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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. In the episode where Miles turns out to be Nicholas Carbone and Blanche attempted to return dress that she wore, Blanche says in order to pay for the dress a rent increase goes into effect less than 24 hours with the exception of Sophia. Correct me if I'm wrong but landlords have to give more advanced notices than that? Rose and Dorothy wouldn't have to pay the increased rent that Blanche is planning on increasing.

  2. Marie did say that she managed the money. In that episode where Ray gave his friends $1000 to start a kart business, Marie told Debra that she donates some money to kids for reading books and distracts Frank from the finances by feeding him. At the end of the episode Frank got the mail about the donation and Marie came out with a big sub sandwich and took the mail from him.

    Frank working in finances I'm sure he would be good with finances because Frank is frugal. He didn't like any of the electronic gifts Ray got him because it would raise the electric bill. Frank didn't want to donate money to charity, didn't want to give Robert $1000 when Robert was having financial trouble and didn't want Marie to buy back the $1000 that Ray & Debra gave to Robert. Only time I seen Frank spend money is when he gave Marie jewelry on Christmas. 

    Ray's financial status is more believable than Al Bundy on Married w/children. A shoe salesman is able to live in a two story house and keep the bills paid for when his wife and kids keep stealing his money. 

  3. I'm the same way. I don't want to be all snuggly and cuddly when it's time to go to bed. Stay on your side and I'll stay on mine. Don't forget the episode where Bernie and Linda are going to a counselor and Debra thinks her and Ray should go and see a counselor. She was a complete harpy in Who's Next making Ray choose who he would pick for her in case he died when Ray clearly didn't want to do it. Only did it cause Marie did it for Frank. Debra can't improve her marriage off the relationships of other people or what they're doing. That's not how it works. 

  4. IMO if a spouse agrees to work outside the home and the other agrees to be a housewife/househusband then you get equal say. It would be different if they were both working. Writers were inconsistent with Ray cause they show him at points helping out around the house and being a good father to the kids and when Ray brought up the type of couch he would have purchased and the ugly drapes Debra brought, Debra immediately overrules him without discussing things with him. Even when he purchased tissues people made a big deal about it. Debra admits that she's a martyr, Ray does things around the house but doesn't like the way he does them. So why should Ray bother cleaning if Debra is just going to do it over again cause it's not done the way she wants it done.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Holden308 said:

    Debra seemed to love showing Ray that she was his "intellectually superior". Remember the IQ test Robert had them do? She was fine when told she had a higher score, but couldn't take it when Robert told them that he'd made a mistake and Ray had scored higher (not that Ray was a saint when he thought he scored higher lol)

    It was ridiculous because in every relationship a person is going to be stronger/smarter in an area than the other. It's like that in just about every sitcom, the wife is smart and the husband is a bumbling idiot, you even see it in commercials. I'm a digress for a bit there was a Cascade commercial where husband was putting a lot of dishes in the dishwasher and the wife said that all dishes won't be clean, husband disagreed, spokesperson came out and said husband is right, husband was happy and wife glared at him for being right. 

    I like early season Debra because she got a little goofy with Ray as well and wasn't so shrill like she was in the later seasons. Debra just always believed she was right about everything and always had to get her way in some form. In Boob Job Ray should have said her body was perfect and she didn't need surgery, the choking when she didn't sound like she was choking, The Canister, The Humm-Vac I mean if Ray gets an appliance to help clean more around the house why get upset, because Debra didn't want the humm-vac that meant Ray shouldn't have gotten it. Debra saying she doesn't have to get Ray's saying in anything cause he doesn't help around the house but he's providing money to keep the house running so why doesn't he get a say in things.

    The way she was acting towards Ray in Vote for Debra ashamed at his appearance like he came looking like a hobo when he looked pretty decent to me. It's the way Ray usually dresses, he mostly dresses up when he's golfing or going to special events. 

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  6. On 1/5/2018 at 1:56 AM, Holden308 said:

    I don't know about anyone else.....but while I think Patricia Heaton is a wonderful actress, that coughing/choking was the worst piece of put on acting I have seen in such a successful show. I mean.....it wasn't even close to believable. The coughs were so forced it wasn't funny.

    I put on better fake coughs in my teens when trying to get out of school.

    As for the rest.....Robert saying he got Debra if Ray was dead was just another in the LONG line of examples hinting that Robert had a major thing for his sister-in-law and was always jealous that Ray managed to land her while his own love life generally sucked. The sad part was that they even had Robert act like this AFTER he and Amy got married and even managed to show it in front of Amy a few times.


    Pierce Brosnan did a better job of choking in Mrs. Doubtfire. He wasn't coughing either and with the way Debra was "choking" it's hard to tell. Sounded like coughing more than anything or when the food goes down the wrong pipe and you cough it up. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Which reminds me of poor Debra in the Silent Partners episode trying to watch basketball with Ray...the thought of watching a game alone with her was so bad he had to invite Frank & Robert over as buffers.

    IDK it's kind of odd that you have a spouse that isn't into sports and all of a sudden watch it with you. Ray told Robert that they talked while watching the game which is basically distracting the person from paying attention to the game and could miss a great play or something.

    Them writing a book together ended up in an argument over what animal the main character should be, whether a dinosaur or a rabbit, argued over the name of the main character and even the way the story should be written. Debra wanted it to rhyme and Ray didn't. 

  8. On 12/29/2017 at 8:00 AM, deaja said:

    Debra was so far out of line in the Christmas picture episode that I hate her there.  It's an established pattern that they rotate years of who they celebrate Christmas with. She decides she wants to change it.  Ray doesn't want to change it.  Rather than work it out between the two of them, she involves Marie in it and Ray doesn't back her up because he doesn't want to do it.  She acts like she should get to change their routine just because she wants to without considering anyone else's feelings or trying to find any compromise (visiting her parents early on the 24th, etc.).  Then because she doesn't get her way, she ruins something that was supposed to be special for the family.  She undermines her husband (something she always accuses Ray of doing to her) and ruins the gift just because she didn't get her way and she's a petulant bitch.

    Everybody except Ray & the Kids were jackasses in that episode. Debra for blindsiding Ray with bringing her parents and putting Ray on the spot to vote her way in the new Christmas tradition she wanted to do. She didn't talk to Ray privately about doing it. I mean I wouldn't want to spend the holidays driving back and forth either. Robert for just being an ass because Amy isn't in the picture even though at that time she wasn't married to Robert and Ray didn't care if she was in the picture or not. Frank for just being mean to Lois and Warren when Lois and Warren didn't do anything but show up. Marie for just being Marie. They all seem to miss the point that the gift was for Marie, so it should be how she wants it done. Debra didn't get that, Robert refused to change his shirt for his own mother. 


    As far as the Super Bowl, Debra had to have known that Ray's main focus was going to be the Super Bowl and golfing not being romantic and giving Debra a dream trip where they get to do things together as a happy couple. Every time they do things together they end up arguing anyway like the trip to Vermont where they stayed at the bed and breakfast, Ray was complaining. When they went golfing together Debra started when she wanted her space. 

  9. The way Rose talked about Michael when Bridgette and Michael slept together. She told Dorothy that nobody will get hurt if Dorothy doesn't be her bowling partner. Her competitive edge when she and Blanche were Two Merry Widows, she told Blanche she better break out into "Singing in the Rain" if she ends up in a puddle. Also willing to break the rules so Billy can play football and the way she was coaching the boys.

    I do like how the show was consistent with Rose's competitive edge.

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  10. I always thought Dorothy's first season clothes were a tad better and weren't as ridiculous looking during the later seasons. Shirt, sweater over it and slacks. Her hair during the middle seasons were nice but the last season her hair looked like a helmet. 


    I liked Blanche's hair during the later seasons. 


    Rose was the undercover queen of shade wasn't she lol? Some examples:

    Dorothy: Everybody heard on the radio that some anonymous Ma was complaining that her dependent daughter Dorothy doesn't have a life of her own.

    Sophia: What, you think you're the only gray-haired spinster substitute teacher named Dorothy wasting her life away in Miami?

    Rose: I'm sorry, Sophia, but in Dorothy's defense, that sure does sound a lot like her.


    Blanche was telling a story about a guy wanting to see her in a backless dress and Rose asked Blanche what was she doing in lady's petite lol. The shade, the shade of it all.


    Dorothy: Maybe you weren't, Rose, but two weeks from now, I intend to be sitting in front of Old Blue Eyes himself, live, in-person, middle-aged spread and all. 

    Rose: Dorothy, you can take off a few pounds by then if you put your mind to it. 


    Rose: Could you skip the innocent part Blanche? The show starts in two hours. 


    Sophia, Dorothy, and Blanche threw shade in your face but Rose disguised hers by being naive. I really think that Rose would win if she was to fight them. Rose has a temper on her plus she had to transfer schools because of a "field hockey incident" plus she dropped a guy and kneed him in his safe deposit box and used a gun. 

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  11. Did they have to ask the father for ID? I mean he ran the marathon so we can assume he dropped Emily off at their house like all the other parents did. Writing error when he knocked on the door and didn't recognize him. Wife was pregnant so probably in labor at the hospital.

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  12. On 7/19/2017 at 9:35 AM, Madding crowd said:

    I thought many of Blanche's men were unattractive and looked way older than her. 

    With the men most of them weren't winners. Like Sophia said, "Need I remind the three of you of the yutz parade that's been through this house." They had some nice looking men.


    Blanche - Jake, John Quinn

    Rose - Miles & Arnie lol

    Dorothy - Det. Mullins, Ken, John Neretti


    I'm still amazed at how they thought Blanche would even sleep with Gil Kessler. Too bad Blanche could never get her hands on Dr. Harry Weston. Now I'm saying this if I was their ages and if I would date them.

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  13. 5 hours ago, Dobian said:

    Simon is a redneck idiot.  This show goes out of its way to cast the most boorish and obnoxious villains and force you to watch them.

    I can watch Simon when he's interacting with Gregory and for a while Simon was short and to the point. This episode he went into a Neganite rant which isn't good at all. Simon needs to keep it short and simple like he usually does. There was a point when I said Simon should have been the leader of the Saviors because he was a villain without being over the top cheesy like Negan.

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  14. My favorite Carl moments was when Michonne arrived on horseback and brought Carl back a comic and she headed out again and Carl asked her, "You're leaving?" cause he didn't want her to leave. Another was after Carl's eye was shot out and Michonne kissed him on the forehead and the bet they had while walking on the rails on the railroad track. I have more Carl & Michonne moments more than Carl & Rick.

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  15. 2 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

    Also known as the "sunk cost fallacy," which was explained and illustrated wonderfully on Better Call Saul, a much much better show.  Meaning the more you have invested in something, whether it be emotionally or timewise, the harder you find it to walk away from it regardless of how terrible it may be.  I'm with you in that I tend to be a stickler for seeing any book or TV series I start through to the end and I'm really struggling after now more than a full season and a half of this mess leading to last night's disaster of an episode.


    I actually gave up watching 3 shows because they turned stupid. I stopped watching Days of Our Lives, Young & The Restless & Revenge. Soaps are pretty much neverending unless they get cancelled but Revenge I never saw all the way through because it got too stupid. Like Revenge, TWD is a victim of its own success.

  16. I call Carl's death Andrea 2.0 death. We didn't see Andrea get bitten just saw her reveal her bite mark and it's over. Only difference is we don't get to hear a gunshot. More than likely Rick put him down before he turned. It's a shame that characters like Carl & Sasha have to leave because they are useful to the group, Sasha being a sniper she could have executed a number of Saviors in this episode and Carl was the John Connor of the show being the future and possibly rebuilding the world. I figured Rick would die before Carl. Yet we still have useless Tara who isn't useful at all, Daryl has contributed next to nothing since arriving in Alexandria and Rosita hasn't been useful for quite a minute.

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