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Everything posted by hogwash

  1. I understand if Oliver felt guilty. She was still (still??) in love with him and he had to be convinced be still be friends with her. It's like the Flarrowverse doesn't want him to stop being a dick to her. Even if he's not doing it on purpose anymore.
  2. It's perfect cause I got nothing for the love declaration. I don't get why they pushed the whole "look they're friends now!" stuff only to have that come out of her mouth on her deathbed. The love interest stuff is what screwed the character in the first place. Oliver was barely interested in being her friend and she was pining for him the entire time?? No, thank you. Ghost Tommy fixes everything.
  3. It's always been obvious that the comic canon arguments only mean Laurel.
  4. What comic book is LOT following? Is there an actual Flash comic book with that dumb crap everyone saw coming??? Anyway, I don't think this episode lived up to the hype of the first grave scene. Laurel being the big death actually fit with the all the grave scenes (even the one with the Felicity reveal), but this episode was kinda a letdown since it has been teased since the premiere. I actually think Felicity and Thea's "death" episodes were 1000x better.
  5. That's a relief. I thought I missed something. Really don't want to see a repeat of Laurel's S03 arc. I'm hoping 419 puts a nail in the coffin (sorry) of the BC thing like the LOA episode did for the LOA.
  6. Maybe she told him to give up his dream of being a house husband and keep being the Green Arrow, the light, beacon, symbol, etc. the city needs. Sounds right up their alley. Where is this Felicity as BC stuff coming from??
  7. The Black Canary thing has already been a giant clusterfuck. Hopefully that ended with this episode. No need to get Felicity involved. Besides, I can't take anymore several months of offscreen LOA training/boxing lessons = badass brawler.
  8. I've never been more happy to barely see Felicity in an episode. Anyway, I mostly liked this episode. Diggle was amazing even though trusting Andy was dumb. It reminded me of Oliver's bullheadedness when it came to Moira in S01. I loved the hospital scene with the team and I liked the solo scene with Oliver until that stupid picture made yet another appearance.
  9. Did Oliver just kill Laurel?? What did you do Ollie???
  10. OMG! Stop with the DAMN PICTURE!!
  11. Two Laurel picture mentions? Dick move. Stop it show.
  12. I'm happy Darhk mentioned how easy it is to figure it out. That was a blah death.
  13. So, Thea's the one who kills Merlyn later. Good to know.
  14. WHOA!! DAMN DigglE!! Wow, that was so mean.
  15. Hey, it's S01 Oliver! I forgot what a nut was. He's probably right about Andy though.
  16. Merlyn is such a suck-up. He better not be the big bad in S05. It wouldn't not be remotely believable.
  17. Laurel picture mention? That's just mean.
  18. I hope Vixen tells them to go screw themselves if they call her up again. All that work for nothing.
  19. I hope so. I have no idea what's happening next besides the funeral. And something with corn.
  20. Yay! Please don't kill his husband!
  21. How weird is gonna be if they have 3 bad ones in a row? What is happening over there??
  22. It's kinda hilarious that Laurel stuff from 3 different shows got spoiled. Hopefully, E2 Laurel works. I hope she actually is a villain. I liked Killer Frost and Trajectory.
  23. Since apparently Palmer Tech is where Felicity goes when she and Oliver are on the outs, I'm happy they've actually set up a storyline there for her. For real this time not the BS that they tried to pass off as storyline in S03. It also helps that Ray Palmer isn't there anymore (ignores LOT spoilers). All the title dropping in this episode reminded me of that S02 episode where characters (past and present) kept saying "love is the strongest emotion" (whatever that means).
  24. I also liked that they kept the tradition of Oliver being a total dick to every new member of Team Arrow. Echo has a very good kicked puppy look.
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