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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. One of my favorite battles in the series is the X-Men vs Imperial Guards in "Fate of the Phoenix" but I was bothered that Storm was the first one taken out along with Gambit. Storm is just a little too powerful to be one of the first taken out, if anything I think Beast and maybe Gambit would be taken out first. I did like Rogue and Gladiator's little battle which Rogue would have probably won if she absorbed Gladiator's powers making her even more stronger.


    I also loved when the X-Men tried to take on the Dark Phoenix and they got their asses handed to them. I wonder why Rogue was unable to absorb some of Phoenix/Jean Grey's powers when she touched her? I think some mutants are immune to Rogue's powers like Magneto and I think Colossus is too.


    Usually when it comes to battles Gambit or Storm are taken out of action relatively early. When Apocalypse was trying to start a virus and battled X-Men & Cable, Apocalypse takes out Gambit and Storm in one blow. In the final battle against the Imperial Guards Storm and Gambit are the first two taken out. When the X-Men take on Apocalypse & The Four Horsemen in "Come the Apocalypse" War blasts Gambit and he's no longer in action. When they take on the Morlocks in "Captive Hearts", Gambit is taken out when he's touched by Plague/Pestilence.

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  2. Was it ever made clear on how Sophia was paying for her room? Sophia was always needing or finding ways to earn money besides Dorothy paying her an allowance. We know Sophia isn't living there for free as when Dorothy spilled a drink on Blanche's new dress that she planned on returning to the store, and instead took to the dry cleaners, to pay for the bill she said the rent increase kicks into effect the next day except for Sophia. Also when Sophia wouldn't support Blanche's fantasy that she's young Blanche retaliated that either she does or there will be a rent race, plus Blanche had to lose a renter when she had to bring her house up to code.


    Sophia was living in Shady Pines before then so was Dorothy paying the bill there until it burned down on a substitute teacher's salary? When Sophia moved into Blanche's house was Dorothy paying her and Sophia's portion so that they both could continue living there? I wondered how Sophia would have paid her rent when Blanche kicked Dorothy out of the house during their argument over Elliott. 

  3. Maggie is intolerable.  Did the writers realise they needed to show Vic restate his love because they know she is insufferable?  I had to LOL when Eve called Maggie "Peggy".  That's what it sounded like to me.


    I wish that when Maggie left Victor after the Kristen/Brady wedding that it would be permanent. Victor doesn't need Meddling Maggie to make him interesting. Victor is interesting all on his own. I guess since Victor is barely around when Maggie is out and about in Salem and being all judgmental he really has no complaints cause he's not around her 24/7.

  4. And a major hate, and also a major UO: I despised Pacey Witter from Dawson's Creek. Despised. To the point where I can't really stand Joshua Jackson and his little scrunched up ferret face.



    Pacey was one of only three characters that kept me watching that show. If anyone I hated that Joey Potter bitch from Dawson's Creek what a self absorbed cynical little skank. Don't even get me started on that episode where she was "allegedly" mugged. Who talks to their mugger like that? When you're being mugged it's not the time to get all smart mouth. She should have been killed to spare me my misery. Also Dawson and his whiny ass and it didn't help that he looked way too old to be in high school in the early seasons. JVDB looks better now but his Dawson days were just a big ugh.


    I also hate Debra Barone, that shrieking shrew from Everybody Loves Raymond what an emotionally and physical abusive bitch. Also hate Robert Barone what a mopey, petty, twat.


    Manny from Modern Family I'm sorry but no kid needs to be telling Jay or Gloria how to live their love lives and point out their errors and he's too much of a know it all. Know it all characters are just beyond annoying and irritating. It's like he doesn't fit in with the rest of the family.


    The new Vivian Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel Air ugh she was one of the worst recasts for that show. She was no longer the smart aunt that liked to have fun. She turned into the typical shrewish snobby judgmental housewife that got upset over every little thing Phil did or said.


    Susan Mayer-Delfino from Desperate Housewives oooh how much I hated this tired heifer. Selfish, all about Susan and I seen exactly why Edie Britt didn't like her. Especially in the final season where she painted the crime they all committed and all the housewives decided to get mad at Bree and not Susan who was acting all stupid and committing crimes all over the neighborhood so she can get arrested. Then before that she was involved in softcore porn and meddling all up in Karl and Edie's relationship and mad at Bree for dating Karl. Got all stupid when Katherine replaced the painting that she painted and told Mike which lead to an argument between Mike and Katherine. Also when Mike left Katherine for Susan, Susan acted like she was injured party and Katherine was in the wrong. Bitch you just took her man.

    • Love 1
  5. "Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It doesn't work and it annoys the pig."


    "Dumb ideas come from people who have dumb brains."


    "You speak. I rule, and then you shut up. Do you understand?"


    "This is my playpen."

    • Love 1
  6. Well if you heard the jokes you would see that they weren't even worth anything. Also in that case the defendant says that he'll pay the plaintiff right then and there and then Judge Karen tells the bailiff to take the plaintiff to the ATM outside. Defendant comes back in and says it declined and said he brought the wrong card. Yea right. We all know in court cases that the plaintiff or defendant if any money is rewarded is given to them out of a fund, so no money exchange hands between plaintiff and defendant.

    • Love 1
  7. S is for Silver Chain which Blanche said would accentuates Dorothy's turkey like neck, huge spare tire, and square manly hips.


    T is for Tyson which Dorothy said she doesn't know Mike Tyson well enough to borrow his jewelry since Blanche implied she didn't have a dainty neck.

  8. During the show I really loved the episodes that focused on family related problems more than Kevin's adventures with his friends and Winnie. I will say that Winnie is one of the biggest teases in tv show history.


    I did love the episode where Norma took up pottery classes and Jack didn't like it which lead to them arguing and all the kids were on the couch listening to them fight. It brought back memories when my parents fought and me and my siblings would be in our eldest brother's room listening to them.


    I absolutely loved the Kevin/Wayne relationship, so realistic that despite all the fighting and name calling they do, you could see they love each other and feel bad when they hurt one another. Like when Wayne killed the hamster and Kevin got mad and reamed him out on why girls never like him. They both hurt each other but forgave each other in the end. When Wayne crashed the car into a field and asked Kevin if he was okay which is the first time Kevin ever heard Wayne ask him that.

    • Love 3
  9. O is for Orbs which Blanche said that Lazlo the sculptor described her breasts as perfect champagne glass sized orbs of dancing loveliness. He said he didn't say it but Blanche said he agreed when she said it.

  10. They do that alot with Storm and Jean which was irritating seeing as those two are omega level mutants. I do understand that for the tv show they have to maybe dwindle down their powers some. I won't spoil it for you but they do have a powerful male mutant be a little exhausted for exertion of his powers.


    Maybe someone can explain something to me. In the Reunion part 2 episode when the X-Men lose all their powers because of Mr. Sinister's machine, Wolverine loses his healing factor yet when he extracts his adamantium claws he doesn't scream out in pain. Wouldn't it hurt a whole lot more since the healing is gone temporarily?

  11. Couldn't Jenn find something better to wear than that muumuu? She looked stupid especially seeing that it was a high-low muumuu being high in the front and low in the back.


    As I said in the discussion thread Abby looked like Mrs. Butterworth with the bun and ugly ass dress.


    JJ, Sonny, & T yumm, I need a drooling emoticon lol.


    Theresa looked great today, but she didn't need to wear black like she was going to a funeral. She could have picked out a more festive color.


    I guess Eve was auditioning to be on a remake of Gilligan's Island in that dress.


    Ari was adorable.

    • Love 1
  12. Abby looked like Mrs. Butterworth today, she looked absolutely horrendous plus the granny dress did her no favors. See how selfish she is, not thinking about how Sami feels but more concerned with EJ getting arrested. Goodness Abby WTF do you think Mistress means? This is why I absolutely detest this chracter. She's expecting EJ to feel love or something for her? Then bitch sticks her nose in Dan & Jenn's business. Geez Abby, another word you don't understand is the word "break" which means Dan shouldn't know about Jenn's business and vice versa. Once again Abby saying she knows Jenn wants to talk to Dan. How does she know? Oh that's right Abby knows everyone in Salem, but how wrong she was when Jenn didn't want to talk to Dan about the lawsuit. Abby smiles when she learns Ben is there for her but she couldn't help but talk to Ben about EJ, WTF??? Like anyone wants to hear about someone you had an affair with, even though Ben doesn't know yet.


    Now lets talk about Dan he's being stupid too, saying that Jenn can come and talk to him. He's so full of shit cause he would cut Jenn off and not let her speak and get a word in because Jenn isn't praising how awesome he is and how upset and how much time he needs. His reasoning for this break up is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard of in my life. Still butt hurt. 


    Why doesn't Dan call Maggie, Mom? He calls her by her first name? Is there a reason why?


    The "Eve" music is killing me. Especially today with the "Yeaaaahhhh" and Eve really, you can't do no better than Dan. Why do all the women in Salem find him hot when there are other good looking men walking around. Dan isn't the only one in town. Eve can go kick rocks.


    I got a lot of eyecandy today though with T, Sonny, & JJ in their 4th of July wear. T and Sonny shirtless was nice too (I like to point out that muscles don't do much for me) don't get me wrong they're nice on certain people like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, but Sonny and T look good without them.

    • Love 2
  13. Lois: Aw Meg, why don't you go downstairs and join the party?

    Meg: I wasn't invited! I hate Chris, he's such a jerk!

    Lois: Look, he's just confused with who he is right now. I'm sure deep down he still loves his big sister.


    Lois: Okay, look Meg, I've been at this for 45 minutes, I don't know what else I can say. Here's a Sylvia Plath novel and a bottle of Ambien, I'm gonna look the other way and whatever happens, happens.


    Brian: Stewie, what are you doing here?

    Stewie: Brian. You have to come back.

    Brian: Why?

    Stewie: Because New Brian is such a tool. I mean, he's so damn sweet, and perfect, and he is turning the family into a bunch of douches.

    Brian: Big deal. You always said I was a douche.

    Stewie: Yeah, but you were my douche, Brian. My douche. Come back and be my douche again?


    Stewie: Brian, we both know I touched it, now if you like to keep that just between us, I suggest you sit back down and order me some chicken fingers.


    Stewie: Hey, New Brian, bad news. You gotta leave.

    New Brian: Huh? What are you talking about? This is my home.

    Stewie: Nobody likes you here man.

    New Brian: Well, I disagree. I think everybody likes me.

    Stewie: No we don't. We don't like your cooking, your stupid karoke nights, and we especially don't like the way you hump that chair in the den.

    New Brian: Well, Rupert seems to like my humping.

    Stewie: What did you say?

    New Brian: Rupert. Humped him for two hours yesterday. He just laid there and took it.

    Stewie: Did he?

    New Brian: Yeah. Now every time you're sleeping with him, he's gonna be thinking of me.

    [standoff between the two of them before Stewie drags New Brian's dead body in a trashbag out to the garbage]

    Peter [Reading Note]: ...and that is why I cut myself up, put myself in a bag and threw myself into the garbage." Wow, he must have had some demons.


    Stewie: Hey Jillian, before you go, I forget, do you know what the capital of this state is?

    Jillian: Um, Rhode Island City?

    [brian pushes Jillian out of the house]

    Stewie: It's like she's fucking five!


    Stewie [Talking about Jillian]: All right, Brian, you can do this. You can dump her, because once it's done, never again will you have to listen to her talk like this? You know, where everything has a question mark at the end of it? With an upward inflection? At the end of every sentence?

    • Love 3
  14. Add Supreme Justice with Karen Mills-Francis it's just as bad as We the People with Gloria Allred. They sue over stupid shit that Judge Mathis, Judge Judy, or Judge Milian wouldn't bother to preside over. On Supreme Justice a guy was suing a guy for jokes he written for him, charging $100 a joke. Really???

    • Love 1
  15. I hate them Life Alert commercials, especially when they notify the old woman and asks if she's alright and she says, "I'm fine, can you call my friend Gladys for me." I would say, "Why can't you do it, since you're fine, I'm not your personal secretary, I'm just calling to see if you need emergency assistance."


    That FarmersOnly.Com commercial makes no sense. "City Folks Just Don't Get It" What is it city folks aren't getting? That it's a dating website for farmers only. It's a dating website just like any other dating website, there's is just themed. It's also stupid that cows are wondering about someone's love life.


    These Geico commercials aren't making any sense and it's the ones with the "Did you know you could save 15% using Geico." and then someone says "Everyone knows that." Well if everyone knows that, then why is Geico still making these commercials since everyone knows.

    • Love 2
  16. There was also that Dunkin Donuts breakfast sandwich commercial where it was a spicy sausage sandwich. Their is a boyfriend and girlfriend at the counter and the Dunkin Donuts worker is a female. They get their order and the man says spicy and the girlfriend automatically thinks he's talking about the female worker. The girlfriend gives him and the female worker a smug look before walking out of the place.



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