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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. I don't want to get too deep into talking about TTD in this thread, but I did have to comment on something Scott Gimple said tonight when Chris asked him to respond to those fans feeling angry/disrespected by the cliffhanger. Gimple said something along the lines of he wanted us to feel like we were there with CDB, kneeling in that line, not knowing...


    The problem is, at the end of the episode CDB does know, but we, the viewers don't. How can we be with them, feeling their fear and their grief in that moment, it they have knowledge that we don't? If anything it separates us from the characters.


    To the second point, overall I think Scott Gimple has done a fine job as showrunner. For what it's worth, on another board I visit, an individual who said he works on the show describes the relationship between the show (Gimple and co.) and the comic (Kirkman) as a dysfunctional marriage. He said the plan is to deviate more from the comics after season 7, but Kirkman's ego is the primary roadblock to that coming to fruition.


    I agree about not being able to connect with characters at the ending with the fake blood. It would be best to have shown who was picked and killed. It's almost like they're saying we don't know who to kill off we just want to toss it in the air in case there are some writing changes. I hate the guessing game and yes I agree with those that it would be beneficial to kill off a character whose death is going to rock the group so that would leave either Daryl or Glenn. 

    • Love 4
  2. Just got around to watching the finale and I'm really hoping Abe bites it, he sure as hell got on my nerves this episode with his "what the bitch" and whatever else he said. If it's Negan I hope he knocks Abe's block clean off. I really didn't fear for Rick, Carl, Maggie, or Michonne when it comes to who Negan picked to kill but I'm begging them to please not kill Aaron. Really hoping hoping that it's not him. If it's Aaron I will be highly upset. Abe, Eugene, Rosita & Daryl rank high up on my list on who Negan killed.


    Also for them cutting off Michonne's two dreads, you hardly notice that they did when they dragged her out. They could have at least make it look noticeable.


    Oh Eugene once again so easily captured. He should have stayed back in ASZ. 


    Carol just really doesn't care anymore does she? I didn't like seeing her get shot twice but Carol just wasn't all that fazed by it. 


    Who is that guy who Morgan shook hands with? Is that another red head who has the same color as Abe? They sure as hell are stocking up on dye when they go out on runs.

    • Love 1
  3. I had to quote the whole thing, because hell, yes, to all of it. Here's a man whose wife apparently felt that offing herself was a better option than spending the rest of her life isolated with him yet now he can can get not one, but two attractive, smart, capable women who want him. The ZA certainly has been advantageous to some. Sasha, dear - if you're that desperate I'm pretty sure there's a few untouched, grotty sex stores where you could pick up a deluxe vibrator that would be more fun and more gratifying (at least it's not going to yak about turds and Bisquick after it's done its job) than Yosemite Sam. I have a feeling he's not all that good in that department anyway.


    I would have to agree about Abe not being that great in bed. Earlier season when they showed Rosita and Abe having sex, they were having a conversation and it wasn't even dirty talk. They were talking, I'm sorry but when you normally having sex, it's not accompanied by "Are you going to the grocery store tomorrow?" Sex can't be that great if you're carrying on a conversation or if you sound monotone lol.

  4. IDK who to believe in regards to Michael and Dina. He said he only hit her once which I don't believe since he was on coke and if you hit your wife once, you're going to do it again. I can understand why Michael is upset with Dina because it does look like she exaggerates her stories in regards to Michael because she said that Michael threw the t-shirt at her when he simply showed it to her and laid it down on the table. He didn't throw it at her. 


    She's going to keep bringing up the abuse as that is what she's scared of the most and being an abuse victim you can be traumatized and it also makes Michael look guilty of repeated abuse because he doesn't want to hear it. That's what guilty people do, they walk out of the room because they don't want to hear the truth and lay it back on the victim, it's like that "you made me do it" argument that abusers like to throw out. Part of therapy is hearing things that you don't want to hear.


    Sister Patterson I think is severly acting for the cameras. It's just too much but I do try to remind myself that there are crazy people out there in the world. She never feels like she's ever in the wrong and she can basically suck the energy out of everyone within her vicinity because her personality is so draining. It's very sad that Tiffany is coming off sane.


    The Damon brothers Damon just thinks that because he buys and pays for things that his word is law or he can have power over the other two. The way he talks to them is so below the belt. On the other hand the other one (Forgot his name, the actor), jusst because Damon makes movies doesn't mean that Damon is obligated to hire him to star in any of them. They're not the Wayans family.


    Out of everyone I'm really hoping that Bam gets help the most. Poor man having lost friends and grieved by drinking alcohol and letting it consume his life. He's going to be going through the most because he's also detoxing while there.

    • Love 2
  5. Debbie is really tap dancing on my damn last nerves. She really needs to go if she keeps it up and sick of her saying she's playing offense. No girl you're playing fast and loose now with being everywhere and trying so desperately to get the numbers. Calm your ass down some. While the medic was there he should have slipped Debbie some Ritalin.


    Nick wanting to side with brawn because he can manipulate them. I wonder what emotion he's going to compute when he's doing that. Let's hope he doesn't have a system failure cause he'll have to put in overtime when it comes to Scot and Kyle.


    Gross to fucking Kyle eating and we're seeing him talk with his mouth full and food spraying out of his atrocious mouth. Nasty ass, keep your damn mouth closed when you're eating.


    I feel bad for Neal for having to be taken out of the game like that even though he said he feels fine. I really don't need to be seeing close ups of disgusting ass pus and seeing inside cavities and all that. No thank you. Doctors get my respect in that regards for being able to look at that nasty stuff without vomiting.  I was hoping Scot would need to be taken out of the game. Dammit.


    This season is just so annoying more than anything. Barely anyone to root for.

    • Love 20
  6. I wanna take Sasha's gun from her and smack her with it. I rather she tried hooking up with Father Gabriel than Abe, I rather she be a lesbian and hook up with Tara before Abe, I rather she hold her nose and sleep with Daryl before getting with Abe, I rather she sneak off to hilltop and get some Jesus, I rather she be a homewrecker and try to get with Rick or Glenn before Abe, y'all get my point now lol. Hell Sasha follow this motto, "When you ain't gotta man, you gotta hand". 

    I just can't see any way that they will ever get Daryl in the shower.


    One of my favorite scenes is the one of Michonne riding the horse up to the prison, she looked magnificent.  I just loved how she rode up and both Carl and Rick saw her and opened the gate for her and she brought presents for both of them.  I saw an interview that Danei, Andy and the rest of the gang did with Katie Couric and they discussed that scene and she mentioned how she thought it was be fine because she had been on a horse as a child at a children's party.  But when she saw the horse she was terrified.  But Andy assured the audience that she was amazing on the horse


    You know what I would do if I live in ASZ. If any of y'all are familiar with that film "The People Under the Stairs" by Wes Craven. That scene where that mother forced her daughter in a hot bathtub and scrubbed her down, that's what I would be doing to Daryl lol.

    • Love 7
  7. I think it's a combination of the group feeling over confident and the characters allowing themselves to feel again since they are not under extreme survival mood anymore. They all misjudged Negan and his group. They all allowed some carelessness to enter their life since they were feeling optimistic. While some charterers found time for love, some characters like Carol and Daryl got emotionally worse since they were not stable to begin with.


    I never understood the old criticism about the show saying that Daryl was portrayed as a perfect superman or even as iconic as Michonne. A consistent through the show has been that he is not the best when it comes to hand combat. He can be an asshole and irrational. I think the blind spot for the group right now, is that Rick is not there to balance him.


    Watching Daryl over the six seasons I still don't have an attachment to the character like I don't care whether he's killed or not and not part of the "If Daryl dies we riot" because the character really isn't essential to any plot or anything like that. His progression is so slow because he's still this lone wolf type of character and the only thing he's added to his character is stinkiness from not showering. Maybe the writers made a mistake in killing off all characters that Daryl grow close too so that there can be some growth and development to him, also could have had Daryl and Carol have more scenes together as well. Also could have had Daryl and Aaron have more scenes together as well but then that probably would have spelled DOOM for Aaron which I don't want Aaron to die.


    Daryl hasn't progressed much IMO like Rick, Carl, Michonne, & Maggie. Carl started off as an annoying asshat that couldn't get killed off fast enough for me but he's developed and growed, Michonne started off quiet and standoffish to now being an essential part of the group and learning of her backstory and what all she lost, and Maggie suffering the most onscreen is more brave and helps ASZ stay organized. Plus these characters interacted with other characters to help flesh them out. Daryl's interactions are always most of the time minimum cause he goes back to his lone wolf thing.


    If Daryl was going to jet off like that looking for Dwight he should have at least came up with a cover story like going out on runs. Michonne did it when she was out searching for the Governor, she would say she's out on runs looking for supplies when in reality she was out searching for the Governor but she came back with things like comic books and chocolate bars for Carl. She also did it by herself and when she said she was out on runs nobody in the group worried or went after her because they know she can take care of herself. Daryl jetting off in front of basically everyone he had to know that it would cause for concern and that people will go searching for him to make sure he's okay. 


    What also makes Michonne a key figure is that she has great instincts, she felt uncomfortable around Woodbury and didn't feel it was right and she was correct. When they arrived in ASZ Rick wasn't so sure about it but Michonne felt good about the place and she was once again correct in her instincts. Daryl is just too irrational and ready to just dive head first into things which has gotten him in trouble on more than one occasion which you think he would learn from this behavior.


    Before Carol left I wish she would have told Daryl that she'll leave the group if Daryl doesn't get his ass in the shower.

    • Love 3
  8. And getting more people. I feel like by now Alexandria is down to like 10 people.


    Unfortunately the two recruiters for Alexandria Aaron and Daryl are no longer recruiting people as I think Rick didn't want them to do it anymore because of what happened to Daryl and Aaron with the Wolves. So they're not recruiting anyone which they need to start doing again. Their numbers are dwindling down and only have a select few who are actually ready for combat. 


    It's also amazing that the villains always have more people than the good guys. You look at Hilltop and ASZ and don't have a lot of people. Governor didn't have have that many as he only had Martinez, Shumpert, and Merle (temporarily) until he took Martinez's group.


    I do also find it funny that Daryl the hunter is the hunted down by Dwight like 3x now. Especially out in open woods now, Daryl should know better. If either Rosita, Michonne, or Glenn die while around him then it just shows that Daryl is just a bad luck charm. He'll probably be keeping a journal next on all those that he cared about dying or running away Merle, Carol, Beth, and Denise.

    • Love 1
  9. Of the Elite 4 (Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Carol), two are captured, one is injured and missing, one is where he should be. I just cant with this show, it made not one bit of sense for half the town to go tearing out after Daryl but then for everyone to get caught......I dont know, it just didnt work for me.


    Isn't it ridiculous and as others said it's so stupid how three of them go in a truck to go looking for Daryl who is more than capable of taking care of himself. Originally just Michonne and Glenn were gonna go but Rosita hopped in the car cause she knew where Daryl went. Since Daryl was on some revenge mission they should have let him handle that on his own. Just like Michonne did with the Governor. Yea she lead Rick, Oscar, & Daryl to the prison to save Glenn & Maggie but she dealt with the Governor on her own which I think Michonne would have went back to Woodbury without them. 

  10. I have to agree, Carol killing David and Karen wasn't just because she felt like killing them. She hoped that it would stop the spread of the virus that was going on even though she had no proof. Carol's killings have reasons behind them whether or not we agree with them. She kills enemies (Wolves, Terminus, & Saviors) that threaten to harm her group, she killed David & Karen because she thought she could stop the virus from spreading, she killed Lizzie because Lizzie had gone insane and there was no coming back for her and killing those before they reanimate into zombies because they're already dead and prevent deaths of other people. Carol isn't doing it without cause.


    While Carol is suffering from some form of PTSD, I do hope she realizes that all her kills had to be done, maybe with the exception of David and Karen. Everyone has their way of grieving in different ways with the way Rick was hallucinating after Lori died and Sasha acting reckless after Tyreese and Bob's deaths. 


    I also have to agree with a poster upthread about Carol and Daryl being selfish and what their actions are causing people. It's causing people of ASZ to go out and put themselves in danger and possibly be killed just to look for them. If Daryl hadn't gone out Michonne, Rosita, and Glenn wouldn't be captured and if Daryl went by himself, he more than likely would have been killed by Dwight or held hostage and Dwight probably would have had Daryl show them where ASZ is. Daryl and Carol have to know that they're a prime asset to the group and needed severely especially when they're expecting an attack from Negan's crew. Yes they're plenty of capable fighters and shooters in Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Abe, & Rosita but the more the merrier.


    Another thing that I mentioned last week, we had another group of men just TALK once again instead of just possibly hurrying up and grabbing Carol and taking her back to ASZ to be let in. Just wasted time once again. 

    • Love 7
  11. Rick saying they know how to take what they want is such a huge statement and that's possibly going to be a big anvil. Yes they had success and are almost invincible but do need to realize that they're human and bound to slip up. 


    Morgan really needs to get off the "all life is precious" shit because it's not true anymore in the ZA. Some lives unfortunately have to be taken since people are not working together to end the zombies and willing to kill each other for supplies, food, etc. Let him stay gone until he realizes that not all life is precious. 


    For a samurai Michonne sure as hell does get captured and taken hostage a lot by Merle, Governor, and now Dwight's group. She needs to take that sword and go all ninja assassin on their asses.


    Love Carol she continues to kill and able to play the elder woman role nicely and fooling people enough to kill them. 


    It's also nice to see that the group isn't invincible though and are able to get captured but then again it seems to always be the same people for some odd reason Glenn always near death, Michonne captured, and Daryl held up once again by Dwight. Carol really should be teaching ASZ how to fool people or something because she's great at it. She should have taught them this before she left.


    Love Maggie's new haircut, looks nice on her. Didn't see it when she was on The Talking Dead.

    • Love 3
  12. The driving thing before they even got in the truck, they seen it was a stick and if Daryl knew he had trouble driving that type of car why didn't he say anything and since Denise knew, why didn't she offer to drive? If I was Rosita I would have told Daryl to pull the damn car over and let Denise drive. One of the worst things is being in a car with a driver who don't know what they're doing. 


    I know Rosita teaches people of Alexandria on how to use melee weapons and Denise took those classes and it's one thing to teach but I think Rosita should have also taken them out from behind the walls and out in the woods to train on actually killing a small herd of zombies. Maybe Denise would have been better prepared. Denise wanted to improve but part of improving is also listening and not worry about the small things. Rosita and Daryl told her point blank not to worry about the cooler as the main objective is to get the medicine back to ASZ, not going all solo to prove a point. Bad things happen when you let pride get in the way just ask Andrea.

    • Love 1
  13. Now Debbie had a short stint as a model. WTF???? What did she ever model? I hope it was when she was younger because if it was recently it may have been for the cover of Menopause Monthly or modeling for costumes and modeling Wicked With of the West costumes. She's so damn annoying and just needs to STFU at times about her "occupations".


    YES YES YES YES!!!! Peter is GONE!! Just wanted to do a backflip and glad homegirl switched her vote to vote his ass out. You just can't keep that arrogant douche around, now we have one down and two to go Scot & Kyle.

    • Love 3
  14. Yep, unpopular opinion but she was indeed very reckless the entire trip. I wanted to slap her when she wandered off in the pharmacy. There was noise of a walker and she wanted to investigate even though she wouldn't have been able to defend herself. She's a grown woman who went to school to be a psychologist she should have enough common sense to realize that all of those meds were a huge find and VERY important and that they needed to collect them and get the hell out of there as quickly and QUIETLY as possible and she goes wandering off like a four year old and starts banging around making noise. I wanted them to leave her there after that.  Then after both Daryl and Rosita warn her not to bother with the car what does dumb Denise do.. opens the door putting herself and her friends in danger. One of them could have gotten bitten trying to save her. I realize she wanted to prove herself but she was incredibly selfish and stupid. I was sitting there wishing a walker would get her then bam she died. Sorry to say I wasn't the least bit upset. She wasn't a "real" doctor who practiced medicine before the apocalypse  she was just some woman who hastily read some medical books and became their doctor because everyone else had less training than she did. I'm sure it will be easy to find someone to replace her. 


    Loved Eugene. Father Gabriel looked hot to me walking around with that gun like he owned it. Every since he shot one of Neegan's people I look at him totally differently. I would be upset at this point if he gets killed. Come back Carol!! You know Daryl is going to try to find you.  I really wish Sasha had turned Abe down and he was all alone. He deserved that after how Rosita treated him.  Sasha was in love with Bob not that long ago. How can she move on so quickly and with basically a guy who was someone else's man two days ago. He threw Rosita away like she was trash. he will do the same to Sasha when someone new catches his eye. He doesn't deserve to be happy. Rosita had his back since day one. (and still does) and he let her believe he was into her and cared for her then one day up and tossed her out. Have fun with Rosita's leftovers Sasha.  Feel bad for Daryl. Everyone he gets close to either gets killed or leaves him.


    I agree a lot on the Denise thing, but as far as Sasha & Bob's relationship. We really don't know how much time has passed since Bob died because this show does jump in timelines when starting an episode. Sometimes weeks and months later. It could have been a couple of months after Bob's death. There's really no specific timeline on waiting until you go into another relationship. Sasha grieved enough for Bob & Tyreese by being very reckless and shutting herself off. Even though she can do better.

    • Love 1
  15. I'm still waiting to see a fat zombie. Sure, I suppose they would burn off fat when they move, but somehow the zombie population is much trimmer and slimmer on average than the actual American population.


    There was a chunky zombie, remember when Glenn was lowered into the well to get the zombie out of there because it was possibly infecting the water. That's the only one I distinctly remember being chunky. I'm thinking that I've seen another one somewhere during the early seasons of the show. 


    Remember when the zombies were smarter in the 1st season they could turn door knobs and run, one even ripped Dale's stomach open, used rock to break glass, and even in the first episode that little girl zombie picked up a teddy bear. Now the zombies have no intelligence.

    • Love 1
  16. I don't care about a character's sexual preference, race, gender or whatever either. A character is a character and in the ZA none of that stuff matters as it's all about surviving as Rick explained that to Merle in S1.

    • Love 10
  17. Is there a "might be"? They were in bed together, no?


    Plus he wants to make stroganoff. I mean really you don't want to cook for someone in the ZA unless you get some sex from them first. Spencer doesn't know that he's a rebound guy. Rosita just doesn't seem all that interested in him at all, but her pickings are very slim. You kind of have to go to the next attractive person you see that isn't taken.


    If it was me with the group I would try to sleep with Rick first, then Glenn then after that try to convert Aaron or sneak off to Hilltop and get some of Jesus lol.

    • Love 3
  18. Argh!  Denise was making me crazy all episode:  The way the camera focused on her whenever she was alone, I figured something was going to happen to her.  Snooping around in the pharmacy.  (Don't open the door, Denise!)  Going for the cooler.  (Don't open the door, Denise!)  Speechifying.  (Get to the point, Denise!  (Ha!))  The suspense was terrible, it was almost a relief when she was finally shot.


    Still, I don't much care about any of the ASZers.  I'd sacrifice the whole lot (maybe with the exception of Aaron) if we could keep CDB intact.


    As for Carol, I get it.  (Don't like it, but get it.)  She doesn't care if she gets killed while out on her own.  She doesn't want anyone she cares about to either kill or be killed while protecting her since she has checked out.  I hope it isn't the last we see of her.  Warrior Carol is probably my favorite character.


    I agree out of characters that were part of the ASZ before CDC got there, the only one I like is Aaron. Rest of the ASZ I don't care about. So hopefully nothing happens to Aaron. 


    So with Denise out as a doctor all they have left is the man on Hilltop, meaning they would have to keep traveling if someone suffers a serious injury. CDC need to realize that doctors don't need to be going out on runs or anything. Now they lost a total of three doctors. The guy at the prison who died of the virus, Hershel, and now Denise. If a doctor wants to go out on runs say no, even if you have to tie them down.


    Maggie may end up being the go to doctor for ASZ since she knows a little something from Hershel. 

    • Love 1
  19. They do suck but the talking and threats could be more valuable than shooting them.  If they could punk them into admitting where they lived that's great. That saves time.  If they just shot them right there then they'd get no information and keep having to wander around.  Also the only people that know where ASZ is are the people from there plus Jesus and the show gives us the impression that while people go on runs, bunches of them aren't leaving at once.  So unless you find that particular group while wandering around - and get them to admit where it is - you'd be hard pressed to find the place easily.


    PS. I still hate Morgan. 


    All that talking they do has gotten them nowhere but killed or retreating. The group just don't crack that easy, the only people that'll possibly crack is Morgan and Enid IMO. The rest won't give in easily, Rick may crack if Carl or Judith is being held at gunpoint. Even with Eugene being held at gunpoint Rosita and Daryl both looked like they still wouldn't tell. Maggie didn't tell the Mole Woman. When the biker gang wanted the same thing from Sasha, Daryl, and Abe who knows if they would have told but then again that guy was going to kill them before even getting any information on where ASZ is.

  20. Eugene though can apparently bite a dick!  That's one way to take down an opponent.  Even though Dwight got away, depending on how much damaged Eugene caused, he might end up wishing he was dead!  Assuming these were more Saviors though, they continue to be unimpressive.  The score count is like, what 100 to 1, Alexandria?


    Negan's group just sucks. This time they're retreating because they can't take on two people with their guns down, one man hiding and one on his knees, because once again all they want to do is TALK. Dwight straight up killed Denise so why just stop there and kill Rosita, Eugene, and Daryl? They want to be lead back to ASZ instead of possibly just finding and casing the place themselves. So dumb. Just like that dumb Mole Woman who wanted Maggie to tell her where ASZ is so she can go there to escape instead of finding it herself. This group hasn't learned anything from the biker gang being blown to rice krispies, the girl group being killed and Carol burning the men along with most of them being killed at the security base. Why are they wasting so much time talking?? Negan's group is just flat out pathetic. Unless Negan is purposely sending out the dumb ones and keeping the badasses for later. 

    • Love 5
  21. Daryl just really doesn't have much luck with people that he gets close to or is fond of ends up dying or running away. Merle is dead, Beth is dead, Denise is dead, and Carol has run away. 

    • Love 6
  22. I guess I don't have a heart because I actually laughed out loud when Denise got shot with the arrow. I was just happy that she quit talking. I can't take these long winded speeches anymore. I don't even understand what kind of random bullshit she was talking about. Something about Rosita being alone and brave and Daryl making her feel safe and how she really wanted an orange soda.


    Right, cause she really could have taken Rick, Michonne, Aaron, Abe, or Sasha because they're brave as well. Taking Rosita cause she's alone is a really lame reason. Denise wasn't a major character, I mean yes she was the doctor for the group but looks like they have to find a new one.

  23. I had a feeling that Denise was going to die with the way she was giving her speech. I thought she was going to get shot but she got an arrow through the eye. Ouch. Her one and only time out on a run and she doesn't make it back. That has got to suck. If only she didn't take the time to see what's in that cooler, that could have made all the difference in the world. 


    Eugene biting Dwight's dick reminds me of Jim Carrey from Dumb & Dumber  during that dream sequence.


    Carol knows that she has to either kill or be killed. IDK what's causing her to suddenly rethink all her kills and not wanting to do it anymore but does she really think she's safer out there knowing that she can possibly encounter Negan's group? They're going to need her more than ever if Negan's group go on the attack while she's away. Carol is an asset to the group. 


    I think that Dwight is with Negan's group based off of his apperance of haing burned skin and his ear missing. He did something to piss someone off.


    Oh Sasha, should have left Abe right there on the sidewalk and not let him in. He's a jackass.

    • Love 1
  24. In Survivor, you have to prepare for lies. She was shocked and blindsided.  #Blindsides are such a big part of the game.  You have to expect that they will and could happen.  It's not just luck.  It's a skill of reading people.   Tai trusted Scot and read him a certain way, and he was successful at it.  Anna talked a big game of being so hot or whatever that she'd be able to distract people and do well at the game.  It didn't really happen except for the aforementioned example of possibly screwing up her teammate Peter at the fish puzzle, which looked really easy to me (I wonder if it was as easy as it looked.)


    Puzzle had to be easy since Neal and Debbie blazed through it in no time.

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