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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. If it's ironclad I don't know how Jenn can fight it. She can't walk into court saying, "It's not what Jack would have wanted." Judge would die laughing and watch Jenn get Aiden to be her attorney to represent her. Unless Jenn has paperwork or proof to dispute what Jack left Eve in that agreement she has no leg to stand on or if she can prove that agreement is fraudulent. Eve isn't taking money away from the military she's only getting her half of the money and the other half will still go towards the military, so Jenn should just STFU and deal with it and continue to not work at the hospital, since she's barely there.

    • Love 5
  2. That's fabulous news if AssCole is gonna be on less.


    Jenn & Eve both suck and both acting like bitches to tell their kids not to speak for their oh so precious 'high school' rivalry. Jenn, JJ isn't stupid so saying "It's nothing" didn't fool him for one second. JJ and Paige should have told both of their crappy mothers to suck rope. I think that during their argument JJ and Paige both came to the understanding that both their mothers are burdens.


    Rory and Bev need to grow up and by that I mean grow up off screen.


    Jordan I can't tell if you're grimacing or crying cause it's the same face over and over. Go away and take Plucky with you. I'm really hoping Kate finds something out cause this secret has gone on for months now and I bet no fans are interested in what it is by now. Even by now viewers would get some small hint on what the secret is gonna be. Abe, STFU and stick your nose out of this boring Jordan/Rafe thing. I wish the writers would cease on this great "love" that Jordan and Rafe allegedly have for each other. GMAFB Rafe, "I miss you" you broke up 2 seconds ago and cheated on her with Kate. Miss my ass.


    John and his atrocious acting is just getting worse. What's up with that dry as toast hair? Is he getting styling tips from Dan the 2nd Coming? He never knows when to STFU and see thta he's one of the reasons Brady snorts like a pig and chug a lugs like there is no tomorrow. He doesn't know when to leave Brady alone cause it looks like the only people that will get through to him is Maggie, maybe Victor and of course Dan the 2nd Coming who Brady stopped drinking and doing drugs for during that stupid Liam story.


    I'm hoping that maybe Brady is playing with Theresa cause lately he's been passing out in front of her and Theresa talks to herself. So I'm hoping that Brady is actually faking being out of it and listening to what Theresa is saying when she thinks that she's talking to herself, but Brady is stupid and it requires having a brain to actually pull off.


    Ann was actually tolerable today, she was telling it like it is. I mean does Theresa actually think Brady is gonna put a ring on it after what happened when he was gonna marry Kristen. Some people will look at you as only a party person who they can have sex with. 

    • Love 3
  3. Can I slap Mar for asking, as a MOTHER why she should be the one to build bridges or mend fences or whatever?  


    Yes please slap Mar. Should it matter who makes the first move? Can Mar just put her big granny draws on and be an adult. She knows Sami and how she is and that more than likely the other person has to extend the olive branch before Sami will even do so. She can't put her dislike aside for one day to support her child. If I was a parent and I didn't like who my child marries, so be it but if it meant so much to my child that I show up at her wedding, then I would do it. I wouldn't like it but I would support her and let my child know that I'll always be there for him/her. Parents more often make the first move more than the child does, but Mar is such a robot.

    • Love 4
  4. I have a question, Abby came in and asked Jenn where her ATM card is? Why doesn't Abby take her ATM card with her or have it in her wallet or purse? That just seems stupid that she just puts it in a desk drawer where anyone who stumbles upon it can just take it. Her pin probably would be easy to figure out since she's not that bright. Probably 2-2-2-1 (number of times she slept with EJ, having two men fight over Chad and Cameron, the number of men that I've gone after who is attached, and the one man who hasn't manipulated her Plucky)


    I wonder what Ann is gonna live for, if she wants to piss Jenn off why not try and date Eric since Eric is a "friend" of hers. Ann vs Nicole could be fun to watch.  Or hell become friends with Eve, that'll drive Jenn up the wall and hopefully there's sharp spikes on that wall.

    • Love 3
  5. Not a fan of that red cheetah print thing Theresa had on, it almost made her look like a ladybug. 


    JJ looked good in white, you could just lick him all over lol.


    Jenn changed into something alright, she looked like a ruffle chip with that dress on. Girl seriously needs to take her money and do some serious shopping.

    • Love 1
  6. How about the ONLY MAN Abby. Austin you lied to and you pitted Chad and Cameron against each other and Chad called her out on that. Bitch seriously has some memory problems. How did EJ manipulate her? Oh I guess we're still suppose to be believe she has Stockholm Syndrome. Abby willingly opened her legs and wanted to be the mistress. Everytime EJ tells her of his love for Sami she gets a stank look on her face. Plucky hasn't manipulated her but he isn't being upfront with her either.


    Speaking of Plucky, should anyone be trusting his deceiving ass? GMAFB Plucky on not trusting EJ when you're not trustworthy either. Why did one eyebrow looked plucked and the other one didn't? My goodness dumbass Abby, you couldn't even ask Plucky to name this small town he's from. This is exactly how Mary Alice Young from Desperate Housewives got into trouble. Abby just don't see that Plucky is dancing and avoiding all her questions about his past. Who was that blonde guy? Thought Plucky had no friends and if that blonde guy has a gf, Abby will be so ready to bounce on that dick.


    John please take Acting 101 classes and take Mar with you. I'm sure the first lesson is to move your face and show emotion and not be robots all the damn time.


    JJ don't lose any points by propping up your sanctimonious mother. Jenn is a dud and this past about Frankie was beyond lame. Jenn is the one bringing it up and Eve could have cared less.

    The show continues to prop a rapist. How disgusting.

    • Love 2
  7. All the Abby propping was just beyond ridiculous. Complete overkill.

    Whoever the music editor is needs to be fired. Suck of hearing that breathy sound whever Eve is on.

    Jenn saying Sami is lonely is just laughable. STFU Jenn. You're lonely too.

    JJ be happy your raggedy sister isn't going to be at your graduation. She'll make it all about herself. For someone that feels guilty Abby isn't saying no to anything. Why follow EJ? WTF does she need with a new dress? Wear something that's in your closet.

    Someone please kill Jordan. Writers still don't know what her secret is. All this damn stalling.

    Please we don't need anyone fighting over boring ass Rafe.

    • Love 4
  8. My best friend would be Kate Roberts because she keeps it real.

    My husband/boyfriend would be T because he's fun and a nice personality.

    My arch enemy would be Nicole, cause I would slap that bitch everytime I see her.

    I would live in an apartment like Will & Sonny.

    My job would be a receptionist at Mad World. (Don't need no rich job, me and T would make our finances work lol.)

    I would probably spend most of my time kicking Nicole's ass and kissing T. 

    • Love 2
  9. Also don't forget how convenient it was for Paige's cell phone to act up when she's trying to fiddle through her photo gallery. It was also stupid for the writers to have JJ & Paige be so hesitant to tell Eve JJ's last name. When Eve asked JJ he avoided saying his last name like he has some terrible secret other than his past which isn't as bad as the other people in Salem has done. Do we really want to list the things JJ have done compared to EJ, Sami, Kate, Stefano, Victor, Brady, even his raggedy sister Abby. I just hate how JJ has to feel low about his past when everyone else in Salem just walk around like they're so damn innocent.

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