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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Abby is one delusional bitch, saying EJ came back for more. Oh AbiSkank it was you coming back for more not EJ. If she's gonna get under Sami's skin she might as well tell the truth. She just came off looking stupid and dumb but what else is new with her. Instead of the playful slaps Sami gave her, Sami should have punched the shit out of her. What are the writers waiting for? Sami is known for slapping and punching people but why is Abby being spared of this? It also shows that she doesn't feel guilty at all. Writers are also being stupid for writing a mistress to be this damn arrogant in the wife's face. IDK what wife would tolerate a mistress taunting her cause if I was Sami, the paramedics would be coming to take Abby to intensive care or the morgue. 


    Will is just a little bitch. Sonny please leave him. I'm glad Sonny isn't on board with what he's doing, anyone that would want to write a trashy article on their own mother is just a sad sack of shit. Sonny is the only one with a conscious and I really hope that since Sonny called in favors to get Will the job, he calls in favors to have Will fired. Will should see that he's no better than Sami cause he's going the same route as she is but he feels justified in what he's doing yet Sami can't feel justified in what she's doing. SMDH.

    • Love 4
  2. I didn't like the "Boob Job" episode either. IDK why Debra went through all that trouble just to get Ray to say that he likes big breasts on a woman. Ray has never complained to anyone about Debra's breasts or her body, he knows that she's a beautiful woman and even said so. So why she did this was beyond me. It didn't stop Debra from criticizing Ray's body talking about his stomach and his ass.


    The "Can Opener" story, who's story do you believe more. They were both exaggerating a great bit but I believe a little more of Ray's events of the story and I'm explain why. In Debra's story she paints Ray as the bad guy coming home angry, slamming cabinets, and talking to Debra all crazy. Which for one we know damn well Ray always comes homes and gives Debra a cute nickname like "jelly cheeks" and he knows not to talk to Debra all crazy and when is she ever gonna cry when Ray talks to her like that? Ray's story is more believable, Debra for the most part is always in a bad mood and he isn't exaggerating by much from his story.

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  3. The only character I liked was Lisa and hated how they basically made her love life extinct. I really couldn't stand anyone else in the group. The one guy she liked was a jackass, they didn't do anything with the Zack/Lisa pairing.


    Kelly I don't have much a problem with her, she's just a little too preppy and perfect for my liking. I saw spark in her during the movie when she was getting married to Zack. I also didn't like when she pimped out Zack to that homeless girl in that Christmas episode. Never meant someone who would do that to their ex-boyfriend. She didn't have a problem with Lisa & Zack kissing but had a problem with Zack & Jessie kissing.


    Zack was like the worst friend ever, dated all the girls, pimped them out, horrible to Screech, made everyone believe Slater had some deadly disease. There was nothing to like about Zack.


    For someone so chauvinistic Slater sure did do things that would question whether or not he was really chauvinistic like dancing, Glee club, baking, plus his clothes didn't help him either.


    Screech was a borderline stalker, stalking Lisa at every chance he gets. So I had no problem with Lisa being flat out mean to him.


    Jessie, "I'm So Excited" enough said.

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  4. "Duplicitous Bitch" LMAO, How I love Victor. He needs to be on more so he can dish out these one liners. I just hate the fact that he likes Jenn, that's his one character flaw. Can Jenn do something bad to Sonny so Victor can longer like Jenn?


    Oh EJ, no the fuck Abby isn't Extra-Ordinary as he says it and a far cry from breathtakingly beautiful more like fright night beautiful. Why is he downplaying this affair so much? To appease her ego? For someone that wants to get back with Sami, you sound like a damn moron going to the whore and talking her up. I really hope Sami just knocks the shit out of him and I hope Victor is gonna string him along in whatever he's planning.


    Then we have delusional AbiSkank who is praying that EJ leaves Sami for her. Her facial expressions just give it away, which is why it boggles my mind on why writers are not letting her pay or have some people in Salem look at her and say skanky whore. Can someone please tell Anne & Theresa so they can get some jabs in, I'll settle for Eve getting some digs in and flaunting it in Jenn's face. Abby has no manners, just barging in someone's house without being invited in.


    Jenn please, you're a monster in heels and uh Jenn, I thought you had a meeting at Sonny's club, you lying bitch. Ran your ass right back home and so funny how Sami called her out for jumping on Dan's dick after Jack died. Sami shouldn't give that Marlena comment any thought cause Mar is just a terrible person all around.


    I FF through Maggie/Nicole, Eric, & Dan/Kristen scenes don't care.

    • Love 3
  5. I will tell you guys that my very first crush was Austin St. John the original red ranger in Power Rangers. OMG he was so hot, everyone liked the green/white ranger but mine was the straight up red one.


    Now it's Nick Wechsler from Revenge he's so damn hot and the things I would do to him lol. I don't like the show and his character is just useless but he's eyecandy.


    Honorable mention to Ian Somerhalder from Vampire Diaries and Charles Michael Davis from The Originals those eyes from Somerhalder and smile from Davis OMG.

  6. This one grates my nerves



    Ok it's horrible that they're answering this one in unison of two different locations but it's also sad that people are selling chandeliers and rugs for lockers. Where the hell are the damn textbooks?? I would be damned if I brought my child a rug and a chandelier to go in their locker. This is horrible advertising.

    • Love 2
  7. Check out this annoying ass commercial



    Until this kid has a damn job he needs to STFU. Calling his parents dorks and geeky cause they don't have a nice car is just a damn insult at least they have a car that runs. Then his last line was just a big WTF, Toyota should have been ashamed of themselves for this commercial.

    • Love 2
  8. We all know Abby was lying when she said that she doesn't love EJ her facial expressions just prove otherwise plus her reaction at Sami and EJ's wedding. I'm sorry but Abby just irks the living fuck out of me. She says one thing but her facial expressions prove otherwise which shows that she's not taking full responsibility for her part in the affair and doesn't feel as guilty as she's telling people that are backing her and shouting how "pure and good" she is. Abby is a manipulative lying skank. 

    • Love 5
  9. I'm glad Sonny isn't putting sole blame on EJ. I wish Sami, Sonny, & Kate can all team up but Sonny would have to get rid of his worthless husband Will. Will is a sorry ass sack of shit of a son, showing not one ounce of sympathy for his own mother.


    I love how writers are trying to make AbiSkank be the best, upstanding mistress in soap history. Trying to rewrite her walking up to EJ and wanting to be the mistress and what's with people in that town? Is it impossible to believe that she would sleep around when she's done it before. Kayla major points lost on you for worrying about Jenn. Who the fuck cares about Jenn and her feelings?? Sorry Kayla, Sami spelled it out in black and white, hospital policy so deal with it Kayla and fire the skank. Sick of all the Abby is “good” talk when clearly she isn't.


    I can't stand Mar, she's always looking at people with that judgmental look. Brady why are we thanking Mar for letting you see your own father. If you want to see Yawn see him, don't need that bitch's permission.


    Are they trying to make Eve become a 2.0 of Sami since AS is leaving the show. It's not working right now because Eve is just too over the top. JL can easily fill that spot if writers actually write her and give her a variety of storylines to work with besides the same thing over and over.


    Don't care about the Dan/Kristen scenes. I barely paid attention to them.

    • Love 5
  10. Blanche's mammy Viola wasn't all that great either. Now she isn't related to any of the girls by blood but since Blanche sees her as a family member anyway I can talk about her. She just pops over wanting Blanche to hand over a music box and then tells her that she had an affair with Big Daddy. Blanche shouldn't even have forgiven her just because Viola showed up at her wedding and watched her dance with her father. Very tacky of her to show up at the wedding knowing she was the mistress and that Blanche's mother found out about it.


    Dorothy's sister Gloria was ugly in "The Monkey Show" episode. She comes over and down talks Dorothy's career saying she would be a real teacher instead of a substitute teacher and sleeps with Stan. 

    • Love 3
  11. Today was rather lackluster, I guess today's episode was really Friday's episode and I really don't want to see whack job Kristen. I don't understand how kidnapping Dan the 2nd Coming is going to get Brady back for her. It would probably be more fun to watch Kristen vs Theresa than having to possibly hear Maggie, Eve, & Jenn shriek and screech over Dan being missing.

    • Love 1
  12. I liked Rebecca and I even liked plus size Rebecca. I liked the relationship between Blanche and Rebecca they were so opposite in their beliefs that it worked. When plus size Rebecca was with Jeremy and tolerated his abuse because she thought she wasn't beautiful and thin like she use to be which shows realism. Plus size Rebecca didn't do anything annoying in her episode. Baby crazy Rebecca episodes were always entertaining and funny, the birthing center, sperm bank, when Blanche was believe to be Aurora's mother.

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