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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Glad you asked! For me it was he spent the first two episodes talking smack about the "old" people behind their backs ..clearly biased against their age and they have NO CLUE he's not really a nice person and they have even aligned with him...and then there is his stupid bow tie and pants....I hate SURVIVOR contestants who have to bring some sort of schtick to the show...be it Russel's hats, the dimbulb ice cream scooper and his yellow shirt or Colby "I'm such a Texan I brought the Lone Star flag".


    I didn't notice him saying any of that lol. Shows how much I pay attention to him. 

    • Love 2
  2. Anna ever so cocky that Dr. Arrogant Peter was going to be eliminated. Since she was eliminated she should have spoiled that Tai had the idol since she thought she could trust him in playing it and sending Peter home, but every single last one of them voted for Anna. 


    IDK why they're keeping Peter especially at TC where he says he's in position of power and can basically do whatever he wants. That would be a clear sign to vote for his ass and send him packing. It's not like Peter will win because he doesn't have a social game at all. He just stews in his own arrogance.


    I hate the fact that Scot knows about two idols to create a super idol. Makes me believe he's going to find out that Neal has the other idol.


    Debbie is so damn annoying. Girl shut up.


    There's still not a lot of likable people at all this season except Tai. 

    • Love 4
  3. I really can't blame them for having to kill people because they're going to save people in their group at all costs. Rick wanted to do a simple exchange of Carol/Maggie for Primo and Paula was stalling thinking it wasn't a fair trade and who knew if they were going to retaliate and kill Maggie/Carol for the deaths of the biker gang and at that location. 


    They want to kill Negan and his crew because Hilltop can provide them with food but not if a majority of it is taken by Negan. 


    We know it's a shame that all survivors can't come together to try and restore humanity and civilization but people will lean towards being protected and following the rules of a leader so they don't die. Now the motto of this ZA is "Kill or Be Killed".

    • Love 3
  4. Whenever someone wants to join the Alexandria Safe Zone, the mandatory question they ask is, "How many people you killed?" What number are they going off of to decide whether or not you can join the group or not? Isn't Aaron the recruiter or did Aaron say that he would no longer recruit people?


    I mean if a person killed 0 like Glenn before Negan's group would they consider that person weak and can't trust them when out on runs and missions? If that person's kill count matches Rick's or Carol's would they be deemed untrustworthy? Don't Rick & Carol have higher kills than anyone in the group? I think Rick's is higher than Carol's. Glenn tries to avoid killing, and don't think Sasha, Rosita, or Maggie have killed that many humans that I can remember.


    I bring it up because Carol and the number 18 and possibly Mole girl wanting to escape and join them.

  5. Marc Cherry said he regretted killing Mike because he made Susan what she was when the show started which was a single mother. Everyone else pretty much evolved except Susan was what she was when the series started which showed that the writers really didn't know what to do with Susan's character after S1 besides make her an annoying pain in the ass. The only people that made Susan interesting was Karl and Edie and they were killed off.


    Mike & Susan were alright for the most part but then I started disliking them during S6. The way they treated Katherine was just ridiculous. While Mike and Katherine were seeing each other Susan just inserted herself in their relationship. She took Katherine's necklace that Mike brought for her, told Katherine about a honeymoon painting and causes Mike and Katherine to argue during their housewarming party. Gets upset with Katherine for Mike leaving MJ with Katherine while Mike was off at work.


    I did think that Susan and Jackson made a better couple.


    What I also didn't like was how Justin and Andrew didn't have a proper breakup. Justin loved Andrew and was upset when Justin thought that Andrew was going to go live with his grandparents.


    I do agree that Carlos & Gaby had the best relationship arc throughout the series even though they tried making Mike & Susan the IT couple but Carlos & Gaby were more fascinating. Ricardo was almost let go after S1 because they thought he was too stiff with his acting but good thing they kept him.


    When I rewatch the show on Hulu at times I felt bad for Tom but watching reruns I see he's just as guilty as Lynette because he loves to guilt her. He tells Lynette at the end of S1 that she's going back to work because she cost him a promotion which fine I agree with. Then when Lynette starts working Tom becomes bored with being Mr. Mom, and wants to work again, dips all their money into Scavo's Pizzeria which eventually shuts down, then wants to sell the business and tells Lynette that he wants to take the kids out of school and travel around the world in an RV for 1 year and didn't even have a plan after that 1 year is up. Has a midlife crisis and tries to act all young with buying a corvette and being in a band with Dave.


    Also Tom says Lynette has control issues when Lynette didn't want to sleep on baby spit up. I mean nobody wants to sleep on spit up, Tom was just being an ass on that one.


    Did Lynette and Frank (hairdresser) even end what they had? They started seeing each other and then poof gone.


    I did wish that Drea De Matteo signed on for more than 1 season because I really loved Angie Bolen.

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  6. In case you guys missed it, did you know that Phaedra possibly called the feds on Kandi??? It just sounded just a little too scripted with how each housewife was bringing it up. It doesn't help that Phaedra is acting all kinds of guilty.


    WTF with Porsha saying she's widowed at the doctor's office?? Is she constantly stuck on stupid?? Makes no sense how damn dumb she is. Porsha is just looking a little too fake.


    Nene's teeth are just scary, them damn things are in HD. The way she was up Kandi's face with them chompers oh my god. Did Nene's nose get bigger? Something is off.


    I don't ever wanna see Peter and Cynthia have another massage moment as long as I live.


    Kenya naming one of those cute puppies Twirl is so damn dumb.

    • Love 5
  7. I doubt it was an overt Game of Thrones reference, but if it was, Molls and company calling Carol "little bird" was the funniest thing.


    The thing Carol fears most, I think, is herself: becoming a terrifying, remorseless killer who has completely lost her humanity. Paula boasted about having stopped caring about killing once she hit double digits, as if this was proof of her strength. Carol can be the person who kills without feeling (look at how quickly and coolly she put down Chelle when she aimed at Maggie's belly), and that capacity is what scares her the most, I think.


    I did like Paula's characterization. I think as Alicia Witt suggested on TTD, she seemed to sense that there was something "off" about Carol, thus all Paula's preening about how strong, tough and ruthless she was. If Carol was such a helplessly inferior and weak little bird, why all the attempts at dominance? All of the boasting and bragging came off as oddly defensive and was proof of her insecurity and weakness. Truly strong people don't constantly talk about how strong they are or tear others down to make themselves appear strong. Compare and contrast with someone like Jesus, who is incredibly competent but who is unshowy and modest about it.


    I guess that's why it's hard for me to take the Saviours seriously. "Negan" might be a force to be reckoned with, but the individual Saviours are way too invested in talking about how strong and tough they are. If you need to talk about what a badass you are, you're not.


    Negan's crew are nothing but fuck ups. That one group that Daryl blew up with the rocket launcher did all that time talking instead of killing Abe, Sasha, and Daryl. Just went on and on and basically talking about nothing. Daryl was able to easily take out the one that lead him back to the truck without making much of a sound not even a thud. They were able to easily kill Negan's security or whoever those guys were with not so much of a scratch. Then these "badass" women get easily knocked off by Carol and Maggie. Negan's crew for the most part right now are shit. 


    With the way his crew is coming off I'm surprised Jesus hasn't taken them out all by himself by now. 


    This Negan build up is very lackluster at best. You would think as much as his crew talks him up Negan would have better trained or prepared his crew to be badasses and stop wasting so much time talking. That's all they do is talk.

    • Love 4
  8. Thank Goodness Alicia Witt's character died. I'm sorry but AW is one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. Everything I seen her in, she's just been flat out horrible including Walking Dead. I'm amazed that she's able to still get work.


    They all once again take out more of Negan's crew making the group a little too invincible, have to tone it down just a bit. I did like the episode and Carol struggling on whether or not to kill as she told the girl to just run as she didn't want to shoot her. Is Carol afraid of having a high kill count or is the weight of killing so many humans starting to weigh on her? She didn't want to kill anyone until that one with the huge mole scratched at Maggie's stomach. Carol said don't harm the baby, people just don't want to listen lol. 


    I'm thinking once they meet the real Negan, they might not be so invincible.

    • Love 3
  9. Did I imagine it or did I see Neil, who sat out of the challenge, sitting under an umbrella while Caleb and Cydney were trying not to die? Maybe give that umbrella up and help.


    That umbrella was given to hold over Debbie and I guess Neil just sat under it so he won't suffer next, but would have been nice of him to send it over to either Cydney or Caleb while they are out in the sun getting water poured on them. They needed the shade more than Neil did.

    • Love 3
  10. So Jeff said that Alecia was on the Brawn tribe because she's lippy and likes to talk back?  I'm still trying to figure out how that made any type of sense.  He probably shouldn't have even tried to address that.    (That's a better topic for the Reunion Show....)


    That's the dumbest reason to ever be on Brawn tribe, because she takes no lip. I thought being part of brawn means you have muscles or a job that requires heavy lifting or sports related job. So Alecia is on brawn because she grew up around boxing or something and takes no smack from people. Ok, whatever. She needed to be placed on Beauty, not Brawn. Don't buy that excuse as her reasoning for being on Brawn.

    • Love 8
  11. Now our only eyecandy is gone bye bye. Now we have nobody to look at, at all. What a waste. Glad to see that he fully recovered. Poor man. Tai pulled at my heart strings with how he reacted to Caleb being evacuated. He looked like he just lost his bff. I'm sure Caleb will return for another season, may be as soon as next season or maybe an All Star season.


    Brawn are just a group of jackasses, I thought Jason might be a little redeemable with how he was with Cydney when she was dehydrated but then turned into a bitch in regards to Alecia. 


    I felt so bad for Alecia, they are just straight up bullies to her. She's trying to cheer them on with completing the challenge and Jackass 1 tells her to cheer because that's all she's good at. Wow, talk about team harmony. I'm glad she's gone because she won't be bullied anymore by Jackass 1 and Jackass 2.

    • Love 19
  12. Yeah, but maybe if that's the first time she ever killed anyone before they turned, or killed anyone at all, it's what she considers the start.  It broke the barrier that made it easier to do it to Karen and David. 


    I think the first person Carol killed was her husband Ed after he was bitten and she told someone that she "had to do it". 

  13. I really hope Abe doesn't think he can just run over to Sasha and Sasha is just going to fall into his arms. What if Sasha rejects him? What other woman out there does he hope to get that he can fully trust? Michonne, Maggie, Carol (maybe), Tara, Denise have someone. Sasha is the only female left mostly and it's not 100% that she wants Abe. Sasha may not want to kiss all that facial hair. Grass isn't always greener on the other side. Oh well hopefully Abe learns the saying "You don't know what you got til it's gone". Hopefully he's dead before that even happens.


    I get where Morgan is coming from, do I agree with him, no. He possibly doesn't want to turn into a person that just kills humans who are trying to survive the ZA as well, no matter how wrong or right they choose to survive. I see why he doesn't want to turn into that person, he doesn't want to lose his humanity and losing Duane and seeing red after he lost his son, really shook him. I don't hate Morgan or want to see him die just yet but he's not a favorite character either. I think Morgan needs to realize that sometimes he will have to kill out of self defense because there will be people who won't hesitate to kill him.

  14. I felt Carol's motive re: Maggie being there was pretty clearly more complicated than "pregnant women should stay home".


    And really, the stupid part was not that she was there, but that she was supposed to protect a perimeter by her lonesome. What perimeter? Even with her and Carol together, it basically seemed to be two chicks in the middle of a forest.


    I really thought that besides Carol and Maggie, that Tara, Gabriel, and Jesus were going to be watching all together and not be too far away from each other just in case.  The other Hilltop dude who brought the head to the base. They all sat in the car, why? They could have left that guy in the car and been out there in the field on guard having Maggie and Carol's back.

    • Love 1
  15. I was thinking it was the number of people she killed because she also had written in there "Terminus and Terminus something #4" which I was thinking it was probably Mary from Terminus that she shot in the leg. I mean she killed Lizzie, Karen, David, Gingivitis Wolf, other wolves, Ryan, Ed, Mary. Do we count Mika before she reanimated? Does she hold herself responsible for Sam's death?

    • Love 5
  16. Poor Carol and Maggie. Makes me fear mostly for Carol over Maggie. I don't want nothing bad to happen to either of them. Maggie shouldn't have gone, she should've stayed back with Morgan, Carl, Judith, Enid, etc. Maggie should know it's too high risk with her being pregnant and don't have the luxury of going to doctors and whatnot. She knows firsthand what happened to bitch Lori. 


    Carol shouldn't have worried about Maggie so much. When it comes to missions like this Carol is the badass and should have gone in with the rest of the group. Did I miss something? Is there something significant about the number 18 that Carol wrote and circled?


    I'm not surprised that they were able to take out the whole guards there at the base. 


    Is this the first time Glenn actually killed a human? I'm flashing back to all previous seasons and episodes and don't remember Glenn killing any human before now. 


    I was expecting someone to die from the group and quite frankly I didn't care if it was Rosita or Abe, but the rest I wanted to stay alive. For a minute there I thought either Heath or Aaron were going to die, but glad they didn't.


    Nice to see Father Gabriel get in on some action. I did laugh a little at Rick asking why he still wears his priest clothes. I thought it was badass to see Gabriel in his priest clothes and he killed a man.


    I knew Morgan would be against it and wouldn't participate in it. 

    • Love 1
  17. Oh, my God, Peter and Liz are such awful people.  I wish we could see Peter's  co-workers' faces when they see him at work tomorrow. Of course, he's a doctor, and that's the God complex they all seem to have.



    I can vouch for that, doctors and lawyers. Working in customer service for 11 years, they're the worst and think they're just above all. They be like "My time is worth this much $ an hour. Hurry up" and I want to go off on them because everybody's time is worth something.

    • Love 11
  18. Tyra never picks the right winner because she hasn't produced a top model. Eugena from C7 has become a very succesful model along with Mollie Sue. Tyra doesn't know much of anything. She picks models that will possibly mimick her career and do it like she did, but Tyra fails to realize that what worked for her isn't going to necessarily work for someone else.

  19. Goodbye Liz, won't miss ya. Was so confident that she was going to run the tribe but got ran out.


    Peter needs to go, he's so arrogant and just an all around douche. He's not as good looking as he thinks he is.


    Nick needs to go too, just not beautiful enough to look at.


    Cyndy at the IC, I was asking myself why she was jerking the cords like that to get the ball up. It was very bad gameplay. I see they didn't let Alecia do it at all. They just have no faith in that girl at all. 


    Also for Alecia, it's best to look for the HII by yourself and not take someone with you and now we have stank ass Jason with the idol. Alecia couldn't even wrestle it away from him. Oy. 


    If Caleb makes it to the merge then he's going to be targeted because he's showing that he's a huge threat to win immunity all the time.

    • Love 6
  20. Before the outbreak Lori was bitching to her friend how Rick doesn't get mad or yell or some crap like that when they're arguing. Didn't Rick say to Shane before the outbreak that Lori is always mad at him or something like that.

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  21. That's why it was funny when Daryl called Lori "Olive Oyl" when she told him that he needed to go out and find Rick, Glenn, & Hershel. She was so passive aggressive with Rick and a hypocrite with the group and I was so happy when Andrea called her out on it. Lori took that "First Lady" comment that Carol laid on her and ran with it. The way she treated Shane as well, she's part of the reason the man went insane. I say she's 95% of the reason Shane went insane. She purposely fucked with his telling him to stay away from her and Carl and when Shane is dismissive towards Carl she gets mad at Shane and asks him why he's treating Carl that way. She's always going up to Shane to start some conversation with him and even told him that if Judith was his, he wasn't going to be in Judith's life. 


    At least Rick upgraded to Michonne, because when you leave a relationship and move on you always upgrade, never downgrade. Just about anyone from a Lori is an upgrade. Rick can have sex with a zombie and it'll be an upgrade.

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