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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. L is for Lex Luthor, comic book character Dorothy mentioned to get Mr. Terrific from jumping, "Mr. Terrific, I think Lex Luthor and the Joker are harrassing an old lady on the stairwell. Could you come up and zap them with your x-ray vision?"

  2. I'll get the ball rolling.


    I wasn't much of a fan of Dorothy's clothes. I especially hated that outfit she wore to Stan's wedding to that woman Dorothy met at the bar. The top had that diagonal thing going on, the color was ugly, I'm not really much a fan of green clothes to begin with. She wore it with white boots to top it off. It was just hideous. Also that outfit during the Isaac Q. Newton episode what she wore to the event, that was hideous too.


    I'm wondering if that was the same dress Dorothy wore when she went to the prom with John Neretti at the end of the episode and the dress she wore to the event when they all had the flu.


    I do remember Blanche wearing the same blue dress for the dance marathon and when they were gonna go to the Mortimer Club with Barbara Thorndyke.


    I absolutely loved Blanche's outfit when she's first seen in the, "Yes, We have no Havanas" episode when she's dating Fidel Santiago and the red business attire we first seen her in during the Gil Kessler episode. Those looked really good on her. Blanche is able to pull off daring and bright colored clothes than the rest of the girls.


    I like Blanche's hair in that episode "Larceny & Old Lace" when she called Rose an empty headed Mary Poppins knock off.


    I felt so bad for Rose, during that Bob Hope episode where they dressed as men in the locker room. OMG those pants were so jacked up on Rose, it wasn't even funny. Just looked uncomfortable.


    I did like Rose's outfit during the play with Patrick Vaughn, the white dress and make up was very pretty on her, plus I think it's the only time they actually did something different with Rose's hair besides that hair salon incident when they all walked out with Sophia's hairstyle.


    Was Rose's hair really hard to style? In Mama's Family I remember Betty White having her hair styled differently.

    • Love 2
  3. Is the director not directing KM correctly? Is KM not reading the script correctly? Does she even care how her character comes off? I can't understand how EJ, Sami, & Jenn are able to give great facial expressions during the reveal of this affair, but Abby just stood there and looked vacant with crocodile tears. Hell I can make an ugly cry face with no tears coming out. It seems writers are gonna have to write Abby in her comfort zone and that's being a smug bitch or a simple slut. Abby only comes alive when she's judging someone. Don't ever give her any emotional scenes or stories because it just falls flat due to KM's limited acting range.

    • Love 5
  4. I did not like Hope's gala look. Don't know if it was the design of her dress or the way her hair was styled but something was just off.


    Roman just looked rough which I don't understand why that blonde woman is so fixated on him. Victor yes he has money, Brady & Eric yes, Rafe and his eyelashes maybe, Dan and his surfer look maybe, EJ the accent OK, but Roman. No no.

    • Love 3
  5. Nicole: I will have respect.

    Victor: When hell freezes over.


    Victor: You know Nicole, at the end of the opera the rejected lover hangs herself. You'll let me know if you need any rope.


    Victor [Responding to Nicole's poor me act]: It didn't work for Anna Nicole and it won't work for Ditzy Nicole.


    Victor hit it right on the head right there. Victor has the best lines.

    • Love 3
  6. Abby could barely handle Chad calling her out on pitting him and Cameron against each other. Abby can't resonate anything on her face when she's being told about herself especially when Carrie was confronting her about the Austin thing. Writers shouldn't be giving KM any meaty material to work with cause she can't pull it off, give it to Jen Lilley she can be front and center and the new female lead for her character age range cause she can give facial expressions and she's prettier. (I don't like Theresa but can give JL credit for playing the character very well)


    Oh my god the people on the other boards are on some crack. I wanted to sign up and say something but decided not to cause I would probably be banned. They are defending Abby basically cause the sex between EJ & Abby and that Sami's past is the reason why she shouldn't be confronting Abby. WTF?? Really?? Also saying how Abby should fight back and not let Sami talk to her like that. Yea OK, cause Abby can take on Sami in a confrontation. LMAO. Abby will be asking JJ for advice and asking Jenn, Maggie, & Julie to back her up.


    Also Jenn is upset with Sami for coming in her house and yelling at Abby, but wasn't it not too long ago that Jenn hopped her happy us up in EJ's house and started yelling at him about Chad. Jenn go sit and rot somewhere.

    • Love 3
  7. I didn't watch DOOL when Will shot EJ so I can't judge on that. I can only judge on what I see from when I started watching. A parent can be protective and all but also have to let their child accept responsibility for their actions and not give excuses or excuse their behavior. What bothers me about it is that Jenn acts like Abby is a perfect angel, maybe if Jenn acknowledges this, I wouldn't have such a big problem with her interfering in the Sami/Abby confrontation.

    • Love 1
  8. Blanche, Rose, Dorothy: A. Yes A, definitely. 

    Sophia: You can't pick men and you can't pick pizza!


    Blanche: He put his big masculine arms, around my tiny little waist. 

    Dorothy: I don't believe you.

    Blanche: What?

    Dorothy: I don't believe he put his big masculine arms around your alleged tiny little waist.


    Blanche: Well to hell with you and your oversexed boyfriend Dorothy Zbornak! I'm just glad that little Mei Ling's coming out party was ruined!

    Dorothy: Who?

    Blanche: And, I'm glad Elliott is bonging every woman at your country club!

    Dorothy: What the hell are you talking about?

    Blanche: Ask the towel lady!


    Dorothy: You know until I met you Rose, I didn't know that people actually talked back to their Rice Krispies. 


    Blanche: So you ever think about getting a face lift? For your...how do I say this delicately...turkey waddle or what?


    Blanche: My backside is spread all across the front page! How could they do that?

    Sophia: They probably used a wide angled lens.


    Rose: You know Blanche at a truck stop in Tuscaloosa, there's an egg dish named after you.

    Blanche: Really? How are they prepared?

    Sophia: Over easy.

    • Love 1
  9. Not all the time no, as Sami pointed out Abby is a grown woman, the same thing Carrie pointed out to Jack and Jenn. Jenn needs to let Abby own up to her mistakes and grow the hell up. You can't protect a child forever, they have to learn and how is Abby gonna learn when she knows she can keep running to Jenn to solve all her problems. Seriously, Abby said nothing and let Jenn do all the talking for her, that's not what grown ups do. Abby better learn how to deal with adult problems on her own cause Jenn isn't gonna be there forever (hopefully that's sooner rather than later.)


    Cause if I was Jenn the scene would be a little different:


    Jenn: Is this true Abby?

    Abby: .....

    Jenn: Answer the damn question.

    Abby: Yes it's true.

    Jenn: Huh, Alright Sami she's all yours. I'm just sit on the couch to make sure nothing physical happens. Oh and Abby, be a woman and own up to your mistakes and stop all that damn crying. Crying gets you nowhere.


    Called tough love.

    • Love 10
  10. I got my Haagaen-Dazs Almond Ice Cream Bar as I was ready for the Abby smackdown. Oh Jenn you delusional bitch, of course your perfect daughter couldn't possibly sleep with EJ since she despises him. Of course EJ is the bad guy and forced Abby to fling her legs in the air. Jenn quit being so fucking delusional, your daughter's a whore, the story is true, the photos are real so get your head out your ass. I so wanted Sami to beat Jenn over the head with that thing. Jenn ruined the scenes with her interference while Abby mostly remained mute and trying to cry but mustered up no tears. I knew Abby's facial expressions and reaction would ruin the scenes too. Jenn trying to turn everything around on Sami was just a joke. Oh Jenn if you only knew how cold Abby was when she paraded in EJ's workplace and wanted EJ to push Sami to the side and continue the affair. PLEASE SOMEBODY KILL JENN!! Telling Sami that she's not gonna say anything, sorry Jenn freedom of speech and you can't stop Sami. I was really expecting more because they had Sami completely own EJ yesterday but she didn't completely own Abby, mostly cause of Jenn's ratchet ass. Jenn is so stank that bitch doesn't deserve a hug, she deserves a slap and the Sami of old would have slapped the tar out of Abby. Corday owes me an ice cream bar. Maybe I should have held off on the ice cream bar until the whole town looks at Abby and shake their heads.


    Everything else was filler.


    The Millionaire Matchmaker who looks like a man, ugh, can't stand her and almost ruined the show.


    OMG I'm so sick of that “Eve” music but at least JJ and Eve were able to come to an understanding. The music was just inappropriate for the JJ/Eve scenes.


    Gala sucks and that Father is the worst person I've seen on the show and Mar who's face can't move. That whole Gala just stunk of course Mar just gets stage freight. Mar is horrible, those jokes were lame and don't find making fun of mental disorders funny. So the laugh track and audience track did it no favors. No Hope, Mar didn't do great, she was lousy. Is this what we've been waiting on, I rather they had Brady walk in drunk and make a spectacle or something. The Gala was just garbage and a waste of a story cause I'm still not biting on My Cop Voice & Aidan. Why was Hope looking so damn awkward when she was dancing with Aidan? She looked like she was about to run smack dab into a wall.


    Mary Beth in the words of Blanche Deveraux, “Eat dirt and die trash.”


    Ciara is such a snot, “Mommy won't teach me to waltz.” Ciara always acts like she's owed something.

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