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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. I do love Rogue though and the cartoon series made me love Rogue and why she's my favorite X-Men character when I started reading the comics after watching the show. I do hate that the comics killed her though but I digress. Cartoon made Rogue a force to be reckoned with in "The Starjammers" when the team battled the Imperial Guards Rogue took on beat Gladiator, Smasher, Hussar, Titan, & Warstar. In "Fate of the Phoenix" when they battled the Imperial Guards again she eliminated Starbolt and had a good battle with Gladiator. I pretty much enjoyed episodes that Rogue was in.


    I also found it funny how Gambit would want to risk his life just to get some from Rogue. I know that Gambit was made to be the one not trustworthy of the team but Rogue was too for a time found to be untrustworthy when she joined the X-Men.


    Another episode I loved was "The Sanctuary" that was a good one and "Proteus" was another good one because Wolverine couldn't bring himself to fight Proteus after Proteus used his powers on him and we all know Wolverine never backs down from a fight.


    I do have a question in the episode 'Til Death Do Us Part pt. 2" Mr. Sinister had a suction type thing that he used on Cyclops. Did he use that thing on Cyclops' penis to take that seed like thing out of him?

  2. I didn't have a problem with Sabrina and I didn't mind her relationship with Victor either as Sabrina was able to mellow his black hearted ass out somewhat. I do find it odd that writer's broke them up and killed off Sabrina because the relationship wasn't well received by fans. Sharon and Victor was universally panned yet that relationship was milked to death. Sabrina was a beautiful woman and could have been cute with a few male characters in GC.


    Davetta Sherwood's Lily Winters - How I miss her as Lily, she played Lily like a mini-Dru. She played no games, told people how she felt and wasn't whiny and shrewish like CK's Lily.


    Adrianne Leon's Colleen Carlton - I loved AL's portrayal of Colleen Carlton, she looked like Traci's daughter and her and Davetta Sherwood played Lily and Colleen very well and were very believable as best friends. Somehow Tammin & Christel just weren't believable at all as bff. Also liked that AL gained some weight while playing Colleen and odd that in an interview she was told to gain weight yet she was fired and they hired thin Tammin Sursok.


    Rafe Torres - I enjoyed Rafe, first gay character and he stood up to people like Victor and Adam. He said what he had to say and calmly left without being shrieky or an ass like a Nick Newman. Plus YG is a cutie.


    Vail Bloom's Heather Stevens - I really enjoyed VB's version of Heather being a workaholic all while trying to find love. Then when ER took over the role they made Heather a whiny, clingy, desperate homewrecker. JL's Heather just didn't do it for me cause it was hard for me to believe that she was Paul's daughter.

    • Love 2
  3. Rogue giving Cyclops mouth to mouth: "Come on pretty boy, make a girl feel welcomed."


    Juggernaut about Jubilee: "What's she gonna do? Hit me with her diaper?"


    Archangel: I'll follow him to the end of the earth, through perdition's fire, until he breathes blood and rolls over, split, broken, finished!


    Mr. Sinister to Rogue: "So beautiful, yet so strong."

    Wolverine: "Well I always thought I was kind of cute. Nice of you to mention it."


    Rogue: You know what happens when I touch somebody. You wanna end up in the hospital?!

    Gambit: Maybe it's worth it, no.


    Gambit: Gambit says you play fair or you don't play at all.

    Gorgeous George: Come to Gorgeous, pretty boy.

    Gambit: Gambit likes to play hard to get.

  4. I loved X-Men growing up and have seasons 1-4 on DVD and realized that Jean Grey is kind of a klutz. When the X-Men was battling Apocalypse and The Four Horsemen in "Come the Apocalypse" and Jean trips over Wolverine's leg and then in "Mojovision" she trips over a power cord causing Mojo & Spiral to kidnap her.


    I do love "Obsession" when Rogue and Apocalypse try to take on Apocalypse by themselves. Beast getting all teary eyed over a computer was a bit much though.


    I think they made kind of a goof with Rogue's past cause in "A Rogue's Tale" Rogue was taken in by Mystique and taught how to use her powers before joining the X-Men and learning this while being around Blob, Pyro, and Avalanche. Yet in "The Cure" when Pyro introduces himself to her and she fights with him and Avalanche they all act like they never met or seen each other before.


    Another goof is that when Rogue is walking through the hospital she passes by Ms. Marvel's room and when Mystique shapeshifts into her, Rogue breaks through the elevator doors and flies up a couple of floors to enter Ms. Marvel's room. How did Ms. Marvel get transported up their so fast, was there a mutant doctor up in there.


    Another goof was when Rogue was having hallucinations of Ms. Marvel she went outside to get some air where Wolverine was chopping wood. She sees Ms. Marvel again and flies back in the house to look for Jean but sees hallucinations again and exits the house again by flying up and breaking through floors where Wolverine is in his room when he was just outside chopping wood. They really weren't paying attention when they were making "A Rogue's Tale".


    All episodes that were Storm focused were relatively boring which sucked because Storm is a badass character. I did like "Captive Hearts" when Storm is dealing with her claustrophobia, it really wasn't a Storm focused episode though. Storm worked great as a supporting character in the series, not a main character where episodes could center around her.

    • Love 1
  5. Ricky Williams - Interesting, good actor, and sexy as hell. I was really hoping that everything in regards to Ricky was a red herring but it wasn't and I hate the fact that Paul started being suspicious of Ricky is because he wanted to have Phyllis investigated. Paul has no problems when other people wanted different people investigated but Phyllis he seem to have a problem with.


    Amber Moore - That's right I said it. I love Amber, wish she would have stayed in GC, she could have easily replaced that mess known as Chelsea who I absolutely can't stand. 

    Dru Winters - Wishful thinking but only character that can set the Winters straight, cause we all know someone needs to.


    Eden Baldwin - Might as well kept her instead of bringing in Courtney. Noah and Eden had a past and since Noah and Kyle were trying to one up each other at Newman and both have been with Eden, it could have made for an interesting story.


    Jamie - I really liked him and wanted to give him a big hug with all the hell he's been through. Writers could have made Paul and Christine adopt him instead of being in this baby storyline I'm hearing about them wanting to have a child. Aren't both of them close to be puffing out powder by now?

    • Love 2
  6. Did Rafe and Jordan have a fight? Why did he cheat on Jordan? Not that this sort of event always has a reason behind it, but this seems as random as EJ sleeping with Abigail?



    I guess we can chalk it up to Rafe being depressed and a little drunk. He lost one sister and one is sent to prison. Jordan tried to console him but Rafe wasn't interesting in hearing what she had to say and said the best thing for her to do was just leave him alone. She left, Kate came in and said she isn't going to talk to Rafe but just order a drink and then Rafe says something to the effect that the women he's been with have always needed saving and Kate said no every woman, so I guess she was referring to herself and next thing you know they're hitting the sheets.

    • Love 1
  7. Brady trying to talk all "hip" or whatever the fuck that was, was just embarrassing. John is just a bad actor it was almost like watching Charity Rahmer. John doesn't seem to get it that when he's around most of the time is when Brady takes to the bottle and does drugs. Brady did quit for the All Mighty Dan but then John got all up in Brady's face and Brady started again.


    Mary Beth STFU, just because you don't have a man or a woman, whomever she's attracted to doesn't mean you can dictate and talk about someone else's relationships. Makes my point on people acting like JJ is a murderer, ooh a little pot and broken store glass makes him the town pariah. SMDH. 


    What I find cringing is how a rapist's book is a best seller. Ewww. That's like me buying something OJ Simpson endorses.


    Jordan's sad face looked more like she was fucking constipated. Rafe was finally a little interesting telling that bitch to go away. I was like YES, GO RAFE!! but not cool on threatening Lucas but understand he's upset. This story might make Rafe interesting, but probably won't last long.


    Kate what are you doing? This isn't gonna make matters better between Rafe and Stefano. Stefano probably is having Kate followed so her sleeping with Rafe is very very bad.


    Jordan can STFU up too with her secret and not letting anyone in, so how the fuck am I suppose to feel sorry that Rafe told her to get the hell on somewhere. I want you gone too Jordan, so take the damn hint. Can Kate please find out this bitch's secret so we can finally move on. How long has this story been going on. As I said before writer's don't even know what the damn secret is, just writing for the sake of writing in hopes that fans take interest in her so we feel sympathy when her secret is revealed. Not gonna happen.


    Abby might as well be walking around in her bra with how sheer that blouse is. Yes Sami, Abby is in EJ's corner all right, when she was trying to bang him in all corners of the room. You do have similar taste, both tasted EJ's dick, now y'all can compare notes. Sami stop complimenting that little bitch, she can't see that everytime she's around Abby, Abby always freezes up and has a guilty look on her face. Maybe Sami is playing her and knows but why beat around the bush if she does, just knock Abby out in Horton Square in front of Jenn. So let me get this straight, Sami couldn't talk her into planning the wedding after all that propping but EJ says two sentences and Abby is on board. What a fucking idiot!!! Don't get mad at EJ, you could have said NO, EJ didn't have a gun to her head, but I guess it's that Stockholme Syndrome we're all suppose to believe it is. SMDH again.


    Look at that Abby is just pissed that EJ loves Sami and his family more than her. That's the real problem, guilt my ass, she wants to be the one marrying EJ in wedded bliss because it wasn't too long ago she was so ready to be the mistress. She was so certain that EJ was gonna kick Sami to the curb and move Abby into the DiMera mansion, like her vagina was the be all to end all. Girl Bye!!

    • Love 3
  8. I think it would have been good if all the ladies had a recurring bf like Rose had with Miles and wish that Rose and Miles got married before the series was over. I would have love to see Blanche have a long relationship with the caterer Jake or finally was able to land a date with the doctor Harry Weston. With the caterer their could have been comedy with how opposite Blanche and Jake were but he wanted to get married too soon and she was rather picky towards his lifestyle.


    I love the artificial insemination episode, that one was just full of laughs:


    Blanche: You are a Deveraux, a Deveraux has never had to pay for it. I certainly haven't.

    Dorothy: She's always depended on the kindness of strangers.


    Rebecca: There's a sperm bank nearby.

    Rose: How convenient.

    Sophia: No kidding do they have a drive up window?


    Sophia to Guy filling out form: "I bet this is more fun than giving blood."


    Rose: I hear that you can buy sperm from Nobel Prize winners.

    Blanche: Buy? well sperm use to be free, it's all over the place.

    • Love 1
  9. Debra has shown that she was competent at being a housewife during the early seasons with cooking and cleaning until later seasons they had Marie harp on her skills. Debra made a whole Thanksgiving dinner that people enjoyed, she made braciole that everyone enjoyed, lemon chicken and all that and the house was never dirty to where people would be embarrassed to come over. If Debra was such a horrible cook then why did Marie go to Debra when she wanted to make a healthy Thanksgiving meal?


    It just looked like Marie didn't want Debra or anyone for that matter to excel at cooking. Thinking Debra was destroying her because she made braciole that Frank and Ray loved and gave Robert a look when he complimented Ally's grilled cheese sandwich. Amy could cook but Marie never harped on or got jealous of Amy.

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  10. I just hate how the writers had just about every character sing Abby's praises except Ann, Theresa, and Nick. It was very sickening listening to Sami tell Jenn the prude how good Abby is and blah blah blah. Only child that Jenn has that's interesting is JJ. Writers worked extra overtime to try and make Abby happen and be a new leading lady for the young crowd and it was an epic fail.


    What bothers me is that JJ isn't considered a heartthrob in Salem. Look at him, he has that jock/Abercrombie look going for him. Yea he broke a store window and did drugs but compared to the rest of the men in Salem, it's not that bad. Everytime JJ's name is mentioned around females that isn't his family or Bev, they get this stank look like he's the ugliest man in creation.


    When you compare JJ to the others, hardly any competition - Dan just looks like he smells (seriously he looks like he needs to be sprayed with Febreze & WD-40), Eric & Brady are the dum dum twins, Rafe, Aidan, & NuBen are just boring, EJ just isn't as handsome as he use to be (Abby done messed him up). Sonny would probably be his competition if he wasn't homosexual and there's T but he's barely on. T won me over cause of his personality and attitude and wanted to take Gabi to a concert for their first date. They really need to put T on more.


    Chad & T would be cute, they should have made NuBen gay with the way he debut looking at Sonny that way when Sonny told him that he's gay. Plus them over plucked eyebrows doesn't do him any favors. Well him being gay would save him from being in Abby's orbit. She'll get bored with him because he isn't attached to another woman. After being with her NuBen might turn to men, so fingers crossed lol.

    • Love 5
  11. It's why I can never feel bad for Robert whenever bad things happen to him. He's almost as bad as Marie when it comes to being petty. Robert and Marie are the worst in that arena.


    I also didn't care for that episode where Ray and Debra were OK with Ally babysitting but didn't want to tell Marie. WTF?? Tell Marie to get over it, just because she has no life outside of Ray and Frank, not my problem. Also in that episode where they no longer had to pay the mortgage and Debra and Ray introduced Marie and Frank to the Stipes and Frank and Marie always came over to Ray and Debra's house. WTF?? I mean really, you guys don't have anything else to do but go across the street. Marie guilts Ray into staying and talking to them.


    I also didn't like the "Homework" episode because they figured that Ally had too much homework but Debra put everything on Ray's shoulders. Now Ray was the one that said that the homework should be lowered she shouldn't have volunteered him the way she did without talking it out with him first. She already knows Ray is irresponsible and obnoxious, so don't know what her goal was in having him speak up. 


    The Family Portrait that Ray wanted to have taken for Marie is one of the worst episodes. Marie wanted a family portrait photo for Christmas. Ray tells Robert and Debra and Debra says it's stupid but then agrees. Then she puts Ray on the spot and wants him to side with her on changing their Christmas tradition of Ray driving back and forth from Debra's parents house to Ray's parents house. She wanted that done, yet she asked Marie for permission to change it and not Ray and gets upset when Ray doesn't side with her. Then as revenge she invites her parents to be in the photo. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with that but this was Marie's gift, it wasn't a family photo that was gonna hang on everyone's walls or mantles. Ray didn't have a problem with Warren and Lois showing up he didn't like being blindsided with it and Debra should have told him that they were coming but didn't. Then Robert and Frank act completely rude towards Lois and Warren like they did something to them. Robert acts like an ass cause Amy can't be in the picture, well duh Robert, Amy wasn't a Barone just yet and Ray didn't even have a problem with Amy being in it either. So because Amy isn't in it he opts not to change his shirt and calls Warren and Lois a name and rolls his eyes when Debra and Lois are talking. Everyone just unloads their problems on Ray and expected him to fix everything.


    One episode where Ray was a complete ass was when he was trying to fix Peter up on a date. Peter was interested in Peggy, but Ray wanted Peter to go out with Stefania. I don't know why Ray was acting like that cause he never cared for Peter anyway so it shouldn't have bothered him on who Peter decided to date.


    What bothers me mostly about Debra is how she complains about the housework and how Ray doesn't help out around the house, yet she took on the role of housewife while Ray works outside the home. The only gripe I will agree with Debra on is that Ray should have been more involved with the children, even though he shows signs of being an involved father, with being involved with T-Ball, helping the twins be fairies in the play, help Ally sell cookies, found out why Michael didn't want to go to school, found out Ally being a bully on the school bus, so Ray wasn't too bad on being involved in his kid's life.

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  12. The episode where Sophia runs a marathon and the girls babysat all them kids and they thought one was abandoned. That was just beyond boring, I know it made Blanche realize what a mother she's been to her children, but nevertheless the episodes bores me.


    Also wasn't too fond of the one where the girls take in a pregnant teen, the only good thing about that episode was the secondary story of Blanche and Merrill. 


    I know it was dealing with death but didn't care for Phil's funeral. I mean we never seen the character on screen and whenever Sophia told stories she almost always said "except Phil" so I really felt no connection or anything like that. Maybe if they had Phil visit maybe 2 or 3 times then maybe.


    The Gil Kessler episode was bad from the simple fact that Blanche was being blamed for the whole thing. Even though the story turned out to be fake, they all acted like Blanche pushed herself on Gil and Gil didn't even get a slap on the wrist or vilified, yet he was the one that was "married" and owed it to his wife to be faithful.


    The Will between Rose and Kirsten was a dud because they had no sub story for the rest of the girls, just had Blanche talk about some Paxton/Osgood case she's reading in the newspaper. Yawn.


    The Sophia going out and buying a nectarine was a dud episode as well.


    Also like to add the Sophia having a "heart attack" was boring, barely a laugh in that episode.

    • Love 1
  13. My goodness Abby annoys me to no end, don't know who I find more annoying, her or Nicole. Acting all stressed and distraught over the Melanie thing, ugh, girl please. Do like Sonny & Will, talk about it briefly and then get over it. Yet this idiot couldn't see that Plucky NuBen was avoiding the family questions. I guess since he was praising her holier than thou family minus JJ it was all good and nothing else matters. Besides slobbering all over him, what does she know about this guy? Nothing cause he always avoids her questions about his life which isn't sending red flags to her. Then again Austin and EJ were spoken for and that didn't send her any red flags.


    If they're not plotting together or planning something then Kate vs Sami, I'm Team Kate all the way.


    Mar is so stank, Marlena wasn't the one being blackmailed or seen Nick attempting to rape Gabi, so she really needs to STFU. At least Sami was being honest with her feelings about Nick. Would Mar rather Sami lie about her feelings, cause a Mother and a Psychologist would want people to be honest about their feelings. Maybe Mar needs to take another profession and become an exorcist, since she has experience in that arena.


    Melanie isn't around and the phone call between Daniel and Mel was just a little too convenient for me to give a damn about Rafe going to him and telling the story. Dan can be upset all he wants but Rafe covered for his sister just like Dan did for Nicole a non-relative so him being upset really carries no weight at all.

  14. I really hate the surprise bday party that Lois was throwing for Debra and Debra made Ray tell her and she wanted a Chinese banquet, and Ray really couldn't spoil what Lois was doing for her. Then he had to tell Lois to switch it to Chinese to make Debra happy and then Lois thought Ray didn't like her. Then Robert spoiling it by telling everyone that Debra knows. What bothers me about Robert is how he likes to spoil and ruin things for people like he did when Ray got Debra that "To Kill A Mockingbird" book.

    • Love 4
  15. Oh I forgot about that one but Bananas really should have backed his partner. It does suck for her and a player always gets dealt a bad hand just like Sarah who's always paired with crappy partners who leave her and she has to be sent home as a result of it.

  16. Bananas was a big hypocrite, he voted in CT because CT hasn't seen an elimination and Zach has seen one, but Cara has seen what 4 or 5 and Theresa none. Nany is a dumbass for caving like that. I feel so bad for Cara she's been fighting and scraping to stay alive but can't catch a break. Bananas could have at least backed his partner since she backed him.


    I do love how CT is so nonchalant when sitting across from Nany and Bananas, he didn't bad mouth Zach, or anyone. He's so low key this season I love it.


    Devyn has been sliding by and Johnny has been somewhat mediocre however don't see them winning at all with the competitors that are left, they're doomed especially when Johnny was dragging Devyn through the water by her arms.

  17. Good riddance Gabi, I didn't feel sorry for her at all because she was just a total dumbass right up until the end. Get out and bye bye.


    Jordan, you want to sit down because she knows she's nowhere near ready to take on Kate, let alone Sami. Kate would poison her ass and tell everyone she did it and even tell Ben to his face that she did it.


    I'm so sick of seeing Julie and all her shrieky screeching. STFU.


    I loved Victor drilling into Theresa, he doesn't give a damn walked in and disrespected her in her own home. LMAO. I'm just over Brady, he wants to continue to play stupid, looks can only get you so far. Please remove that ugly ass tattoo, one of the ugliest tattoos I've ever seen. Sad cause Brady & Theresa had potential but not anymore.

    • Love 2
  18. Well, she did sleep with a married man at least once - those paramedics never give up!


    I guess her exaggerations made her friends distrust her altogether re: men. It's not fair, but these are the same people who took Holly's word over Rose's.


    As long as the sex ended before the paramedics revived his wife, she's in the clear lmao

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  19. I forgot to also add that Nicole will forever be on my shit list for saying God made her not tell Eric. When did God put a gun to her head and make her stop trying to tell him the truth? How I wish God would have morphed Eric into a woman temporarily so he could slap the shit out of Nicole for that statement. How dare she say something like that, nobody can blame God for their choices.

    • Love 5
  20. Another odd thing was, why wasn't Gloria, Kate, Michael, or Stan at Phil's funeral? You think they would be there since it's their family member. Neither did Gloria, Kate, Michael, or Angelo appeared at Dorothy's marriage to Lucas nor did any of Blanche's family members, I think at least Clayton would be there.

    At Big Daddy's funeral Charmaine or Clayton weren't there either. I tell ya their relatives really stink lol.


    You know how Dorothy kept threatening to take Sophia back to Shady Pines, yet it burned down so did they ever rebuild it or why didn't Sophia counter with you can't take me there it's burned down. Would Dorothy let Sophia live in the ruins?


    Rose says weddings make her hot, yet when Blanche was gonna get married in the pilot, Dorothy's wedding to Lucas, Dorothy's almost marriage to Stan, Sophia's marriage to Max, & Kate's marriage to Dennis she didn't get "hot" at all.


    That episode where Dorothy is seeing Eddie who is "irresistible to women", how could that be when the girls met him in the beginning of the episode and didn't move a muscle and nonchalant towards him and it wasn't until the end of the episode where they all wanted to be with him.


    Rose shot Blanche's vase, and we seen it in other episodes. Did Blanche buy a new one or did they glue it back together and if she did, did she find the piece Sophia hidden?


    On Grab That Dough, Sophia said they "won zippo on the game show" but Blanche and Dorothy got an electric skillet and lifetime supply of soup and Rose and Sophia won $400 for their team which is $100 a piece, unless they just refused the gifts and prizes.


    Also in that same episode Blanche says she's gonna soak in the tub and Rose says she is too and Blanche says they only have one tub. Doesn't Blanche have her own bathroom in her room?


    Dorothy sent Sophia to go get a hearing aid, but found out that she needed one instead, but it was sort of always implied that Sophia already had a hearing aid, since when she turns it up she can hear a canary break wind in Ft. Lauderdale.


    In the episode where "Trudy" died, she passed out on the court and went to the hospital. So Dorothy didn't go to the hospital to see if Trudy is really dead? A doctor can't tell her that Trudy is dead only for her not to be as a joke or prank.


    When Blanche wanted to have all that plastic surgery Rose frowned upon it saying it's unnatural, yet when they were shipwrecked on that island Dorothy blurted out that Rose had a nose job. Also Dorothy didn't like hospitals as she didn't want her foot operated on, yet she mentioned she got her eyes done.


    Another error is Dorothy and Stan's story, now according to her the most romantic thing that Stan did for her was when he proposed and he took her to an expensive restaurant and she swallowed her engagement ring, but other stories Dorothy said she was pregnant and her and Stan had a shotgun wedding as a result. If he took her to a restaurant, then she was drinking while she was pregnant.


    That episode that starred George Clooney when Al yelled at Bobby that the exchange was going down, all the ladies came out at the same time fully awake, none of them looked sleepy. It was always amazing when they just got out of bed their hair and make up was perfectly intact. 


    In the episode where they were talking about how they were making money and they started their own catering business. When they were prepping the food and singing the song, why were they putting the chickens in separately, they're not all gonna cook at the same time and each will take longer to cook.


    When Rose was seeing Ernie and he was impotent but after their restaurant discussion and they have sex she tells the girls that it was wonderful then when he dumps her she says he was the worst lover she's ever had. Which one is it? Either it was wonderful or bad.


    In the episode where Virginia needed a kidney, Blanche and Virginia were able to somewhat mend their relationship but when Big Daddy died and Blanche comes to visit Virginia is just very cold with her and says that Blanche is just a selfish person, but Blanche wasn't too selfish when Blanche was gonna give Virginia one of her kidneys.


    Also I need help cause don't know much about farm life or chickens/roosters but when Dorothy said she was teaching a class and Rose said something about the 3 R's being Reading, Writing, and Rooster Insemination. I thought you can't inseminate a rooster because they're males and you can only inseminate chickens.


    When Blanche and Rose danced in front of Dorothy in her hospital room going by the name "The Two Merry Widows" where did the music come from? Was the music for our benefit and Rose and Blanche were just dancing in front of Dorothy and Sophia with no music or what?


    When Blanche's niece Lucy walks out on Blanche and goes to Ed's house, how did the girls know where Ed lived since Lucy just met him at the airport? Ed mentioned which complex he stayed at but not which apartment he lived in.


    In 'Larceny & Old Lace' Blanche said she found Rose's diary on the dining room table. What dining room table? The girls don't have a dining room..


    When Blanche and Sophia are conned with the "Pigeon Drop" scam, Sophia said that they should go to Dorothy's bank since Dorothy lets her draw out of the account all the time. I find that a little hard to believe since Dorothy is always giving Sophia an allowance and very strict with her money to let Sophia just go to the bank by herself and draw out money, Dorothy would be flat out broke.


    When they're robbed and Blanche goes to look for her jewelry in the flour and Dorothy asks her why she hides it there and that burglars check the flour and freezer, so wondering why Blanche didn't go check the freezer and also it seems that a couple of days or weeks pass since they were robbed and you mean to tell me that not at least once none of them opened the freezer to cook meat for dinner or get something to eat like ice cream.


    When the girls have that cold snap and they all huddle in Sophia's bed, Blanche said her bed is not cold on a Saturday night. Dorothy gets frustrated and tells everyone to be quiet because she has work early in the morning which would be on Sunday and her being a substitute teacher, don't think she would be working on a Sunday.


    When Dorothy fainted after hearing Max and Sophia were gonna get married, Rose says that she never fainted before, but she fainted when she heard that Blanche was possibly pregnant.


    In the episode "The Operation" Blanche was telling Dorothy that she had a fear of flying but how can that be when she was on Richard's private plane and told a story about having sex on a 747


    When Rose has to give a eulogy and Rose and Dorothy reminisce about admitting to each other about how Charlie and Stan were the only men they slept with. Don't see how that could be when Dorothy slept with that married guy Glen and other previous relationships.


    In 'Charlie's Buddy' Buddy said that Charlie always looked at a photo of Rose and he looked at it to, yet when he first arrived at the house he thought Sophia was Rose.


    Sophia was in an arranged marriage with Guido that she walked in on before meeting Salvador before coming to America but she also said that her marriage to Salvador was arranged and she had to stand on a rock to get him since Sicily arranged marriage by height.


    Also in that episode where the roof was leaking, why did Rose and Dorothy felt the need to chip in since they were paying Blanche rent. It was really up to Blanche to get it fixed since she was their landlord.


    I need to stop now lol

    • Love 4
  21. Marlena is such an idiot and made no sense with that comment about patients running away from their problems. Yet she was a mother running away from her own daughter, which I found to be a lot worse. Whatever Mar.


    WTF Sami, saying out loud that you will kill Kate? STFU Sami.


    Dannifer just end it now and forever, I just can't with their boring drama and their boring angst to try and make this couple work but it just doesn't. Hate to say it but Jenn did have a point on Dan covering for Nicole, all he did was threaten Nicole with telling Eric and he would have kept giving her chance after chance and he gets all pissy and says Jenn doesn't know him. Not so nice when you're called out on your own shit is it Dan the 2nd Coming. Get over yourself.


    T is so cute and Gabi was an idiot to not go on a date with him, in favor of hanging out with Nick. Dumbass. Things may have turned out a little differently if she had dated T, yea Nick would be there stalking and all that but whatever I'm sure T can hold his own against Nick.


    Jordan continues to be a boring twat, her relationship with Rafe is just beyond boring.

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