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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Another thing that annoyed me was "The Angry Familyl" when they went to see Father Hubbly and Frank pointed out that the main problem is that Marie didn't like the fact that Ray & Debra got married and they didn't delve into it, they just had Marie go off on a rant on how the mother's are always blamed. We all knew that was the main reason why Marie mostly barged over all the time because she didn't want to lose her children cause all she had was Frank who insulted her. She didn't want Robert to move out of the house and didn't want Ray to get married.

    Also in Debra's rant in "The Angry Family" when Debra said she got a freaksow that set their tent up across the street holds no merit because Debra moved across from Frank and Marie when Ray told her that it would be a terrible idea, yet didn't know what she would get herself into. It's Debra's fault for wanting to move there and not taking any action to prevent Marie and Frank from coming over all the time like locking the damn door.

    "The Will" episode Marie and Robert were insufferable because Ray & Debra wanted Bernie & Linda to be guardians of their children if something happened to them. Them coming over to sabotage the whole dinner was ridiculous. It's kind of obvious why they didn't pick Frank & Marie because of their age and Robert is just a mess plus he's a police officer so of course Ray & Debra had reservations in choosing him to be guardians.

    "The Walk to the Door" episode was so lame because Ray is acting all stupid because he didn't walk a date he had for the dance so just acting silly all night. Then when he meets his dance date, she tries to play it off by saying she hopes that Ray didn't wait all those years just to tell her that and come to find out in the end she had a problem with it as her father mentioned that Ray's the schmuck that didn't walk her to the door. Then Ray was just dumb when he couldn't think of one thing he regretted doing to Debra throughout the years that he stole Robert's regret.

    Another thing that bugged me was when Frank, Marie, & Robert would enter Ray & Debra's house through the kitchen sometimes. Seeing the exterior of the house it makes it look like they are walking by the side of the house to get all the way to the back where the kitchen is. That made no sense, why do all that unnecessary walking? I can understand Ray coming through Frank & Marie's kitchen instead of the front door is because Frank & Marie's kitchen leads to their driveway. So with Frank & Marie's house you can go to the front door or walk up the driveway and knock. It was also weird when they came home in "The Angry Family" episode after Michael's story they all come through the kitchen instead of the door leading to the garage. That door in the kitchen leads to the backyard for Ray & Debra's house.

    • Love 2
  2. Another episode that bothered me was the Thanksgiving episode. Clair sends Cliff out to get some things that she doesn't have to cook with. My thing is, why in the hell didn't Clair think about this days before Thanksgiving took place. Cliff needed to get eggs for the cornbread and when he comes back for the final time Clair says she just borrowed the eggs from next door neighbors. She would have been kicked out the door. Also what bugged in the episode is when the eggs fell out of Cliff's bag it was packed in a plastic bag and not an egg carton. I was like who puts eggs in a plastic bag?

    • Love 1
  3. Dutchess is a hot ass mess. How can she even say that she was basically raped when she says she can't even remember what happened. If you don't remember then you don't have a story to tell. She went to Miami and acted a fool, took off her ring, and engaged in oral sex with Donna. Even the witness backed up Donna's story. If Dutchess felt that she was raped then she would have screamed or something to get the other women's attention who was also staying there.

    The fact that Caesar sent Donna home to "work on her portfolio" is just kind of lame to me. Could have just separated the two from working at the shop at the same time since Dutchess is really a part time employee anyway.

    • Love 1
  4. Tommi looked like a straight up hooker walking down the street in that get up. Like really woman?? She better be glad she wasn't mistaken for one.

    Joseline, OMG someone needs to beat her ass into dust. Just tacky as all hell and swear she's the shit when she ain't shit. She can't rap/sing and at times looks like a damn man. Then that question to Chris about tongue action, I'm like really. Chris should have beat her ass down. 

    • Love 1
  5. FUCK TO THE YES!!!! ASSCOT IS GONE!!!! That was the best damn TC ever. I cheered so loud when he was eliminated and Tai said he wasn't going to play the super idol. Tai has redeemed himself.

    They walked into TC feeling so confident and their balloon is busted. Glad Aubry didn't fall for that "olive branch" Scot was trying to give with that whole camp will go back normal as long as you do what I want.

    Cydney really has to get it together when it comes to challenges because she's always close to winning but fails.

    I'm rooting for Cydney, Michelle, and Aubry to win.

    • Love 13
  6. I don't have a problem with this, I have more of a problem with people who think their actions in the game reflect on what type of person they are.  Making people you are not aligned with uncomfortable is part of the game of survivor.  Nobody was going to starve or have risk of injury or illness, they were just going to have to make another fire.


    True that they wouldn't starve with the missing axe and machete but they all need fire. They started their own fire again but Tai then decides to douse it out and then wake up the next morning and play dumb and ask who put it out knowing full well he did it and that the rest of the camp wouldn't know that he did it because he's so "loving". He did it for no real reason other than to fit in with the ass clowns. 



    "Girls" alliances never work because there is always one woman who would rather hang with the boys and bask in their admiration*.  I'm sorry but it's true.


    Don't apologize because unfortunately it's true. Women more than men turn on each other more, especially in Survivor. 

    • Love 6
  7. Kyle and Scot are nothing but assholes, first calling women bitches just because Nick got blindsided. So what? It wasn't you that got eliminated then trying to sabotage by hiding things and upset because Joe and the ladies found a way to eat without the axe and machete. Grow the fuck up. Talking about how they don't want their daughters to grow up like Alecia but let's hope that their daughters don't grow up to be like them or date men that are like them. 


    Tai gets no points for putting out the fire as well. He doesn't need to be joining in on making everyone else's life miserable either. Only way he can redeem himself is by joining the women and Joe.


    Good thing annoying multi-job Debbie is out. She was thinking emotionally and not strategically. I keep forgetting if her name is Aubry or Audry but she's basically telling her about Julia possibly lining up with the men but Debbie can't look past the fire incident. Debbie's hyper bouncing around just made it really unsafe for anyone to trust her. She really needed some Ritalin and calm her ass down and think things through. Now she can go out and get more jobs to add to her resume. I'm surprised she didn't say she was the host of a show like Probst. 


    Got a laugh out of Cydney saying that her name is spelled wrong LMAO. That was funny. Cydney will have to try and win immunity otherwise she's voted out next week possibly. 


    Plus Julia should know that she's at the bottom of the alliance if she goes with Scot and Kyle. The minute they don't need you is when you're out the door. The women and Joe really do need to stick together. 

    • Love 12
  8. The stupid ending aside I do want to give the actors credit for their facial expressions when Negan was choosing. Especially Rick, Sasha, and Eugene who looked straight up terrified. I couldn't tell Carl's expression because the hat was in the way but he looked scared. Michonne, Abe, Aaron, Glenn, and Daryl weren't going to show fear and Rosita looked like she lost all hope. Maggie was just sick so don't know if she comprehended fully on what was going on.



    • Love 5
  9. Also Tai enough with the bodily contact. The way he just layed on Cydney after the IC and kissing her on the cheek. Seriously I know you're a lover but quite frankly it's enough. It's getting uncomfortable to watch. 

    • Love 10
  10. Goodbye Nick. I guess your robotic brain didn't see that coming. Computer was unable to look into the future and signal you that you were being voted out. Oh well guess we'll see what it tells you to do when it comes time to vote for a winner and what emotion to display. 


    Please I really hope nobody falls for the sympathy act. A lot of people have families that have medical issues that they're paying for and up to debt in medical bills. So whatever, I'm over the sympathy stories. If any of them make it to finals and try to relay that story on why they should win, I would vote against them.


    Is Tai for real? Talking about the super idol. That was one of the dumbest things that he could have ever said. Was his vote for Kyle a throw away vote?

    • Love 11
  11. But I like Carl's hair ; ) ... and to a lesser extent Daryl's. Carl should wear his hair any way he wants to, because it's not like the ZA is full of teen competition or the need to conform. Besides Carl's hair is a nice camouflage. It makes him look less threatening than he is, and that type of thing could definitely work to his advantage I think.


    I like Carl's hair as well, it looks washed and cleaned. If his hair looked like a rat's nest and unwashed like Daryl's then I agree it should be cut. Like Carol, Carl has the apperance that he's not threatening when he actually is. So his look really does work in his favor. 

    • Love 1
  12. Right, so I've already taken this off my DVR schedule but last night I saw Jon Bernthal on Kimmel and it made me think of this finale. Watching Rick and Co. blunder around the woods all night made me think about Shane and how increasingly annoyed I am on his behalf. Like okay, sure, tried to kill his best friend and did get a bit rapey at one point. At the time, I was glad to see the back of him but now I'm thinking he must be hanging out in the afterlife all, "I TOLD YOU!" Shane wasn't exactly a strategist but I feel like he would have objected to them driving aimlessly all night.


    Also you realize the most strategically sound thing Negan's crew did was kill Denise? They wouldn't even need to be out there if they still had a doctor on site.


    Funny thing is, is that I was just thinking which past character would be an asset to the group now, that was part of the original group.


    Shane - Yes

    Andrea - Yes, if she stopped being stupid

    Lori - Hell no, just bitch whine and complain and possibly fell on Abe's penis.

    T-Dog - Yes

    Oscar - Yes

    Axel - Yes

    Jacqui - No

    Dale - No, he couldn't even hear the walker that killed him, walkers make noise

    Amy - No

    Ed - No

    Lizzie - Yes, if she wasn't insane, she would be willing to kill or basically just tell her the bad guys want to kill all the zombies and would be best to get rid of the bad guys lol, we saw her kill Alisha & Mika with no qualms. Could have been a mini Carol. 

    Merle - Yes

    Hershel - Yes as a moral compass only

    Beth - Big Maybe

    Tyreese - Maybe, because he's just like Morgan, not really wanting to kill humans

    Bob - Maybe

    Noah - Maybe


    I'm probably forgetting other characters that were part of the original group.

    • Love 3
  13. I'm always wondering why is it that when it's a group of good people they travel in small packs. There is never a big group of good people. Hershel just had his family Maggie, Beth, Otis, Patricia, and his son and Maggie is the only one left. Tyreese was with Sasha and those two were good while Allen teetered and his son IDK what the hell and Sasha is the only one left. Then there's Rosita, Abe, and Eugene. Tara the only good one in Martinez's group. There was ASZ but most of them are dead who is left Aaron, Eric, Spencer, Heath, Tobin, & Francine (the ones I do know there's probably more) and most of what's left of the original ASZ people you barely see. I thought Francine would be an asset to the group but doesn't look that way.


    There's Hilltop but all we've seen is Jesus is the only good one. I think that there should be another good group out there, it can't be all riddled with villains and it almost comes across that all the good groups just end up dying.

    • Love 2
  14. Gimple said on Talking Dead that there would be seasons of Negan.


    The ones who escape Lucille may wish they hadn't if they have to listen to Negan bore them to death for years.


    Oh goodness seasons of Negan and his pontificating Saviors. Don't know if I'll be able to take seasons of Negan. If they strip down the cartoon character vibe then maybe and also get him and his saviors to STFU. I can't take all that talking. 

    • Love 2
  15. One thing I was wondering about, do you think that Glenn was beat up, he looked like he could barely walk. I can also imagine that Michonne would put up a fight when they were cutting her hair and taking her vest. Rosita looked pretty tearful.


    You also notice that when Rosita was captured her hair was in a ponytail and when we see her again, her hair is hanging loose. Who knows what punishment she received. The women probably got slapped around while the men got beat cause of the apperance of Daryl and Glenn. 


    We know 100% that it's not Carl since Negan said if anyone moves cut Carl's other eye out and feed it to Rick.

    • Love 3
  16. I've never read the comics so I don't know anything about how the SLs played out there.  I think on the show these SLs would be better if they didn't all seem to exist in their own little bubble.  Rick's group wanders around all over the place, and never encounters a group until it's time for their story, and then they run into them all the time.  It seems like Woodbury, the Claimers, Terminus, Alexandria, the Unfair Wolves, the Hospital psychos, Negan's group, Hilltop, the Knights, etc., would have had at least some interaction beyond hey we've all run into Rick's group, and either killed some of his people, got killed ourselves, or both.


    I'm hoping Glenn wasn't the one Negan killed, but I think Glenn, Eugene or Abraham got Lucilled.


    Carl locking Enid in the closet was all kinds of WTH.


    As I said I'm not worried about Rick, Carl, Maggie, & Michonne that much. Their percentage rate is very low on being Lucielle'd. 


    Long running characters I think Glenn & Daryl are in trouble the most. There's not going to be much of anything if it's Sasha, Rosita, Eugene, or Aaron that gets the bat because they haven't left a mark on the group just yet. If it is one of them four it would be very bad storytelling. It needs to be someone that the whole group cares about in general.


    I'll be happy and jump over the moon if it's Abe. I want him gone but if I'm going by history characters I always want dead never gets the axe and always characters I like that gets struck down.  

    • Love 1
  17. Can someone please tell me how the Saviors knew CDB would be making a trip this day? I'm only asking because it seems like some contrived BS that they were waiting around for an RV loaded up with main cast members at four different roadblocks, one of which would have taken a week to prepare.


    Also, that dbag with the mustache needs to get got ASAP. Between him and that motorcycle guy Daryl blew up it seems like Negan puts his most annoying homies on First Contact duty. Probably just to keep them from bugging him.


    Saviors possibly knew they were making a trip because Daryl, Rosita, Michonne, and Glenn were captured and they proabably radioed that they have some of the people that killed the bikers, security camp, etc. and that they're possibly going to be out looking for them. Maybe long stretch here Saviors may have visited Hilltop before and talk to/beat up Jesus because that guy with the mustache talking about last day and never know and snapping his fingers made it seem like he had some inside information. May have found all the possible ways to get to Hilltop and blocked them off knowing eventually that the group may end up going there for some reason. Don't think Rick has a walkie talkie to inform Jesus that they're on their way with a sick Maggie.

    • Love 3
  18. Rick was definitely very vicious in that scene. But where did his viciousness come from? It came from getting retribution for Bob and the threats made against his entire group, down to his baby girl who was crying in the church. Whereas, the viciousness we see with Negan comes from a much different place. It's indiscriminate. It's manipulative. And he really seems to enjoy it. 





    Mmmhmm. No "baddie" on this show has scared me more than Gareth. Something about his calm, friendly manner....and then he takes a bite out of your leg. So disturbing. Plus, their story was more interesting. Granted, we haven't had any background on Negan. But he comes across as someone who was an asshole before the ZA and started amassing minions as soon as he could. This is his playground. The original Termites were good people. They were tortured and starved and raped and eventually went insane. It was creepy as hell, but I enjoyed exploring just what this world could do to a person. 


    I agree Gareth is the best villain out of all the villains in TWD. He wasn't over the top, Andrew West gave the character just the right balance. He's a villain that anyone would worry about because he has a welcoming presence but so evil underneath but we seen why Gareth turned out the way he did because he was trapped in the box and knowing the women were being raped by the men who owned Terminus before and had no food so turned to being cannibals. The group would have been fooled if Rick didn't spot the watch he gave to Sam.


    The Governor wasn't insane enough he was just hokey. Negan is starting off like a cartoon character villain. 

    • Love 4
  19. The walkers all died a second death listening to the pontificating. Finally we've found their kryptonite!


    Negan actually told them they couldn't make any noise when he was bludgeoning X and if they did one of the lackeys would cut out Carl's eye and feed it to Rick. He said they could breath, blind and cry.


    That stepping out of the RV was so vaudeville! He should have come out singing 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame'.


    You're wrong. Daryl's hair was terrified.


    Yea Negan said that but it would have made for a better terrifying ending to have some of them scream. We know Maggie can scream but probably couldn't because she's sick, possibly Rosita and Eugene would have screamed or yelled out as well. Michonne, Daryl, and Abe probably would have turned away and not look.


    True about Daryl's hair lol.  Speaking of Daryl was he shot? He was bleeding and had a blanket around him. 


    Carol and Daryl really picked the wrong time to go out and be selfish. 

    • Love 1
  20. Walkers are drawn to noise and light and there was plenty of that where they were held up at, plus there were walkers around since Dwight and them were able to tie some to the road. Which how were Dwight and Co. able to drag these walkers to the road still alive and tie them up at the same time without being bitten? They didn't do the Michonne trick of taking off arms and jaw. What are walkers waiting on? Have they now gained the ability to sit in wait and enjoy the entertainment before them. Were the walkers so mesmerized and hypnotized by Negan's pontificating?


    I'm gonna talk about Negan for a second, he didn't have an intimidating presence whatsoever. Someone who forever pontificates loses all kind of credibility as a badass villain. We see why the Saviors talk too damn much they take after their leader. Negan came off as a cheesy 80s villain. Sitting there in the RV waiting to make his debut which was just lame.


    Also they've been in ASZ for quite some time in that general area, why is gas so damn plentiful? They all seem so easily able to just hop in a car and just drive off even going as far as Hilltop which is a day drive.


    The ending would have been way more satisfying if we did hear screams and yells from CDB. Not hearing anything from them just made it seem like they didn't care who got killed. IMO it would be best if they shown who was picked and then the camera POV of the blood and bat bashing against the skull as CDB screamed and yelled at the person being beaten to death. It probably would have gotten a better reaction rather than the backlash the finale is getting.


    Out of the group only Carl, Michonne, and Abe shown that they weren't scared while Rick, Rosita, Sasha, & Aaron looked terrified and scared as all hell. Maggie just looked sick. Glenn didn't want Maggie hurt which I think was his only main concern so he tried putting on a brave and scared face while Daryl looked a little nonchalant. 

  21. Why did the dude laying in the road get spray painted?


    I seriously thought that they were going to set him on fire but they hung him instead.


    Did I miss something when Dwight held Daryl at gunpoint? Who/What was shot? The episode would have been more interesting if they had showed Glenn, Michonne, Rosita, and Daryl being taken away and Michonne's dreads being cut off, and other items being taken from them four and put on the zombies blocking the road.


    I was really hoping that Carol came up behind Dwight and shot him in the head instead of her adventure with Morgan. I rather Carol & Morgan be mixed with the group cause it would have made more interesting with the way these two view life & death. Writers really missed an opportunity right there.

    • Love 2
  22. Yup, a goddamn cliffhanger.  How disrespectful to the audience to not let us react to who died and make everyone play an idiotic guessing game until October.  Fuck Gimple.


    I listened to the audio of Negan's speech a couple of days ago and the audio alone was grisly, but added with the visuals it was just cartoony and stupid.  About 3 minutes in I was thinking, "Shut up and hit somebody already.  Sheesh." 


    Eugene made me cry and his hug with Abraham was the best thing ever.  


    I'm glad Carol and Morgan found some good people to help them, they've earned it...and the horse is still alive!  Yay horsie!


    Yep more of that damn TALKING that the group does. Just endlessly talk your damn ear off. 

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