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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. IDK if they're trying to do a redemption arc for Wes but he still grates my nerves. Maybe that will be the end of the series, Wes' death.


    Is Frank now trying to audition to be on Top Chef? I prefer sneaky, underhanded Frank over Top Chef Frank and he needs to get away from Laurel because the two are beyond boring together. I know they have to flesh out Frank's character but please more underhanded Frank and less cooking Frank.


    Oliver is so adorable.


    I love when VD does scenes with barely no make up and with her real hair. I did love seeing her with the braids in the flashbacks.


    Next week looks to be really good.

    • Love 5
  2. Jillian's Friend: Gloss rhymes with hair.


    Stewie: Brian, there's no more graham crackers.

    Brian: There in the cabinet.

    Stewie: I don't see them.

    Brian: There right in front of you. Which cabinet are you looking at?

    Stewie: Can't you just come in here?

    Brian: No, I'm busy.

    (Stewie knocks things off counter)

    Stewie: Oh no! Oh no, Brian! Oh no, oh no, Oh Brian we need paper towels! Oh, oh it's going under the fridge, oh!

    Brian: Just use a dish towel.

    Stewie: There aren't any Brian, you need to come in here. Oh we're going to have ants!


    Lois: Oh my god, is that a fucking rat?! Peter, hold it down, I'm getting the gun!

  3. Sad thing is though is that it's not the child that makes it destructive, it's the parent(s) that make it that way because they get a taste of the lifestyle and lose control. They pressure the child to do all the work while they spend the money. Also a shame that not all 50 states protect child actors. Even though there are child actors who have been successful without going wild like Elijah Wood, John & Joan Cusack, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Fred Savage (who I absolutely adore), Leonardo DiCaprio, Christina Applegate, Neil Patrick Harris, etc. 


    Elijah said his mother stayed on him and told him that he's not gonna be treated any differently and he's not going to develop an ego and think he can do whatever he wants just because he's on tv. All child actors need someone like that, a parent who will stand firm and not let their child get out of control and a parent who doesn't fall into the Hollywood lifestyle.

  4. Brian is one to talk about Meg's friends being annoying. Has he looked in the mirror, of course not. He's so fucking annoying, his second death can't come fast enough and if it does happen, Stewie's time machine should refuse to take him back in time. Glad Meg stopped him. Stewie needs to bring out the baseball bat, golf club, glass of orange juice, gun, flame thrower, and towel rack and use it on Brian again. 


    Just laughed at Stewie telling Lois that there isn't one word about her in Peter's memoirs. I wish I could laugh at Mr. Herbert but he just doesn't amuse me, the only time he made me laugh was when he left Chris all those voice mail messages. Herbert just makes me cringe.


    Joe as the clown replying to Peter's facebook pic was funny too. Almost as funny as Joyce and Seamus' facebook posts were when they did it on previous episodes.


    While it wasn't a complete scam with Nigeria as they used the money to better their country (a Redbox with 1 dvd being Baby Geniuses), but I see why Carter was upset about it. 

    • Love 1
  5. OMG I just read on Soapcentral that KM is leaving the role of Abby. Is that true?????? Someone please confirm this, cause I will do a cartwheel in traffic if that's true. I also heard that someone gave Dingy Hippie the bucket for Christmas and he kicked it. This is how you bring in 2016.

    • Love 4
  6. I liked this episode, the description mentioned Stewie but didn't see him which sucked as Stewie is always a highlight. This episode wasn't bad, I think it should have been around when soap operas were really popular because right now it's a dying genre. I use to love watching daytime soaps, but don't watch them anymore.

  7. You mean someone is more popular that Tyra on her own show? Not really shocking to me cause on ANTM I was more a fan of Janice, Nigel, and Ms. Jay. I don't watch FabLife or whatever and I hear that ratings are just bad. Was Tyra making up words on her new show before she got the boot?


    Tyra's greatest offense on ANTM was her treatment of C10 Katarzyna. Just look:


    Does the video lie? Tyra, the judges, the guests, Mr. J, Jaslene, Fatima just said her name all wrong. It seemed like everyone had it out for her since Day 1. Katarzyna took it in stride especially when they called her Neutrogena, because I would have lost it at the failed attempts at saying my name correctly no matter the 50 damn times I told you how to say it correctly. I didn't get the "too sexy" edit because Kat wore her hair out and all of a sudden she's too sexy, then when she puts it in bun, Tyra has a problem with that. Katarzyna never gave the impression that she was too sex


    What also bugs me about her is that during the show she expected the girls to shoot commercials in Japanese, Italian, British accent, etc. and holds them to very high standards when it comes to those commercials but she can't even pronounce Katarzyna's name right and dismissed Kat when Kat tried correcting her again.

    • Love 3
  8. I will not miss Tyra and her inflated ego, and delusions. She just gets on my nerves. ANTM has made me strongly dislike Tyra Banks or as some call her Typrah Winbanks since she wants to be like Oprah so much. 


    Quite frankly IMO I'm not going to miss the show because Tyra ruined it when she started talking endlessly about herself, brought Kelly Ugly Ass Cutrone into the show, the social media thing, and having these men and women humiliate themselves and do things that have absolutely nothing to do with modeling. Tyra hasn't produced not one single top model yet she said that she can spot a top model when she sees one. Oh really??? 

    • Love 2
  9. Now that the show has ended its run, what are some of the best and funniest quotes on ANTM?


    I think the #1 quote in ANTM history, that will go in the hall of fame of ANTM is Camille. "This is my signature walk and this is what's going to make me famous." What's funny about the quote is that her walk has yet to make her famous, so doubt it ever will.


    Runner up goes to Elyse for her rant. Too good to just type, so here's the video:


    Jenah: "Just because I'm not running around jumping up and down and screaming, doesn't make me mean or makes me think I'm better than everybody. I don't have to spew rainbows incessantly in order to get people to like me."


    Tiffany: "That stank ho, poured a beer on my weave! This isn't even my hair!"


    Brandy: "If we didn't get kicked off for hitting somebody, your ass would be tore up right now."


    Molly: "My ass hurts, my hair hurts, I've been sitting in a goddamn chair for six fucking hours!"


    Janice: "I'm sorry I hate this photograph. You look deranged like you escaped from a mental hospital. Your arms look amputated, your legs look amputated, and it looks like you have a penis."


    Janice: "It looks like...child prostitute."


    Sharaun: "My name is Sharaun, and I am America's Next Top Model."


    Heather: "Hey pretty ladies...and Tyra."


    Bianca: "Check your thighs out in the mirror, and I'm done."


    CariDee: "Did you remove that from your ass last panel?"


    Louise: "I need to go, I need to get my shit and need to go home! I'm not standing there taking shit from them, and that fucking Kelly Cutrone, I swear to God, if she was on the street, I'll knock her out!"


    • Love 2
  10. I can't remember which episode it was but Blanche was reading a comic strip and laughing at Marmaduke or Garfield I forgot which one she was reading but she told Dorothy that Garfield/Marmaduke was her favorite comic strip next to Apartment 3G and Dorothy said she hasn't read Apartment 3G in years and Blanche said she'll catch Dorothy up and just says "it's later that same day". Does that mean that the comic was cancelled, was no longer written for, I really didn't get that joke as the audience was laughing. I never heard of Apartment 3G comics in the newspaper I'm familiar with were Family Circle, Marmaduke, Blondie, Beetle Bailey, Calvin & Hobbes, Garfield, Peanuts, Cathy, For Better For Worse, Andy Capp, and a prehistoric one I can't remember the name.

  11. All of the bedrooms are large.  And remember the episode when they were remodeling the bathroom?  That was one huge bathroom!


    Dorothy and Sophia's room didn't look that big, their rooms were the smallest. Rose had the biggest room while Blanche had the ugliest.


    I always wondered though when all 3 ladies moved in were the rooms already furnished or if they moved their own beds and furniture in. I would think that Rose's room was already furnished since Rose and Dorothy had to flip a coin over who got that room. Sophia's had to be furnished because she was at Shady Pines and the place burned down and had to move in ASAP. 

  12. IDK why they fight over bedrooms when it's quite simple. The person planning and paying for the event gets the master bedroom and if two people are planning the event then the one who puts in the most effort gets the master and the other planner gets the 2nd biggest bedroom. The rest can choose from the remaining rooms which shouldn't be a problem at all but as on all reality shows beds are such a damn issue especially on ANTM where Tyra chose 14 girls but only place 12 beds in the house. WTF??


    It's very tiring whenever they plan a trip out of Atlanta or an event in general, most of the women in their TH go all, "We're just gonna have a good time, no drama" yet always drama, so they really should stop saying that shit because they know drama follows them wherever they go. Yea it's be no drama if it's just Porsha//Phaedra/Kim/Kandi or Kenya/Cynthia/Sheree going in two different groups to two different locations.

  13. So I guess Sheree really didn't run to Kenya's house what two weeks ago when Kenya came by her house to see her sweeping.


    Do people really dress like Porsha to go out shopping? OMG Porsha is just too damn stupid to live if she doesn't know the saying of "vinegar and oil".  Vinegar and water, what a fucking dumbass.


    They almost met at the airport on time except for Kandi (probably stopped by Chick-Fil-A again, smdh) and Sheree. Nobody threw a stink or said no one was late so I guess it's a first.


    Kim's homesick schtick is getting very old, she should just sign off the show and be a family woman since that's what she wants. If she doesn't know that these women go out on trips yearly then she's really naive. I don't want to talk negatively of Kim but goodness, she signed on the dotted line.


    Porsha's taste in men are just flat out horrendous, she's not finding men that look like Idris Elba, Mark Wahlberg, Tyson Beckford, Hugh Jackman etc. She's finding men that look like a rat and a roach breeded.

    • Love 8
  14. I really do enjoy Keith, he's the odd man out when it comes to alliances and he has to know that he's on the bottom no matter what alliance he joins. So he will either have to win immunity challenges or make a big move.


    Spencer I'm still rooting for but when he walked on the beach with Jeremy in the beginning, I really wanted to order 5 large pizzas for him and have them delivered. He's so damn thin, I can't remember if he was that skinny from his original season. Glad he won immunity and how fast he completed that puzzle was wow. I didn't get why he included Keith in the GOAT thing because Keith is a huge threat because he wins challenges and he's likable. He doesn't have a good social game but he makes up for it for the rest of it.


    Glad Tasha was okay but for some reason she's reaching annoying territory for some reason for me.


    Last but not least.....GOOD RIDDANCE ABI!!! I shouted with joy that I'm surprised that the neighbors didn't hear me. Glad that wretched bitch is eliminated and can't wait to see her have to sit next to Joe during next tribal council. She continues to show her idiocy when she said that Joe was sent packing and home when he didn't go home he's still on the jury. She finds joy in being a villain, dummy like that was going to help her win if she was taken to the end.

    • Love 16
  15. How I wish in every episode Brian would just die a painful death. I rather have Vinny back. Just very low of him to have an affair with a woman, yet he always preaching and being an over the top liberal douche. Stewie should have left his ass tied up there and wish Vic did find out that Brian was sleeping with Tori just so Brian can get the shit beat out of him. Just like Stewie said with Brian, "Why does everything you touch turn to garbage?"


    Bonnie was always an undercover bitch. She always had this thing about her that shows that she's not happy with being married to Joe. 


    Dr. Hartman is such a lousy doctor lol and did like the Joe plot of him being paralyzed from the neck down. 


    Also did like the Stand By Me scene with Peter at the end, just loved the movie even though they did do a Stand By Me story a couple of seasons ago.

    • Love 1
  16. I would have done the same thing Cynthia did. If someone grabs my hand, stands up and towers over me and come at me I'm using whatever available limb I have to get you up off and away from me. To me Porsha was the aggressor and when she told her mom and Shamea about apologizing to Cynthia, I didn't hear no damn apology. Porsha told Cynthia she wasn't apologizing because she felt she didn't do anything wrong. Porsha trying to get some sympathy points. 


    Porsha took time off from work because she had some bruises LMAO. Please I've gone to work with stye on my eye, cat scratches from when my cat scratched me the hell up and bruises. Porsha continues to make me wanna ram a hot iron in her face.


    Don Juan STFU and stop getting all rude with Kandi. He's acting like Kandi went bungee jumping or something. Kandi should have told him to shut up.


    IDK why Kim signed on to this show. I like her as she's grounded and not drama filled but RHOA is just not for her. I think she might wanna quit before she gets fired for not providing any drama whatsoever.


    WTF was Kenya wearing at that one on one meeting with Porsha?? Shit looked like she snatched curtains off the window and just put it on or she fell down the stairs with curtains and just went with it.


    I kind of laughed at Kandi calling Kenya out, because this coming from a woman who can't open her mouth to set her mother straight, let's Don Juan talk to her any kind of way, barely calls out Todd on his behavior, so whatever.


    The major thing with this group that would piss me off is their damn lateness. Barely anyone can show up, if I planned anything I would say the time is 2:30p when in reality it's really 4:30p that way everyone is on time.

    • Love 13
  17. How was Grayson able to come back to the competition? I know they bring back people all the time so maybe I shouldn't be questioning it. Speaking of returns I was surprised to see Emeril deciding to come back to be a judge after last season. Grayson annoyed me during her season and that just might continue on. She's rather annoying and doesn't seem like she wants to grow as a chef.


    Phillip I seen him on Grocery Games, Cutthroat, & Chopped and I liked him in all 3 so, so he'll be a favorite of mine, but if he becomes cocky, he will go on my shit list. So for the 1st episode he'll get a small pass.


    Damn Garrett, tell us how you really feel about Mike Isabella. Talking all that shit and end up in the bottom 3 and being sent home. Go home and bake some humble pie.


    Messy chef, IDK if he dipped his tasting spoon in water and put it back in the skillet to stir but looking at Padma's reaction, he may not have. Who knows I couldn't tell with the camera angle. Chefs have to be very careful with tasting spoons, I seen some chefs on t.v. taste the food with the spoon and put it back in the cookware without cleaning it. Disgusting.

    • Love 6
  18. You know for them wanting an all female alliance, you think Wentworth would choose all females on the reward challenge. I rarely if ever have faith in an all female alliance. They may be able to do it this time around and the men are in trouble so Spencer and Jeremy may have slit their throats unless they can win immunity.


    Abi is such a bitch, she sounds like a stank ass clown with a deflated balloon in her ass. She's such a nasty human being.


    Did I miss something with Keith voting for Tasha? Was that a throw away vote on his part?

    • Love 8
  19. I needed to comment on that as well with Leon telling Cynthia to work on her marriage with Peter. Uh no, don't think Leon has the full story on Peter's behavior. All Leon knows is the video he seen of Peter. Don't know if Leon watches RHOA or not who knows but don't think he knows everything about Peter and what he's putting Cynthia through and who his daughter has to be around. If anything he should be encouraging her to divorce Peter's ass before all her money is used up.


    When it comes to apologies I hate the word "if". I'm sorry IF I offended/hurt you. If you didn't offend/hurt me I wouldn't be upset. Don't say if, because it doesn't seem sincere to me at all when that word is used to say sorry.

    • Love 2
  20. These women never know how to behave.

    I wouldn't want Shamea on the boat either. She's forever throwing shade it's like every word out of her mouth is shade. Need to learn to do it in moderation. Kenya said she invited everyone but Shamea. If that was me I would've told her to go home, if not invited don't come if it hasn't been cleared by the host.

    Cynthia was more than likely tipsy but she got away from Porsha "Violent Dumbass" Stewart. Porsha knew she was upset and was going to apologize but instead antagonized. She could have just been the bigger person and said sorry and left it at that.

    Whoever that guest was bothering Kandi needed to sit her ass down and STFU. That's NOT how you set up a business meeting, having son's mommy do it and she's not even managing him or his agent. Have several seats you idiot.

    If I was Kim I would've brought a book too.

    Phaedra just needs to STFU as well with all the classy talk. She's so fake and phony. Kim might wanna stay as far away from her as possible but her pickings are so damn slim on who to be friends with on that show. She might wanna reach out to Queen Latifah, Erika Alexander, and Kim Coles for some friends.

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