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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. If the original actor doesn't want to return then why don't they recast? Is he so big that their will be backlash with a recast? Was the original actor a great actor? If not then recast cause for me it looks like they want Hope to be with Aidan so they can bring back Bo and make her feel all guilty and all that.

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  2. What I think KM is doing in her interviews is telling people a character she wish she was portraying or she's under the delusion that she's playing another character on another soap. Everything she says just doesn't match up to what's on screen so either she's fantasizing about all this in her brain, reading the script all kinds of wrong, a big troller (that better not be it or she'll regret that), or she's just an idiot.

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  3. Support Sami in her time of need?? Well Mar sure wasn't being very supportive when she learned what Sami, Kate, and Gaby did to Nick. So the only support I'm gonna expect from Mar is a lecture and how she told her so when it comes to EJ. She'll probably want Sami to take part in one of her experiments.

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  4. I see the problem between Hope and Aidan, they're both too damn serious. None of them have a fun side to them. Hope is forever in "My Cop Voice" mode, she never lets loose or barely cracks a smile. Aidan is just dull on his own and barely smiles himself or looks like he ever wants to have fun. Except being so wired about this gala like a high school girl getting her first car. They're both at fault for not creating any chemistry between them. Aidan had more chemistry with Jenn & Kayla with the few short scenes he shared with them. Hope and Aidan just come off too forced and they most of the time act like they can't stand to be in the same room together even when being civil towards each other.

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  5. And when you think about it even the video game plot of X-Men Legends and X-Men Legends II had better plot than The Last Stand. I'm really not a fan of the films because they really make me upset. I guess cause I followed the comics and the animated series so closely. My friend doesn't understand she never read the comics or seen the cartoon so she sees nothing wrong with the films. It's hard to try and explain it to someone who doesn't follow the comics.

  6. Every character had their slap moments.


    Frank for the way he dealt with the whole running into Ray and Debra's house. Very unsympathetic in that episode cause he would have been pissed if the roles were reversed.


    Debra for that Christmas Picture episode that I already commented on.


    Ray for the way he was treating Geoffrey when he was playing basketball. Ray could have supported his son instead of making fun of him.


    Robert for being so damn petty and stank in that episode when Ray brought Debra that "To Kill A Mockingbird" book. It was so hypocritical of Robert to ask Ray why was he at his house when Robert comes by Ray's house practically everyday and then needed to tell Debra that it was his idea to give Debra that book.


    Marie for those Thank You notes she guilted Amy into writing. She needed to get double back slapped for that one. I wish they haven't let Amy bow down to her.

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  7. Fuck getting under Abby's skin, beat the skin right off of her. A couple of lifetime bruises will definitely get under her skin. I also don't understand why Abby is looking jealous over the kiss. Didn't KM say that what she has with Plucky is more "real"? For some reason Abby is drawn to men that are forbidden. Abby just irks my fucking nerves. See how her interviews just come back to bite her in the ass. How many times does EJ have to make it clear that he's just not that into her. Maybe she needs to buy the book "He's Just Not That Into You" before she finally gets it.


    I'm neither here nor there in regards to EJami wedding since I nether like or dislike Sami or EJ. They both coast in the middle for me. Rafe. whatevs. 

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  8. Now I missed the first 33 minutes of the show, but given the pacing of everything it looks like I didn't miss much of anything.


    We still have to wait on Kate finding out whatever Jordan and Ben's raggedy secret is. I would like to know if anyone gives a rat's ass on what it is? Seriously, does anyone?


    I don't discriminate against anyone on soaps, so this may sound a little mean. Chase can get the hell on somewhere. Ciara says she's gonna get them some of Caroline's cookies and Chase pops off with, "I bet those cookies aren't as good as my mothers." Who the fuck asked you? Who was comparing? Did something happen between Chase and Ciara that I didn't see?


    Watching Mar laugh and smile is just painful. I know she isn't acting all jealous because Roman is going out with that blonde woman. Mar sit down somewhere, had more than ample enough time to talk to Roman, but instead rather sit in your office and conduct experiments. So sit the fuck down and go revive a skeleton and date that.


    I got to see less of AssCole, Plucky, and Abby today, so glad I did miss a good portion of the show today.

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  9. I think with Zach, he wasn't breathing correctly since his muscles wasn't getting any oxygen and he was cramping up, I'm thinking he may not have been breathing correctly to have the oxygen pass through his muscles so that his muscles can breathe. Bananas is muscular in his own right but I think Bananas has more of those lean muscles and not have those stacked muscles like Zach.

  10. What gets me with Jenn and another reason I can't stand her is that anyone that opposes Jenn is seen as evil and the rest of the town should be tarred and feathered if they don't see her side or is against her. Now watch Jenn go boo hooing around town to Miss My Cop Voice, Dan the 2nd Coming, Meddling Maggie, Victor, Eric, and tell them what Evil Eve is doing to her precious Jack's memory. Then everyone will see Eve as the evil one while poor wittle Jenn is the victim. SMDH.

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  11. Dammit, I was so hoping that Portland would win the whole thing, he sure as hell had a shot. I'm really hoping that by winning five, Bananas retires and let someone else enjoy some victory. Bow out gracefully like Mark did. Nany screwed up by having a complete meltdown on the bike, she should have stayed on and continued.


    I will say that I'm proud of all of them for finishing and none of them quitting even though Zach and Devyn seemed like they were about to just give up and no longer continue. Devyn more than Zach cause she really pushed herself to finish. Still find her annoying though.


    I really hope Zach doesn't sound like that in the bed and I think MTV overplayed those sounds as I don't think he made them that often. I was glad Zach was able to laugh at himself while watching and hearing himself.


    I know it's different watching it than seeing what they have to go through but I can only imagine climbing up that volcano in the freezing cold and riding a bike when your body already feels like giving out on you.

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