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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. I don't understand why Abby feels the need to fight Jenn's battles when she can't even fight her own. She just has to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. This lawsuit is gonna be a ridiculous story 'cause I don't see anything wrong with what Eve is doing, but since it bothers Jenn the Queen of Self-Righteousness the whole town has to be involved and see Eve as the evil one. They'll probably get Victor involved since Meddling Maggie knows now and she's gonna blab to him.


    Writers are trying to so hard to make Abby relevant since the thing with Sami and EJ blew up in their faces. Probably thought everybody would be cheering for Abby for her affair. Now they seen they need to put Abby with someone they are set on writing as evil so that fans can get behind her so that Abby can become a leading lady. Don't think it'll work cause I'll never back Abby even if she went head to head with Nicole who I absolutely can't stand. That's probably who'll Abby will be in a story next when she's done with Eve and then they'll move her on to Kate.

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  2. Dammit, why does EJ have to find out? It would be so much better if he was blindsided. 


    I'm confused how can EJ sign over the company to Sami and the house is hers. Didn't EJ give everything back to Stefano in order to turn over evidence so that Sami doesn't go to prison?

  3. The idiot husband in commercials I don't find to be very cute at all.


    Especially that AT&T commercial where the wife is in the greenhouse and the husband tells her that he signed the family up for a new plan. The wife goes on a tirade, "Where's that money coming from? My mother was right, I should have married so and so." I felt so bad for the husband.


    That other commercial following the Yoplait one with the husband looking in the fridge. The other one has the husband on the phone talking to his friends about the different flavored yogurts and the wife calls his name and gives him a condescending look, like he's not suppose to be talking about it.

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  4. Like fuck you are Mar, worried about the kids my ass cause your facial expressions or lack thereof showed otherwise. Mar and Roman go away, your support is too little too late. Couldn't even bother to show up at her wedding and rather sit at a restaurant and play cards and throw shade at that blonde woman. Great parenting, you two should write a book.


    I'm loving Sami in this storyline and I really do hope that Sami and Kate succeed in their plans. Is Stefano gonna show up? He's been off screen for a while. Is there anything wrong with the actor?


    I know Abby isn't talking about Eve being a stone cold bitch? Really, Miss I want to be the Mistress. Did she put Sami's feelings into consideration? Did she put Sami & EJ's children into consideration? Like I said, she likes to be on point when she's all in judgmental mode, like she has any room in that thimble like brain of hers to be judging anyone. IDK why she changed clothes, she could have went to JJ's graduation in what she had on previously. Another reason why people will barely like Abby.


    Jenn sure as hell does act like a picklepuss (love that name whoever came up with it), just souring the mood with this ridiculous rivalry. Jenn doesn't get the picture that Eve and the veterans will equally get the money. So there's really no problem and nothing for Aidan to make "go away". Of course Jenn, nothing is ever your fault. You're always the injured party. SMDH. Someone find a crowbar and whack her upside the head with it.


    I'm gonna find that "Eve" music and break it. Eve is no better either, cause she didn't have to mention the lawsuit, but she couldn't help herself. Making the day no longer about her child either. Just being over the top and stank as well.


    Rafe was just a little annoying, being a little too smug. I know EJ deserves whatever he gets but I just found Rafe annoying today with that smug grin. Can we replace him with a more interesting cop who has a personality?


    Now that they've graduated can we say goodbye to Rory, Bev, and Mary Beth? Three useless people that don't add anything to the show.

    • Love 4
  5. Z is for Zoo where Dorothy died when she fell into the gorilla pit at the zoo.


    I think we're running out of topics. I guess we can do appearances with the way the girls looked with fashion, hair, accessories, etc.


    A is for Ascot which Sophia asked Wilfred Cheswick if his brain is in his ascot since he thought that she was a wealthy widow.


    B is for Bosom which is non-existent according to Rose when the pearls would draw attention to Dorothy's extinct cleavage.

  6. Emily/Amanda from Revenge. Yea she's the lead character but I can't stand her. Yea the Graysons are horrible but she's doing the same thing she criticizes them for. So she's being a big hypocrite and doesn't help that she's so monotone everytime she speaks. Her revenge plots have killed innocent people and ruined their lives. Since her father has been exonerated and alive its pretty much useless now. Her father isn't innocent in all this, he had an affair with Victoria knowing she was married. I'm hoping in the end Victoria comes out on top and was happy Daniel shot her ass, too bad he didn't succeed all the way. Don't get me wrong I don't like Daniel either.

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  7. Exactly, when a charcter is on for the majority of the week and involved in a primary story that character will be talked about. Especially if character is gonna come between a soap "supercouple". If Abby was on the backburner she wouldn't be talked about a lot just like Victor and Stefano. Barely on so we can't talk about them until we see them.

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  8. OK I don't know if I should have high expectations for when Sami exposes EJ and Abby because I just got done watching Carrie slapping the shit out of Abby for the Austin thing and KM's reaction was rather stupid with the fake crying she was attempting to do. I think KM might bring down the exposure with her rather bad reaction acting. It's like she doesn't know how to react to situations that doesn't involve her being a slut, being judgmental, or looking smug. I mean she was shocked that Carrie slapped the shit out of her, which she shouldn't have been surprised at all. So if Sami goes upside her head with a shovel, she better not look shocked.

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  9. Betrayal - I give shows 3 episodes to impress me because I was interested in the premise. I think what hurt the show for me is the simple fact that I didn't know any of the actors but I overlooked that. The first episode nearly had me rolling my eyes, they already rush into the affair and then when she finds out that he's an attorney that her husband will be sparring with in the courtroom she gets all dramatic and drops her wine glass and slumps down against the wall. It was a little overreaction to it. Then the next two episodes were a total snooze. I think if they had actually did a slow build to the affair and not start the show off with leading to it it could have been better. Then again they gave the lead female the career of photographer, which isn't all that exciting when you put it to television.

  10. Victor Newman (Young & The Restless) - He had his daughter arrested on her wedding day cause he didn't like who she was marrying. Constantly interfering in his daughter's love life. Found a girl that looked like his son's deceased daughter and used her to make the mother Sharon think she was delusional and there's so much more but I'll be typing forever lol.


    Peter & Lois Griffin - Look how they treat their daughter Meg.

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  11. This commercial she isn't a child but a teenager and it's Ebay where they're singing "12 Days of Christmas" and then this brat just interrupts the song to tell all the adults that she basically hated all the gifts they gave her last year and tell them what they need to get her. Insulting her Aunt Carla for making needlepoint throw pillows. I would have told that little brat she better hope she gets anything at all.


    Check out this one, great message for the commercial but that little brat would have gotten the belt as soon as we got home.


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  12. This commercial has probably been mentioned but I absolutely hate that one where the little boy accidentally spills his legos on the floor and the little bratty girl goes all, "QUIET! MOM HAS A HEADACHE!" Little girl, if mommy has a headache, you're not doing her any favors by yelling at the top of your lungs.


    Y'all don't know how much I hate Yoplait commercials. Especially that one where the mom sends her kid off to play hide and seek while she relaxes on the couch to eat yogurt. At the end of the commercial the son is hiding in the laundry basket and mom just says, "Still counting," so she can continue eating. How neglectful is she? What if the son hurt himself and was unconscious on the floor?

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  13. R is for Retirement when Rose knew that Dorothy had a drawer full of home retirement brochures and was waiting for the first dribble on Sophia's chin to lock her away forever. That she also keeps in her sock drawer that Sophia can't reach.

  14. Q is for Quarterback which Sophia thought Dorothy had a date for the junior prom with the quarterback only to find her in the basement slow dancing with a rake and would have gotten away with it if Dorothy didn't have hickey marks she gave herself with the vacuum. 

  15. Theresa's character is stank but I find her to be very gorgeous, pretty smile, porcelain skin, nice figure. People don't compliment her beauty because her personality is so ugly.


    Sami has days when she's very pretty and days when she looks haggard so she's hit and miss with me.


    Abby IDK it's on and off with me. There are days when I say look she's pretty and days I go WTF.


    Jenn may sound a little mean, but she needs all the makeup she can get cause I've seen her without it and yea. Kate, I really would have wish she left her face alone and Mar. Hope is pretty for the most part.


    You all know how I feel about JJ and Sonny. I do find Eric and Brady to be very good looking guys but they're so damn stupid. Lucas is cute but needs more lips. T is cute. EJ use to be cute, but IDK what happened to happened to him lately. The rest of the men I don't find attractive.

  16. Even when the bitch says nothing, Abby just irritates the living daylights out of me. Get the damn jealousy look off your face stupid. I'm still not understanding these looks, so maybe someone can clarify it for me. For someone that doesn't want to be manipulated by EJ, she sure as hell seems to be manipulated by his dick or is this still this alleged "Stockholm Syndrome" she's referring too. Even after EJ told her that he was gonna treat her like a whore and she's getting all snippy and angry at him after getting sex like what two times. She's acting like EJ promised her something or that he promised to dump Sami and run off with her. Abby is really making this story stank because she's a planet of confusion. It was so funny how EJ couldn't dance with her for five seconds before passing her off to Ben.


    I'm glad Sami made her stay, so she can rub her marriage in Abby's face and making her feel uncomfortable. Abby don't know why this bitch is snapping at Will for EJ being arrested? Talking about how EJ needs to pay. Yea in Abby's mind EJ needs to pay for fucking her and then throwing her away cause EJ done drained all the water out of her used up sponge. GetOverIt.com Abby.


    The graduation couldn't possibly be over cause Abby wasn't accompanied by Jenn or JJ. What did Abby do just went there took a peek and then left? How supportive she is of her brother JJ. She made such a big deal about not being late and showing up to support him.


    Am I mistaken or did Ben/Ollie call Abby, Gabrielle?


    When Sami was hitting Rafe with the flowers and that guy that was accompanying Rafe did he say, "Get off my man."? It sounded like he said that lol.


    I usually like Lucas but he's really becoming a whiny ass lately and needs to tone that shit down some.


    Sonny lay off the Abby compliments, they take away from your cuteness.


    Were Roman and Mar seriously playing cards at a restaurant?? That woman can do so much better than Roman. I'm sorry but he's not a looker. Shallow as it is and don't care that she was throwing shade at Mar, try to get some damn emotion out of her but it didn't work cause she's forever a robot.


    Are Hope and Aidan so stupid that didn't realize they need an MC for an event. They were so worried about the venue like it couldn't be held anywhere else. Hope and Aidan with that stupid look on their faces at Mar calling an MC. Is this MC her first test subject? Watching Mar on the phone was just painful, she's such a horrendous actress.

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  17. I didn't like the hallucinations Sami was having because even for Sami for her to just stand there and let Abby give her a smug look is just no. Even in her own hallucinations I would think Sami would still walk up to Abby and beat the fuck out of her. Even in Abby's delusional fantasy Sami beat the fuck out of her while JJ and Jenn just watched and didn't move a muscle with JJ having that priceless look on his face. So in Abby's fantasty, her family would get out the popcorn and watch her get her ass kicked.


    You know how much I would love for that to happen. After Sami exposes her, she proceeds to kick her ass in Horton Square and everyone just watches with delight - Jenn, JJ, Dan, Sonny, Will, Kate, Lucas, Theresa, Ann, Paige, Hope, Rafe, Ben, & Eve and none of them move a muscle. After Chad comes and sees a beaten Abby on the ground and calls her a whore and walks off.

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