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Everything posted by hogwash

  1. Oliver and the Lance sisters before the Gambit sank is so confusing to me thanks to S02. So Sara was OK with being side chick #10(?) while Laurel was cool(?) with 10 side chicks as long as she was the official girlfriend and, eventually, the wife?
  2. At least Laurel got a fair shot at the vigilante thing? Even if "killing" Sara/Oliver and all the focus/buildup only amounted to a gratuitous butt shot and "I'm the justice you can't outrun."
  3. Iris hate is gross but nothing I've seen in Flarrowverse has topped Laurel circa S01/S02. That was brutal. Flash is frustrating to watch. I'm still pissed the show actually had to go to another Earth for them to actually get to do something. They only have 2 female characters! How is this hard for them???? I straight up think Iris gets screwed by Joe (so did Henry). Caitlin gets screwed by Cisco. Joe gets to be Barry's family while Cisco gets to be Barry's friend. Iris and Caitlin tread water in inconsequential storylines. Iris, especially, if they're going for the romance with Barry this season. Barry's crush overshadowed their relationship in S01 but they had a chance to course correct and show them as BFFs/childhood friends. But nah. They've both been through heavy stuff this season but have only had 2(?) conversations. Some BFFs. Maybe when they're together they'll be allowed to talk/interact with each other...
  4. I saw Oliver's whatever with Laurel in S01 as an bizarre obsession where he basically pledged his loyalty/love for all of eternity to make up for the cheating douche and dead sister thing. They sucked but I figured that's just what they were going for and it was supposed to seen as ~chivalrous~ and ~destined~. Home Invasion is so weird when you still think Laurel/Oliver is happening. Then Tommy in the finale. I was so confused.
  5. "Don't I own my car, Paula?" I was cackling. I love this show.
  6. Oliver is an emotional idiot and his first instinct is to lie and withhold information. A character like that is in a serious relationship and finds out he has a secret kid. Anyone could see how Oliver could screw up this up. But they could barely articulate why he would keep the kid a secret from Felicity. After what happened with Malcolm, they literally stopped trying to pretend Oliver had a reason to keep it from her. Their relationship was solid and even an idiot like him would have immediately told her. I'm just annoyed that they were so desperate for this damn breakup. It was so important that it was worth ignoring Thea's past characterization and storylines. Instead, Felicity literally gets up and walk away 3 sentences into the breakup. 0/10. No stars. 7 episodes in the making and that's the best they could do? A good breakup was the least they could do... Anyway, I think it's a good thing they could barely explain why Oliver was still lying. He's not that person anymore. I'm sure they'll find something new (ugh).
  7. I'll never understand why they thought that people would OK with Sara dying for Laurel. Even with the horrible ratings during Sara "takeover" episodes and the hatemail. Sara got hate but it was nothing compared to Laurel by the end of S02. I think everyone from fans to critics crapping on S03 played also a big part in getting Sara back. So yay for S04 being mostly good?
  8. Does that mean that Sara is gonna ~know~ when Laurel dies since they're so "connected"? I would actually buy it if the second half of S02 hadn't convinced me that they kinda despise each other. They're like frenemies (the kind in mid-2000s teen movies) who happen to be sisters. Anyway, Oliver's single manly tear really fits considering Thea forced to him stay/be friends with Laurel. Plus, Barry barely knew her and Felicity tends to get overemotional and empathetic when it comes to these things so all that fits too.
  9. I loved the rap battle song. It was amazing. I hate them for reprising the Les Mis song. It's gonna stuck in my head for days. I was screaming "DON'T KISS!!!!" at the end. It was very adorable but such a bad idea. I love Josh and Darryl together but Josh needs to get his eyes checked. Tom Selleck...
  10. Yeah, I'm not up for watching 'Malcolm is a shitty father' take 3.
  11. I wonder if this will finally get them off killing characters and making a big deal about it? Cause seriously? Panning to a grave scene in the first episode of a lighter season?? There's no way they can ever top Oliver "dying" and there's no point of even trying if Laurel (pleasepleaseplease) is dying. They can really go for a lighter and more Green Arrowy season now. If it's really Laurel (pleasepleaseplease) then I'm honestly kinda shocked that the grave mystery actually lived up to those Felicity hints and wasn't a cop-out/bluff.
  12. I knew it would be a Lance but I never expected it to be the "white whale" of the Lance family. I'm tempering my response for now because I don't want to get too invested. But I'm so curious. I already want postmortems(ha). What was the point of having her suit up in S03? Should I be thanking S03 for sucking so hard that it finally made them decide to get rid of Laurel? Was she in the grave in 401? When in S03 did they decide to kill her (if she's always been the one who was dying)? Also...I KNEW SARA LANCE COMING BACK WAS FREAKING WEIRD!! She took three arrows to the torso, fell from a really tall building, crashed onto a dumpster, then fell several feet into a dirty alleyway. She was deader than dead and they wanted us to know it. I figured the LOT resurrection meant they realized that killing Sara was a mistake but I never thought it meant anything about Laurel's Black Canary.
  13. Right?! We better get something out of this. Especially, after the plot devices drove out of town never(please) to be heard from again. Give us something besides that lame breakup.
  14. Excellent point. I'm convinced. We're totally gonna have 3+ weeks of this.
  15. Laurel literally cried on her dad's shoulder about Oliver's inability to keep it in his pants/use adequate birth control. Why is anyone rooting for this???
  16. She was like an air/restaurant hostess or something. Very weird. Animated Vixen show on CW Seed. Hence the "animated encounter" quip.
  17. Yeah, I don't think she wanted it a joint decision. It seemed more like she wanted him to let her in and keep her informed. Even the most forgiving person would be WTF at Oliver's inability to be open and honest. He rescues his kid and decides to not see him until he turns 18. Any rational person would want to talk about that with their significant other. Bounce off ideas, let out frustration, etc. But not Oliver. Apparently.
  18. Ding dong a Lance is dead!! Sorry. That was mean.
  19. I didn't laugh at Felicity walking away (I booed) but I did laugh at the kid and the mom getting put on a train/car to Nowhere, USA the second Oliver and Felicity got a reason to breakup. It was so freaking lazy.
  20. I can't get over how dumb Felicity walking out looked. That kinda explains what EBR was saying about her changing focus or whatever. They killed Felicity's rehab/disability storyline for a very stupid scene.
  21. Since when do Oliver and Thea know the difference between a biological father and a father? I'm shocked. Can't wait for them to murder him later this season.
  22. All this was just to break them up and that's the best they could do? That breakup freaking sucked!
  23. This BM drama doesn't compare to the bullshit that was Malcolm's "plan" in S03. Also Ray Palmer's entire existence.
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