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Everything posted by sunnyface

  1. I am enjoying watching RH not having to work opposite a 'reformed' serial killer. I am also enjoying watching this show for the first time in years probably due not having to watch Carly/Sonny as a couple - though I would much prefer not having to watch these wretched characters at all. It's so continually disappointing that LW is featured so much when the show has MW, FH, NG and RH on board. The past two episodes were also watched without using the FF button probably because there weren't any of the teen set featured. Since OG Trina departed, Cam seems checked out. Could have done without Brando's death being all about Sonny - at least we were spared the scenes of Sonny praying in the hospital chapel. Could also have done with Carly actually being on a vacation. As far as wrecking the character of Curtis is concerned - this is a healthy sign that the new influx of POC on this show are now treated just like veteran characters. Save Sonny/Carly and the teen set - this show has been enjoyable to watch. Victor/Selena/Nina/the Mash actor have been solid additions and woven in well to their respective stories. So yeah - while the writers have flopped on Liz's story(ies) and FV has screwed up with hiring (albeit perhaps he didn't have the final say) with casting the Willow/Sasha and Rory/Jason Jr. actors - GH seems to be getting its groove back. For now.
  2. Certainly not this viewer who was so excited when Carly said that she was going to be taking a vacation from Port Charles. Silly me, to think that show was going to provide the viewers a break from this felon for a couple of days. Not surprisingly, instead I am retold the story of how she was a victim as a 16-yr-old from a sexual predator in his forties. Cue to a scene with Nicolas.
  3. I feel that this show is lucky to have an actress that is so enjoyable to watch on board. To be sure, I wish that Julian and Ava were brought on as doctor characters. Then again - the hospital seems to no longer be relevant to the current manifestation of this show. ymmv.
  4. I'd be all in for an Ava episode consisting of her talking to Moss. Maura West is on another level compared to the Morgan/nuNik/Trin that she had to break in. I want to see Ava go scorched earth. Good Grief - poor Maura West deserves better!
  5. The NuTrina is a marked drop off from the previous actress. The only actor that seems to be knocking it out of the park these past couple of months has been Valentin. sigh.
  6. My apologies for being a couple of episodes behind due to the whims of abc.com. That Laura-specific episode brought tears to my eyes. I started watching when Bobbie and Laura were fighting over Scottie back in the '70s. What an awesome episode. Way to go GH! [now if they only could just wipe the Corinthos from the face of PC ... ].
  7. I don't recall many comments from folks distressing about Morgan/Ava and Morgan having mommy issues. IMO, the actors playing Esme/Nik (especially w/o the goatee) seem more realistic as a couple than Ava/Nik. It's soapy (Spencer noshing on a sandwich while his dad and gf are banging in the next room) and as an added bonus - doesn't involve any Corinthos yet. I do agree though that Serial Killer Ryan manipulating Esme does make it seem ickier than Morgan/Ava.
  8. What's insensitive is having the Corinthos crime family scarfing down most minutes on this soap opera called General Hospital. The only reason that these vile thugs are at the top of the food chain is because of violence and guns. TPTB reward criminal behavior - that includes guns. Laura was recently SHOT because of Sonny/Sons of Anarchy guy mob wars - Glad to see her taking her own security into her own hands. Julian is gone - Selena Wu is on the prowl - and Ava just needs to maintain a certain skill level. I don't care about guns - you do you BUT this soap opera has featured a violent criminal family that is all about guns and perceived strength therefrom.
  9. Strains credulity that a soap opera is spending so much time on whether or not a grandmother can visit her toddler grandkid. Not very compelling television in any genre. Not caught up - have they showed Wiley coughing or with a fever yet?
  10. Extremely sad day when they killed off AJ. AJ and Liz would have made a much more 'relatable' and enjoyable lead couple to follow than the violent, sociopathic, nasty and just dispicable leads we have been stuck with for WAY TOO LONG!
  11. It is startling to have the lead character of a show have any compunction about killing another human being for not participating in the Corinthos 'PC' group-think. No putting the toothpaste back in the tube as this Corinthos era has stained all characters/plots with its glorification of violence and lack of justice. It seems even starker to those of us who watched this same show since the '70s. It probably wouldn't be as much of a problem if the lead actor could read his lines (and be easier on the eyes - ymmv) and the lead actress played more than a one-note character and was on screen for less than fifty-one weeks a year.
  12. There was an inflection point where show didn't know what to do with this new character. Then suddenly the writers decided to insert a whopper of a lie each week and there wasn't any indication that she could take down the Corinthos thugs. I liked the actress. It's too bad she wasn't cast as one of Scottie's daughters. Michael should have stayed the heck away from Nelle until she gave birth. But as Michael Corinthos, he was not going to lose so now the audience is forced fed redundant messaging about what an awesome and devoted father he is to his son. What's worse is what's in store for us once again as St. Michael becomes father-of-the-year with another baby. Esme just seems like Nelle redux but with the teen set. I guess I wouldn't mind watching this plot AGAIN if Carly and Sonny weren't involved. And I am not really wowed by nuSpencer - although he has markedly improved since his debut; especially with solid soap actors (e.g., Ava, Laura and Victor) to lean against.
  13. I liked the Neil actor. He was spotted by Alexis while reading a book about Russian history. It was one of the few plots not featuring a corinthos but there was an occasional corinthos scene (e.g., when Sonny was shaming Neil about his dead daughter).
  14. Fixed this for you. So a Nelle redux is on slate whereby it will be all about Carly against a psycho woman half her age. The worse thing that Joss has suffered in her life is from this tape and not because of anything her rotten parents have done. Glad that Selina/actress is back despite being mob bound.
  15. I think there was a female day player doing the overseas torture via electroshock on Robin. Nonetheless, previous edition Liesl was a horrible and vile thugress.
  16. It's not like they're there to feed the ducks. 🦆
  17. Thanks. My bad. Just jumped the gun that being an unrepentant violent criminal is worse than what Nina did. The mental gymnastics necessary to watch this character - to say nothing about his current lack of easy on the eyes... .
  18. “That’s not the case here,” he added. As Sonny, “I don’t see the monster. I understand everybody else can’t say that.” Keep telling yourself that MB. Time to change your mirror.
  19. It seems like MB's differentiation between Mike and Sonny involves the simple motion of looking towards the ground in a bashful mode - that would be the Mike persona. 🙅‍♀️ Both Mike and Sonny are violent thugs. Heads or tails - we lose.
  20. Olivia didn't even wait until Connie's body was cold before she slept with Sonny. To have her be a 'Q' is painful to watch.
  21. One doctor in the top ten. Three of the top four wake up every morning and their day includes beating/extorting/etc. up on people with no recourse to go to the police. They are remorseless criminals. Want the ratings to increase FV/TPTB? It is soooo easy - remove the Corinthos blight from this show. There are plenty of talented actors to carry the show forward.
  22. MB involved. Check. Potential Emmy Material. Check. Anytime I see MB/Carly in the hospital, I feel like a barrel of Lysol needs to be sprayed at the end of their scenes. Whenever Sonny (the violent murdering thug) is in the chapel, I also am sending up some prayers. Unfortunately, those prayers have not yet been answered yet.
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