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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. LadyArcadia . . . maybe he called Clara's cell in her future while he was in the TARDIS, back when he was still "cooking." I'm okay with it, but I understand if others felt like it was a cheat. Heck, if Matt Smith didn't do that scene before Eleven kicked off, then I think it was a cheat.
  2. That was fun. I mean, it was either this or the VMAs, and DVRs make things so much easier. I'm 38 . . . I probably don't have any business watching the VMAs, but a series finale to a show that should've been killed off two seasons ago? Sure, why not? Poor Sookie. I bet she was going to kill Bill through the Faerie FIreball, but she changed her mind. Otherwise, she would've worn more clothes. How many vamps have gone *POP* on her? And yeah, that did take too long. I kept expecting the Doctor and his shiny new Scottish accent to rush in, Sonic Screwdriver in one hand, guilt-free cure for Hep V in the other. Jason wound up with Bridget? Awwwww. I'm hoping the sex was post-marriage. I'm going to miss Jason's male slut self. And I'm not going to question Bridget, because the alternative is Alaska. Unless we're talking Sicily, I'll take Bon Temps, even if it's the center of bizarreness. Man, I would not have expected Eric to be a huckster. But he and Pam do it so well. Almost makes up them whoring off Sarah and her blood. And I kinda like how the NewBlood cans look like Red Bull for vampires. And I'm guessing Sookie had some in the fridge for Jessica and the other friendly vamps, as opposed to her cheating on her "rando" guy. At least the wedding was cute. Rushed, but cute. Jessica (I can't be bothered with real names most of the time) is gonna make one heckuva Karen Page on Daredevil. And at least Hoyt and Jason buried the hatchet, and not in Jason's crotch. Maybe they're the couple that was meant to me. BTW, is Hoyt's first name really "Hoyt"? I kept thinking it was short for "Hoytenberry," but it was actually "Foytenberry." Oh, and nice that he didn't have to think about his momma. His dead, battleaxe momma. I hated Maxine. Thank you, Violet, for at least whacking her. Looks like I'll be needing another HBO series. At least I got closure, which I don't remember getting from Carnivale.
  3. Speaking of the Star Wars specials . . . CN/[as] will be running the first two tonight starting at 11:30.
  4. Speculation: Even if BMP does whitewash things, do you think that the drama would be minimized because everybody's mind would be on Diem? I know that booze and sex will inevitably lead to drama, but there's a chance that there won't be actual fighting because everybody has perspective. It's like of like how the original Battle of the Seasons wound up being one big collusion fest, because it took place after the events of 9/11. Sure, there was drama (Stephen, the Wicks, etc.), and the format left us with twelve players for roughly half the season, but they seem more human compared to the monsters we have running around today.
  5. Any doubt that Spandam is a limp-dicked pansy with one bollock? Taking a swing at Robin is pretty low, even for him. She's handcuffed and she wouldn't fight back even if the cuffs didn't nullify her powers. Franky's got the right idea . . . bite down on the noggin. Hard. Even if Spandam would probably taste of coffee and shame. Not much else to add, other than it's nice seeing the heroes go double bugfuck with cheese on the Navy. I hope that Nami's use of the Clima Tact was informative . . . she's only used it once between the Davy Back arc and now. And I feel bad for Usopp (getting choked and dropped hard), even though I know he'll play a bigger part in the battle, starting with -- IIRC -- the next episode.
  6. So . . . who's a bigger jerk? Danzo? The village elders? No, I'm going to go with Sai, who gets to question Naruto's balls in this uncensored version of the show. Pity poor Yamoto .. . even with sweet ninja teleportation moves, he's probably going to be wishing for his ANBU Black Ops mask back. While I'm thinking about it . . . bare midriffs on guys: yay or nay? I'm going "nay" with Sai, myself.
  7. companionenvy . . . first up: nice nickname. Secondly: On the After Show, they were speculating lots of stuff, like maybe Missy could be the TARDIS. They didn't bring up The Rani or Romana, though I'm guessing either one is a bit of a longshot. I'm hoping it's something newer and better than a female version of The Master, though "Paradise" could be a TARDIS. I have faith in Moffat, even if he might not be the best showrunner these days. ETA: The Doctor must have been out of it while talking to the dinosaur. Doesn't he know that he and dinos aren't a good mix? Poor Tricey.
  8. Just found out that the guy playing the tramp the Doctor encounters is Brian Miller, husband of the late Elisabeth Sladen. Nice bit of casting there.
  9. I had fun. Capaldi made for a fine first-time Doctor, even if Moffat seemingly broke the rules in inviting Matt Smith back. Or maybe Smith did his part before his official final scene, And my mother likes that Capaldi speaks slower than Smith. I try not to nitpick, so making "Deep Breath" a sequel to "The Girl In The Fireplace" doesn't bother me much. Granted, I didn't think we needed one, but I kinda liked how I managed to put two and two together before the Doctor. Makes me feel smarter than I actually am, you know? I'm not in any hurry to go back to Victorian London, but I'll understand if it means more Vastra & Jenny. And Strax, of course, who still can't differentiate between the genders. I'm not titillated by Jenny and Vastra, though. I guess I don't dig interspecies romance . . . or at least romance involving Silurians. Sorry, Madame Vastra. Please don't tongue-lash me into submission. So Missy is the new "girlfriend"? And she put the ad in the newspaper instead of the Doctor in the future/past? Whatever . . . I'm still hoping to see River. At least she wouldn't look like she was robbing the cradle.
  10. Knowing BMP, they probably will. I know they've whitewashed departures before (Piggy, The Inferno), but they seem like the sort to milk a cancer relapse for all their worth. Poor Diem . . . she shouldn't have to deal with that crap, especially at her relatively young age.
  11. Was she doing another Challenge? Her name was on Stop Being Polite's speculation list. Either way, I feel really bad for her. How can somebody that young put up with all that bullshit?
  12. Things have gotten weirder. According to Stop Being Polite, cast members from Are You The One? are filling out the ranks of the next Challenge. Apparently, BMP ran out of broken relationships within their little community, so they're outsourcing. Unless AYTO is a BMP show . .. in which case, it still reeks of desperation.
  13. Introducing the "Dancing Groot" bobblehead doll. Not quite the same as in the movie, but it is officially licensed.
  14. MarkHB . . . the shield is a few weeks old, but thanks for noticing! It still has the shiny shield smell, if that makes sense. *crossing fingers* Finally!! A map to the Multiverse for anybody in here who cares! I'm also having troubles with the job application, but I think I know what I have to do now.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/embed/Opoc-AjMlww http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opoc-AjMlww I'm trying not to be a pain, but the embedding isn't working, no matter what I try
  16. For some reason, it doesn't work for me. ETA: Is It weird that "multiversity" is recognized as a word here?
  17. Stupid question: how do I post YouTube content on a thread? It's starting to bug me something fierce.
  18. I figured that DC Comics' big teaser comic deserves its own thread. For those coming in, The Multiversity has been in development forever, conceived in the mad mind of Grant Morrison. Is it a satire about modern comic reading? A throwback to the old "Crisis" issues of Justice League of America? Or will it evolve into something even more surreal? With Morrison writing, I'd say that will be a given. I got my issue today at 30 percent off the $4.99 cover price. Was it worth it? I'd say so . . . the ideas are pretty big, and the concept itself isn't going to float into the "main" continuity (re: "new 52") just yet. One of the main characters is Calvin Ellis, the Superman of Earth-23; a black man who's also the president of the United States. I don't think he's an out-and-out Obama expy, but he's been in a few issues of Action Comics (one of "our" Superman's books), so he's a good entry character for midway through the issue. He winds up sucked into the story, one of many heroes opted into a multiversal crisis. "Interesting" just about covers it without getting too deep into spoilers. It does seem like something Morrison would come up with . . . whether that's good or bad is up to you. If you're interested, here are annotations from ComicsAlliance. Unlike the "Seven Soldiers" maxiseries, The Multiversity is easier to pick up for anybody who's into Grant Morrison or wants to get into his work. Also, I found that the story read better at home than at the comic shop, if that makes any sense. I'd like to hear from anybody else that's reading this miniseries. ETA: Here's a guide to the Multiverse from DC Comics' Youtube channel.
  19. Lantern7


    Yeah, Deadpool Max from David Lapham and Kyle Baker. I got the first two trade paperbacks, and it's a nice "adults only" twist on Deadpool's mythos, especially Baron Zemo as an American white supremacist. Also: Cable with a monocle.
  20. Belated "thanks" to StarsFallen. That was a time when I devoted too much time and brain matter to the show. The season was a bit of a letdown after Inferno II, and Beth just ruined things for me so much.
  21. No problem. It was the first season I recapped, and a lot of it is still stuck in my memory. I even remember how ludicrous the opening credits were.
  22. Marathon? Awesome. I'm going to be going away that weekend, and that means I don't have to record the episodes for the other shows. That would have taken a huge chunk of DVR space, but now I don't need to sweat it. Topic? Right . . . I think I have a new favorite character in Hange. She's just so loopy, especially with the Titans. She'll probably wind up hurting Eren, but it's not like she'd kick the shit out of him while he's shackled, Levi.
  23. Reality Bites Back was a bit of a parody of reality shows, hosted by Michael Ian Black, The winner was Theo Von, best known for being "Last Comic Downloaded" in a past LCS season, his time on Road Rules and Real World/Road Rules Challenge, and for going on to host a prank show produced by Howie Mandel. Amy finished second . . . I don't remember the specifics, but I thought she was jobbed. And yeah, she was cool when I met her.
  24. Here's the description for the kitten episode at 8 p.m. on Saturday . . . And here are the episodes for Saturday, August 30 . . .
  25. There were baby rabbits in an episode with hedgehogs and piglets.
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