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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Nicole looks horrible, what's up with that hair? It made her look like a little boy. When she's on I'm wishing Lois Griffin from Family Guy would walk up to Nicole and give her a Sylvia Plath novel and a bottle of Ambien and look the other way and whatever happens, happens. She didn't regret shit 'cause she kept lying about it and since she wants to be punished how about she just get off my screen.


    How much longer is ScAbby Doo gonna be on? Do we have to keep seeing her just about every damn day. OMG I dread when AS & JS leave cause that opens up the door for ScAbby Doo to be on more. Oooh ScAbby Doo nobody walked away from your ass when they learned of the affair so STFU. This "relationship" with BOllie is beyond boring and coma inducing. BOllie if ScAbby Doo is as good as it gets, it would best to go back to Clyde. No way do you want to deal with Jenn (dammit I need a nickname for her)


    I knew I seen BOllie somewhere, he was on Desperate Housewives S8 when Gaby was shopping and he was just muscle jock catching the clothes that Eva Longoria was throwing at him. He's the same as the old Ben constant pissy looks on his face. He should be arrested for assaulting a cop but knowing Nilla Rafer he more than likely will not do it.


    Tiramisu (That's Grimace Sue's new name cause that's what her name sounds like) is certainly one of the worst actresses ever. Don't know what she was like on her previous soap but goodness me on this one she flat out stinks. Never changes her facial expressions or change the tone in her voice, just monotone.


    Why are Sami, Kate, & Tiramisu all fighting over boring ass Nilla Rafer?

  2. Don't forget this annoying brat




    I'm glad the mother put her foot down, more parents need to be like this in commercials. The little brat gonna talk to her mom in text talk and how it's no big deal how her mom has to pay a high cell phone bill and then gets a smart mouth with "IDK my bff Jill."



    What the hell is this?


    If Kmart clothes made my kids talk like this and act that way in school. I would never buy clothes from there.

    • Love 3
  3. Sophia: Rose you idiot, I'll never pass for a man. Dorothy trade with me?

    Dorothy: Go to hell Myron.


    Rose: I think it's impossible to paint autumn in St. Olaf.
    Dorothy: How come?
    Rose: Maybe it's because of the horrible St. Olaf Falling Leif story.
    Dorothy: Rose, if this a story about a man named Leif, I don't want to hear it.
    Rose: It's not that long.
    Dorothy: No.
    Rose: It has a surprise ending.
    Dorothy: All right Rose, just the ending, but keep it short!
    Rose: ...Splat!

    • Love 2
  4. It was even said in an episode that Ray does help out around the house in the episode where they thought Robert was gay. Also in the episode where Ray got Debra a crock pot for Christmas, Ray pointed out that he doesn't help out around the house because Debra wants to do it herself so she can feel superior and and called her out on being a martyr and she agreed that she was. Even when Ray said go to the movies or do whatever she wanted and he'll watch the kids and she goes all no, no, don't want to do it. It looks like she does that on purpose so she can hang it over Ray's head that she doesn't get to do anything or go anywhere. She even got mad at Ray for buying the "Humm Vac" to help out with cleaning the house. Who cares if Marie sent the lady over there cause the vacuum lady called them way before Marie sent the lady to Ray and Debra's house. Ray was cleaning the house with the humm vac so Ray has shown signs of helping out around the house.


    Then there was the "Lateness" episode where Debra agreed to be ready at a certain time but didn't cause she needed to curl a piece of hair that didn't need to be curled and then got mad at Ray for leaving her. She should have got mad at herself because that was her fault. The "Vote for Debra" episode where she got onto Ray for not shaving and not dressing a certain way which he pointed out to her she was acting like he wasn't good enough for her. Upset with Ray for picking Bernie to replace him if he died and made up a lie so that they won't hang out with Bernie and Linda anymore.

    • Love 1
  5. Sami is just killing it, I'm loving her. Now she got Adrienne to STFU and loved when she said that all Adrienne does is say things that people don't want to hear. Just laughed at Sami faking Adrienne out, that was pure GOLD. Bravo Sami, she needs to relay that message to Jenn & JJ too. Grimace Sue now knows how it feels. Also GOLD that Adrienne didn't get to say what she wanted to say and thank goodness, cause I don't think that I could have taken another person in Sami's face.


    Look at AbiSkank can't even find initiative to find a job on her own, BOllie is doing that for her. Does Jenn wipe her ass after she takes a shit at home? Just ridiculous how these people just do things for her. BOllie no, she's not hard working, cause she barely worked at the hospital. She works hard at screwing other women's husbands.


    I wish Grimace would stop all that crying, pouting, and grimacing. That's all she's been doing since she arrived. Well Grimace Sue, do you know how Sami feels now being the victim of cheating? Guess she won't be so quick to jump on the mistress bandwagon. 


    Will grow up because he's doing the exact same thing that Sami is doing. He's destroying Sami just like she wants to destroy AbiSkank. He's so damn dumb it's not even funny. Sonny is the one with common sense in that relationship. 

    • Love 5
  6. I think most of the actors that are in the Horton family act better when they're not interacting within the Horton bubble except KM & GW. JJ is more alive in scenes with Sami, Theresa, and Eve not so much Dan or Paige and he does have spark in scenes with Jenn. Which is good for CM as he can be a romantic lead down the line.

    • Love 2
  7. Sophia: Oh, Dorothy. Can I make a little suggestion when you go for your makeover?

    Dorothy: Sure, what is it?

    Sophia: Don't expect a miracle.


    Sophia: So you've started up with your married man again.
    Dorothy: How did you know?
    Sophia: I'm The Amazing Kreskin! I was listening outside the door.
    Dorothy: Oh, Ma.

    Sophia: Oh, I can't put my ear to the door but you can put your....

    Dorothy: Ma!


    Blanche: Must you do that?!
    Rose: She can't help it Blanche, she has to blow her nose. Or is that a banana?


    Blanche: You've probably haven't noticed it, but I've put on three pounds.
    Sophia: On each side.


    Rose: Blanche, sometimes you act just like a woman I knew in St. Olaf!
    Sophia: Please, no one say "what woman?"


    Mr. Ha Ha: Well, it says here on my Ha Ha birthday list that Bobby is seven, Jeannie is nine, and Dorothy is...
    Dorothy: I'll punch your heart out, Ha Ha!
    Mr. Ha Ha: ...Dorothy is the oldest!


    Dorothy: This is what you've been doing for the past forty five minutes?

    Rose: Uh-huh isn't he cute? I call him Scotty.

    [Dorothy pops balloon]

    Dorothy: Now you can call him garbage.

    • Love 1
  8. I can certainly see why Ray is reluctant to do anything or bring Debra anywhere. The surprise birthday party even though Lois was planning it, Ray was part of the plan in knowing what was going on but she just had to know what was going on. He took her golfing and she started getting snippy with him with the whole "need her space" thing. Tried helping her with her PMS and she got bitchy and abusive with him over that. Even when she guilted him into doing charity work, she stopped him from doing that cause Ray enjoyed doing it, so I see why Ray is just a little reluctant to do much of anything with Debra.


    As far as Superbowl go I rather invite someone who would enjoy it and not just tolerate it. It's like wasting a ticket.

    • Love 1
  9. AbiSkank "I'm not trying to butt in" and "It's none of my business" but I have to keep talking about it and make it my business. She's such a joke. She says she deserves some of the things that Sami is doing to her yet she lets people stick up for her. Why don't she tell them to stop and let Sami do what she has to do to get it over with. All these people sticking up for her in front of Sami is only gonna provoke Sami even more.


    Case in point JJ confronting Sami and glad Sami pointed out JJ's behavior with barely a slap on the wrist and everyone in Salem giving Abby a pass. It's why Abby thinks that she can sleep with men that don't belong to her because Hortons will forever back her up. Abby can seduce Victor and everyone will blame Victor. I did love Sami saying that she's playing in the kiddie pool cause that's all she's been dealing with over the past couple of days. Raggedy ass children mostly the Horton family and that includes her bitchiest bitch of the bitches son Will.


    Even when cheated on all Grimace Sue can do is grimace. SMDH. Go away.


    The rest I didn't care for or watch.

    • Love 5
  10. Lillian: I was quite a looker back in the day. Almost as pretty as you.

    Blanche: Well thank you.

    Lillian: Of course, I had bigger breasts.


    Sophia: Rose, I need some advice?

    Rose: And you are asking me?

    Sophia: Frightening isn't it.


    Dorothy: I would kill my sister Gloria if she ever wrote about my sexual escapades.

    Sophia: You'd kill your sister over a pamphlet?


    Dorothy: Now you see what you've done? You've upset Kim Fong Toi.

  11. I also had a crush on Charles Mesure when he played Ben on Desperate Housewives he was so good looking. I was like finally a sexy man on Wisteria Lane. I'm not saying that the other husbands/boyfriends were unattractive. Doug Savant and Shawn Pyfrom (after S1) are cute guys in their own right.

  12. I'm glad I'm hearing about Sonny interfering in the story that Will is trying to write. How about Victor go the extra step and have Will shot and killed to free Sonny of being with him forever.


    Why does Dan want to take Kristen to Salem? Why? Why can't he just subdue her and call the cops on that rapist? Of course Dan wants to soak up all the glory and have Salem say he's so wonderful for bringing Kristen in.


    JJ is gonna defend Abby to Sami. Why is he doing that? I know he's not trying to get Sami to see Abby's side in all this. JJ is starting to get stupid, I understand supporting your sister but that's just ridiculous. If my sister had an affair I wouldn't go to the wife and defend my sister's actions. That's just stupid. This story is just shitty now.

    • Love 1
  13. In the "Superbowl" episode it looked like the other sports writers brought their wives to have sex with them and then drop them off at an event that the ladies would like. Judging from that conversation Ray & Debra had with that couple who came to their room. I see why Ray didn't invite Debra because she admitted to not reading his articles and not at all a sports person and the Superbowl wasn't a pleasure trip it was work where Ray had to cover the game and cover the press conference there too. I can see why he would think of bringing Gianni who he watches sports with and would enjoy the game while Debra on the other hand would just tolerate it.

    • Love 1
  14. I'm Ok with Sonny sexing up T or an extra in the background for all I care just get him away from Will. Sonny deserves a whole lot better than this and deserves to have a storyline centered around him for a change because it looks like as long as he's with Will, Sonny will never have a story about him cause he's married to a holier than thou Horton.

    • Love 3
  15. OMG Grimace Sue is a boring stiff, I can't watch her, horrible actress. I just can't with her anymore and I've tried so many times to give her chances and thought that maybe it was the writing and direction, but only so long you can blame that before you see that it's just the actress just like KM. Even if writers give you the shittiest of the shittiest storylines and scenes, as an actor/actress you're suppose to spin that shit into gold. She's always so deadpan and always grimacing that she's just a joke of a character.


    Watching AbiSkank and Grimace Sue try to team up on Sami was just embarrassing for them. Like they know about being happy in relationships when all Abby does is destroy other people's relationship and Grimace has done nothing but keep secrets and grimace all day. Yea they're the pillars of talking about being happy glad Sami shut them the fuck up.


    JJ & Paige are just boring just not involved in their relationship at all. I'll give them a pass on the "love" thing because they're young adults, can't really call them teenagers anymore, they graduated high school.

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