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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. I may have to watch again but I think Andrew is more the cause of T-Dogg & Lori's death by letting the walkers into the prison. Then again Lori more than likely would have died from childbirth as she had to have an emergency c-section. Rick during the time was slowly entering leadership role and I can understand his back and forth with Randall since he's like his first hostage and not knowing what to fully do with him. That Rick and Terminus Rick was a whole lot better than the Rick that is before us now.

    • Love 2
  2. When this Rick returns let me know



    Not hesitating to kill someone and not giving it a second thought. When they tried killing him he killed them first. How many times did Negan try killing him and Rick saying five million times that he was going to kill Negan. So Rick stops because of Carl's excuse school note. SMDH. They can have peace but need to get rid of Negan and I think they can have peace and rebuild civilization. Negan alive that's not going to happen. 

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  3. On 3/13/2018 at 4:50 PM, AngelaHunter said:

    Yep yep yep. They had Tyreese go full lunatic on Rick and nearly on Carol because his little lap-sitting squeeze of a few minutes croaked which was way more traumatic than Carol losing her only child and Rick having his wife eaten by a walker.

    Personally, I don't give a shit what happens to anyone left on this show and that includes Carol and Michonne, although perhaps I can tolerate Carol a little more lately now that her every scene doesn't include tears squirting and dripping down her face. Of all the people I don't care about, Tara, who apparently couldn't hit the ground if she jumped off a roof, and Dwight have to be at the top of the list so when we got their Big Emotional Segment I was yelling, "OH FFS - no!" I was hoping some alligators would appear in that itty-bitty but lethal swamp and eat both of them. Yes, I know there are no alligators in VA, but that would be just as realistic as an Attack Tiger.

    I think I'm just watching to see them all die, and of course for the awesome and hilarious snark here.

    Tyreese going full on dumbass angry man mode was stupid cause we didn't see the relationship he had with whatever her name was. After getting rid of Governor next episode adapting to life in prison and she dies just as soon as she pops up and Tyreese is acting all stank. You can understand Rick's grief over Lori because they been together for years and before the outbreak, can understand Maggie's grief or little from what we seen because her & Glenn were together since season 2, even Sasha's grief cause she lost Tyreese and Bob within a very short time span. I even felt bad for Carol when children kept dying around her or kids wanting to be near her (Sophia, Lizzie, Mika, Benjamin, Sam).  

    Denise & Tara, no because their relationship wasn't even worth a buck and a quarter. Reading Tara getting on her high horse on Dwight is just ridiculous. Especially when Dwight was at Alexandria before and Tara was yelling at Daryl to kill Dwight like there was something wrong with her doing it. Tara doesn't want to get her hands dirty even when they captured Saviors and whining to Jesus about it not being right and they should kill them but she never pulled the trigger to shoot the Saviors. Why didn't she? Afraid Jesus was gonna kick her ass? Even when she was with the Governor and they were shooting the prison Tara's scary ass hid behind a vehicle.  

    Now if Rick & Co. accepted her useless ass in the group despite being with the Governor then she can at least give Dwight the benefit of the doubt.

    The best reaction to someone's bf/gf dying is Beth. Her bf died in the store and she was all "whatever" about it. She didn't do that woe is me crap.

    Only people I care about now are Michonne & Aaron. Ezekiel a little bit. I would say Rick but after he went to GPK again after they betrayed him the first time only to be betrayed a 2nd time by them proves he's being stupid and plus had a chance to kill Negan numerous times and doesn't do anything. How many times have Rick told Negan that he was going to kill him? 700?

    • Love 2
  4. Blanche's eulogy to Dorothy was so funny. Especially when she said, "I always felt safe having you in the house." She says that eulogy all while calmly eating a cookie. Blanche just didn't see the shade in her eulogy. 

    Also loved when Blanche told Barbara Thorndyke that she knows what a metaphor is, cutting her off cause Barbara was just so smug with it. Then her example was priceless, "When I say men are blinded by my beauty. They're not really blinded. They get their sight back in a day or two."

    • Love 10
  5. 8 minutes ago, sarthaz said:

    Yeah, but the hug was so beautiful considering their past history.  There was that time they had a scene together, and then they were in a car, and I bet they both like snowpeas ... and soup.  This moment has been building for at least 5 minutes.

    No they probably like applesauce and knowing these writers they probably would forget that Aaron hates applesauce.

    • Love 2
  6. So I see that I'm missing nothing. I haven't watched last week and didn't watch last night. I don't feel bad about it. The show has just dipped in quality. They have too much going on and too many characters that need to be trimmed. 

    Is Heath still irrelevant to this group? Nobody is bothering to look for him yet?

    • Love 3
  7. Someone pointed it out and I have to agree on the episode where they go to wedding and weddings make Rose hot for some reason (even though she never got "hot" at previous weddings). Dorothy is so adamant that she has to go out with Doug, which Blanche doesn't like and Blanche then lists off other men that Dorothy can have a date with but just lists off things that are wrong with them. If she couldn't accept Jake for wearing white after labor day and pushing food with his fork then why is she dating men that have something physically wrong with them minus John Quinn?

    Then again I don't know why Dorothy thought she needed a date. Why is it important that you have a date at an event? In the end Sophia, Rose, and Blanche went to the wedding without dates. 

    I didn't like when Blanche told Rose to cheat on Miles just because Miles was frugal. There's no reason to cheat at all but is being frugal really a bad thing, for the most part it means people are on a budget and can't spend big money. Rose singing "I'm gonna cheat on Miles" was a big WTF for me. 

    • Love 2
  8. On 2/17/2018 at 5:38 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I hate hate HATE the lottery ticket episode, almost as much as I hate the Pigeon Drop one.  Blanche, you have the WINNING TICKET.  You put it in a VERY safe place like safety deposit box or, if in your house, a bright red or yellow envelope and put in in your ONLY purse or at least the one you use the most.  Or in your underwear drawer.  But loose in a JACKET?  I can't even.......

    I can't get into the pigeon drop episode right now....my blood pressure meds are running low!!  LOL!  

    The pigeon drop was just ridiculous that Blanche and Sophia would put up $1000 of their money and put it into an account with a complete stranger and just because they get advice from a nun they actually do it. Sophia being wise, I thought this would be a red flag for her. Also doesn't make sense that Sophia says Dorothy's bank is over there and that Dorothy lets her draw from the account all the time. I find that hard to believe since Dorothy is tight with her money. Out of all the girls I always thought Dorothy was the smart one when it came to financials since what she been through with Stan over the years and the IRS. 

    • Love 1
  9. The fact that Blanche put the ticket in a jacket pocket instead of one of them keeping it in their purse or in their room made me roll my eyes. Also if Blanche had brought the receipt with her to prove that she purchased the jacket, there wouldn't have been an issue. Rose calling the lottery people with that story and can't believe they thought that the lottery people were just going to believe they had the winning ticket just because they said they did.

    • Love 2
  10. 4 hours ago, Ria said:

    I liked Stan as an occasional guest star but agree Dorothy was a fool to keep falling for him. 

    But I think Blanche dated the most losers of the group. From the bigamist in the pilot, the jewel thief, the guy who cheated on her with Rose’s sister, Rob and Bob, the judge, the guy who refused to attend the awards dinner when she has the flu because she didn’t look perfect, the abusive jerk whose laundry she did, the guy who dumped her for a younger woman (the Sven episode), the married guy in the wheelchair to name a few.  She was an idiot for dumping Jake the caterer or having a problem with her soldier being a pharmacist. They were among the few decent guys she dated. 

    Just like I thought Dorothy was an idiot for not pursuing a relationship with Al just because he was a cop. Yes his job was dangerous but danger is everywhere. I think she should have at least given him a chance since she was so crazy for him. 

    I think Blanche knew she didn't pick real winners because in that episode where she gave Rose and Sophia advice on dating, Blanche told Rose that her advice work with the men she dates which are pretty much shallow men. She liked men that mostly liked her for her looks which is why she had a hard time dating John Quinn. I really wanted to see Blanche in at least one stable relationship on the show and John Quinn would have been perfect. That guy Blanche dated who had money and whisked her off in a jet and had two young kids, nothing wrong with his personality but he wasn't a looker either. Blanche only had Jake and John Q. who were worth having a lasting relationship with. Everyone else were duds. There was also the guy who wanted to take things slow and made her feel "like a lady". 

    Speaking of Blanche's men when she thought she was gonna have a relationship with Dirk the young guy, when she went on a date with him, I thought she had on way too much make-up. The eyeshadow was a little too extra. To me she looked a little silly.

    It also seemed Blanche didn't want a long lasting love because the pharmacist, she didn't like his career and wanted to date other people cause she didn't want to be tied down to him. Sad on her part because he seemed genuinely interested in her.

    • Love 5
  11. I honestly don't know what Dorothy was thinking and did she say the sex was good because most of the time she said that Stan is lousy in bed. Dorothy was horrible when Stan was going to marry his new wife (forgot her name) and tried to stop the wedding. Dorothy falls for him whenever Stan shows his good qualities but his bad outweighs the good and IMO in a relationship when someone's cons outweigh the pros, it's a relationship not worth being in. 

    Dorothy should have gotten the hint in the 1st season when her and Stan slept together and when she didn't want to pursue a relationship with him he quickly ran off to get back with Chrissy. 

    • Love 3
  12. Marie: I find Harriet Lichtman's flirtatious behavior towards you distasteful, but I do not hate that slut.


    Natalia: What?! You're his wife? Ray said you were dead.


    Debra: Their marriage was like a rock. The one solid rock for me.

    Ray: Well maybe it was like a stone, and now it has passed.


    Ray: Come on, look at the bright side the moustache will distract from the cellulite.


    Frank: I always thought you had a Mr. Potato head face, and glasses come with the kit.


    Marie: Oh stop Ray, I'm trying to heat up soup from a can.

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