeful for the future though. I feel Marvel is in a rebuilding era, which hasn’t been helped by the pandemic, the industry strike and changes in the film/entertainment industry in general. They’ve been down and out before. Even went bankrupt in the 90s. I’m hopeful they will be able to weather this storm.
  5. Slightly related unpopular opinion; I don’t like Ryan Reynolds and I am not a fan of Deadpool. The only reason I am planning to see it is because I love Hugh Jackman in everything I see him in, especially as Wolverine. Ryan Reynolds just strikes me as smarmy and I found Deadpool juvenile and stupid.
  6. Pet Peeve I have working with the public/ being in public in general; people who don’t cover their coughs or cough into their hands and then proceed to touch things with said hand. See also; people who lick their fingers and then use that to get some paper/card/money. I don’t want to touch your saliva! Have we learned nothing from the past 4 years people? It’s not that hard to go through your day without spreading your germs everywhere. If I’ve seen elementary schoolers cover their cough with their arm you can to!
  7. Right? I feel the same about books. I'm not going to waste my time reading or watching something I don't know what it is. Life's too short and there are so many things I know that I want to read or watch. The only thing is maybe if family or friends wants to see something and I'm going along to go along. That's how I saw the first Avatar movie; we were at my grandma's celebrating Christmas with my mom's family and the family wanted to see it. I hadn't really know anything about it. Back on topic; I hope they don't try to hide it's a musical. As a musical and Broadway fan I hate to think of something being a musical being seen as a dirty little secret to keep under wraps. This trailer seems to have it both ways. Knowing the show, I can pick out defying gravity, but if someone doesn't know the show, I could see them just thinking it's a song for the movie or part of the score. I hope the next trailer is out and proud about it being a musical. The show was insanely popular. Many people love musicals. Cater to your base rather then trying to get people who don't like musicals to see it, because they may see it, but they won't enjoy it. You get the butts in seats and ticket sales, but bad word of mouth which hurts ticket sales in it's own way. I also would agree that someone would have to be living under a rock not to know Wicked was a musical, or to think that a movie set in the Wizard of Oz universe, which is primarily known for the iconic 1939 musical might have music, but people surprise me every day with not knowing something I consider common knowledge and I know there are a lot of blanks in my pop culture knowledge so who knows.
  8. Yay! This was a really enjoyable first season, so I'm glad we are continuing the story!
  9. I’m excited for this! Looks like a lot of creepy fun! Cool to see Walter Peck back and as I love Annie Potts, I’m happy to see it looks like she will be more than a cameo this time! Wonder if Dana will be busting ghosts as well?
  10. I found a wikipedia page about it; here are the pictures...
  11. I always find it weird they expected the Queen to make a show of public grief for her ex-daughter in law who had very publicly bashed her family and the system she spent her life supporting. This was only two years after the Panorama interview, and a year after the divorce was finalized. I get people probably weren't thinking rationally, but in what other case would someone be expected to lead the mourning for their ex-daughter in law? The public should have looked to Blair and the Spencers to lead the public mourning, IMO, not the Queen and the family Diana very contentiously separated from.
  12. I think they were smart to wait for the outcome of the trial. They were most likely trying to avoid another James Gunn fiasco. What if he had been found innocent and then sued them for lost wages and unfair termination? Better to wait until the court case was decided. Either way, not sorry to see him go.
  13. I think Disney/Marvel was smart to wait to see the outcome of the trial to act with regards to Majors. They were obviously trying to avoid another James Gunn situation, and, while I am not a lawyer, wouldn’t it be opening themselves up for legal trouble(ie unlawful termination) if they fired him and then he was found innocent? The fact they fired him so quickly shows that they were considering different situations, and what routes they might need to take.
  14. I definitely think both Philip and Elizabeth were better grandparents than parents. They seemed to be close to and have special relationships with all 8 of their grandchildren. Of course, I think it’s easier to be a grandparent when you are not in the active child-raising stage. Not to mention the fact that you are older and have more life experience…
  15. Been re-watching Frasier, am almost through the first season, and this scene has been one of my favorites so far! It shows that not only does the show do wit and one-liners well, it also does slapstick. The best moment for me, is the end, after Frasier starts fighting Niles on the bed... Niles: My God, I'm having a flashback! You're climbing in my crib and jumping on me! Frasier: You stole my mommy!
  16. I don’t see that happening. It could, of course, but I feel the reason Margaret was a party girl was kind of due to the times she lived in. Nothing was really expected of her, and she never got formal education. I’m sure Charlotte is being raised with the expectation that she will go to college or learn some type of trade/business or that she will have a set role as a working royal if she chooses.
  17. It was. Especially after he was shown to really want to be included in high society by ingratiating himself with the royals. Real “man on dating app/social media calling a woman ugly after she rejects his advances” vibes. You didn’t have any problems with British society when things were going your way, Mou Mou.
  18. I think Charlotte and Louis are already better placed due to the fact that in the Wales family, there will be two that don’t inherit instead of one sibling that does, one that doesn’t. I kind of wonder if that played a role in William and Kate having three kids even though all her pregnancies were rough on her with the extreme morning sickness.
  19. Ugh, yeah I hated how al-Fayed was portrayed as well. In my opinion they made Diana seem less like the independent grown woman she was and more like some innocent ingenue who’s at the wims of others.
  20. Just 10 minutes in, and they’re going for the “Carole Middleton engineered William and Kate getting together” telling aren’t they? Sigh…
  21. Exactly. I think Philip read it right. It was the classic anger stage of grief, and as you pointed out many children will redirect that to the surviving parent. I also agree that it was not Charles or the royal family’s fault she died. It was a freak accident where many different factors played a part. If the driver wasn’t drunk, if the press weren’t chasing, if Diana and Dodi had stayed at the Ritz, if she was wearing a seatbelt. That whole night is full of factors and “what-ifs” that, change any one of them, she might have lived. And yeah, Diana was an adult responsible for her choices. She chose to go to Paris with Dodi, she chose to get in that car. She didn’t cause her own death, and I don’t want it to seem like I’m blaming her, because I’m not, but I think it does her a disservice to treat her like a child who didn’t have any control of her life. Apart from the blaming Charles, though, I really felt for William in this. I could definitely relate to how he just wanted to be as normal as possible and hated how people were reacting to him in the aftermath. I when my mom passed away that was pretty much how I felt. I find comfort in normality and hate the attention on me. When my dog passed away earlier this year, I actually told my sister I was most dreading having to tell people at work because I didn’t want to be the focus of a lot of grief and sympathy. So I could definitely feel for William here. Also felt so uncomfortable for him with all that attention from the press and teen girls. So hard for a young boy to deal with, even in the best of times.
  22. See, I get not wanting to go, I wouldn’t either, but then they should have been mature adults and said they don’t want to go. Also; Rachel was his girlfriend at the time. Sometimes in a relationship you show up for your partner at stuff you may not care about or want to do. Going to boring work events with a partner or spouse is pretty commonplace.
  23. I enjoy the episode, but I hate how everyone acts towards Ross. So rude. If I were him, I would have just left without them; they didn't seem to care they might make him late.
  24. Based on the trailer showing his home being attacked, maybe she is only a glorified cameo. I wouldn't be surprised if
  25. That sounds like so much fun! I know many places have digital/audio-animatronic puppets like him, but my only experience with one was the Mr. Potato Head carnival barker they have in front of the Toy Story Midway Mania ride at Disneyland. He actually picked me out of the lineup and, not going to lie, even as an adult it got me excited he was talking to me. I would have hated it as a kid, though. I get creeped out by being close to audio-animatronics, even though I can handle them now, but as a kid if one of those things talked to me I would run screaming... I always love big Bob and his interactions with the kids. He seems to get the kids and has a soft spot for them and their weirdness.
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