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  1. Seems like Box office isn't doing too well. I am not an MI fan but I gave this franchise another shot specifically because Ilsa had done a lot to make me trust that there was something in it for me. I think Ilsa had done a lot to bring women into the franchise. But I think when women saw this plot line they were like, ok done with this. The creators of this franchise still don't get it. In they days since I have found so many problems with this movie it isn't funny. I don't like their explanation of the IMF and the "choice" - essentially the trope of having criminals join just didn't rub me the right way and was ripped off from La Femme Nikita. This is a good video.
  2. I find it funny that this movie is so problematic for the pc issues but the poor girl in the brace is never mentioned. And Joan Cusack, it wasn't funny.
  3. I had thought that MI took a lot of flack for this disposable woman / damsel early on and the movies worked to change that... with Ilsa. This is what helped MI to go from a franchise on the way out - to a solid performer. So to have this kind of disposable woman (for Ethan's feelings) all over again is very disappointing. Beyond that it is just laughable that Grace, who has no spy / IMF training can just step in. Sure she might have good instincts but she would have to be trained - right? I mean Ilsa is MI6. I also feel like if they didn't want Ilsa around she easily could have been left out of the movie. Like Jeremy Renner's character.
  4. BooBear

    S01.E10: Outside

    I actually liked that because it seems like usually in history truth never comes out the first time. It takes many people giving their lives to - step by step - get the truth out and usually the final person gets the credit. But no one ever remembers, or in some cases, knows about the people who made it happen. I did like this show. I do think maybe by accident... it is commenting on the current world. I do think there are conspiracy theories that do, more often than not, turn out to be true. When we question something and we don't understand why people turn a certain way to get into power, perhaps there is a good reason we just don't understand. The acting was great... except for, Tim Robbins and Common, which is disappointing given their roles. I enjoyed Julliet making errors but thought it was kind of laughable that she goes from mechanical to sheriff so easily. My nitpick is that, after the first person died by diving over the silo stairs I would imagine that they would put up some sort of fence to stop it.
  5. I must have missed all that but I still think it was completely lame. A case of dropping a line to explain an elaborate set piece.
  6. BooBear

    Napoleon (2023)

    I am a little worried about it. What I know of Napoleon doesn't seem to be in this movie. To me it looks like they cast people and then wrote a movie to show them off. Screw history.
  7. Saw it weeks ago. Loved it. I honestly didn't think it was all that raunchy. The beach scene excluded. To me it was just more a coming of age story - for both Maddie and Percy. Also, I liked that everyone involved was coming from a place of kindness. No one had ill intent.
  8. Me too. I am sorry to say this one is a turd. I just don't buy that Ilsa would be so easily disposed. It was laughable after several movies and even an early fake out of her death. There is so much that didn't make sense and made the movie too long. Such as...What was with that elaborate ruse so Ethan could talk to Kittridge at the start? Why did the AI seem to want to fridge someone to hurt Ethan? That isn't like a computer to want to be vindictive. Not understanding why Gabriel would care either - they didn't build up enough to sell a long standing feud. To go as far as to have an entire scene where the spell out that one of the damsels in distress would die because they meant something to Ethan (and why did Grace mean anything to Ethan at that point)? And I am sorry but Esai Morales was just completely boring and not up to taking on Ethan, backed by an AI or not. Also, Benji and Luthor seemed to get sidelined early on. I did enjoy Grace and Haley Atewell and the action scenes were great. But the actual script needed more refining.
  9. And Robert Zemeckis told the public that the "hover boards" in Back to the Future 2 were real new tech to promote the movie. Not buying that this is real in anyway.
  10. It is funny but I don't buy for a second that the guy who supposedly isn't an actor -- isn't an actor. Logistically there is no way they could get away with this entire show if he wasn't and he isn't selling it to me. He has too much reaction to things. How do they explain the camera to him? Does he think there is a news camera in there and in the jury room? I deal with "jury duty" daily and I truly hope no one seriously thinks this is what it is like. The cost to "sequester" a jury is a lot. No way a judge is doing that except for the most extreme of cases.
  11. I will go with the convention of the show that people just can't see it. The glasses obscure anyone from guessing. When Lana found out she made a remark about how did she not see it? Indeed, Lana. I think it was stupid that supes was calling Jordan's name. I only hope they address giving Jordan a code name in another episode. Also stupid why does Jordan have goggles that are just normal. The first time he uses his heat vision won't they be destroyed? I wasn't thrilled with this episode. It was wayyy to soap opera. I resent the entire cancer storyline because obviously Lois isn't going to die and I think on a show like this it is insulting to bring it out. I also get irritated at the idea this is the first time Clark might really consider Lois could die and he couldn't do anything. Pregnancy with alien twins that you can't tell medical authorities about is the stuff of pure terror.
  12. I didn't like it. The music is great but how many times has great music made a trailer seem great. I hate the color and the drab look to it. Even the start was GOT levels of hard to see.
  13. It is for me if he didn't *really* believe it. If he had seen Rachel rather than just hear about it second hand I would be lost as to how he could react like that, but I can see him doubting it in his head as most of the time Rachel was always the put together one in the relationship and in the "first world" people do tend to throw such terms around willy nilly.
  14. This was one of the best things I have seen in a while. I think I will check out the book.
  15. I watched it on You Tube but didn't like it. It seemed very sanitized / Disneyfided. Here, Elle is with her loving father who is trying to find a cure for her. I thought Elle was not the monster she was in the movie and we are clearly supposed to feel bad for her and her dad. The lost boy here just seems to have too loving a family to be enthralled by a vampire and also, his mom is an NYPD detective... which would seem to be a odd choice to be living next to a vampire who drinks blood every day. If I were Mark I would be moving out the moment I learned that. There is also a totally different story about a scientist looking for a cure. That frankly bored me and seemed very uninspired and cliche.
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