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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. It's not only the clothes, when they had that leaky roof and either shell out a couple hundred for a patch job or $10K, yet they buy tickets for galas, they take a red eye flight to be on "Grab That Dough", all got on a flight so they can see Rose give a eulogy, Blanche & Sophia traveling from Miami all the way to Sicily and we even see Dorothy shell out $75 to stay in the lobby of the hotel. So I can't believe they're that hard up for money. Blanche even used her bonus at work to put Lillian in a new home instead of getting her breasts done. Blanche also grew up in a wealthy family since Big Daddy owned a really nice home and Blanche had nannies watch her children so she has had to have had some bucks in the bank but she had to rent out her home. Either she was a big spender or ran through her money pretty quickly on petty things, her attempted boob job being one and she was also ready to spend big bucks on getting her face lifted, tummy tucked, eyebrows raised, butt lifted, so WTF. Dorothy I can understand since she was a substitute teacher and Stan was just up and down with their finances throughout their marriage.


    That episode with Frida Claxton, she was saying how she could see in both Blanche and Dorothy's rooms but with the layout of the house, I find that to be impossible since Frida lived across the street from them and the tree they wanted to save, they could see it right outside their front door.


    In one of the episodes with Aunt Angela, Sophia said that she and Angela were the only ones left of the original family. Then what was their brother Angelo who came by for frequent visits?


    Also when Blanche & Rose were part of the "Be a Pal" program for those two girls, Blanche told them to go to her room so they can see her apply her makeup but the two girls never asked which room it is. They didn't know which room was Blanche's. 


    There was a mistake in how Blanche's husband died, at one point it was said that Blanche was getting a pedicure when he died and then in another episode Blanche said that she tripped over George's shoes and that's when she received a phone call that he died in an accident.

    Also inconsistency in how she met George, in one episode she said they met at Christmas Eve and then in another episode they met at a high school dance.


    Why didn't they ever explain Becky's rapid weight loss? She was a plus size woman with a verbally abusive boyfriend and then the next she's skinny. I'm wondering why they didn't just hire a plus size woman for the role if the original wasn't available.


    It was amazing how Dorothy and Blanche got over their medical issues, Blanche with her pacemaker and Dorothy with her chronic fatigue syndrome. 


    If Holly was a world renowned flautist and was there for a "business" reasons then why wasn't it mentioned that she was having a concert there. Since the girls do listen to that type of music, then why haven't they ever heard of Holly. You think one of them would say they know her music and all that.


    Another bothersome thing was that Rose was upset with Holly for giving her the wrong directions to a restaurant where she was suppose to meet Holly, Blanche, and Dorothy. Rose has been living in Miami for years at this point, so I don't think that Rose would have a problem finding the location of whatever place they were eating at. Also when Blanche and Dorothy said that they only have 10 minutes to meet Holly at the movie theater, yet Holly was in the living room making out with Blanche's boyfriend Gary. So Holly had to be obviously late to meeting them and the girls didn't say anything about it. Also odd for Holly to be making out with Gary in the living room where any of the girls could have walked in on and seen it. Another thing was when Holly was caught with Gary, why was Holly shocked to see that Blanche was home, since Gary cancelled his plans with Blanche. Where else would she be. Holly was rather stupid.


    That one episode where Dorothy came in the house and said it's raining cats and dogs, yet her raincoat was completely dry.


    When Sophia tricked Dorothy into drinking orange juice that spilled on her, there was no wet spot on Dorothy's blouse. You can see that she was barely wiping her blouse with that paper towel.


    Rose said that her and Charlie without fail throughout their entire marriage had sex, yet in another episode she said that she spent some nights alone because Charlie was a traveling salesman. Now either she and Charlie had sex every night or she was having an affair on him.


    Blanche's middle name changed, in the episode where a photo of Charlie & Blanche in bed together, she had a journal that said B.E.D. which was her initials and stood for Blanche Elizabeth Deveraux but in the episode where Blanche's nanny came for the music box she called her Blanche Marie Hollingsworth.

    For someone that felt so bad for not being a part of Rose's life, her father sure as hell never visited her after his stay in the hospital.


    Why didn't Blanche's other children visited besides Becky, she had six in total - Janet, Biff, Doug, Skippy, & Matthew. Not all of Rose's either besides Kirsten & Bridget, we didn't see Gunilla, Adam, & Charlie Jr. We never got to meet Phil for Sophia, but we met all of Dorothy's children Michael and Kate.

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  2. Rose had some errors in her past. When Blanche and Sophia were both seeing Fidel Santiago, Rose attended night class because she never graduated from high school, but then in another episode she said she was valedictorian of her high school, so she had to have graduated. Also she said she was in college cause she was part of the sorority the Alpha Yams, but she couldn't have possibly gotten into college if she never received her diploma.


    Another thing was them always saying they're hard up for money, but yet had on them expensive clothes and jewelry.


    Another thing stuck out to me is that they never found out Blanche's age, yet Blanche's relatives Clayton, Charmaine, and Virginia all showed up for a visit, they could have easily asked one of them, cause they would have known her accurate age.

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  3. Kirsten was a bitch in all the episodes she was in. Couldn't stand her when Rose had to have a triple bypass and the girls wanted to see her and Kirsten said that they weren't family and only shared a house together and nothing more. Dorothy looked at her like she wanted to slap her.


    It seems like they always have a hard time believing Blanche when she's trying to tell them the truth. This one had nothing to do with family but when Blanche told Dorothy that Elliott made a pass at her, Dorothy didn't believe her at all and automatically believed Elliott. Blanche has shown that she doesn't date married men or men that have girlfriends, like when she found out the guy who was in a wheelchair had another girlfriend in another state she quickly ended the relationship without hesitation.

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  4. Eric does need a new personality, cause when I see Eric I just sing The Little Mermaid theme because he looks like Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. They should pair Eric up with a red-head and name her Ariel.


    I really don't pay much attention to Marlena, her face doesn't move and she really can't act either cause her face is stuck.

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  5. Debra got physical with Ray when he was trying to help her with her PMS, he brought her some pills to help with some symptoms and she gets an attitude. Ray wasn't being manipulative or a mama's boy in that episode. He was trying to tell her that her acting this way could be PMS related and she shoves him into a bookcase. She elbowed him in the groin and stomach when Ray tried to warn Robert that Marie and Debra were plotting and manipulating him into getting back with Amy and Debra and she attacked him so that he wouldn't say anything and in that episode Ray wasn't being manipulative or being a mama's boy.

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  6. Ray said it perfectly, "Cranky uptight yell machine." I can't be on Debra's side because of the way she physically and verbally abused Ray. Yes Ray was obnoxious but he didn't deserve that kind of abuse from her, no husband deserves to be pushed in bookcase, elbowed in the stomach, elbowed in the groin, smacked on the back of the head, called idiot multiple times, having his foot stomped on. She thinks Ray is ungrateful but she can be just as ungrateful. When Debra got fired from the Charlotte Sterling Agency, Ray went there and got her job back and she was mad that he went there. If she worked there she wouldn't have to deal with Marie & Frank on a daily basis and Ray would have no choice but to stay home and take care of the kids.

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  7. I really disliked that episode where Marie announced that Rose Caputto died and she picked her to be with Frank in case she passed away first. Then Debra puts Ray on the spot making him pick who he would choose for her and Ray obviously didn't want to do it or participate in it but she kept harping on him. She picks Bernie's wife Linda for him and then he says Bernie and she gets a look on his face and even said Ray picked Bernie cause he knows that she wouldn't be attracted to him. Then after thinking about it Ray says he picked Robert for her and then she gets another look on her face. It looks to me like Debra was wanting Ray to say Gianni because if she looks at it Ray doesn't hang around a flock of handsome men cause besides Gianni all who was left is Andy. Then she creates this lie about Ray and Bernie and just made a whole mess out of the situation.

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  8. Jenn seriously looked weird today, the way she was holding her head, the flesh tone lip gloss, just everything. Today showed me that she's not that good of an actress either. She strains very hard when she's getting all emotional, you can see it in her neck. It's sad when I'm paying attention to her neck more than her face.


    Kate looked a little different today, her face isn't as tight as I'm use to seeing it, which I like. 


    Abby, girl please sit, she can't even make her crying believable. WTF, why was she asking Gabi to stay when the police officer just came in there and told them that Gabi's case is next. Geez Abby quit being so damn self-centered.


    Does Jenn even have any "friends", cause I know I laughed when she said Eric is her friend. In your imagination he is. Jenn & Eric are gonna have some sex down the road. I really think Jenn being with Eric would make MR happy because she's religious and Eric being a religious character, it'll work out for her. 


    I missed a few days but did we see Kayla at all? Why aren't they putting her on more since she has a thing for Aidan. It would be nice to see Kayla try to at least ask him out or flirt with him or continue to ask Hope questions about him. Writers are missing the boat because I bet there is more chemistry between Kayla and Aidan than there is between Hope and Aidan.


    Poor JJ stuck in this stupid story and now he's gonna have back problems. I hope I'm wrong on this, I really hope they're not gonna have JJ addicted to pain killers because he hurt his back and drag him down into another drug related story.


    NuBen and his over plucked eyebrows is funny. Ben doesn't do anything for me, still boring.

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  9. The only likeable Deveraux is JJ. Jen and Abigail are horrible and I'm glad Jack is gone so he doesn't have to witness them acting like they do. It honestly boggles the mind why any man would be interested in either of them. I hate Dan but it's a miracle he hasn't jumped from a tall building to get away from Jennifer.


    I want to see more of Abigail and Jennifer - said by no one, ever!


    The only character in the Deveraux family to like is JJ and he's one of my favorite characters. Just right now he's in an awful storyline with Paige and Bev both who are just useless and can easily be replaced.


    Abby is just a stupid bitch, they're no redeeming qualities in her character at all for me to like. As I said on TWOP the way she was questioning NuBen when he declined the modeling job was just stank. She acted like Sonny pays cheap and NuBen is hard up for money when it looks like NuBen is doing well, hair is done, not wearing dirty clothes. Now OldBen looked homeless, I would understand her asking him questions about turning it down cause he looked homely but NuBen looks far from homeless. Abby was acting like NuBen turned down millions and thousands of dollars when it was just $500 and I'm pretty sure Sonny pays at least that much. When the affair is found out I really hope Sami punches the living daylights out of her like she did Nicole so many times. If they make Sami go easy on Abby, I will scream. Let Sami beat Abby's ass in front of Jenn.


    I'm waiting for Jordan and NuBen to exit stage left. Jordan is so boring and despite the BS writers are trying to sell, there is no love story between her and Rafe. They don't even know what her damn secret is. You can tell they're just writing for the sake of writing for Jordan until they figure it out what it is. Maybe they should cut their losses and get rid of the character.


    Theresa can actually be redeemed because she reminds me of B&B & Y&R's Amber Moore (who I love, I love Amber) and her relationship with Brady had potential but writers are giving both characters the same story. Brady is being played by a woman and Theresa is back to scheming. Writers should take them in a different direction before putting them back to their old habits. They should get Theresa away from Ann and put her in a friendship with Kate.


    Jenn is just irritating and I don't like Ann but I see why she doesn't like Jenn. 


    I'm not much of a fan of AZ's acting cause all I see is a deer in the headlights look from her with the bug out eyes everytime her hand is caught in the cookie jar.


    I really would like the writers to concentrate more on Sonny and put Will in the backburner and play supporting for a minute. Throughout their relationship they've been relying more on Will's problems more than Sonny's. I always liked Sonny more out of the two and he's a Kiriakis dammit. 


    Only characters I like are: Sonny, JJ, T, Kate (especially her reaction to Nick's death, she doesn't give a damn lol cause I didn't either) and Lucas. Those are the characters that I'll root for basically. They need to put T on more. I might like Victor, I like the way he handled that guy who doesn't support gay marriage and how he's willing to help Sonny in the Nick's death crappy story.


    I really wish writers would do something with Maxine's character besides being a Dannifer Pimptress. They went for an Abe pairing and immediately threw that out of the water and will let them remain friends only. What crap. They should put her in a relationship.


    Absolutely hate Abby, Dan (writers prop him too much) & Nicole and will never ever like them.

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  10. I really think they need to do something with Nicole, like a murder mystery. She's so damn repulsive acting like a marriage is gonna solve her problem. Eric the dum dum can get an annulment. So I really hope nobody is rooting for Nicole cause she brings her misery all on herself. It's ridiculous how she's stripping Eric of his choices, yet she claims she loves him. She's no better than Kristen.

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