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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. I'm 74% Golden Girl which makes me a "Trusted Neighbor". I can live with that.


    It says I'm Stan in the "Which Golden Girl are you?" which it gave me this: You are a little introverted and do not crave attention. You tend to keep just a handful of close friends and cringe when you have to go to big gatherings. You like the free things in life- like a beautiful sunset and the laugh of a child. You are super sensitive and this means your feelings can get hurt a little easier than most. Your friends love and respect you.


    Doesn't that sound more like Dorothy than Stan?

  2. If Abby is breaking hospital policy and having sex with a board member knowing she's not suppose to, then her firing is justifiable. Kayla can go suck rocks, she would want Sami to call her Aunt besides some other choice words that Sami can spout off. Writers are really making this story hard to watch with everyone thinking Sami is in the wrong. They all act like they don't know how Sami is when she's betrayed and what she will do. They're also blind to the fact that Abby is showing a pattern of going after married men, yet because she's a Horton, people want to turn a blind eye. The Hortons are not a powerful family, they're full of wimpy, shrieky, judgmental, self-righteous, annoying, stank bitches for the most part. Don't know why everyone always feel the need to protect them.

    • Love 3
  3. Kristen do us a favor and kill Dan and then off yourself. Kristen is so useless. IDK why she wants a baby when by now she should be puffing out powder. Girl bye.


    Once again they want to paint Eve as evil so Jenn is seen as the good girl. SMDH.


    LMAO at Abby trying to take on Sami. Yea she wants to when she basically has all of Salem backing her up. So if Abby does something or trash talks Sami then she needs to be looked down on just like Sami is for going after Abby but writers won't go there.


    Kate & Clyde could work if they do tone down that stupid country music whenever he's on screen. Somehow he might end up hurting Kate but then again Kate can take care of herself.

    • Love 1
  4. What a boring Friday episode. Nothing is barely worth mentioning which I can see from the discussion today, today's episode wasn't really much worth of anything since barely anyone is talking about it.


    IDK what the hell JJ was thinking when Paige said stop and he goes all, "I'm a guy, I didn't hear you, I get going." That's scary and an immediate red flag, looks like we could be revisiting Kayla/Jack.


    Nicole was looking very haggard and what was up with the Dan flips in her hair? Her and Jenn are both just hypocritical bitches sitting at the table squawking away.

    • Love 5
  5. Dorothy: Girls who will take their money. Do you know what he thinks we are?!

    Rose: Waitresses!!


    Rose: It's always a man with you, isn't it Blanche? Men and sex, sex and men!

    Hooker: Hey! There's nothing wrong with being career-oriented!


    Dorothy: Me and my girls are totally innocent.

    Hookers: I'm innocent too. We're all innocent.

    Blanche: Quiet you trash.


    Blanche: Yeah well I heard you've been sleeping with the Japanese guy that blows the leaves out of your driveway!

  6. What really struck me odd was in the episode where Rose thought that Bob Hope was her father and she said that Gunter and Alma Nylund are her adoptive parents. Nylund is her husband Charlie's last name and according to Rose in St. Olaf you can trace everyone back to the same family tree. Wouldn't that make Charlie and Rose a little related. Ewww. Writers really fumbled the ball on that episode, cause Rose has mentioned Alma as Mrs. Lindstrom and Gunter as Uncle Gunter before.

  7. Will is the worst son ever ugh Sami should have triple back slapped him. Who is he to warn ger and throw her past in her face. Will would feel differently if Sonny cheated (which I hope he does) so Will is gonna write the story and I bet he makes Sami out to be the bad guy.

    Ciara is an annoying bitch. STFU all that talking about your mom's money and where you going and saying her location was lame. Hope should take her to Mt. Rushmore to punish her.

    Chase is annoying to, when a parent says no dammit that's that and don't question it. Kids get on my nerves with that.

    Johnny was the only likable kid today.

    AbiSkank is accepting as little blame as possible but what else is new.

    Grimace Sue stop grimacing so much.

    • Love 6
  8. What crap people are practically pushing Sami and EJ to be together. Ally and Caroline yea bs.

    Abby is so thrilled that nobody is judging her. Surprise surprise.

    Jenn you're a prissy pig so what's the difference? You eat your fucking slop with some finesse. Sami wasn't out of line for confronting Abby you twit. If that's the case she's out of line for how she treated Daniel yesterday and nobody seduced your skanky daughter.

    The rest was filler.

    • Love 4
  9. I just caught up to watching today's epi on Youtube since I missed it at its regularly scheduled time.


    Love the portrait of Sami & Kate, much better than looking at Stefano.


    Why is it everytime Mar talks to Sami she's giving her a cold look? She looked at Sami like Sami wasn't even suppose to be in the room. Maybe it's just that she can't move her face. She looked at Sami with glaring eyes.


    I wish Jenn would sit her bitch ass down somewhere. Getting all mad because Dan is sitting with Eve. Ugh. Dan has to do everything that revolves around Jenn's feelings. Jenn grow the fuck up your Royal Prissiness. Like Dan is suppose to care about her stank ass high school years and automatically know that Eve is suing her sorry ass. I mean really does she want Dan to stalk her? If so she can just go and resurrect Liam's body or better yet have his soul possess Marlena.


    Dan once again taking Jenn's side when talking to Eve. She's justifiably upset blah blah blah. Then he goes, "I feel used." Well Dan, you're a sucker for it all the time being used by Nicole daily and by Jenn, Theresa, JJ, and now Eve so get use to it. You have no other good qualities about you. Maybe if you change your appearance maybe people wouldn't use you cause you look a used up sponge.


    Loved Kate telling EJ to pack his bags. She should have said move in with AbiSkank.

    • Love 4
  10. Peggy was a beast in that "Cookie" episode and the party dress episode. Why is it that nobody called Ray to tell him that the children weren't going to wear the dresses? Ally getting all mad at Ray cause she was the only one in it made no sense, she's the one who threw the fit about getting the dress. When Ray got it for her she got all happy. I did like when Ray didn't like how much the dress was cause she was only gonna wear it once but decided to buy it for her anyway cause he seen how much she wanted it.

    I'm kind of up and down on "The Contractor" episode. I like it when Debra complains to Ray about Gianni watching The Price is Right and Gianni comes over the next day with the new stove when Ray is there and he pulls out the t.v. and The Price is Right theme starts to play which was funny. Ray & Gianni's argument over the cost of fixing/replacing/returning the stove was funny too. What I didn't like was Frank getting all bent out of shape over Gianni fixing the stove when he has a history of breaking Ray & Debra's things when he tries to fix them like their washing machine, but he didn't want to fix their garage door that Marie asked him to fix. Also Debra hiring Gianni but wanting Ray to fire him and saying how she doesn't need Ray's say so in Gianni's firing, the decision is all hers. If the decisions are all hers then she should have fired Gianni and not tell Ray that he had to.

  11. Dorothy: You were quite the little porker back then, weren't you?

    Blanche: I was a little chunky, that's all.

    Dorothy: Blanche, the horse's eyes are crossed. You were fat!

    Blanche: Every little girl goes through that ugly stage.

    Dorothy: Ugly yes, but you were ugly and fat.

    Blanche: All right! You seem to be getting a little bit too much pleasure out of all this.

    Dorothy: I'm sorry, Blanche. It's just that you've always described yourself as being a great beauty, and it's interesting to see that you were..

    Blanche: Plump.

    Dorothy: Fat.

    Blanche: Enough.

    Dorothy: I'm sorry...fat fat water rat, 50 bullets in your hat.


    Rose: Can I ask a dumb question?

    Dorothy: Better than anyone I know.

    Rose: What color is black people's dandruff?

    Dorothy: Rose, black people don't have dandruff. God figures they've been through enough already.


    Dorothy: No Blanche, she's upset because they keep changing the taste of coke.


    Dorothy: I'm sorry Rose, I left my flame thrower in my other purse.


    Dorothy: Rose, can you excuse us?

    Rose: Sure, where you going?

    Dorothy: No where, get out!


    Rose: Did I ever tell you about my cousin, Adolph Frickin?

    Dorothy: Rose please, I don't wanna hear about your frickin' cousin.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 2
  12. When is Jenn gonna get her ass slapped? Putting her hands on people and telling Aidan she's ready for fight. Since she's ready, how about somebody kicks her ass. I'm glad her mouth was hanging open at the end when she seen Eve and Dan together, hope a fly flies in there.


    YES!!! Nicole you are worthless but Eric is just as dumb.


    Theresa is just hopeless. Writers aren't going to progress her one tiny bit.


    Now we're gonna have flashes of that stupid dance between Hope and Aidan. Yikes.


    Speaking of Yikes. Maxine STFU. Your ass is lonely too, she needs to get laid and quit being such a Daniel propper. How far is her tongue up Daniel's ass? I'm pretty sure it's so far up there she can lick his heart.

    • Love 3
  13. Ugh this show is a victim of its own success. S1 was so great and then S2 was abysmal and then S3 started off good and then floundered. Everytime they bring in a new character, the new character stinks, doesn't add anything to the show. Don't know why they didn't make this show a mini-series. They killed off Conrad who was an interesting character, evil as hell but entertaining, especially his sparring matches with Victoria. They wrote Jack into a corner with having him lose his father, dog, brother, and wife and he hasn't gone totally insane yet. Charlotte is just boring and extinct, it shows that writers don't know what to do with her.


    I don't care about Emanda, I liked S1's Emily but S2 & S3 Emanda suck. Don't care about her family and her mother Kara was a big snooze.


    I only like Victoria & Nolan, they can surround the show around those two and maybe I'll watch again. I stopped watching in the middle of S3.

    • Love 1
  14. What was also confusing to me is how Adrienne was able to hear Lucas & Sonny in the apartment about the affair but when Will came home he didn't hear one word that Adrienne was saying about Sami. Even though Adrienne was practically shrieking. Soaps tend to make characters have selective hearing. Why are doors so damn thin that people can hear your conversation at one point and not at other times.

  15. I didn't like Rose's reaction when her mother visited. She wouldn't let Alma do anything, not even a tour of the house like her mother was so helpless. I do agree about Rose upset about her boyfriend retiring and basically wanted to sit around for a minute. She really didn't give him a chance to see what he wanted to do yet. There was also the time she wanted more adventure in her relationship with Miles by taking sky diving lessons which caused him to end up in the hospital and didn't like that he was frugal which turned out that Rose didn't really pitch in money wise whenever they went out.

    • Love 3
  16. Next Week Spoilers


    • Jenn visits EJ and scolds him for seducing Abby & EJ lets her have her say
    • Jenn reacts to Eve & Dan and loses it
    • Will sides with Abby and gets in an argument with Sami
    • Caroline gets to Sami which causes Sami to have a meltdown but she's still against the world.
    • Brady has a heart to heart with Maggie
    • Ben tells Abby his secret. Abby sees something real with Ben but doesn't know how to get EJ out of her system.
    • Ciara & Chase wants Aidan to spend the holidays with Hope.
    • Aidan has the right moves cause he causes another person's heart to flutter in Kayla.
    • Paige & JJ's date is doomed.
    • Eric has another meeting with the bishop on what he must do to save his name and Nicole is the only one who can save the day.
    • Eric & Nicole feel the temptation.
    • Kate cannot hide her true feelings
    • Rafe is caught off guard
    • Jordan is spooked by Clyde
    • Theresa is scared silly
    • Dan doesn't have a good update about John
    • Loved ones are concerned for John


    About time they get Kayla involved but looks like it might be a little too late. They should have gotten her involved in this story early on.


    Will is an ass, I can't stand him and so want Sonny to dump his ass.


    Great my Nicole vacation is over.


    Jenn sit the fuck down, nobody seduced your bitchy daughter and hope Eve does take Dan just so Eve's head will explode.


    What feelings? I don't understand how Abby can have feelings for EJ. This chick is just too confusing.

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