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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. RIP Going Merry. KInda wish Toonami showed the Skypiea arc to show Merry's flight to the Sky Island. I reckon it was enough for the network to provide translation to the background song, which never happens. Distracts from Luffy and Chopper's extreme naiveté about Usopp/Sniper King. Next week will have less angst.
  2. I didn't take that big of a shine to the "Okay" sketch. Now . . . the valets gushing over Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer? That was magic.
  3. Anybody catch "The Dignity of Teeth"? Disturbing take on the Tooth Fairy, and the eating of teeth was squicky. I wonder how many hardcore baseball fans would smile seeing Cyborg confuse "oral hygiene" with "Orel Hershiser." When he goes old-school with references, he does not mess around.
  4. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I swear, I'm not gloating. I don't think it counts as gloating if I can see horrific outcomes over the horizon. It's just . . . how often do Mets fans feel this kind of euphoria? They've had to deal with mediocrity for the better part of a decade. I'm even contemplating getting a nosebleed ticket just so I can (try to) get the Jesse Orosco bobblehead. ETA for ebk57. You mean Safeco Field? Tell us about it. What makes it lovely? Seattle is a city I'd like to go to someday, and I wouldn't pass up a Mariners game. Whenever I go to comic conventions, I try to squeeze in a game, regardless of who's playing. Wound up seeing Yankees fans swarm Baltimore a few times, and I got to see A-Rod hit his 300th homer as a Yank. I was hoping to get a picture of him striking out, and I wound up with this.
  5. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Sign That A Casual Fan Might Be Getting Cocky: Looking at the Mets' record, looking at the record of the team holding the two seed (Dodgers), and thinking that maybe the Mets would have home field in the NLDS. I know, I know . . . there are less than two months of season left to play out, the Mets would be trailing in the wild card race, and they have been known to choke, but damn, it's a good feeling.
  6. Before the show starts up again, I have to ask: how do you like your Hiro? I know this is going to run counter to the commercials I've seen so far, but I like the dopey fanboy from the start of the series. He was just so cute and cuddly back then. I didn't mind the thought of Future Hiro being a pseudo-samurai, but Dopey Hiro was more relatable. Also, you could get more laughs from him. Remember when he tried to ambush the African psychic? He lays in wait, sees a (Tim Sale-drawn) image of himself getting hit in the hit with a shovel, and WANG! blow to the head. So he goes back a few minutes prior. He sees another image of himself getting knocked out, basically goes, "Oh, shit," and WANG! blow to the head. Then the African (whose name I've forgotten) walks over to where Hiro was to begin with and clocks him one. Good times . . . unless it turns out Masi Oka got a concussion, in which case I apologize.
  7. Heads up: the weekly miniseries from Titan -- Doctor Who: The Four Doctors -- kicked off today. Basically, it's an excuse to have Ten, Eleven and Twelve interact with their respective companions (comics-exclusive in the cases for Ten and Eleven), and Twelve pitching a fit about the "event." Amusing stuff from Paul Cornell.
  8. Anybody else figure Japan's tobacco industry has too much pull in anime? Between Asuma in Naruto, Sanji in One Piece and this show, I think things have gotten out of hand. Shit, you half-expect Hatchin to start the habit based on the shit she has to put up with Michiko. BTW, is it going to be a running gag that pint-sized toughs will always be attracted to her shoes? I can see where that can run thin.
  9. Well, the story's starting to turn dramatic, with Asuma, Shikamaru and their teammates finally catch up to the Akatsuki duo. I think I miss out on a lot of nuance not knowing shogi. Also: how fitting is it that the chain smoker has an ash-spewing ninja move? Asuma is probably five years younger with his lungs cleared out.
  10. Add "Floating Monkey Bars" to the list of obstacles that can wipe out even the most stalwart ninja. Snake Road isn't too shabby, either. Lucky for the female competitors that wild cards exist; otherwise, we'd have a big ole sausage party in Vegas. And yes . . . Geoff Britten is a monster.
  11. With reruns being aired twice a week on Comedy Central, I thought an all-inclusive thread should be set up . . . especially with "Sea Tunt" getting aired tomorrow night. There are too many quotes and scenes for me to remember now, so I'll leave it to you guys to start, How about this: "'Git in mah big ole vagina! I'm Lana!'"
  12. Wow. Lots of flawed personalities, peppered with the occasional Patton Oswalt voiceover. Only Rick could get a hivemind to date him and fool around. And only Beth and Jerry's marital strife could make an alien flee the Earth through the force of their bickering.
  13. Wound up watching this episode on DVR after Rick and Morty. Damn, I reckon that I lucked out with my health education teacher, who was a bit of a lovable whackjob. I don't know what's a bigger deterrent for intercourse . . . the "abstinence always" videos, or John pronouncing the word "condom." It's almost like the syllables are two separate words. Anybody else wonder what sex ed was like for Donald Trump? Um . . . me neither.
  14. I feel like hugging this anime, because it's replacing Kill la Kill on the Toonami lineup. And I'll admit it . . "wide-eyed small village boy with big dreams finds the capital to be more heinous than he figured" is a nice trope. And I would have bet money that the main character would find his friends as the anime went on, as opposed to finding one dead and the other dying at the hands of the same people that took him in. It's just . . . how do you top "clothes are aliens that seek to use and destroy the planet"? You can't. You just can't. I know, it's not a fair comparison, but it has to be made.
  15. I'll admit it . . . I'm piqued by Asuna meeting a guy who got the best of Kirito. Sure, Kirito didn't go for dual-wielding, but I'm sure he had his reasons. Hopefully, my mind won't wander as much as I did in this episode. For example . . . wouldn't it be hazardous to sleep while in VR immersion? I'm guessing its safe, given how the SAO players had to rest while trapped, but it can't be healthy. Also . . . why hasn't Asuna told her family about Kirito? The impression that I got is that her folks keep trying to set her up.
  16. One more episode until we get to the stuff covered by the DVD I saw. Just so you know, it's riddled with filler, but it's still good. Given what Spandam did to Robin, can you really blame her for breaking his back? I mean, normally I'd object to such a harsh payback, but Robin was put through the wringer by that pantload.
  17. Just found this . . . a Rick and Morty/Space Dandy crossover. I've met the artist a few times. I could totally see the episode, with Rick abusing Dandy about his hair.
  18. Just checking to see if anybody is watching. The last few episodes involved bullfighting, which is a bit barbaric to me, since I was raised on Ferdinand. I will say that Michiko made for a nice-looking matador.
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I don't think the average Mets fan can feel the pain of Blevins re-breaking his arm. Between the six-game winning streak and the dodged bullet of almost blowing an eight-run lead, I'd say the adrenaline is surging at this point.
  20. Thinking about it . . . what correspondents/contributors didn't we see? The one I kept thinking about was Frank DeCaro. And Tom Shilue, mostly because I went to two tapings with his "This Week In Hate" segments. Too obscure?
  21. That's what a wake is supposed to be, right? Holy crap, I think this might top Stephen's departure from The Colbert Report, and that had Abe Lincoln and Alex Trebek. And I think every correspondent got covered. . . . even the guy that does Jon's job for 5-7 minutes a week and gets slammed for not being as funny. Also, it's funny that Olivia Munn came by with cake. I was thinking she'd pop out of a cake. In her Psylocke costume. Something might be wrong with me. And thanks goes to Comedy Central for letting "bullshit" slide for the night. I think his speech would have been as strong even without cussing, but it was good to hear it unbleeped. So . . . when does Trevor Noah start his gig? I wish him luck . . . I don't think Jon had as much pressure when he succeeded Craig in 1999.
  22. I was flipping around when I saw the episode with Bill Moyers. Actually, it's the episode where Jon blasts Trump for stacking pizza slices and eating them with a fork. Few things can match an indignant Jon screaming bloody murder. Good times. ETA: I saw the post-9/11 episode. One thing that sticks out: how weird/funny was it to see Steve Carell comment on Nad's hair remover years before The 40-Year-Old Virgin came out? And yeah . . . Moment Of Zen Puppy for the win.
  23. There's not much of an impression made on me. Right now, "Bad Comic Eli Manning" could probably get more votes than any of the comedians showcased so far.
  24. For anybody interested, here are the episodes Comedy Central will be airing tomorrow, as per Time Warner . . . 9:20 a.m.: "News Your Own Adventure" 10:28: Amy Schumer 11:01: Denis Leary 11:35: Louis CK 12:09 p.m.: Michael J. Fox (1/11/99) 12:43: Jonah Hill (12/6/11) 1:17: Steve Carell (4/7/10) 1:51: Malala Yousafzai (10/8/13) 2:25: Liam Neeson (1/1712) 2:58: Post-9/11 episode (9/20/01) 3:31: Dr. Sanjay Gupta (4/28/3) 4:05: Philip K. Howard (5/2/11) 4:38: Newt Gingrich (9/3/08) 5:08: Bill Moyers (6/1/11) 5:38: Bill O'Reilly (10/5/14) 6:12: Mick Huckabee (12/16/10) 6:46: Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page (4/30/14) 7:20: President Barack Obama (7/21/15) 7:52: Jim Cramer (3/12/09) 8:24: Gary Locke (3/18/10) 8:56: "News Your Own Adventure" 10:00: Review 10:30: Louis CK 11:00: Finale
  25. Mets had an 8-0 lead going into the bottom of the ninth against Florida, and they gave up six runs from the Marlins. Only thing missing was oxygen masks dropping from the ceiling. If the Mets did blow the game, I'd fear we'd see the last of Jon. Nice tributes from Arby's and the correspondents. Nice that Jon's name was displayed correctly. Also, nice to see his various impressions (Dubya, Cheney, McConnell, et al.)
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