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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. I'm so upset with my roommate. She deleted Survivor after she watched it when I asked her not to as I had to work and I would watch it after I got off work. I look in the DVR for recordings and it's not there. So she was sleep on the couch and I woke up her up and told her to give me the rundown and who was eliminated lol. It was wrong for me to wake her up but I didn't care.

    Lord help her she could barely remember. I had to name off the remaining players until she said that was the person that was eliminated. 

    • Love 10
  2. I loved this episode. FG does these types of episodes really well and Brian dying in all three was icing on the cake for me as he died in the Little Red Riding Hood one too. Favorite one is still Misery with Stewie Wilkes. 

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, nodorothyparker said:

    I don't know that we do know this about the new whipped Rick, particularly if it were two randoms he doesn't consider his people.  We've seen him turn away or refuse people before when he was in a lot less dire straits than he is now (i.e., season 3 hitchhiker, Tyreese's entire crew, Noah with the lollicops), in addition to that one time he was going to hand Michonne over to the Guv to almost certainly be tortured and killed.  We tend to give Rick the benefit of the doubt and assume he wouldn't in most cases because we've spent plenty of time with him and know that he almost always means well but even that may depend on whether you're dealing with crazy or noncrazy Rick.  

    I don't find Gregory a particular warm and fuzzy leader either as much as a go along to get along kind of guy.  But he's obviously done well enough by the Hilltoppers that no one has ever thought at least in Jesus' memory to challenge his leadership.  Of course, that probably says as much as about the Hilltoppers as it does him.  

    Rick turned Tyreese, Sasha, Allen, and his son away because he was hallucinating after Lori's death and also told them that he didn't want to bring anyone else into the group in fear of losing them as a result of Oscar's death. He blamed himself for Oscar's death cause he hallucinated that he seen Shane. 

    Rick is known to do this when he loses people in his group because he doesn't want to lose anyone. He isn't whipped, the death of Abe & Glenn in the same night has affected him. When Negan came Olivia almost died as a result of Spencer and Rick didn't want to lose anyone else from ASZ. Michonne is trying to get him to fight back but Rick told her that they don't have the numbers to do so even if they had Hilltop's help. Rick didn't know that Negan has that many Saviors, he thought when they attacked one of their bases that they killed a majority of them but they only killed a small fraction. What is Rick suppose to do as soon as Negan arrives shoot Negan in the head, he'll be met with an array of bullets from his Saviors.

    Rick is good at planning that's how he's been able to get rid of Terminus, ward of Woodbury when they first attacked them, and kill some of the Saviors. When Rick sees what they're truly up against and how many men Negan has, I'm sure he'll think of a way to get rid of them. 

    • Love 3
  4. I really enjoyed this episode because there was no fucking Negan. Finally characters that spoke like adults and not frat boys like Negan.

    I find it puzzling that Carl & Enid reached Hilltop that fast from Alexandria when Jesus says it takes a full day to reach Hilltop from Alexandria. So don't know how they got there and not running into more walkers no less. A little unbelievable.

    Greg is a big ass wimp. He's no leader whatsoever, it's astounding that he is the leader of hilltop. Rick, Gareth, Ezekiel, Governor, Joe, you see why they are/were leaders of their groups. They have/had leadership qualities. Greg not so much. 

    I'm sorry to say that Simon is reminding me of Trevor Phillips who he voiced for Grand Theft Auto V. That's all I see when I see Simon is Trevor Phillips. It's not helping that Simon has some of Trevor Phillips characteristics. 

    • Love 2
  5. This episode could have been so much more. I think it could've been funnier with Lois going very extreme on trying to prevent people from vaccinating their children. The old FG would have done so, because it seems now they're really running out of ideas and pop culture. They could have involved Donna & Rallo Tubbs in this story because Lois & Donna got into it before with Donna spanking Chris. 

    • Love 1
  6. I'm thinking that TC was the wrong time to bring it up. What they should have done was tell people that they saw Adam stealing the food and lead the starving tribe mates over to the jars and said that's where Adam has been hiding it. To make it not look fishy they could have said that they just saw him today with the jars, but people don't think that far ahead when planning to get someone out.

    Taylor knew he was wrong for stealing food from people who are starving but then again he was gloating about it and smiling, proud that he did it. He reminds me of the Grinch the cartoon version. You know when the Grinch wouldn't even let the mouse eat that crumb by the fireplace.

    • Love 2
  7. Funny how Taylor is the only one that voted for Adam. He's so stupid and he tried way too hard at playing during TC. Throw doubt Adam's way but do it in a subtle way more than going full force like he did. Trying to make it look like Adam is going to take a loved away like the advantage says he can only use it for that reward. Taylor is an idiot. Good riddance. Yeah you stealing food was the thing that possibly made everyone vote for you as it's more offensive than what Adam did, so probably why Jay & Will voted for him. 

    I can't root for Adam anymore. He's proving to be really untrustworthy with knowing about Taylor stealing food, bragging to Jay that he's at the bottom when you never ever tell someone that they're at the bottom of anything. People generally know if they're at the bottom of the pecking order. I will say if he's able to squeak by to the end he does have a fighting chance at winning the whole thing. The ones who aren't trustworthy usually make it all the way to the final 3.

    Hannah, IDK if she's just weird or quirky. Everytime she's hit with news she has the biggest reaction to the tune of her almost hyperventilating or having a panic attack.

    Now Sundai wants to control the game but IDK if she can go about it the right way. I say wait til you have all the millenials out then make your move.

    I do like that these people are not focusing on Ken so much as I thought in the merge he would have a target on him but he's laying back and not making any moves which could bite him if he makes it to final 3. He's mostly being loyal to his alliance members.

    • Love 5
  8. 3 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    So we now have Alexandria, Hilltop, The Kingdom and whatever the Saviors call their place.  Too much, too much.  Characters not named Negan have little to no screen time.  Even Rick has less.

    Negan having little to no screen time?? He's been hogging up too much screen time. If the general consensus around here is that he talks too much in all the episodes that he's been in then yeah he's had a lot of screen time. He's been in 4 episodes and 3 out of 4 episodes this season. I have to disagree about Rick getting less as well.

    • Love 1
  9. Do Negan take people as well? He asked about Maggie and said he was gonna ask her to join him. More than likely she would have said no but I think she wouldn't have had a choice in the matter. Surprising Negan didn't notice that Sasha wasn't there. He saw everyone else that was around.

    Finally got to see some Alexandrians in Eric and Francine. What was Aaron trying to prevent Eric from telling Rick?

    • Love 2
  10. Would Negan please shut the fuck up. Seriously writers need to write him better because they're still writing him like they're a bunch of high schoolers putting a cliched villain to life. It's still too frat boy and annoying. I was hoping ASZ had a muzzle so Negan can put it on. This episode was good minus Negan.

    Carl, I'm absolutely loving the hell out of him right now. He's not backing down, he's ready to kill them as much as I would love to warp in my t.v. and help him. I was really hoping Carl would shoot that dingy fucker in the head.

    Faking Maggie's death, hope that works out for them and Maggie comes back with guns blaring ready for revenge.

    Spencer is just a little bitch, I'm really hoping Rick does break his jaw and teeth. How dare he bring up Glenn and Abe like that. Does he really think that was a great time to bring it up?

    Father Gabriel has so redeemed himself and come a long way from what he use to be. DId like him mentioning that he and Rick didn't start off as friends.

    I'm loving that Rosita and Michonne as well as Carl are just against this and want to do something but they really can't right now. Michonne mentioned Hilltop but still don't have the numbers so I'm really hoping that they get the numbers with the Kingdom. Michonne does have to work on her aim with those types of guns and get some lessons from Sasha. 

    • Love 10
  11. It always strikes me odd that only one person goes idol hunting for the most part. You would think by now that just about everyone when the time is right is out looking for an idol cause so far only Jay, Adam, & David have gone idol hunting. Everyone else is just sitting about.

    • Love 2
  12. Taylor voting off emotionally is a dumbass. "This is for Figs." Yeah and look how that worked out. Adam didn't go home. IDK why some want to vote emotionally instead of strategically.

    I wouldn't expect that from Michelle to say she was gonna play the game just laying back when she made a move to take Mari out. You would think she would be on high alert and come up with a Plan B if Plan A looked shaky. 

    • Love 5
  13. Will doesn't sound 18 he sounds like he's 30 from his voice lol.

    I was so happy that Jay & Taylor's plan blew up in their faces. Yeah Jay thought Adam was gonna have a shocked expression when it was Jay that had the shocked expression and I loved it. Hopefully he goes soon.

    I said Adam should have played the idol he was just scrambling around talking to both sides and Hannah of all people had to calm him down and tell him to relax and stop having sidebars with other people and just trust.

    Right now I guess I can root for either Adam (if he stops being so paranoid), Ken, or Zeke to win. Maybe Hannah too but I have to see how she plays from here on out.

    • Love 5
  14. IDK if there's a meaning for the pipe walkers. I just noticed that guys that were wearing the same clothes as Daryl was in there. Is that their testing too. It would have helped if writers delved into that if those men that were wearing the same clothes as Daryl are people that the Saviors kidnapped from Hilltop & The Kingdom and that's their test to deal with walkers. Writers missed the mark greatly in this episode, we should have learned more about the Sanctuary and how Negan operates and how he became the boss over a large army. 

    Writers also need to realize that there's a big difference between comics and television. Comics can get away with cheesy dialogue because it works for comics as well as cartoons because they have more freedom to go over the top. When you're trying to create a villain that everyone kneels down for when he walks by, and call themselves Negan, and let him get away with sleeping with their wives, sisters, mothers, etc. then this better be one menacing, scary villain, but all we're getting is some cheesy frat boy who's trying to recapture his youth. I'm not saying that Negan has to be scary and menacing all the time but the dialogue needs to match the characteristics and it's not. It's just too funny that his army are carrying guns and they can execute him anytime they want and yet Negan is walking around with a bat covered in barbed wire. A bat you have to take a couple of whacks to kill but a bullet if you aim correctly can kill you instantly.

    • Love 3
  15. 3 minutes ago, candall said:

    Oh, I don't think she'd yet been glamoured by the Little Governor when she was showing off her riflery skills taking potshots at Daryl while everyone was jumping up and down and screaming NOOOO! STOP!

    LOL--Look how I'm still annoyed by Andrea!  She died years ago.  (Because she kept pausing her escape efforts to chit chat.) 

    Whatever else this show has done, I'm glad we don't still have Andrea standing around, striking her Yul Brynner King of Siam power pose.

    Andrea's major character flaw was her pride. It just got in the way. She was ok in the beginning with wanting to learn how to use a gun to help her survive the ZA but her ways on handling things was just stupid. Like when Dale & Rick told her not to shoot in fear of attracting walkers but she had to show people what a good shot she was and shot Daryl (now I wished she had shot him in the head at this point). Then she had to show up the girl at Woodbury who was a horrible shot with the bow & arrow but Andrea just hops down and gloats about killing the walker.

    Another annoying thing she did besides chit chatting with Milton before he turned was her trying to do Michonne's trick with the walker. It looked so odd the way she was doing it while making her way to the prison.

    • Love 7
  16. Merle would have made the episode more interesting if he was caught. I hate Merle's views on everything but he's the more entertaining Dixon brother.

    • Love 19
  17. Just now, AngelaHunter said:

    Negan wants to know if Dwight's penis is functioning? First of all - EWW. And second, I worked with a whole bunch of men my whole life and never heard one of them refer to his own or anyone else's as a "penis." The only word they used was "dick."

    I guess I latched onto that because I was bored out of my skull watching Daryl get dirtier and spending long moments looking at Dwight's two expressions. Ah, Negan - all you had to do was lead Daryl into a bathroom with a tub full of hot water and bubbles. He would have done anything you wanted with a threat like that.

    Other than that, I don't have much to say. How much time was filled watching Dwight walking the bike along the highway and looking at walkers? Daryl's dirt must be like a suit of armor that protects him during severe beatings.  Oh, and I enjoyed hearing Roy Orbison's "Crying."

    Daryl being dirty I couldn't tell the difference from when he's out and about normally. Hair greasy as normal and looking like he smells like rotten potatoes mixed with rotted meat.

    • Love 6
  18. Don't even get me started on everyone kneeling when Negan walks by. That's just too much and unnecessary. Negan has a large army and why did we see so little of them now? Didn't have a problem showing all of them in the first episode and the season 6 finale. This episode was more of a bad joke put to t.v. Things that were shown could have been shown in half the time, didn't need a full episode of whatever we were suppose to be seeing.

    • Love 9
  19. What a boring ass episode. I thought I was in a coma.

    Negan is an annoying ass roach that needs to be sprayed with Raid. "Dude" "Awesome" "Hot Girl" are you in a frat house? Really needs to take some lessons from Gareth on how to be a scary creepy villain that people suppose to be freaked out by.

    Daryl & Dwight are just boring and didn't care for their pain or sorrow or whatever they're calling it.

    That guy had a point so many of them and one of Negan and they're letting one man dictate everything.

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