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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. That was the Liars episode. That was another fun episode where everyone's lying came to the surface. Amy admitting they threw out Marie's chicken cacciatore and Robert saying Amy was the one that threw it out. I don't think Amy is that big a fan of Marie's cooking. One of my all time favorite moments is Amy saying "sometimes the noodles in your lasagna are overcooked."

    That's what I love about the MacDougall family. They weren't afraid to stand up to Marie & Frank. Especially when Pat goes in on Marie and points out her nasty behavior.

    • Love 3
  2. OMG these group of racers are the worst. How can Tara say that U-Turning Mike & Liz is wrong? So that other teams have a fighting chance at not being eliminated? Then TeamBoys say U-Turn Team Fun and the other team does it which I don't have a problem with but don't do it because another team says so. Do it because it's strategic and it's best for you and you possibly winning the whole thing. I would have U-Turned TeamBoys right then and there, I just think they're gonna regret not doing it unless there's a task the boys are not good at.

    Mike is the biggest ass I've ever seen on the race. Nobody is obligated to HELP YOU!!! NO TEAM OWES YOU A DAMN THING!!! You help a team, it's at  your own risk. It's best NOT to help another team. Liz joins in and she needs to STFU!! Mike couldn't even fathom the thought of turning around until last minute when it really could have helped them get to the Detour faster. Dummy. Liz isn't blameless because she should have read the map better. Mike still harped on the helping issue. Ugh. THANK GOODNESS THEY'RE GONE!!!!

    Brooke isn't a runner of course she isn't. She's pretty much useless at everything. I don't understand why Scott didn't do the roadblock. Isn't there a limit on who can do how many roadblocks? Or is that not a rule anymore? Scott still carrying her damn bags, WTF??

    Lolo is back to just being nonchalant and who knows it may work in their favor. They remind me of S2's Danny & Oswald.

    Redmond your remark at the beginning of having fun is laughable. You're having fun when you're in front of the pack but a big pickle puss when things don't go your way. He's still a dick.

    I would have used Becca's quote as the title of this episode when she said sneaky cheese lady. She's kind of showing her colors when she's frustrated of not being fun and optimistic. Floyd keeps his optimism going on so it shows me that he's really like that but red flags on Becca and how truly optimistic and fun she actually is.

    I love when teams have to navigate on their own over taking cabs and boats because it shows who can read a map and whatnot. Navigation took down one of my favorite teams of all time on TAR the Cowboys. Navigation was always their downfall. Tara & Joey are very good at navigating.

    • Love 4
  3. The intros to the loved ones took forever. It could have been that there's too many people left and Probst always has to ask a question. Just bring them all out at once and ask questions to the ones that get to stay for a while longer. In this one Michaela had to know that she wasn't going to get picked unless her team won.

    I knew Sierra was a goner the minute she said that she's going on people's words. Michaela said that she's loyal to those she's in an alliance with which she showed that she is still. It was a good time to get rid of either Sierra or Andrea. Andrea would have to go next if she doesn't win if these people are smart. 

    All in all a rather boring episode.

    • Love 2
  4. I knew it was a NEL based on them talking about Mike's daughter, which I have no empathy for. I'm immune to having empathy for those who have a family because everyone in the world has a family of some kind.  Mike is still in an ass, get over it Lolo didn't want to help you. I want this team eliminated mostly because of Mike.

    I didn't know that London & Logan were obligated to tell people where clue boxes are. The risk you take when you help other teams in previous legs, they may not return the favor. Don't see anything verbal or written that they were suppose to help poor wittle Mike. At this point in the leg there should be no more helping because it will backfire, just ask the teams that helped the Cowgirls. Cowgirls came in 2nd.

    I'm glad that Lolo got a little fire going knowing they're always in the back of the pack and knowing helping other teams isn't going to help them. They weren't being manipulative or mean spirited and still glad that they don't freak out and just calmly go through their tasks. Rooting for them along with Becca & Floyd.

    Brooke continues her high school antics telling London she doesn't want her to go home indicating she's hoping Mike & Liz goes home. We found out that she can't do something else which was singing because Mike & Liz were singing in front of her. Oy. Freaks out about water taxi and then freaks out about painting a mask. She has to stop that damn panicking and she better thank her lucky stars she has Scott as a partner who is more calm because if she had Mike, Shamir and possibly others, they would have thrown her in the ocean by now. For her to ask the lady to start from scratch was just stupid, just look at what she's doing and go from there. Glad the lady didn't start over and just kept painting. This team needs to go because of Brooke.

    I'm thinking that right now Redmond & Matt has this in the bag unless they can get U-Turned if a team can get ahead of them but do think Becca & Floyd have a shot as well of winning the whole thing along with Tara & Joey.

    • Love 8
  5. My top 10 episodes are in no particular order:

    Goodbye Mr. Gordon - "I'll ask her tomorrow when I visit her at...the hooome."

    Grab That Dough - So many funny lines, "Why don't you both shut up and answer this next question."

    Questions & Answers - "Blanche you flunked."

    A Little Romance - "Shrimp."

    Ladies of the Evening - "Hey, there's nothing wrong with being career oriented."

    It's a Miserable Life - The woman kicking the coffin at the funeral.

    High Anxiety - Dorothy slamming the pizza on the table

    Accurate Conception - "She always depended on the kindness of strangers."

    Sister of the Bride - "It's a fix! She's dead. She doesn't need that on her mantle. She's on her mantle!"

    That's for Me to Know - voting results "Dorothy....Dorothy....Dorothy...Dorothy." Bea's facial expressions were the best.

    • Love 6
  6. Out of these survivors right now Cirie is the one who knows how to play the social game the best. When she talks to people, she's not arrogant or boasting about her plays. She knows how to play it where it doesn't paint a target on her back for being a manipulator or worry about her backstabbing you. She stinks at challenges so social game is all she has going for her.

    Andrea needs to tone down the boasting she obviously hasn't seen what it's done to Sierra, she already has a target on her back because she's good at challenges and outing Zeke. If Troyzan, Tai, & Sierra can pull some people from Andrea's alliance over to vote for Andrea they will do so if they can convince them what a big threat she is. So for Andrea's sake her best bet in staying in the game is to win immunity challenges.

    Sarah is almost playing the game like Kass, wanting to make big moves all the time and don't want to see other people in position of power or having swing votes. If she keeps that up she'll see herself right where she was the last time she played...voted out.

    Michaela went from huge target to crawling under the radar. Since the majority don't seem to like her, she might be taken to F3 because they know she won't get any votes. Michaela really can't do much, she can't form a plan becaue that'll put her back on the radar because she's also great at physical challenges. Michaela is stuck on neutral for the most part.

    Tai, Troyzan, & Aubry don't have much of a social game as they're trying to be under the radar I guess. Don't really know how they're trying to win the game. I think Tai & Troyzan are just playing on luck. With the exception of Tai, Troyzan and Aubry might be taken to the F3 because they have no shot at winning at this point because they're not making any big moves and no social game whatsoever. Tai is banking on his immunity idols to take him far and not much else, he can luck out on winning IC if it comes to something like balance or holding onto something for extended periods of time.

    Sierra & Culpepper at this point are trying to keep their heads above water and just willing to go with voting anyone out as long as it isn't them. I have a feeling that if they stay in the game for too long they may be able to pull people in to their side as the numbers dwindle.

    • Love 4
  7. Debbie is just ugh. Flipping someone off while in the jury is so stupid. Stupid as Dan rolling his eyes at Mike.

    IDK why when they have an opportunity to get rid of Sierra, they never pull the damn trigger on getting rid of her. Why??? They could have gotten Zeke later because he plays too hard anyway. They could have dragged him on for a few more votes. It's just annoying when players vote emotionally over strategically. Like Michaela said vote off the alliance who is now low in numbers, but then again since they're low in numbers, you're more than likely can get one of them to switch over to your side. 

    It's a waste though because the person they bring over knows that they're in the bottom of the new alliance. Lose-lose for whoever switches.

    Michaela saying turn the heart off which she did when voting for Zeke but turned it back on the minute he was eliminated. She wasn't eating or drinking so you know it's not gonna go so well.

    Sarah's time might be coming to an end too because like Zeke she likes to flip flop which isn't going to work for her in the end if/when others catch wind of it.

    • Love 4
  8. You know now that I think on it when it comes time for the jury to question the final 3, Debbie will tell them that she can spot a lie because she use to be an interrogator for the police department. When in reality the only thing she questioned was her sanity.

    • Love 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

    I had little doubt they would stay in the race.  I've seen other teams act like they were going to quit, but I don't think I have ever seen anyone drop out, except due to injury or illness.  

    The reason I thought it was deceptive was that they intentionally showed Michael's comments in the exact opposite context of how they were really made.  The editors portrayed them as if he was threatening to quit, when he was actually reconciling with his partner, with the comments.  

    I believe this is their website:


    It looks like you book online, in advance, and choose which meal you want when booking.

    Thank you. I wish I can just go to Italy and eat on the tram and enjoy the sights of that beautiful country.

    • Love 1
  10. I think the main reason they were helping is to direct them to the clue box where they could U-Turn Vanck & Ashton this leg. I wouldn't say TAR is much of a social game more than it is your ability to perform and understand the challenges, the ability to navigate and luck. You have to be lucky that the plane you're on isn't delayed or cancelled. Social game IMO is just a bonus on whether or not you're U-Turned or Yielded because those don't guarantee eliminations either.

    It does seem that this season it's all about whether or not you're part of the popular kids table. It does seem personal rather than strategic with these teams. If I was U-Turning this leg it would be either Redmond & Matt, Michael & Liz, or Liz & Joey. You would rather take out a team that can beat you in the end not take with you to the final leg. I would race Scott & Brooke and Vanck & Ashton in the final leg cause I would have a feeling that I could beat them.

    • Love 8
  11. Yay for Becca & Floyd defeating Redmond & Matt. That was satisfying because Redmond and Matt looked so defeated LMAO.

    Here I thought I wouldn't complain about Brooke but she forever has to be negative, whine and complain. Complaining how they were gonna be U-Turned and freaks out over climbing and yelling at Scott. Brooke's problem is that she goes into panic mode first and doesn't stop to think. Love Scott for the way he always looks at the camera. He loses one point for saying a date with Redmond while on the tram. Floyd would be the better date.

    Brooke saying Vanck is pretty much a B-List is so shitty of her. Brooke needs to go home, don't want Scott to go but unfortunately he's attached to Brooke. It almost made it sound like Vanck was the main problem when from our perspective it's both Ashton & Vanck. 

    I wish Logan & London had more fire in them. They just seem to coast in the race. I like the fact that they don't panic or rude to other teams which makes them rootable and want to see win the whole thing, but they really need to run this race like they're in hell with gasoline soaked clothes on. 

    Michael is still a pill. 

    I don't like that a team that already used the U-Turn can use it again. Like the FF it should only be used once. Once you use it you're done.

    It was an enjoyable leg seeing the beauty that is always Italy. The tram to free dinner and enjoying the sites, that would be awesome. I would have loved to do that roadblock. I would probably forget that I was looking for clues lol.

    Won't miss Vanck & Ashton.

    • Love 6
  12. Michaela is in a lose-lose situation. She'll forever have a target on her back because of her performances in challenges and not being well liked in camp. If she tried to start an alliance she'll be voted out because word will spread fast and more than likely will never see herself in a swing vote position. Best thing she can do is stay in the middle or under the radar which is hard for her. I see why she isn't getting close to anyone, they always talk about her behind her back when she walks away from the group. 

    While Debbie's elimination was one of the best things ever, they all had an opportunity to take out Sierra and didn't. Sometimes it's stupid of them to vote for someone they can't live with and who's annoying them. That's the best person to keep around because they have no shot at winning ever. Get rid of people who think they run the game or who has the numbers. They know this and still didn't pull the trigger. Now that both alliances have equal numbers, votes can go either way now and they may start voting that way but I highly doubt it.

    • Love 6
  13. Just now, Silver Raven said:

    One has to wonder why Michaela is odd woman out.

    I think her bluntness rubs them the wrong way, they also don't like that she's a challenge beast and they also don't seem to like that she eats and drinks a lot. Since she's a challenge beast you think they would choose her for reward challenges. I know she would be my first pic if I was captain whether or not I liked her. I don't like Ozzy but I would be a fool not to pick him for reward challenges.

    • Love 10
  14. Debbie is gone:


    About time too, ugh I swear if I hear her talk about another job I'm gonna scream. I think she's a pathological liar. No way in hell she did everything she says she did. I'm surprised editors didn't put it under her name.

    I was hoping for Michaela to find the advantage but she was too angry to look around. She does eat and drink a lot from what editors are showing us but not going to complain unless we hear a majority of them say that she's not out helping getting supplies like coconut, water, etc.

    Cirie is pretty much useless in challenges.

    Hopefully now Sarah does play a smart game but I'm glad she didn't believe that shit on Sierra wanting to take her to the final 3. Female alliances rarely work at all.

    Huge props to Aubry for not believing Debbie and going to her tribe and giving the two fuck you fingers towards Debbie. That was the highlight of the episode. 

    My dreams can come true if Sierra is voted out next.

    • Love 20
  15. In Working Girl when Ray meets Charlotte Sterling, I laughed when Charlotte handed Ray the folder with Pete Za. The way she handed it to him like it was the worst thing ever as she looked away and basically threw her hands up like she just gave up. The way Charlotte answered the phone and screamed "WHAT" into the phone.

    • Love 2
  16. In the episode The Invasion I didn't like how Marie was acting all put upon when Debra was in the living room quietly reading a book while she was watching her French lesson. Marie was the one who invited them to live with them while their house was being fumigated. I didn't like the ending to that episode either with Marie & Frank still being oblivious to the fact that Ray & Debra don't want them over as much. Still didn't get the hint in the Wallpaper episode either.

    • Love 3
  17. I believe that Lori added on to his jealousy and his fall into the abyss of insanity. The minute she found out that Rick was alive she gets upset with Shane (even though Shane figured him dead due to what was going on at the hospital with those men walking into the hospital and killing people) and told Shane to stay away from her and Carl. When Shane dismissed Carl, Lori gets upset with Shane for doing that, even though Shane pointed out that he's doing what she's asking of him. Plus Shane was the leader and then Rick comes along and he's basically dethroned as the leader for the group and when he finds out that Lori is pregnant he goes to talk to her about it and Lori tells him no matter what Rick will be the father and Shane will not be a part of Judith's life whatsoever, even if Shane is the father. I think that is the straw that broke Shane's back.

    His plans of finally having a family just went down the drain. At that point Shane had nobody, the group no longer trusted him, Rick, Carl, Lori, & Judith were gonna be a family and Shane served no purpose for anyone anymore. He had nothing else to live for so he tried to take it all back by getting rid of Rick. If Shane was alive I believe he would be just like Rick is today. Rick & Shane are kind of one in the same except I do believe that Shane more than likely would have turned Michonne over to the Governor.

    • Love 3
  18. 3 minutes ago, InfiniteMystery said:

    Maybe someone can clarify this for me. Why was having complete strangers on a good idea?
    What I always loved so much about TAR were the relationships, the parent/kid, the sisters or brothers, even cousins, the occasional cool couple, best friends, twins, etc.

    Then they had the dating season (hated it), then the social media season (hated it), now, complete strangers. It seems they are trying to perhaps appeal to a younger audience, but, in fact, they are missing the key ingredient to what made this show so 'amazing' - the relationships!


    I agree TAR doesn't need gimmicks or themes. I completely tuned out of the dating and social media seasons because I just don't care for them. The season isn't bad per se it's just the racers are what's making it bad especially Redmond, Brooke, & Ashton and Michael is on the cusp of making it worse. Maybe we should write CBS or if anyone has twitter start a #NoMoreThemes for TAR. I want to see exisiting relationships not dating or strangers. I don't think any of these themes proved popular for the show. TAR should go back to basics.

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