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Everything posted by hogwash

  1. Is it just me or does Felicity's rationale for quitting Team Arrow not make any sense? I really liked this episode and even some of the bee puns.
  2. I was happy that they got a proper breakup but some of the stuff she said reminded me of Diggle's "You don't trust. You don't love" BS. The only thing Oliver's lied about since they've been together is the contrived BM drama. Plus he talked about going undercover with Damien Darhk with Diggle and then talked with Felicity instead of pulling the same crap he pulled with Malcolm and the LOA. So, that "you can't change" stuff doesn't hold up much. But I get the sentiment behind it. This post went in circles...
  3. So Eddie is totally the love of Iris's life, right? You'd think the show would do more make her future husband less of a consolation prize. I loved the video. Eddie was a prize. Poor Tommy 2.0
  4. Paula is the worst. Rebecca got over Josh very quick. I don't trust it...
  5. So Laurel dies, Felicity rejoins Team Arrow to catch her killer, Oliver makes a grand gesture to show that he's super serious about the no lying thing, they get back together and the writers stop trying to put a Felicity/Oliver peg in a Laurel/Oliver hole. Sounds good.
  6. I loved her that she started that particular conversation with "This trial is going horrible. They need something called evidence." Jeez
  7. The flashbacks were kinda the most interesting part. I think it's cause it's hard for me to buy that this will be a permanent breakup so the pretty vows and the breakup (I deserved in 415) aren't doing much for me.
  8. This is the breakup speech I deserved in 415.
  9. So...they're definitely getting back together by the finale. Yay!
  10. This dumb trial would work better if it was a grand jury trial.
  11. Is this what it's gonna look like without Laurel? Eh. Though they do look adorable walking everywhere together in formation.
  12. I don't like Man of Steel because of the infamous tornado scene. It was like a light switch when I watched it opening weekend. I was perfectly fine with everything up til that point then instant hate. It was that stupid. I don't get this DCU. They have access to their entire catalog of characters, works, etc. and they squander it. The Dark Knight trilogy set the bar for the dark/gritty thing so what the heck is Man of Steel and BvS supposed to be doing?
  13. That first preview makes no sense. He kidnapped 3 people in the middle of a Christmas party?
  14. Man of Steel soured me on the universe but I'm kinda interested about the DCU version of Flash. This is same universe that Pa Kent turned into a sociopath. Their Barry Allen is gonna be a doozy. Maybe he'll do the Flashpoint thing and his newly alive mom will tell him not to change it back because he doesn't owe the world anything (I'm not bitter....).
  15. Eh, I don't know. I get that both JJ (and Daredevil) are going for gritty and mostly realistic feels but the utterly incredulous way people treated Jessica's warnings about Kilgrave was so bizarre to me in a world where a team of superheroes destroyed a chunk of the city fighting aliens coming from a hole in the sky. Not to mention the fact that they barely reference each other if they're not directly connected. 2 different networks, the movies, different tones, etc. I don't get where it all fits in.
  16. I wish we had gotten into Matt's headspace more. I could see what they were trying to do with Elektra (except for the Black Sky nonsense) and I get that Matt tends to flake out when Elektra's around because she's the only one who's really cool with him letting his Daredevil flag fly or whatever. But then he was done with her for the exact same reason (killing kids for murky reasons he didn't care about or understand) he was done with Stick in S01. Until he wasn't because Stick tried to kill her and then she tried to kill Stick and he was trying to protect both of them from each other and save her humanity(?) or whatever. I really didn't really get why he got involved again? Having Elektra literally reference it as Matt saving her from a Moral Event Horizon made it dumber to me (and made me wonder who was browsing tvtropes...). I mean, she slit ninja kid's throat after Matt had him subdued but killing Stick was the big no-no?? Even then I was still mostly engaged in all that until the Foot Clan got involved. After that I could barely care. I did really loved this season. I guess I'm a little disappointed because I loved Stick's episode in S01 and I was excited to go beyond the mob/gang/gentrification stuff and dive into that part of Daredevil's world. But it just the same old Asian mysticism stuff (with barely any Asians) and ninjas who are basically cannon fodder. Not much to write home about. Having Elektra and Stick introduce it all seems like a no brainer but it was so bleh. I actually thought Claire Temple and her hospital wing of freaky kids was the most interesting part of the entire ninja storyline. Mostly cause I love Claire Temple. I also love Karen Page. Killing Ben Urich was still such a mistake. Having Ben continue to take Karen under his wing while Nelson & Murdock imploded would have worked better and given her journalism thing more legitimacy. Her ascent to that journalist job was complete BS but I love watching her nose around and investigate so I'm mostly cool with it.
  17. Yeah, the could barely hold my interest. Matt blew off a make or break case but it just lead to something other than him . None of that was interesting to me. I'll never understand why these ~grounded~ shows can't get a good handle on adapting these shadowy "Asian/ninja" organizations. Whatever. The other stuff in the season more than made up for it.
  18. I think the jacket made that line worse. Like she was saying "you get Oliver and BC now."
  19. Getting with a new girl whenever he was off with Laurel is way more flattering than the cheating. I wish they had gone with that. But he was definitely with Laurel when he knocked up Samantha. Moira even assumed Laurel was pregnant until douche face corrected her. Plus, Samantha and Laurel specifically mentioned that he was with Laurel. Her friend(?) and her sister boning her boyfriend. Pre-Gambit Laurel had a weird circle.
  20. Ray's gone. Laurel's on the way out. Malcolm is the only holdout from S03's suckfest. I hope he's not S05's main villain. He's no threat to Oliver and he's probably the biggest exception to Team Arrow's "no kill" rule.
  21. They choose Sara/Oliver over Laurel/Sara then had both Sara and Laurel's most significant relationship in the Flarrowverse be with each other. Oliver got around but Sara sleeping with him is a whole different ballgame than Samantha, that dude's fiancée, etc. It's way too personal and mean and petty. I don't need any explanation from douche face Ollie but all through S01, I wondered what kind of person would go after her sister's boyfriend and what their relationship even looked like considering it got to that point. Cause I'll never believe that douche face Ollie was that tempting. Those S02 Lance sister flashbacks did a great job on both accounts. Then wrapped it up with a neat bow by having Laurel apologize while Sara just stood there. Dumb and no buildup whatsoever. Like Roy and Oliver. And Oliver's S03 "Woe is me. I can't be with my lady love" shtick. I put too much thought into this. This is the same show that got star-crossed lovers and BM drama from "But I still feel like I can trust you. Why is that?"
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