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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Well I just feel sorry for Sonny. He really is a nice guy and he isn't stupid like Eric or Brady, he's just stuck with an awful husband. I'm waiting on writers to write a Sonny focused story and quit with FS playing second fiddle and supporting character to Will's nonsense.


    I do have a question though, why does Days keep having Will & Sonny kiss all the time? I mean it's like after every sentence and compliment they have to kiss. Don't get me wrong I don't care if it's a romantic scene or out on a date or one is about to head off to work and you kiss your spouse goodbye, but they have Will and Sonny do this constantly even when it's not necessary to the scene that's being played. They don't make their straight couples do this just Will and Sonny. I think everyone gets it Days is gay friendly. You guys notice this or is it just me? I mean cause if everyone kisses after a compliment Dan and Abby's lips would be working extra overtime.


    Sami better do this to Abby before leaving Salem and that's all I got to say.



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  2. KM is such a troll, there's no way that Abby cared for Sami when she was flinging her legs in the air for EJ and like a true stalker looked at EJ and Sami's schedules so that she can continue on with the affair. Also smiling and grinning in Sami's face and hanging out with her children all the while sleeping with her fiance. That's not caring, that's just being a manipulative person. KM needs to learn how to give interviews without sounding stupid.

    • Love 4
  3. Just saw a new Kmart ad where grandma shops at Kmart and becomes a hip-hop mogul. Or something. Apparently she saves enough to fling benjamins at the camera with glee. Maybe this should be posted in the Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads thread because, WTF? I found the commercial equally annoying so it can go either way. Has anyone else seen this?


    Edited for grammar.


    Yes, and quite disgusting to see a senior citizen gyrate her ass, and it's equally bad that we have to see the kind of panties that she's buying and her making it "rain" when paying for it. Is Kmart this damn desperate and out of ideas. I think I'm never gonna shop there again.





    That McDonalds Eco Nom Nom Nom commercial is annoying as hell. If food makes me talk and sound like that, no thank you. I'm sick of commercials trying to create catchy words or phrases that will never ever become part of the English language. That's the problem with advertising today, they want to create words that just doesn't exist in hopes that it will catch on.


    • Love 5
  4. Chad wants to rescue that boring twit Jordan. Don't even think he can make Jordan entertaining. Well at least it ain't Lucas.


    If Will wants to put the DiMeras in his crosshairs I won't mind Kristen or Stefano killing Will. Put most of us out of our misery and we don't have to look at GW's horrible acting anymore.


    Don't know how I feel about Kate and Clyde. While Clyde is interesting, and he keeps calling Abby beautiful. Why not take Abby? Abby loves older men so surprised she hasn't gotten closer to Ben/Ollie/Kevin just so that she can keep making goo goo eyes at Clyde.


    Hope & Aiden. Yawn. Aiden just looks weird to me and if Hope wants me to take her seriously, she needs to lay off them tights she's been sporting lately with the floral print cause it looks like something a high school or middle school girl would wear.


    Of course JJ has to be the one that gets in trouble. Why not Paige? Then again if it's Paige we might have to endure Jenn's shrieking and neck straining.

    • Love 1
  5. V is for Virgins which Sophia celebrated the Festival of the Dancing Virgins.


    W is for the Widow Caravelli which Sophia's family went to for cures whenever someone became ill.


    X is for eX which is for Sophia's exes Guido and Giuseppe. 


    Y is for Young which for Sophia when she was young she had a butt you can bounce a quarter off of.


    Z is for Zbornak which Dorothy met Stan in Brooklyn.

  6. Rose: "If she loses, I'll punch her stinking heart out."


    Rose: "I did learn that Baked Alaska can actually be baked locally."
    Dorothy: "Rose, I have an even bigger scoop for you. Mars Bars are made right here on earth."


    Blanche: "Rose, let's go watch I Love Lucy in the kitchen."
    Rose: "But that set is black and white!"


    Blanche: "Dorothy! I've just been speaking to that good looking reporter over there who just got back from Russia, and he told me some very interesting things. It snows there in the summertime, and they don't have many attractive women – do you realize what that means? When we go to Russia I will have my pick of any man in the country and you can make a snowman in Junee!"


    Rose: "Ahoy girls. Quick, grab some champagne."
    Blanche: "Ooh, I just love champagne!"
    Dorothy: "Oh so do I. The only problem is after a few glasses I'll kiss any man in sight."
    Person: "Man Overboard!"

    • Love 1
  7. Why should Sami barge in on situations that don't concern her, now unless Brady, Theresa, and Dan specifically go to Sami with their concerns then she might do something to help them but they're not. Where were they while this whole affair thing came to the surface. Did any of them come to her and comfort her? Nope, Dan went to Abby the slut and not Sami the victim. Looks like they don't care about Sami so why should she extend an olive branch to them.


    It's hospital policy, Abby broke the rules and had to suffer the consequences. Sami was making sure that Kayla enforced their own policy or that the money would go to a different hospital. Kayla was the one acting like a stupid twit, not wanting to enforce hospital own policy that is written in black and white.

    • Love 5
  8. Blanche: "All your dreams can come true if you believe. All you have to do is believe!"
    Dorothy: "Oh, I do believe! I do believe in sluts!"


    Blanche: "I was gonna take this dress back!"

    Dorothy: "I'm sorry Blanche."

    Blanche: "You're sorry?"

    Dorothy: "Come on it was an accident."

    Sophia: "Or was it?"


    Rose: "How's the coffee?"

    Actress: "Terrific!"

    Rose: "Actor."


    Blanche: "Just like Miss Lana Turner I was discovered. Well, not exactly like Miss Lana Turner."

    Rose: "You mean she was sipping a soda, and you were scarfing down your usual lumberjack breakfast."


    Dorothy: "Tell me about it, you guys look like you should be barking in front of a fire engine."

  9. Besides Julie being delightful itwas nice to see T cute self. He needs to be on more, pair him with Theresa. They would challenge each other Theresa being with someone who doesn't have a lot of money and T possibly staying with one woman.

    Will is just a joke sick of seeing his facial expressions which are just as bad as Abby's.

    • Love 2
  10. I would also like to add Simon Baker from the Mentalist and Curtis Stone from Top Chef and other shows he's been on as a guest judge/star etc. I hope reality shows count as well lol. Good looking Aussie men.


    I have an on/off one with Scott Caan from Hawaii Five-O. I also has a crush on Kerr Smith from Dawson's Creek, he was so adorable, he still is to me. 

  11. Wtf, when Ben told Abby that he has something to show her, she was hoping that Ben would flop out his dick. Their "romantic" improv picnic was lame and Abby is such a loser thinking about EJ while Ben is kissing her. Yea EJ and Sami belong together, lying ass heifer.

    Roman is a pitiful father. That's one of the worst supporting parent moment I've ever seen.

    I don't want to hear Eve or JJ sing again.

    Of course Dan has to swerve in and give his unsolicited advice to Paige but I see where he gets it from in the form of Meddling Maggie who believes her son is too dumb to notice anything which is true. I see why I don't like Maggie she's so irksome and judgmental.

    • Love 3
  12. Abby moved that box on purpose, she seen that it was holding the door open. Just wanted to get her freak on cause her panties are on fire. If that's how she dressed for an interview I wouldn't hire her either.


    Another reason I can't stand Jenn is because she always takes that self righteous tone with everyone which is just annoying.


    Paige on the "Poor Abby" express which is just stupid when Eve had to point out that Sami is the victim not Abby but Paige doesn't see it that way. Idiot. Yea stick to Salem U cause Stanford wouldn't want any dumbasses there.


    Hope make up your mind glasses on or off. Couldn't believe how many times I've seen her take them on and off today. Even in the background with JJ and Aiden talking she was taking them on and off. Who doesn't stretch before running. Oh it's Hope. Moron.


    Show was just all around boring today.

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