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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Why don't we do the stories that they've told over the years from Rose's St. Olaf stories, Blanche's sexual stories, Sophia's Sicily stories and Dorothy's tragic childhood-teen stories.


    A is for Aardvark which Rose told a story of Olga Fetchik, St. Olaf's beautician and most unattractive creation since the aardvark. 


    B is for Brown Bear cause in St. Olaf the brown bear and field mouse can share their lives but they can't mate or the mouse would explode.

  2. Another one I just can't get passed is when Dorothy and Lucas were gonna get married and Sophia is just snapping photos. She snaps a photo of Blanche and Rose hugging but yet when the picture clears up they have shocked looks on their faces. They looked shocked after the photo was already out of the camera. That one still bugs me unless that camera has a 5 second delay thing going on.


    There was an error when Blanche's teacher wanted her to sleep with him to get an A on her exam. On the board it said the exam is in four weeks and on that same day Dorothy mentioned that the Sinatra concert was in two weeks. So how was it that Blanche would be unable to go?


    When Rose is making a batch of "Sperhuven Krispies" or whatever the hell they're called, you can clearly see that they are not putting anything in their mouths.


    In the episode where they are robbed, Rose admits to being scared of large dogs, but Dorothy and Blanche get Rose a dog named Jake who was a large dog and the dog she found when she went grocery shopping.


    When Virginia visited because she needed a kidney, Blanche told Rose that she and Virginia don't get along and Rose says how can anyone hate their sister. Rose was shown to not be very fond of Holly.


    Blanche at times mentioned that she was a beautiful child. She said her father called her peacock and said her sister's refused to play with her because she was so beautiful and how she had all these male friends say from the balcony, "I see London, I see France, I see Blanche's underpants" and how she didn't have to disappoint so many men since her Dad tore down the treehouse. Then other occasions she said she was sent to "Beauty Camp" because she was pencil thin, flat chested nerd and Dorothy said that Blanche was quite the little porker back then and was ugly and fat.


    This is a little shallow, but found it odd that all of them were attracted to Lazlo the sculptor and none of them picked up that he's gay. Reason why is because they all have different taste in men except that they were all attracted to Jake the caterer who was a handsome man.


    I'm trying to understand why Blanche stuffed those balloons in her shirt. Patrick seen her the day previously, so he knew that those things were falsies. 


    I'm also a little stunned that Patrick Vaughn picked Phyllis Hammerow for the part cause she's an awful actress, "It sho was Biff." Dorothy's audition was horrible too. I think Blanche would have gotten the part if it wasn't for those fake tits. She has the southern accent and did better than Dorothy. I can only imagine how Rose auditioned for the role. 


    You do notice how Blanche doesn't get the roles she auditioned for, MacBeth but casted as a witch, Patrick Vaughn's leading lady but casted as a non speaking towns person, and for a role in Taming of the Shrew but doesn't get the part. Blanche has a lot of theater background with MacBeth, Patrick Vaughn, Tip Tap Trio later turned into "Two Merry Widows", and got a part playing a Nun with Rose for The Sound of Music. Quite surprising that Blanche's character wasn't a struggling actress who's husband died and she needed to rent out her home. I really think they shouldn't have made Blanche come from a family of money.

  3. Blanche: "Good luck and try not to overdo it."

    Dorothy: "Blanche, what is that suppose to mean?"
    Blanche: "Oh nothing, it's just that these things can be a little strenuous for a woman of your years."

    Dorothy: "Who am I, Mamie Eisenhower? I can last just as long as you."

    Blanche: "Dorothy please, I think I have a little more endurance than you."

    Dorothy: "Blanche, we're not dancing on our backs."

    Blanche: "You take that back."

    Dorothy: "I will not! You just implied I was an old lady."

    Blanche: "Well honey I didn't mean to imply, I meant to say it flat out."


    Dorothy: "Listen, Daisy. I don't like being intimidated, I don't like being threatened, and frankly, kid, I don't like you! I'm not going to buy you anything, and I'm going to call your folks and let them know what you're doing. Then I'm going to call the School for Bad Girls, and they will come and pick you up, and put you in a sack, and take you away, and you will never eat ice cream or play jump rope again!"

    Daisy: "Get real grandma!"


    Daisy: "You see this water pistol, it's loaded with red ink!"


    Rose: "I can't believe we're going to know the true age of Blanche Deveraux." [looks at document] "Deleted by authority of the governor."


    Dorothy: "Marguerite we have to tell you something."

    Blanche: "But before we do I just like to let you know that Tootie was my favorite on The Facts of Life."


    Blanche: "Rose, what was your first impression of me?"

    Rose: "I thought you wore too much makeup and were a slut. [Gets her things] "But I was wrong you don't wear too much makeup."


    Blanche: "It's when you use a phrase to mean something else. Like when I say men are blinded by my beauty, they're not really blinded. They get their sight back in a day or two."


    Blanche: "Barbara, I picked up your first novel the other day."

    Barbara: "Ah yes, 'So Dark the Waves on Biscayne Bay'. I've grown so much as a writer since then."

    Blanche: "I should hope so."

    Dorothy: "Blanche."

    Barbara: "No it's alright. Did you have a problem with my book dear?"

    Blanche: "Yes, as a matter of fact I did, all those waves. Big waves, little waves, rolling in, page after page. I had to take a dramamine to get through chapter three."


    Dorothy to Barbara: "Let me spell it out for you. Go to Hell."


    Blanche: "He told me his wife died years ago."

    Woman: "Oh he did." [talks to her husband behind hospital curtain] "You louse! You crumb! This is who you're cheating with now?! A woman in her sixties!"


    Dorothy: "Rose, what about that guy you dated last Summer? The one who played Goofy at Disney World."

    Rose: "I remember the passion, yes."

    Dorothy: "Do you know why it didn't work out?"

    Rose: "It just didn't."

    Dorothy: "Yea, but do you remember why?"

    Rose: "I don't wanna talk about it."

    Blanche: "Rose, we're all adults, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

    Rose: "He took off the Goofy head."

    Dorothy: "He took off the Goofy head. See, that's not so bad." [Dorothy looks at Blanche and crosses her eyes]


    Madam Zelda: "Move in this house and you'll die an agonizing death."


    Blanche & Rose want to see the dress Dorothy purchased.

    Dorothy: "Okay, but I'll warn you it's very simple. [Dorothy shows them the dress] "What do you think?"

    Blanche: "I think I'm your best friend, so let's change the subject."

    Rose: "It's perfect, it's exactly what I would have brought."

    Dorothy: "That settles it, it goes back tomorrow."


    Rose: "Cooking?"

    Dorothy: "No Rose, I'm developing pictures from the Magellan Space Program."

  4. I didn't get a jealous look from EJ either, he was just looking down. I think JS is just not happy with this story at all and he wants it to be over. I don't blame him, why have his character be bogged down with Abby. I think JS is just phoning it in at this point because EJ isn't being a villain or doing things that EJ use to do.

    • Love 4
  5. T is for T-Bone Steak which Sophia wanted a t-bone steak, corn on the cob and pecan pie for dessert. Then she wanted Dorothy to ask what she can chew and Dorothy said she'll start soaking the corn flakes.

  6. I like to also point out that Ciara is a big asshat. She's so annoying, I guess she gets it from her mother. "I wanna be a flower girl or bridesmaid." How about sitting your ass down and go make some kool-aid or something. Annoying little twit. Where's Miss Trunchbull when you need her? Allie even looked at her funny when Ciara asked if she could be flower girl. I wish Allie would have popped her in the mouth.

    • Love 5
  7. Did they put extra extensions in Sami's hair for her wedding? What's with these bridal dresses, I still think Kristen's is worse though cause Kristen looked like a gladiator. Is DOOL under a strict budget that they couldn't find a better dress to put on Sami. Maybe Kate should have picked out the dress, Kate has good fashion sense most of the time.


    Jenn can't even be bothered to try on other types of lipstick for her own son's graduation. Why won't she try on a different color? Anything is better than skin tone lipstick. She just looked like plane jane in that dress she put on. Someone in the wardrobe and makeup department clearly dislikes Jenn as much as we do.

    Dan continues to look unwashed and unkept.


    Hope ugh, her tights were just a big no for her. I expect someone like Theresa or Paige to wear something like that but Hope? Big no no.

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  8. KM's acting is confusing me. When she hears EJ's voice she acts like she heard a ghost. I don't understand why she's getting snippy with EJ for getting married to Sami. She knew this well in advanced. Did she think he was gonna call it off and pick her up and run off into the sunset? EJ treated her like a mistress should be treated, which Abby doesn't seem to process at all. Then when the wedding was about to start she looks like she's about to burst into tears. Stay with Ben since it's so "real."


    Dan is so awesome he doesn't know how Brady could put him on his shit list. SMDH. I was so glad when Brady told him to get the fuck out and it's none of his business what Brady does with his life. FYI Dan, you could have texted JJ to pick up the gift at your house or something. Fucking idiot. Didn't have to go all the way over to Jenn's house to drop it off and dropping it by her door. Since it wasn't heavy you shouldn't have dropped it.


    Jenn you weak, desperate ass! She didn't even attempt to lift the present. She couldn't possibly lift it my ass. Was she for real?? She can't lift a guitar, girl needs to hit the gym. I guess those toned arms are just for show.


    Eve loses more points for flirting it up with Dan. Yikes!!

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  9. Tammy Sue and Ollie could the writers have come up with an even worse name for those two? Might as well called her Cindy Lou Peoples at least it would have a nice ring to it. I really don't care that Kate is sending their father to them, that means we can get this dreadful, dragged out storyline over and done with. Just hurry up and end it and I just really wish in this case the writers would have just dropped the story all together.

    • Love 2
  10. Preach LadyJaney cause I know I get tired of hearing how awesome Dan is. You practically have the whole town of Salem kissing the ground he walks on. Talking about how he's trying to see Jenn's POV in all this but he can't. Dan just doesn't realize how he always gets sucked into Nicole's schemes and there was no telling how many chances he would have given her. People do have a right to call him out on his shit, cause he has no problems getting all up in Nicole, Theresa, Brady, and Ann's faces telling them about themselves.


    Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with him. The whole time you can't question his character and the woman would have to automatically think that he walks on water and is the 2nd Coming. I bet in bed his form of dirty talk is, "Say I'm Awesome!"

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  11. Marie should have accepted the gift and not mention how much it cost and Robert wouldn't have gotten all petty. Marie should have remained mute, Frank didn't care how much he had to pay until Robert and Marie started making a big deal out of who spent what. If Ray was being a "glory hog" then Robert should have purchased a gift for Marie himself, just gave money to Ray, no questions asked. 


    There was also that Christmas episode where Debra got Robert a tie and Robert was acting like Debra was obligated to buy him an expensive gift. Didn't know Debra was married to Robert. When Debra came out with the DVD player for Ray, Robert goes all "What the hell?"


    Everyone was acting stank when Ray received his honorary doctorate. Ray forgets to mention Debra so he decided to mention her in an article and then comes Marie getting all upset that Ray does this for her. Robert acts stupid that Amy has to get him to say something nice to Ray and then Robert wants credit for Ray's career which was just stupid and petty. Frank didn't care. Then when Ray thanks them all, they still act petty, Robert - "He thanked me first.", Debra - "Saved me for last.", Marie - "He said the most meaningful to me." All this commotion over thanking Debra in an article. Debra isn't completely blameless because she was making fun and tearing Ray down when they were in bed.


    I mean the show is funny but as the seasons progressed they just got flat out mean, nasty, and rude to each other.

  12. That creepy music again with Eve, already sick of hearing it. Eve is just being a little too over the top for me to like her. I thought I would but forget it, I hate her and want her dead just like AssCole. Eve is no better than Theresa.


    “You want answers?” Really Aidan?? The two of you aren't even dating unless I missed something. He's acting like he was gonna tell her then he stops and doesn't want to talk about it. Hope doesn't deserve any answers and doesn't need to be asking about Chase's mom unless she and Aidan are in a relationship.


    Goodness Jenn, why the fuck you tell JJ this during his graduation? This bitch forever piles on bad news at the wrong time. I knew it, I called it I knew Jenn was gonna call Aidan to become her attorney or give legal advice in all this crap. Jenn please you're just as bad as Eve, sick of Jenn and her judgmental ass. I knew she was also go blab to Hope and Dan and his hairy ass will be next.


    Dan grow a damn pair. How dare anyone question his character? He's so upstanding and righteous and great. SMDH. Yes Aidan, let's talk to Dan about The Perils of Jenn.


    Tammy Sue how countrified to the tune of funkdified and I'm still bored with all this nonsense. Please move Kate on from this ridiculous story. Now we have to deal with country ass music when we have to hear about the Adventures of Tammy Sue and Plucky. What's Ben's country name Bobby Ray, Bubba, Cletus, Billy Bob, Jimmy Joe?


    WTF was Nicole expecting, for Eric to throw her ass a parade. Get the fuck on somewhere, you do one good thing and everyone should give you all the attention. GMAFB.

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