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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Porsha is the dumbest person on this planet on top of her accusations that can result in a lawsuit for defamation/pain & suffering she also tells Phaedra how she has to deal with the girls out of the country. Does this dummy not realize that Hawaii is part of the US and not out of the country?

    • Love 5
  2. 55 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

    Michonne is my favourite character on this show and the only reason I keep watching (other than it's so much fun to snark with everyone here).  I ALWAYS insisted that she was more than just some badass warrior woman.  From the very beginning, it was clear that Michonne was a woman who felt deeply and had suffered so much that she HAD to hide the caring, brilliant woman she was before the ZA away from the world she found herself in, just to survive.  It was easy to buy all of this because Danai's, who is probably the best actor on this show (Lennie James is her only equal), made Michonne a complex character from the very beginning.

    I don't know who THIS Michonne is.  Love wouldn't make Michonne giddy and 'girlish'.  It would make her even more vigilant and more determined to fight for the people she loves.  Michonne KNOWS what happens when you let your guard down.  That doesn't mean she isn't open to feelings and emotions.  She's ALWAYS been emotional.   But she wouldn't be careless.  Her shit has ALWAYS been together.  She's not like Rick, willing to let everything (including his own fucking children) go to hell, while they had a 'honeymoon'.

    Michonne has been disappearing for a long time.  Time after time, she's deferred to Rick's consistently bad judgement.  That's not Michonne.  Let's not forget, Rick is the one who didn't want to go to Alexandria.  Michonne had to talk him into it and she was RELENTLESS.  She knew that CDB, especially Carl and Judith, needed a permanent home and she was damned if anybody was going to prevent that, even if that person was Rick. 

    Does anyone else remember what happened when Michonne saw someone she loves get hurt?  I do.  When Carl was hurt, the person who 'brought her back', Michonne became a killing machine.  THAT'S Michonne.  I don't know who this person was.

    I totally buy that Rick didn't give a damn what was happening back at Alexandria.  He was happy to drive and fuck because Rick is a selfish asshole.  But I don't believe that Michonne has become that kind of person.  She knows how hard won their safety is and there's no way she would leave Carl AND JUDITH(?) defenseless with a psycho roaming around.  Especially a psycho who gets a kick out of fucking with Rick.  She doesn't only remember Glenn and Abe when it's convenient. I say, BULLSHIT.

    Only way Michonne would regress as a character is if her sword fighting skills started to lack or if she starts making dumbass decisions. Has Michonne made any dumbass decisions recently? She still kicks ass with a sword and now starting to get the hang of using a sniper rifle. I think people are use to Michonne saying little and giving everyone death glares. If that was Michonne now people would complain that she's boring and no character development because she hasn't changed at all.

    Michonne is an emotional person. Remember she had a bf Mike and a son Andre as well as friend Terry when the zombie outbreak happened. She lost them and became a loner until she met and saved Andrea. When Michonne held Judith for the first time she cried and she also cried when Andrea died. After she started opening up to Carl first and established a friendship with him. Being in a relationship with Rick hasn't slowed her down just because she's smiling more.

    When she goes to war with the Saviors I'm sure we're gonna see S3 Michonne come out. She can't do much now because they have to search for weapons without being killed by zombies. She can't avenge Abe, Glenn, or Olivia's deaths because they're not prepared. Michonne is still a badass as she was able to kick that Savior woman's ass and have her take her to Negan's camp. So I don't get this whole Michonne is a drip or not the person she use to be, because I still see the same Michonne. She's just more attached to the people around her like Rick, Carl, Judith, Maggie, Sasha, etc. 

    • Love 18
  3. 9 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    For the most part I enjoyed the show.  Rich and Michonne work so well together and the actors have great chemistry.  (And Danai is seriously underused most of the time.)  The carnival was an interesting set.  Lots of fun and games there, but the writers truly missed what would have been the best thing ever (as suggested by someone in the pre-show thread)-- countless walker clowns emerging from a walker clown car.  So disappointing.

    Rosita is getting almost as annoying as Jadis.  Christian Serratos needs to eat a sandwich.  Girl is getting too skinny even for the apocalypse.  Her plan with Sasha is not going to end well, but I did like how they were on the same page.  "I need your help."  "I get to take the shot."  But if Rosita ends up getting Sasha killed she needs to be exiled from Alexandria.  Her body count is rivaling Rick's at this point.

    Maybe he needs a romantic speech written on giant cue cards while Silent Night plays on the boom box?

    I see what you did there.


    I so agree on that. I noticed how skinny her arms are this episode. Didn't look healthy at all. Too bad Michonne or Rick couldn't kill the deer because they would have to force half of it down Rosita's throat.

    • Love 2
  4. I'm gonna say this first, Sasha & Rosita are being dumb right now. I know the need to kill Negan is a priority but strategy is the key here since there are so many Saviors. It's not Terminus or Woodbury where the numbers were limited. If there half ass blind planning results in Sasha being killed, I'm gonna be majorly pissed off. Sasha is one of my favorite characters. Rosita can die, I don't give a fuck about her. IDK why Sasha gives Rosita the time of day. 

    Rosita thinks Rick is making excuses and not fighting immediately means he's delaying when they need weapons and people. WTF is wrong with her? Her also being a whiny asshole when she goes whining to FG about not finding any guns. Girl you were searching for one whole day, not gonna cover a lot of ground in 24 hours. Rick and Michonne found their guns in days not 24 hours. Rosita is such a stupid bitch.

    I felt so bad for Michonne when she thought Rick was dead. She was just heartbroken and gone to where she wasn't going to defend herself against the walkers. Just dropped her sword. I probably be the same way too. 

    I'm sure Tara is telling Rick about Oceanside, but I think they're gonna have trouble convincing Oceanside because they had to get away from Negan to where Saviors don't know where they are at and possibly don't want their location revealed.

    • Love 7
  5. The finances were always big errors for the show. Blanche comes from a wealthy family as Big Daddy has a lot of money and had that big house that Blanche and Virginia argued in before his funeral. Speaking of that house in an earlier season Big Daddy said he sold Twin Oaks did he buy it back or it could have been a new house he purchased. Anyways it seemed Blanche needed help after George died as she had two roommates prior to Dorothy, Rose, & Sophia moving in. You think Blanche would be set financially because George died and you think that he left Blanche a nice sum of money when he died along with Big Daddy passing away that he would have given Blanche some money as well.

    Rose talked about how her & Charlie always were careful with money and didn't spend big, with Charlie not being that great of an insurance salesman. Plus she sold her farm (but knowing Rose she probably didn't sell it at a good price). Rose also hadd trouble in the job department as she lost her job as a grief counselor, she got a job as a waitress at a diner but didn't keep that job long just that one episode, then worked as a grief counselor again then worked for Enrique Moss as an associate producer and then worked at the hospital. Rose was unqualified for all the jobs she had minus the waitress job she had. 

    Dorothy I thought suffered the most financially as with her marriage to Stan their finances were up and down with him being a novelty salesman that didn't pan out well for him, she probably didn't get much of anything during the divorce.  She probably had to pay a little bit for Sophia to stay at Shady Pines and possibly paying Sophia's half of the rent and Dorothy was giving Sophia an allowance.

    It was just odd though that they had expensive clothing on at times, Dorothy paying $5000 to bail Sophia out of jail instead of going to a bail bondsman, Sophia paid bail to get Dorothy, Blanche, & Rose out of jail (that had to have cost a pretty penny), going to galas and events which cost money, they all brought airline tickets to fly the red eye to be on Grab That Dough, plus Dorothy shelled out $75 so they can sleep in the lobby of the hotel. Sophia & Blanche putting up $1000 each when they were scammed at the mall.

    That whole roof business shouldn't have been Dorothy, Rose, or Sophia's worry because that's the reason they paid Blanche rent. In case something like the roof needing to be fixed Blanche would have to take care of it since she was their landlord at the time.

    Speaking of Stan during the first season he lived in Maui, so found it odd that he would just pick up everything and move to Miami and live near Dorothy.

    • Love 3
  6. Someone please give Negan some medicine for his osteoporosis and slipped disc. He just forever bends back which is a very odd acting choice for JDM and don't know why he continues to do it in just about every scene he's in. 

    IDK if writers are trying to make Dwight sympathetic but it just doesn't work. He's not sympathetic, he's just an asshole. 

    Eugene was the only bright spot in this episode. I understand why he didn't give the girls the pills but hell why not risk it. When he's knocked out, decapitate his ass. 

    • Love 17
  7. Yea that approved snack episode that guy was an ass. Why during snack time should kids fill up on that many snacks? Hell give them a cup of punch and animal cookies and send them on their way. All those snacks on that ridiculous list could cause the kids to vomit since they had to go back on the field. I would have flipped out like Ray. What the hell is wrong with bringing pretzels as a snack?

    • Love 1
  8. What if the roles were reversed though? What if Ray "hits" Debra the way she hits him and called her an idiot? Ray would be called an abusive husband and feminists groups would be calling for the show to be pulled off the air.  I personally don't believe in double standards and IMO Debra was abusive towards Ray. There was absolutely no reason for Debra to elbow Ray in the groin just because he was about to tell Robert that Marie & Debra were manipulating him to get back with Amy. No reason for Debra to push Ray into the bookcase just because she was upset with him.

    The bullying episode is not one of my favorites. Especially Debra's attitude towards Allie being the bully. I didn't expect Debra to have that type of attitude towards it. I guess I can give her a buy on it because she didn't experience being bullied since she was part of the popular crowd during her school years.  Then again Debra was equating bullying to Allie being independent and a strong character which a bully is none of those things. The writers really should have given Ally a reason for bullying like she wasn't happy at home, trying to fit in with the popular kids, etc.

    • Love 4
  9. In the episode where Rose took care of the pig "Baby", it lived for 2 days after sending him to Rose's relative. I always wondered why Rose didn't at least get some money since he spent a majority of his last days with her. It wasn't like she gave the pig to her relative because she no longer wanted to take care of him. Doctor told them that it was homesick.

    • Love 2
  10. I'm not gonna judge Richard too harshly either because he doesn't know the Carol that killed the Wolves, blew up Terminus, and took out 3 Saviors. All he knows is some woman that wants to be left alone. That type of person isn't valuable to anyone.

    • Love 3
  11. Why is nobody worried about Heath? Tara never found his body and writers better not prolong him missing either. It'll get to the point where nobody is gonna care.

    I for the life of me don't know why Ezekiel & The Kingdom are bending over backwards for Carol. Quite frankly I'm tired of them going over there with food for her. Ezekiel only had one conversation with her and now he's acting like the prince of Cinderella keep coming to her house with the glass slipper and hoping it would fit on her foot. He's acting like he's trying to find the queen for the Kingdom.  IDK why they can't grasp the concept of leave her alone. Let her stay in that house, reading a book and whatever else she does. It's hard seeing Carol kind of reverting back to S1-2 Carol of being meek and weak and needing protection.

    • Love 9
  12. If I was Kandi and Porsha said she heard it. I would have said give me the name and number now. If she didn't have the number handy then she should have the name right off the bat. I wouldn't have give her a chance to forward the number and name to me later, cause in my mind I'm thinking she's gonna find some sucker to be the target or make up some story about how the girl doesn't live in the area.

    • Love 3
  13. Just now, AngelaHunter said:

    Good. I'm glad at least two others didn't get it either. All I heard was Daryl threatening to kill Richard if Carol gets hit by lightning. I have no idea why.


    Doesn't stop him from parading down the middle of the highway with his conveniently acquired new crossbow. All he has to do is wash his hair and push it out of his eyes and the Saviors will never recognize him.


    They can't kill Daryl. They're too afraid of the mass uprising of Daryl FanGirls who continue to lust after him no matter how dirty and/or boring he is.

    IDK why when WD has had and have men that look 10x better than Daryl like Glenn, Rick, Jesus, Aaron, Gareth, Oscar, etc. Daryl looks smelly and nasty and all his episodes are beyond boring. Once they killed off Merle, Daryl lost all appeal. 

    • Love 6
  14. I haven't watch a couple episodes and now tuned back in and this is where the ladies are. Talking about whether or not Kandi is bisexual? Who fucking cares? They take the smallest things and just blow it all out of whack. Me personally if someone told me that one of my friends did something with someone of the same sex, I wouldn't even care. I'd be like ok, whatever.

    Porsha is a damn mess, Sheree is a damn shit stirrer.

    Sheree asking Cynthia is it just one bag her son will get. Trying to get Cynthia to work fashion shows around his schedule is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Girl needs to wake her ass up to the world of modeling. Modeling world don't work around your schedule.

    Kandi's daughter, ugh that girl needs to put some damn emotion in her singing. Just standing there all deadpan and monotone, can you imagine her singing on stage. The fact that she's reading the lyrics off a computer, isn't a good sign either.

    • Love 7
  15. They can kill Carol later, next person that needs to die is Rosita or Daryl. Preferrably  Rosita first then Daryl. They're both have run their course. Should have killed Daryl instead of Glenn. Made for a better story to see Glenn turn into a warrior since he only killed that one Savior at the compound. 

    • Love 11
  16. 2 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

    1.  Long-haired Saviour red-shirt was a total asshole and seemed to go against the Saviour pecking order.  I thought that the hierarchy was important in Saviour-world and this guy was really getting above his station in life. 


    It's ridiculous that everytime he comes to pick up the supplies this long haired jackass just harasses Richard for no reason at all. He's the only one causing problems and the one in charge of the pick ups seem to not like it as well. He wants it to stop and if I remember correctly he didn't like it the first time Richard and long hair got into it. Punishment shouldn't be Richard no longer coming it should be that long hair needs to stay his ass back at the base because he's the one causing all the trouble. The one in charge seems like he just wants the exchange to go down in peace.

    • Love 6
  17. Rosita continues her Bitch Tour. She needs to STFU and Tara should've told the bitch to just go then, there's no anchor tied to your ass. Since she wants to be on her own.

    I loved the gladiator walker, that was some badass shit. Too bad we probably won't see anything like that again from a walker standpoint.

    Isn't odd that this group didn't do much to subdue Michonne, Tara, or Rosita when they were throwing them around. Only thing they did was hit Aaron in the head and Aaron wasn't even fighting anyone. Damn shame, Aaron gets hit for doing nothing.

    Daryl is boring as fuck, he's kind of worn out at this point. His scenes are just beyond boring.

    I'm really hoping Morgan starts to see the light after the supply exchange.

    • Love 6
  18. 4 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

    Eh.  I'd like to give Rosita an award for getting a dullard of a character offed.   If she can find a way to dispose of Tara, I'll give her another award.  And some piano wire.   It didn't  happen if no one saw it....and that damn stupid CGI tiger.  And that stupid fat Joey  type who sits by the dweeby ass king of fools. 

    since there are so many Neganites, why wasn't some one tasked to provide surveillance of the roadblock?  What do all those people do with their time?  Mop up pee  and clean the burnt skin off irons?   Shuffle around in gunny sacks grinding wheat? 


    Neganites are dumb as hell. Nothing but bullies with guns. They can't take a shit without Negan's say so and I bet they have to report the frequency and color of their fecal matter to him as well. I can see it now, "I took a 3 minute shit, it was green and runny, and used half a roll of toilet paper."

    • Love 1
  19. 4 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Well, Morgan does have that nifty jail cell he wasted so much time and resources to build. He can put Negan there and take food from the mouths of Negan's victims to feed him. (Whereupon I would hope Rick would say, "You give him one crust of bread and I'll kill you." And then do it.)He doesn't want to kill Negan because all life is precious, or it is until Morgan's noggin is Lucille's target when Negan's life would no longer be so precious.


    Morgan is just stupid, since he feels this way he needs to be holed up with Carol in that little shack and disappear forever since they no longer want to fight or kill. Capturing Negan would bring more harm than good because he doesn't think that the Saviors would harass them and possibly kill them until they found Negan. Simon already said what would happen if they find Daryl with Rick. I can't believe Morgan would want to capture Negan after hearing how Glenn & Abe died and Olivia and bitch Spencer's death. In the zombie apocalypse someone like Negan can't be reasoned with and death is the only option. That man made cell more than likely has some flaws in it. If I was Rick I would tell Morgan that since he wants Morgan captured, Morgan can be the one to watch him 24/7.

    • Love 2
  20. 3 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    Then Rosita has no cause to complain if Sasha treats her coolly in return. Rosita might want to consider who is going to be left for her to be close with, however, since Abraham is gone, Eugene is now gone, anyone who was good friends with Olivia might not be feeling too happy with her, and I wouldn't expect Sasha's going to want to be buddies any time soon either. As long as Rosita is fine with a limited pool of people to connect with, I guess there isn't a problem, but I think eventually she might want to connect with someone.

    Who exactly is Rosita close to? She's so damn hot and cold with everyone she comes into contact with. Practically giving everyone lip. Is Rosita bipolar?? Her emotions are all over the place. Already mentioned the respectful nod to Sasha only to jab at her, she's hot and cold with Tara as well. When Tara returned Rosita acted like she cared but when Tara heard of Denise's death Rosita just stood there like she could give a damn, didn't even try to comfort her, and made some comment how backing away from the bomb isn't going to save her and did it in a bitch way, gave Rick some lip, and she was hot and cold with Spencer too, one minute she's warming up to him and the next she's all angry and in bitch mode to him. She makes no sense. She can jump into a herd of walkers or Arat can cut up the rest of her face Leatherface style. 

    At least when Michonne, Rick, Shane, Carol, Morgan, Daryl, & Sasha were in angry, standoff grieving mode they were consistent. 

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