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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. 23 hours ago, peach said:

    I miss that Rick.  How many seasons ago was that?  I guess that was the time DARYL had to get wishy washy, and then Beth got killed.  Years later we have to watch Jesus learn this same stupid lesson.  Wonder who will die so he can. 

    At this point it's probably Maggie who has to die in order for him to get it but we know Maggie more than likely isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Jesus doesn't seem to be close to anyone on Hilltop so any Hilltop deaths wouldn't be worth it. There is Enid, it might have to be her in order for him to get it.

  2. 5 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Please, no! Not another trippy, fucked up, flash-back, wannabe-artistic mess (and this time with a character everyone forgets exists until he's onscreen front and center) that the writers do so incredibly poorly hoping to induce heart-rending  Sad Violin moments but it's just cringe-worthy. Teenaged boys do not do "nuanced" very well.


    Yeah, they're probably gonna have Aaron go out and search for Eric to put him down just like Spencer did with Deanna. The best thing to do is put the person down before they turn, especially a loved one. What is keeping them alive gonna do?

    • Love 1
  3. You know what I would love to see happen. Morgan should at least say to Jesus that if he lets him kill Jared (long haired Savior) he won't kill the others. Then again I don't know what's stopping Tara & Morgan from putting bullets in their heads. Just because Jesus says no doesn't make it law. What is Jesus going to do if Tara & Morgan decided to kill them.

    • Love 3
  4. Also with Jesus telling CDB about the Saviors outpost he was also there at the end of S7 fighting alongside everyone and they were killing Saviors. Jesus didn't open his mouth or say anything about how wrong it was killin them. So I don't understand this sudden turn. Writers better come up with something to explain all this. Bad writing can really ruin a character. I'm not hating Jesus yet, but I'm getting there if he keeps this up.

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  5. We can't forget Timmy. When Robert had to teach driving class and wanted to try it out on his family he brought Timmy. After Marie answers a question Robert brings it back to his childhood which Marie says was a long time ago. Robert says he doesn't have a problem with it and then it shows a closeup of Timmy staring at Marie. That was hilarious.

  6. What's really confusing me about Jesus is what would he have done if he was with Aaron's group? What would he say to Aaron, "No don't kill them, just throw the bullets at them." What would he have said to Zeke & Carol? Jesus knows what they're doing so why does he want hostages? Jesus would have told Aaron, Carol & Zeke to just point their guns at the Saviors and they'll surrender like a true idiot.

    • Love 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said:

    Am I a terrible person because I didn't care if they left Gracie behind?

    You're not terrible because I wouldn't have cared either. This type of show I'm not interested in seeing a child let alone a baby.  I understand some want children to build the future but do that when the world isn't full of psychos and your group isn't declaring war and all that.

    • Love 3
  8. 21 minutes ago, nitrofishblue said:

    My hubby pointed  out something while watching last night. How come none of the rifles and handguns eject spent cartridges after firing? They must have some huge stash  of ammo to be firing off all those rounds. Plus, where is that  bottomless gas storage tank? They zoom around in cars and  trucks that use diesel fuel without batting an eye. Please writers, enlighten us.

    I'm surprised Alexandria, Hilltop, & Kingdom have so much ammo to spread around. Last season they did't have much and don't know how much ammo Oceanside had that they had to force to give away.  Oceanside is playing it smart by not getting involved and revealing their location. 

    I wanna see Michonne now with her katana and lopping heads off like she did with Woodbury people. She's missing all the action.

    • Love 3
  9. Jesus choosing now to save lives is really ridiculous. If he wants to be with the hostages then he can watch them by himself. It really shouldn't be his decision alone and people should vote on whether or not they keep them alive. Morgan pointed out that the Saviors will not hesitate to try and escape which was evident. Jesus don't think that the Saviors won't hesitate to put a bullet in his head the minute they get an opportunity. If only Morgan had beat some sense into him. 

    Morales/Rick scene was just nothing more than to make some fans happy.

    I feel bad for my baby Aaron as Ross Marquand did a good job in this episode with his pain but I didn't care much for his relationship with Lori 2.0. Right now don't want him with Jesus either. Maybe when Jesus picks his brain off the table and put it back in his skull.

    Daryl is just ugh always been ugh since arriving in Alexandria. Don't think writers can do anything at this point to make him interesting. Time to kill him off.

    Ezekiel and all that yakking you knew something was going to happen. The Kingdom people risking their lives to save him was a little much. Oooh save the king.

    Maggie actually buying that bull Gregory was spitting out. Greg will do anything to save his own ass and will step on, double cross, and betray anyone to save his own skin. 

    I'm still finding it a little hard to take Maggie seriously as the new leader of Hilltop. It's not the acting because LH isn't terrible but there's still something a little off. Maybe it's the southern accent, cause it seems she struggles with it and it's not working. 

    The episode wan't a complete loss. Jesus/Morgan fight was good and Cal flipping off Greg.

  10. Rose: Thor, ever since you got here, you've been talking about things we did and things we said, and I don't remember any of it.

    Thor: So you don't remember every little detail. At least, you remember what's important. You remember the kiss, our first kiss.

    (Rose shakes her head)

    Thor: Well, this doesn't make any sense. Rose, maybe you don't remember because you've suffered some brain damage.

    (Blanche Laughing)

    Rose: Thor, the one thing I do remember is that I only went out with you because of Charlie Nylund. I used you to make Charlie jealous. It was Charlie I loved, not you.

    Thor: Oh, I feel so stupid, so incredibly stupid. Do you know what it's like to feel this stupid?

    (Blanche Laughs. Rose pushes the kitchen door on Blanche)

    Blanche: Ow.

    • Love 8
  11. 5 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Then we have the King pontificating and speechifying in the woods while dragging a tiger around, and Rick - whose hearing seems to be compromised just as badly as is Daryl's - getting jumped twice in as many minutes  Morales? Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn about him. In fact, I don't give a damn about any of them anymore. I think the only person I still like is Aaron, who does what needs doing without getting preachy, saccharine or irritating.

    I agree about Aaron. All he basically did was call out orders, nod his head and kill. Not being preachy or sparing Saviors their lives. Doing what needs to be done. Maybe Aaron will end up being 2nd in command for Alexandria.

    • Love 3
  12. My DVR only recorded 15 minutes of the premiere which I don't know why it did that. Is this group still not giving a damn about Heath? Are they even bothering to look for him? Do they even care for him at this point? Or is he confirmed dead? I'm also guessing that Michonne and useless bitch ass Rosita are still recovering?

    I don't understand why Jesus thought because the guy pissed his pants and had his hands in the air that he wasn't dangerous or wasn't trying to trick them. Why the hell would you want to take Saviors as hostages? Kill them so you can dwindle down their numbers. I mean really where the hell are you going to put those hostages? In Morgan's makeshift jail cell? Hilltop with cowardly lion Greg and pregnant Maggie? It's not like they're going to immediately join forces with them.

    Jesus saying it's not about revenge, well shit can't some of it be about revenge. Saviors killed people without emotion and taken a majority of their guns, ammo, food, and furniture.

    I'm not really feeling this season so far as you can tell writers are basically making characters act a certain way simply for plot purposes. They're steering Morgan away from the pacifist role so they need another character to fill that spot and that goes to Jesus this season. 

    They could've developed Francine a little more before killing her. Eric was just a Lori 2.0 useless and wanted to do nothing but have him and Aaron sitting on the porch drinking lemonade while everyone else in Alexandria do all the work. 

    I also don't understand that when it comes to killing Negan which is the main objective I'm guessing. Nobody pulls the trigger or just shoot him on sight. Why talk? Oh right when they shoot at him they're aiming everywhere else but at him. Or are the bullets growing brains and purposely dodging out of Negan's way cause they don't want to hear him pontificate while dying?

    • Love 4
  13. The best thing about the episode was NO DAMN NEGAN

    Jesus when it comes to the Saviors you shoot first then ask questions later. Jesus should have let Morgan shoot that long haired asshole.

    Rick runs into Morales from S1. Thought he would never be shown again yet there he is with the Saviors. His kids probably died along with the wife unless his wife is one of Negan's wives.

    I knew something would happen to Eric with as much screen time as he was given. I don't really care because Eric been pretty much useless the whole time he's been on the show. Him out of the way opens the door for Jesus & Aaron.

    Can they get that atrocious wig off of Ezekiel? It's really distracting.

    I'm wondering how does Shiva know who to attack and who not to attack. They need to explain that. 

    • Love 5
  14. On 10/18/2017 at 7:51 AM, CherryAmes said:

    Based on the way each treated his wife I'd have to choose Ray.  Sure Ray routinely lied to and about Debra but I don't remember him ever yelling at her, least of all in front of other people, and that's something Robert did a couple of times - and they are still very newly married.  What's he going to be like after 10 years?  


    I would choose Ray over Robert as well. Not to mention the fact that Robert called Amy "his Stefania" and cared way too much about Debra right in front of Amy plus Robert brought Amy shitty gifts like an iguana and tickets to the ice capades. All in all Ray isn't terrible and I bet if he didn't live close to Frank & Marie, Ray would be a lot more easier to deal with. Robert just has too many issues, obsessed with wanting Ray to fail, commitment issues, can be petty, looks like he wants to date his sister-in-law, mommy issues, just a little too much. Plus I always found Ray Romano cute.

  15. I agree. Boob Job was one of the worst episodes. Ray told her that she didn't need a boob job and because he added "not if you think it's stupid" she thought he wasn't satisfied with her body. When she gets the boob job he's supportive of her but she's upset that he is and did this whole charade just to get him to say he likes boobs. Well Ray wouldn't be a straight man if he didn't like boobs, the alternative to boobs is a man's chest.

  16. Blanche: Oooh crush on the teacher. I had those. Of course I had to hide them from the principal because they made him jealous.


    Blanche: I am tired of you lurking around outside my house and tailing me at the supermarket. Now enough is enough. You have an unhealthy obsessive love for me. Honey, you need professional help.

    David: Mrs. Deveraux, I don't have those feelings for you.

    Blanche: Oh.


    David: My mother passed away recently and I found out that for years that she had been receiving child support checks from a trust fund in Miami. Well I was always told that my dad died before I was born. Then I found my birth certificate and there listed as my father was George Devereaux. 

    Rose: Well maybe there was another George Devereaux in Miami.

    David: And this was the address in my mom's old book.

    Rose: Who also lived in this house.

    • Love 2
  17. The Boob Job episode where Ray and Debra are at Cheryl's house. I'm surprised nobody stared at Cheryl for that extremely low cut shirt she had on. It wasn't like the event was a cocktail party, it was a school related event. Her boobs were practically hanging out everywhere. I mean the ladies were more uncomfortable with Debra's boobs hanging out at the PTA meeting. 

  18. Cole shouldn't have helped Joe with the idol. It doesn't say that it's a co-idol. He should have sent Joe out to sea and went to the well to find it himself. I know they want to have a bond but not when it comes to idols. That's something you try to get on your own. It always seems that the jackasses have some type of radar on idol finding cause mostly the jackasses find them.

    Patrick must have found some secret red bull energy drinks or a case full of pastries. Needs to tone that down and I see why the tribe would want to keep him because he may have strength but someone annoying you can try to keep as long as possible to keep the target off your back and on his or he could be a good GOAT. Patrick's theory about being entertaining will keep a target off of him is so WRONG. It paints a target on you, people who have to struggle for food and water on a daily basis will get cranky and irritable and don't want no annoying person flying around like a mosquito.

    Simone I hardly knew ye but they got rid of you for both possibly being smart and flat out useless. Don't know why she got the blame for them losing because Ali wasn't exactly taking command of the puzzle either. 

    • Love 8
  19. On 9/28/2017 at 4:04 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    "That is now a one woman show."

    Another great one time character was the cruise director from Marie and Ray's weekend cruise.  The way he kept clicking his heels together adn suggesting they were dating was hysterical!!!

    The poor woman who works at the home, "And when I tried to talk to her about all this, she said that my rude tone might be the reason I don't have a husband." It's funny but also very very harsh on Marie's part to say something like that.

    Also loved when the woman said, "We have people to help you pack." I bet they paid the staff double to help get Marie & Frank out ASAP.

    • Love 1
  20. I see why Chrissy didn't use it since she voted for Katrina. Strike me as odd that she didn't use it since she knew her and Katrina were on the outs and that the 4 strong were together and it was proven at TC. So if they lose again she may be the one out.

    Alan keep this up and your tribe will put your cuckoo ass back in the clock. 

    When I seen the super idol I said damn they brought that unpopular item back. Good thing it was only good for the 1st TC and that idol should no longer return. EVER!!!

    I have no clear cut opinon on everyone just yet. I'm still in name remembering mode lol. Besides Alan that guy who questioned the other guy on the healer team, is just ugh.  He's the probation officer right? I mean questioning people during the first 3 days isn't good for your social game. Yes talking to you Alan and probation officer. 

    I said to myself how in the hell is a financial analyst considered a hero and my roommate said how is a probation officer a healer. When we thought about it, we understood why to an extent lol. 

    • Love 1
  21. Dorothy: Cheesecake Rose?

    Rose: Let's tase it and find out.


    Sophia: What are you doin' up? You have school tomorrow.

    Dorothy: Oh, I'm just too smart for my own good. I feel as trapped and isolated as Soren Kierkegaard in his final days.

    Rose laughs

    Dorothy: What?

    Rose: That's such a funny name.

    Dorothy: Oh, Rose, dear, sweet, single digit IQ Rose. 


    Rose: I guess you don't feel like Sorten Kareerdybarten now.

    Dorothy: That's Soren Kierkegaard.

    Rose: I got her to say it again.


    Blanche: I can't sleep. I don't know what I'm gonna do about Jason. He's reached a point in his life where he's anxious to settle down. He wants us to have another child right away. Well, frankly, I don't know if I want another baby so soon.

    Dorothy: I understand. Wait a couple years, and Medicare will pay for it.

    Sophia: Why wait? Have it now and The Enquirer will pay for it.

    • Love 11
  22. I love this show as well watched it as a child and still do from time to time. James was my favorite character, John Amos just played him so well, strict but loving which reminds me of my mother.

    Florida the Woman episode. OMG James & Thelma were just being ridiculous at the beginning of the episode. Especially Thelma who was being flat out lazy, not only did she take the bathroom from JJ but asking Florida if she pressed her dress, asking if Florida seen her make-up kit and hairspray. I was like damn did your eyes and arms all of a sudden stopped working. Thelma couldn't see that Florida was fixing James' shirt and making breakfast at the same time. 

    • Love 2
  23. That Zack Attack episode was horrible. They were trying to do some E! Behind the Music or something like that but it just didn't work for what SBTB is about.

    The pretend marriage episode was badly written. Lisa didn't want to be married to Screech and wondered why she was paired with him and Mr. Belding said that the couples were paired in alphabetical order and since that was the case there was no way Lisa would have been paired with Screech whether they were paired by first name or last name. First name: Alfred (Slater) & Jessie would be paired, Samuel (Screech) & Kelly would be paired and Lisa & Zack by last name it would Zack Morris & Kelly Kapowski, Samuel Powers & Jessie Spano,  Slater & Lisa Turtle. 

    Another thing that bugged is how Zack was part of any after school sports and clubs with the grades he got throughout the years. Those bad grades and he was on student council, track team, basketball, yearbook staff. My days in school if your grades are bad they put you on probation and if grades still don't improve you're kicked out of the club or sport.

    The episodes with them at the beach with Leah Remini was boring and any episodes where they were on location were boring too.

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