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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. I know a lot of people don't like Damon, I may be one of the few, (I tend to like the bad people more lol) as I do like Klaus in The Originals as well. I can't remember if Bonnie knew that Elena was going with Damon which I highly doubt Bonnie did know what Elena was planning. Damon can be very entertaining when he's away from that Elena bitch like his relationship with Enzo and he was broken up from the bitch.

  2. You guys saying that makes me hate that Cascade commercial, I think it's cascade when the husband is trying to stuff 3 or 4 off brand dish pacs into the detergent holder. They shouldn't be making a husband be that damn stupid.


    What about that stupid Kraft Mac & Cheese commercial where Dad "screwed" up because he invited his client over for dinner unannounced so of course Mom saves the day by making mac and cheese.


    I think it was Discover card where the wife is upset because husband forgot to pay the bill. (Oh the horror) and he's further in the doghouse because he brought a puppy home instead of a gallon of milk. If she knows her husband makes bad decisions then why does she trust him to do important things. Most bills can be paid for online and stuff so she could have done that and as far as the puppy thing, IDK maybe he was trying to surprise her.

    These man bashing ads don't help the women either because why would a woman marry a man that's apparently an idiot?

    • Love 1
  3. Not only was that weird but what exactly are Lisa, Kelly, and Jesse doing in swim class, cause they're striking model poses in classes based off them cardboard cutouts of them and looking right at the camera. So they had to know a camera was there. It was stupid for them to be outraged only to forget about being sneaked up on and have their photos taken and placed in a calendar only to change their minds because a modeling scout ran on them.

  4. Dorothy was absolutely horrified to learn that Sophia had money to leave her heirs in a will. She'd been assuming that Sophia had no savings the entire time.


    At the same time, Sophia clearly got some money from the government - like when she started getting far more than usual from some government agency (Social Security, I think?)


    My guess is that Sophia got some benefit money, which went toward paying for her care, and all the rest was made up by Dorothy. Dorothy paid Shady Pines while Sophia was there, and then paid her rent when Sophia lived with Blanche.


    I know in that one episode she was receiving social security checks and the government overpaid her. Sophia was also shown having jobs like working at Captain Jack's Seafood Shanty, that Chuck Wagon spot, was gonna work at McDonald's as their new fry girl and don't know how much her social security checks was but I would always believe she would have a little money left over as I doubt that she paid any of the other bills in the house.

  5. Really Nicole, you're gonna ask Eric to give you the story on EJ's arrest and tells Eric to get over himself. No Nicole, why don't you get over yourself. Yes Eric, stick up for yourself and tell that bitch to fuck off. EJ should tell her the same thing.


    I wish Sami and Kate would stop meeting in the park and meet somewhere private. They can't build a living room set for Kate? It doesn't have to be anything big, because them talking loud in the park is just beyond ridiculous. Can't say I blame Kate for wanting something in return and she told Sami upfront that she doesn't trust her. Love Kate.


    More yawn worthy material from Jordan and Rafe. Sick of her grimacing. Let her father take her out to the country side, shoot her in the face and spare us all.

    Theresa can be pretty annoying like she was today. I can be on Maggie's side when she's trying to get Brady to sober up cause he does need someone to tell him about his ways. I know Theresa wants to keep him drunk and drugged up so she can more than likely extort money out of him.


    Now I missed the Brady/Yawn talk, what was the proposal Brady made to him for this fresh start?

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  6. I would like to add Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries to the list. She's a completely selfish, self-centered asshole. The season finale sealed the deal on this character. It's always about her, Damon and Stefan make everything about her, she's always getting kidnapped and the other characters basically have to risk their lives to save her. In the finale Damon was sacrificing himself to bring a lot of people back to life and told this little bitch to respect his decision and doesn't want her going with him. You think she respected it? Hell naw, she decided to go with him and told him to respect her decision. Nevermind that going back to the other side would cause more strain and pain on Bonnie and could possibly kill her, her alleged "friend". Damon would have made it back if he didn't have to worry about where this bitch is or whether or not she made it to Bonnie in time. What really kills me about this bitch is how she doesn't want to talk about stuff because it's too much for HER, like the time she tried to kill Caroline and didn't want to talk about it because it's too much for her. Well Caroline has every right to want to talk about it but because poor wittle Elena isn't up for it, you know it can't be talked about. There was the time that Bonnie was dead and didn't answer Elena's texts and emails and Elena couldn't be bothered to deal with it until she needed Bonnie for her own selfish needs in curing Stefan's amnesia. Tried helping Stefan with his amnesia by talking about all of HER important moments and not Stefan's important moments. It's like she must have every guy in Mystic Falls worship the ground she walks on.


    Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell what a creepazoid and a bastard. Kept a cardboard cutout of Kelly without her knowing about it, made everybody believe that Slater had a terminal illness, brainwashed a whole bunch of girls through subliminal messaging, gave out all the "pretty" girls at schools phone numbers out on a video yearbook, treated Screech like shit, and kissed Screech's lifelong crush Lisa and started a relationship with her. Wasn't it amazing how someone who has had piss poor grades was able to be on yearbook staff, student council, school radio, run for class president, glee club, basketball team, track team, football team, ROTC, like really. In my school years you had to keep a certain grade point average to be a part of any clubs and after school programs & sports.

    • Love 2
  7. X is for Doug CoX who played cousin Sven as there are no actors on the show who start with X as a first or last name.


    Y is for Yvette Heyden who portrayed Olga, Sven's bride.


    Z is for Zach Grenier who was security at the hotel where they were doing the murder mystery weekend and told Blanche not to leave the hotel as she's the suspect.


    Now you guys can officially start the next game :)

  8. I do have a question though in the "Goodbye, Mr. Gordon" episode after the talk show all the girls are in the kitchen and Dorothy is typing on something. What exactly is that? I've been trying to figure out what that thing is that she was using. Does it make your fingers pop up like hers did?


    I would like to also add that Sophia kind of irked me in some episodes. In "The Monkey Show" she was very insensitive towards Dorothy when Stan and Gloria slept together. She was happy about it even though she spent all this time down talking Stan. So Stan isn't good enough for Dorothy but good enough for Gloria? Why would she want any of her daughters with someone like Stan? Sophia getting the ball rolling by sending Gloria flowers. 


    Even during Phil's funeral she's holding a grudge over what $47. I know she's grieving for the loss of her son but she missed out on her son's life and grandchildren's life over $47. Even some of the things she did to Dorothy during her childhood was mean spirited at times, driving John Neretti away because he wasn't dressed right and didn't bother to tell Dorothy about it.


    Even during the later seasons they made Rose a little too stupid. There's a difference between naive which she was in the first couple of seasons but then she just became a little too dumb for words.

    • Love 2
  9. You know what that kid should have said, "I would like to have a swapportunity right now. I would like to swap out this judge who's more concerned with her weight, so I can get the opportunity of winning this spelling bee." 


    This is why education goes further down the drain. How dare she sabotage a spelling bee for her own selfish needs. She's telling the kid to glorify her eating decisions.

    • Love 2
  10. U is for Ullman as in Stanley Ullman who portrayed the person in charge of admissions at Sunny Pastures where Sophia and Rose broke Lillian out of.


    V is for Chick Vennera who portrayed Enrique Mas & Kid Pepe

  11. I really don't understand Yoplait's commercials, they rarely if at all tell me about their products or why I should buy them. There was the one about that neglectful mother I was talking about.


    Then the one with that bratty daughter who's mother is a little overprotective with who her. When her mother trades out one of her snacks once a day with Yoplait but she doesn't mind since it's orange creme. Then daughter dates a guy that says "What's up girl." and then switches him out with an emo guy so she can go back to her bum of a boyfriend. At the end the bratty daughter says that her mother never questions her decisions again. So since her mother switches out her snacks with Yoplait does that mean she doesn't eat it anymore? Good job Yoplait for talking down your own product.


    The one where the mother and daughter are at a grocery check out line and mother sends her daughter to get her some Yoplait yogurt. What is this commercial saying, that it's good to hold up a check up line so she can get her supply of yogurt. Nevermind the fact that the daughter is grabbing every flavor and causes a mess in the aisle.


    The only good commercial they had is of the mother and daughter on the sidewalk where Yoplait actually talks about their product. I think it was one of Yoplait's first commercials.

    • Love 2
  12. Phoenix/Jean Grey: You wish me to return to the nothingness of space! You wish me to give up the body! Never!


    Phoenix/Jean Grey: Why do you care about this body?

    Cyclops: I love her.

    Phoenix/Jean Grey: Love? I do not understand. Your answer is unacceptable!


    Gambit: I can see that you saved Gambit cher, and not Wolverine. Must be my way with women.

    Rogue: Don't flatter yourself, swamp boy.


    Blob eating ice cream and Storm flies behind him.

    Blob: No, you can't have any. [Hurls ice cream at Storm]


    Rogue: You're as fast as a swamp bug on a hot skillet, let's see if you are as nimble.


    Rogue: Keep your sticky fingers to yourself, you walkin' tar pit.


    Gambit [to Rogue]: Maybe you should lay off the fried chicken.


    Magneto: Better that we die on our feet than lives on our knees.


    Wolverine [about Gambit]: The man doesn't break a sweat against Apocalypse or Magneto. So, what nails him? A pine tree.


    Apocalypse: I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken!


    Apocalypse: I am as far beyond mutants as they are above you. I am eternal!


    Apocalypse: Spare me your petty judgments. They spring from a brain too meager to comprehend MY reality. Now, taste the power... of Apocalypse!


    Cortez: Yes, these human loving scoundrels, have dared to attack their leader!


    Cortez: That is treason and I pronounce sentence. We shall jettison them, into the cold blackness of space.

  13. Yea they made Colossus immune to her like once and then that was it so he isn't immune to her anymore. Which I would think him being in his metal form it would be hard for Rogue to absorb his powers without being skin on skin contact with him.

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