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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. You guys mentioning Maggie ready to go in to infiltrate Negan's camp. I'm not even sure Maggie is ready. I seen her shoot the people at Woodbury and defend the prison against the Governor but when it came to Terminus when the group was killing them, Maggie along with Tyreese was just looking on in shock. I wouldn't have let her watch Jesus when Rick asked her to, who knows if she would have shot him if he tried anything. We'll see what she does this time around.

    • Love 1
  2. NOBODY ON THIS SHOW CAN DRIVE. Nothing was said about a hit-and-run vehicle, so it seemed as if the Hilltoppers couldn't avoid a walker or two in the street (by this point in the ZA)? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they had a flat tire or something. BUT NOBODY ON THIS SHOW CAN DRIVE. Except maybe Sasha. Who should get in a car and drive far away before Abe returns.


    You saying this just gave me flashbacks to the worst driving ever on t.v. You're right nobody can drive worth a damn. Did the ZA take their driving abilities away from them? "Allstate are you in good hands?"

    • Love 2
  3. I almost laughed at Rick explaining to Carl about sleeping with Michonne. Rick was talking to Carl like Carl is the adult and he needs to get Carl's approval. Carl is probably going to only care if Rick slept with someone that Carl doesn't trust or like or if Rick slept with Enid or found out if Rick slept with Maggie. So if Rick said he slept with Sasha, Rosita, or Carol, Carl will more than likely have the same reaction. 


    I also didn't like Rick asking Michonne is she ready to fight/infiltrate Negan's group. Rick, Michonne is not weak ass bitch Lori. Know full well Michonne can fight and take care of herself and she'll be more than willing to do it. I mean her not running out there to help you kill the zombies after Carl got shot didn't tell him anything I don't know what will. 


    I don't know why Carol gets excluded from these outings, she's someone you want to take with you, because Carol gets shit done. Her cover is nice being an older female, some are not going to take her seriously which would be the opponent's greatest error. I would be taking Carol with me everywhere. 


    I have to wonder what Morgan is going to think about them going after Negan, because Morgan doesn't want to kill. 


    IDK if writers are trying to get us to care about Rosita/Abe because I don't care about either one of them. Rosita has been showcased so little even though we seen that she's more than capable of handling herself. There's just not been enough development between them besides sexing each other up. They really do need to put Rosita in scenes with Carol, Sasha, Michonne, Rick, Daryl, Morgan, etc.

    • Love 3
  4. That 15 year old in the first hour was unbelievable. Saying he doesn't regret it and the mother saying the plaintiff's daughter provoked it. Words are words and you can ignore those. Mother doesn't feel bad either, she's one of those mothers that supports or will make excuses for their sons being woman beaters or if her daughter was being smacked she would be one of those mothers that says "You have to stop doing what you doing to upset him." So all ladies need to stay away from that guy, they got in on tape that he's a woman beater who feels justified in hitting women. 


    I wasn't paying much attention in the second hour case because it sounded like nonsense.

    • Love 6
  5. I agree pretty much with the group just running into other survivors camps and just taking over. Isn't the only group to give them any real trouble is Terminus. Terminus was capable even though they were sick bastards. Just about all others they ran into were just ill prepared and didn't know what they were doing. Woodbury didn't have any real fighters besides Governor, Martinez, and Shumpert the rest had to quickly be taught on how to use guns. Governor's other group that he took from Martinez just came ill prepared and only killed Hershel while the rest were killed, two of them were killed by a child Lizzie. Alexandria everyone was just too comfortable with just living a lifestyle before the outbreak happened. 


    If Rick wants to take down Negan just send Carol there by herself, hell she already basically took out two by herself being Terminus and The Wolves.


    They really write all other groups and survivors to not really have suffered so much loss as the main protagonists and I get it to an extent but sometimes a villain are the way they are because of so much loss. Sometimes I do like antagonist more than the protagonist like that show Revenge, I love Madeleine Stowe's character and hated Emily VanCamp's character. Jesus may be the first character outside the main group that I may actually get to start caring about, hopefully writers don't ruin it and have him be Rick's little lap dog.


    Speaking of Abe and his hair, is he making it a number 1 priority to pick up some red hair dye while out on runs?  It would be better if they let Cudlitz let some of his natural hair start to show. 


    I see why Sasha is also pulling back, maybe she's waiting on Carl to age up, hoping Aaron will convert over to being a heterosexual, or hoping Daryl will take a shower. Maybe also knows that Abe is sleeping with Rosita and don't want to get involved in Jerry Springer type drama.

    • Love 2
  6. At most they would need to wear long sleeves, pants, and heavy boots to protect themselves and if have long hair, tie it back like Sasha does or cut it like Carol. It amazes me at times when some go out on runs I see bare arms and hair flowing freely. 

    • Love 4
  7. Does the ZA also affect the weather there as well? It's amazing how fast it goes from day to night or vice versa. Wow.

    So they used Glenn's death in the comics for a death of a 16 year old off screen. That sucked. That one should have been on screen but hopefully it is. Fingers crossed.

    When Greg told them to get cleaned up I was like finally Daryl is gonna get in the shower and my hopes were dashed when that turned out not to be the case.

    Rick is so ready to plunge head first into attacking Negan. He's heard what Negan does but does he know what type of security or weapons The Saviors carry. I know people do desperate things for food and whatnot.

    Jesus was much better as a character this episode than he was in the last episode.

    Something tells me that something bad is going to happen to either Rosita, Abe, Sasha, Glenn, Maggie, or Daryl based off this episode.

    • Love 2
  8. The Brawn tribe is the Brain tribe of S28, always losing in the beginning, having one of the worst players ever. Jenny was like J'Tia. J'Tia was awful during challenges and Jenny just bombed Probst's questions. 

  9. Jenny is an all around idiot. Maybe that worm did something to her brain as well. She could have easily dodged Jeff's question about female alliance. Women should no longer think about doing a female alliance because 99% it just doesn't work at all.  She needed to go.


    Jason is also an idiot saying Alecia is like an ostrich a bird that can't fly because ostriches don't fly. 


    That older woman on the brain tribe is annoying standing there cheering during the IC. I wanted her to shut up. Barack needs to shut up too with the 40 cats things. Not every lady over 40 has millions of cats.


    My friend thinks that there is a twist and that people are secretly on tribes that they shouldn't be on like Tai should be on brain, Caleb on brawn, and Alecia on beauty. I don't think so but she's been watching Survivor longer than me. 

    • Love 7
  10. Darryl is just nasty. Its how he is LOL If I  recall correctly, when they were at the CDC and had food and showers, Darryl did not avail himself of water and soap.


    Daryl is either allergic to water or immune to it. 


    Maybe Rick is following Keenan Ivory Wayans' line from A Low Down Dirty Shame, "Coffee is good with cream but better when it's black." Isn't Abe following that too, isn't he flirting with Sasha, but Sasha really isn't reciprocating. 


    In all seriousness though, I really hope that they keep what makes Rick and Michonne's relationship special just that and not go into soap opera type of drama. I don't want them turning into Maggie/Glenn 2.0. Rick and Michonne are characters that can stand alone on their own, so don't want them weighed down by relationship crap. Just get the sex when you're in need because during an apocalypse of the zombies, a relationship is pointless. 


    As shown Rick lost Lori and Jessie, Sasha lost Bob, Carol lost her husband (that's good for Carol), Deanna lost her husband, Jessie lost her husband, Tyreese lost Karen, etc. Did Aaron lose his bf? Forging a relationship spells doom so only a matter of time before these relationships are lost by the death of someone. 

    • Love 3
  11. Daryl really needs to get his ass in the shower. His whole group needs to hold him down and force him in the damn tub. Evidence they have a tub and running water because everyone else looks relatively clean in clean clothes. Once they reached Alexandria I think Carol mentioned that he needed to take a shower. I think Carol will be the only person to tell Daryl to get his ass in the tub. Maybe why Carol doesn't hang around him that much anymore, she doesn't like the smell.  

    • Love 3
  12. Finally Rick, pick a decent woman, huge upgrade from Lori and Jessie, especially Lori. Who can really blame Rick. I thought in the beginning of the episode they just got done having sex with Michonne in a robe and Rick putting on his belt lol. I did like the Carl/Michonne scene as well. Everything else was just meh especially Jesus and the unbelievability that he's tied up and the next he's able to get on the roof of a truck. 


    Rick obviously doesn't know how to tie tight enough because Jesus escaped from his restraints twice and Rick let the man swipe his keys. Tsk tsk. 

    • Love 2
  13. Maybe when they're on their runs, they're picking up toothpaste/toothbrush and the women are making sure to stock up on female hygiene products. Their period may not attract sharks when swimming but it sure as hell will attract zombies so female hygiene products have to rank right up there when they're going on their runs.

    • Love 1
  14. Why are these characters so damn repulsive with the exception of Oliver. The K5 acting all rebel like when Anni is the one keeping their asses out of prison, so they really need to take several damn seats. I hear the Astrodome has plenty of seats for them to sit in. Now look at them running to Anni to fix the video problem. They're so co-dependent it's not even funny. They don't like Anni and her self interest but go running to her to serve their self interest and to not go to prison. They're so damn lame.


    Oh dumbass Frank, see what happens when you let a spatula get in your ass, idiot. Should have kept that to himseslf.

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  15. I would like some clarification on what attracts walkers though. Because it just doesn't seem consistent. It seems to fluctuate between visual, auditory, and olfactory. What made the walkers descend upon Sam? None of them were interested when the group was chatting before. Jessie was whispering closely to him before he got chomped. So, even if someone smells like a walker, if they make any noise, a walker will translate that to 'food'? Walkers can seriously distinguish between actual language versus groaning/moaning? And when the walkers attacked Jessie (presumably for screaming), I call bullshit on Carl emerging unscathed. He was literally attached to her but the walkers have such precision that they zone in on one individual due to noise? If that's the case, they it just makes me think that our crew are consistently idiots for not constantly coating themselves in gore when they expect to be among walkers. Apparently, quiet and stank is all that's needed to pass among them unscathed...


    What attracts walkers from what I seen on the show is number one noise. Wherever there's noise that's where the walkers will go as Morgan explained to Rick in S1. 


    Smell would be next as from S1 when Rick and Glenn rubbed zombie guts all over them and when it wore off zombies started to go on the attack. Fresh blood also attracts them as when Michonne first arrived at the prison she had zombie smell all over her until she touched her bullet wound that was still bleeding and the zombie smelled it and they started to attack her. IDK what smell on the human body attracts the zombies to them, don't know if it's sweat or what.


    A little confusing is Michonne's trick with the jaw/arms thing. Michonne can walk with them in a herd without being noticed but when Andrea tried the trick, even though she did it a little half assed Andrea still had to kill zombies because they were after her. Do zombies act in a pact? Since Michonne takes away their means of feeding if one or two of them are docile the rest are somewhat docile as well and wouldn't want to feed? Michonne's trick is a little confusing, don't know if comics explains it better.


    I think any type of sudden movement attracts them as well. That's why when trying to camouflage they have to mimic the zombie walk.

    • Love 3
  16. I know they probably don't ask people on how to spell their names for TC but the butchering on spelling of these names are just flat out hilarious. Are they getting tips from Rodney "The Name Butcher"? That guy who wants to form multiple alliances on Brawn spelled her name all kinds of wrong. IDK who taught him that's how Alicia is spelled but her name is spelled Alecia.


    OMG and that worm in that woman's ear was just disgusting and when the others saw it, they didn't immediately grab it, they just stared at it. I wonder why she didn't ask for a medic right away? If I felt something in my ear and it was causing me great pain, I would ask for a medic ASAP.


    They mostly got the brawn tribe right with the exception of Alecia. She's proven to be useless. Only beauty is Caleb and I question the rest but I can see the Asian being on the tribe for having inner beauty. The rest don't have outer beauty.


    At least the brain tribe don't have a J'Tia on their tribe. They seem capable.


    No eye candy at all this season, most of them look like they got off the set of Jerry Springer. At least when they did do brains, beauty and brawn there was eye candy in Jeremiah, Woo, & Spencer.

    • Love 4
  17. I officially passed beyond giving a shit about the "Lovey Dovey all the Time" duo ages ago, but now I join you in the "Kill 'em both."  Glenn has turned into an overly principled, dreary, pendantic saint, dispensing his lofty wisdom to all who have need of it and Maggie went from being a strong individual whose metamorphosis I enjoyed, to a pepetual "Woman in Peril" whose only facial expression is one of anguish over the Houdini-like, dead/not dead Glenn.  Sick of it, I am.


    I think both of them will benefit from one of them dying. It'll really help their character. We don't know how much Glenn has suffered since the outbreak but we seen Maggie suffer loss more than just about anyone on screen. Her whole family were killed on screen. If I were to guess I think Maggie's character would benefit more than Glenn because she suffered more on t.v.


    I like that Walking Dead made stronger female characters because the first two seasons were just dreadful for female characters with bitch ass Lori, weak Carol, and dumbass Andrea leading the pack. Have Michonne, Sasha, and Carol, now Maggie can rank up there with them but her character may have to suffer another loss in order to get more stronger.

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  18. Carol has her reasons for why she does what she does. If her group is in danger, she's going to kill anyone that threatens her group. The group that has kept her safe since the beginning. She killed Lizzie because Lizzie was a danger to everyone as Lizzie almost killed Judith just so she can turn into a zombie and Lizzie can have a pet. She killed people in Terminus and the Wolves because they were horrible people, one were cannibals and the Wolves took delight in killing people. Even during her confrontation with Morgan the wolf guy said that they better kill him or he would more than likely kill again just for the hell of it, plus he took Denise hostage. Carol is thinking in terms of kill or be killed. Carol doesn't get any pleasure out of killing but she won't hesitate to kill someone that threatens her group.


    I will disagree on her killing Karen and David to stop the spread of the virus because she had no proof or further evidence that they started the virus or how they got it. Sasha and Glenn got the virus but were saved and can't remember if Carol knew they caught it or did Rick send her off before she knew about Sasha and Glenn. Wasn't it the pigs that caused the virus?

    • Love 6
  19. And the panic in her eyes when Rick was out there by himself hacking up the zombies and she wanted to be out there with him.  Seeing her hold Judith was nice as well cause I think the only other time she held Judith was at the prison.

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  20. I'm glad that the Andersons are dead. Jessie didn't do a relatively good job with watching Ron after the death of his father. Sam, oh my goodness what a moron. I knew he would mess it up the minute he starting calling for his mother during the beginning of their escape.


    I was always going to wonder if they were ever going to write Carl's eye being gone. Michonne kissing Carl on the forehead almost brought a tear to my eye and love how close she is to the Grimes. She's like a big sister to Carl.


    I'm wondering if they'll ever write Rick

    having his arm chopped off? Maybe Negan will do that.


    I think it's the beginning of the end for Daryl. He killed Negan's men with a rocket launcher no less, so Negan is going to want revenge for that and I think Daryl is going to get

    the Glenn comic death.


    Morgan has to open his eyes now, not everyone can be saved nor changed. I know Carol is kill now ask later but with the wolves she had to be because they took pleasure in killing people. In this world it's kill or be killed.


    I thought Glenn was going to "die" again, glad that he didn't. 


    I always wondered, the group knows Michonne's trick of hacking off jaw and arms when they go out and only requires walking distance, why not just have zombie pets stored away for when you need them.

    • Love 4
  21. Chris is them jacked up pants was just very weird to watch lol. Standing all knock kneed, my goodness.


    Then of course we have to have Brian act like a pretentious bitch once again, only wanting to play tennis because of women and booze and didn't know a damn thing about tennis until Stewie pushed him. 


    A killer self check out, might be careful when I self check out from now on lol.


    Peter and that gloryhole with the sandwich oh my.


    All in all an enjoyable episode. I think it's because all characters characteristics weren't pushed to the extreme, except Brian who I will always hate and just wish he would die or go back to how he was in earlier seasons being the voice of reason. Peter wasn't too dumb, Lois was actually caring, Stewie funny as always, Meg not being a punching bag, etc.


    Only apps I truly have on my phone are games and apps to where I can pay my bills like my light, cable, internet, etc.

  22. Who were your favorite & least favorite models, judges, and photographers of each cycle that you watched.



    1. Adrienne & Kesse

    2. April, Mercedes, & Sarah

    3. Eva, Noelle, & Toccara

    4. Kahlen

    5. Nik

    6. Danielle & Joanie

    7. AJ (until she sabotaged herself)

    8. Jael (the way she shut down Renee in that episode with 50 Cent was just awesome)

    9. Jenah & Heather

    10. Katarzyna & Anya

    11. Analeigh

    12. Allison & London

    13. Nicole

    14. Jessica

    16. Jackie, Hannah, & Brittani

    22. Nyle & Dustin (for obvious reasons)



    Least Favorites

    1. Robin (hypocritical and judgmental), Ebony (so damn loud and confrontational), Giselle (whiny ass & always fishing for compliments)


    2.  Catie (crybaby)


    3. Yaya (uppity attitude), Amanda (bitch and blabbing Cassie's secret & accusing Eva of stealing w/no proof)


    4. Brandy (shitty attitude), Keenyah (once they were overseas she became annoying especially over Nelson Mandela prison cell thing), Rebecca (how she acted on that reward challenge where she won shoes), Norelle (bitch, and stirred up drama about Michelle's impetigo and basically told the world that she can't control her child)


    5. Nicole (whiny), Kim (annoying), Jayla (bitch), Lisa (attention whore & pissed in diaper)


    6. Nnenna's Boyfriend John


    7. Megan (always rock and roll), Jaeda (bitched about her hair too much), Monique (always fought with her fluids, "marking" her territory, sticking her hand up her towel and putting it in Melrose's face, & rubbing her panties on Melrose's bed basically telling the world she has a smelly dirty vagina)


    8. Renee (bitch), Sarah (annoying & didn't credit Dionne in helping her win a challenge)


    9. Saleisha (fake ass "bubbly" personality that no doubt Tyra told her to act that way), Lisa (good model but cried too much for my taste), Bianca (bitch)


    10. Whitney (stuck up fake attitude), Claire (bitch), Allison (spoiled brat)


    11. Elina & Marjorie (I'm European so gives me a pass to act shitty & nervous), Sharaun (fake), Clark (cocky bitch)


    12. Tahlia (wanting to quit, but wants to stay as soon as she gets a good picture and praised), Sandra (bitch)


    13. Ashley (talked about people), Lulu (Ashley's sidekick), Kara (bitch), Brittany (annoying) 


    14. Angelea (that club walk at panel), Ren (complaining whiny ass), Anslee (bitch), Brenda (annoying)


    16. Alexandra (annoying know-it-all bitch)


    22. Mikey, Hadassah, Devin, Bello (just horrible ass people)


    Favorite Judge: Nigel Barker & Janice Dickinson


    Worst Judge: Tyra Banks (C6 and onwards), Kelly Cutrone, & Eric Nicholson (C2, he sounded like he didn't know what the hell he was talking about. When they did a celebrity photoshoot and when April's photo showed up he guessed Christina Aguilera, what an idiot only lasted one season and I see why)


    Favorite Photographer: Mike Rosenthal


    Worst Photographer: Erik Asla


    Favorite Photoshoot: Adam & Eve photoshoot (C2, it was beautiful shoot without being sleazy)


    Worst Photoshoot: Where Asla is the photographer.

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  23. Also, even though I enjoy him very much and don't think he's necessarily a "bad person"-- Oliver is not as innocent as it's fun to imagine him as being. He got involved in all of this by using his hacking skills to get around the rules of evidence, and he did it because he enjoyed the thrill and was "helping his boyfriend" (after a one night stand, if I recall correctly), which is not without its shady elements, and is a lot like what everyone else on the show has been up to.


    I think it's easy for mostly everyone to overlook Oliver's hacking into computer systems because it's the least offensive crime compared to the K5, Frank, Bonnie, and Anni. He didn't commit murder, doesn't know about any of the K5 being involved in the murder of Sam Keating, Lila, Rebecca, and Sinclair or the attempted murder of Anni.  K5 are involved in all those murders but if Oliver does find out, wonder what his reaction will be.

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