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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Somebody please please put a bullet in Rosita, Carol, and Morgan's head. They're such bitches. It makes no sense for Rosita to give Sasha a respectful nod in the 8th episode to now just take a jab at her in this episode. Not saying Sasha and Rosita have to be friends but Sasha is just trying to be civil with her. Rosita is like those women that like to blame the other woman when it's Abe that left her high and dry. Sasha didn't go after Abe. Sasha rejected him when Abe wanted a relationship with her.  Writers aren't doing anything with Rosita besides making her angry and she's been that way since we met her. Her disabling the bomb made me laugh as well. That came out of nowhere. Rosita is hot and cold with everyone and really for no damn reason. She should be humbling herself since her actions caused Eugene to be taken and Olivia killed. Its her dumbass that can't shoot a man that is 3ft away from her and shot a bat instead.

    Morgan just ruins everything everytime he opens his mouth. Carol continues to be a rude bitch to anyone that shows her that they care about her. Hopefully we can replace these three jackasses with Benjamin and Richard permanently. I like Benjamin and Richard.

    Eric if you wanna continue to be a useless ass then just sit your ass home and do nothing. You seem to be really great at that. Aaron is tired of sitting home and just being happy he wants to go out there and do things. He wants to look for Gabriel because Gabriel is part of their family. Eric should have faith that his boyfriend will make it back home. Aaron survived this long, plus they were doing dangerous work when they were scouting. It's always easy for people to blame Rick for everything. I bet if someone else farts Rick will get the blame.

    I like to add that Simon needs to be the leader of the Saviors. Steven Ogg has a presence and his character is more of a villain than Negan. He talks like an adult and not some frat boy, and he doesn't pontificate. He says what he has to say and leaves it at that.

    • Love 13
  2. It almost sounded like Lois was about over Peter in that bread cutaway. Saying they are 4 months behind on their mortgage and she and the kids are gonna stay with her parents. IDK now with Carrie's passing if Peter will still continue to work at the Brewery and what they're gonna do with Angela's character.

  3. How Lois said that Peter is just going to give Gronk powder had me laughing.

    IDK why but Gronk throwing the bus at Peter made me chuckle.

    I did like Peter & the drone until the eagle thing, which I found to be unnecessary.

    When they were fighting Gronk out of all of them I thought at least Joe would have a shot of getting a few shots in. He's muscular and knows how to fight and Peter has shown to be a capable fighter with his fights with the Chicken, Brian, and the terrorists in the last episode.

    I really thought that Brian was gonna be a douche with the honey selling. I seriously thought that he was gonna try and take it over or try to overwork Stewie. Brian was acting like a douche when Stewie asked him to be the salesman in practicing on selling the honey. Brian says it's honey, it says it right there on the sign. If someone tried selling something to me like that, I wouldn't even bother.

    It was a good episode and bonus was that it didn't have a lot of cutaways. 

  4. What makes Rosita even more stupid is she must have spaced out while in the line up when she first met Negan. Did she not see the result of what happened to Glenn as a result of Daryl's stupidity? Negan didn't kill Daryl he killed Glenn. She had to know that even if she killed Negan that she would be shot dead and possibly everyone else in ASZ would be killed as well. Everyone else in ASZ don't have guns so they wouldn't be able to defend themselves.

    I just don't know who wins the "Dumbest Fuck Award" Rosita for her stupidity in the mid-season finale or Daryl in the seaon premiere. Both doing stupid shit that resulted in people dying that didn't need to die. Wasn't for them Glenn & Olivia would still be alive. I guess we still have to give it to Daryl because a more significant character was killed as a result of his actions.

    • Love 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    The only parallel I can think of was the episode of Cheers where Woody was running for local office (Frasier's idea), and he kept trying to back out at the debate, but he looked more lovable because of it. Then Kelly showed up and revealed she was pregnant, and the opponent threw up his hands, all, "Fuck it, I'm out. I can't compete with this." I don't think Adam was exploitative, but that's where my brain goes.

    I can't hate Hannah. We're both neurotic. She wasn't my favorite neurotic, but I could identify with her. Between her and David, maybe I should apply. Y'all would root for me, right?

    If you were like Dave yes, if like Hannah not so much lol

    • Love 2
  6. Just now, Bigwheels1971 said:

    I found it horrifying.  Granted, I'm extremely close with my mom but still, I honestly wish JP had just said a the beginning of the Reunion that Adam's mom had passed and then offered Adam the chance to talk if he wanted to.  The way it played out just felt exploitative and gross and I had to turn the tv off when Adam broke down because I felt horrible for him.   

    Seeing Adam's family & friends cry as well, it was just too much. They should have just talked about the donation and that's about it.

    • Love 16
  7. I knew the minute Dave was voted out that Adam was going to win the whole thing. I mean Hannah and Ken had no shot going against Adam and his story of his mother and him winning immunity challenges and making moves. I said that Ken had to have a good story and he didn't. You can't win with that loyalty shit, it's not going to happen. Hannah's attitude at final TC was off putting because she kept interrupting Adam and she just basically said the same thing over and over so she had no shot at winning. If Adam & Dave were in the f3 then it may have been a toss up on who won.

    Oh Jay, what an idiot, he found HII and couldn't tell that the one Dave made was a fake. It looked absolutely fake. The idol that was worst was the one Jason found and girl was telling him that it's just a stick. People have made better looking idols that looked more real than the one Dave made.

    Hannah, just a big no. Had a chance if she had taken Bret to the end. Such a dumbass move to keep Dave.

    Fucking Ozzy, ugh can't stand him and don't wanna see his mug. Hopefully he's voted out first. There should be a limit on how many times you can come back.

    • Love 6
  8. 4 minutes ago, margol29 said:

    Who was the man who had the NO Camping sign covering his secret hide away? The scene was so dark I could not make it out. Was it the boots guy?

    That's Richard, who is part of the Kingdom.

    • Love 1
  9. How much y'all wanna bet that Heath is with that group who left the note with the "fuck you finger" because that same finger was on the car at Hilltop that Sasha was by when her, Maggie, and Jesus were clearing out walkers.

    Carol and Morgan are still delusional to the world they're living in now. Whether they like it or not they have to kill. Morgan has to get off that "life is precious" bullshit, and Carol needs to stop all that damn sulking. No matter where she goes or lives someone is going to find her. Whether it be The Kingdom, people from ASZ, or someone new.

    I found it absolutely funny that through all this Negan hasn't once asked about Sasha's presence. She was in the lineup when Abe & Glenn got killed. Did he overlook her?

    Arod or whatever that bitch's name is, I really hope Rosita is the one that puts a bullet in her eye. She can't die fast enough for me.

    You guys pretty much summed Negan up. Over the top, cartoony, and bad acting. It comes a point where bad writing ends and bad acting begins. IMO a solid actor can spin shit into gold and JDM isn't doing it. He's just making Negan annoying and irritating with the stupid back bending and over the top temper tantrums. With the shaved face he does look very saggy.

    You guys are right, where is the urgency in finding Eugene and did Tara bother to tell them about Heath? They wanna start a war but they might wanna get everyone that's part of their group. You need your bullet maker since bullets are scarce.

    Father Gabriel more than likely has to take over nanny duties unless they're gonna pass it off to Eric, Francine, or Tobin. While they were headed to Hilltop Rick probably had Aaron watch Judith while his bruises heal.

    It's getting hilarious now that at this point they're not running into walkers when they go out walking. I guess walkers have now taken to the water instead of being on land. I bet all that walking they did from ASZ to Hilltop they didn't encounter no walkers or any Saviors. 

    • Love 1
  10. Daryl's escape from The Saviors on a motorcycle couldn't have been that easy. Some of them were at ASZ but when the lady took Michonne to the camp and Michonne's view there was a lot of them still around. I can understand Jesus escaping because he's great at being stealthy.

    • Love 3
  11. Should hae been Sasha aiming the bullet at Negan so we can get rid of him. Since she's a sharpshooter since Rosita stinks and hit a bat like a moron and caused Olivia to die and Eugene to be taken. Rosita is acting like a stupid ass and should have listened to Father Gabriel who really is the voice of reason. He doesn't agree with how people want to do things but has faith that they'll win out in the end.

    Good riddance Spencer, won't miss your punk ass and well deserved for him dying. Being a little bitch with all that sucking up. Spencer would not make a good leader and it clearly showed. Just because your parent did it doesn't mean you're fit to do it.

    I found it really stupid for Aaron and Rick to bring back the supplies with the note still there. Why didn't they throw it away or put it in one of their pockets. That was just sheer stupidity.

    Looks like the 2nd half of the season is gonna be much better than the 1st half because goodness this season just sucked so far. Glad Rick finally decided to fight and listen to Maggie and Michonne.

    This was the best episode of the season.

    • Love 9
  12. Will played too hard. He really believed his own hype and thought he was going to run the game. I had a feeling that he was going to go home based off the editing and good riddance. He deserved to be voted out.

    If I was Jay, I would no longer listen to Adam. Adam didn't tell him that they were voting him out he just said that he needs to play it. That's another notch on Adam's resume because he got Jay to flush out the idol.

    Goodbye Sunday, you were a non-factor, boring, didn't add anything, and forever attached to Bret. Bret and Sunday really could have made themselves out to be powerful swing votes but they just attached themselves to other people controlling the game like idiots. 

    Bret with his whining that if Will or whoever made it to final 3 with him, he might as well eat cake or whatever he said. He might as well do it now because there's no way in hell he's winning if he made it to final 3.

    Jay, Adam, & Dave have a strong shot at winning. If Ken, Bret, or Hannah make it to final 3 they better have a damn good speech prepared for the jury. I'm thinking that nobody on the jury should really be bitter.

    I really wouldn't mind if Jay, Adam, or Dave won because they played really well. My first choice is Dave, then Adam, then Jay.

    • Love 11
  13. This was an ok episode. The one plus is that I always tend to like when Peter & Carter work together. Downside is Peter not knowing that he worked at the Brewery. I also had a feeling that Tricia was using Carter to investigate Peter's claims as she did something similar when she slept with Quagmire for some sex story she was doing.

    • Love 1
  14. The season continues to be a big letdown. Wasn't into this episode at all that much either and it featured many members.

    Two shining stars in this episode is Father Gabriel for calling Spencer a shit and Olivia for slapping the shit out of Negan. They were barely in the episode and what does that say? I'm loving Gabe more and more with each episode.

    Negan is still an annoying frat boy. Carl could have killed more. Spencer is still a bitchy little shit who needed to die like last week. Rosita continues to just be angry. Rosita needs to do a little bit more than just be angry. She's been angry for what seems like an eternity. She's coming off as a selfish bitch.

    Don't feel sorry for Dwight at all. He put himself in that position, he didn't have to go back to Negan.

    • Love 6
  15. 2 minutes ago, millennium said:

    There's nobody to like this season.   Ken comes closest, but then he goes and begs pathetically during the loved ones visit. 


    You're right on that. Ken was pointing at himself like Jay has no other choice but to pick him being so self absorbed like others didn't want to spend time with their family members. When you do that it makes people NOT pick you. Begging is pathetic. 

    • Love 2
  16. Will is dumb, saying all that shit about he's here to play and all that, but if he makes it to final 3 with Jay. He's gonna have no leg to stand on. Jay is gonna take credit for the big moves and his immunity threat and Will is gonna be looked at as the flunky who tagged along. He'll more than likely will get credit for the Zeke vote but his first big move should have been to get rid of Jay, so he wouldn't be looked at as Jay's flunky. He doesn't want to get rid of Jay because Jay has been upfront with him. So what? Like Gervase, he wasn't going to win over Tyson and annoying ass Phillip, no way his ass was gonna win anything. People this season really don't know what they're doing. 

    Bret isn't making any moves at all, Ken is being too self involved, Hannah is just going whereever the wind takes her which is Cluelessville, Sunday going after the wrong people. They have no shot at winning whatsoever, Will to me is trying too hard. At this point they might as well eliminate themselves.

    • Love 8
  17. Goodness Ken, STFU. Testing and all that shit is reserved outside of Survivor like a relationship or something. You don't bring that kind of stuff into Survivor. Survivor you basically have to be able to read people and keep your guard up.  All that other stuff is a big no, ask Woo. Pretty boys aren't that great at this game.

    Good that Zeke is gone. Goodbye.

    I was expecting all of them to vote for Ken because of his stupidity but Adam played it for Hannah which I didn't see her vote coming at all. It was funny how Hannah is clueless once again at TC which is now a running gag. Also nice to see Jay look shocked. Their plans barely if at all work and it's just hilarious. 

    I did feel bad for Adam during family time. My roommate said she would have stolen the award if she was Adam if she wasn't picked.

    If I were them I would have gotten rid of Jay. He's an immunity threat, he's made some moves so I wouldn't even have bothered with Zeke. It's funny to me who these people think are the biggest threats and yet most of the time they're so far off the mark.

    • Love 6
  18. 48 minutes ago, laffytaffy997 said:

    If the Oceansiders are going to be killing anyone they come across, they better get better aim. There was what? Like 5-10 people shooting Tara and no one hit her?

    It's a cliche Hollywood thing. The "bad" guys are just lousy shots even when having 10 people shooting at one person, they gain the uncanny ability to all miss their target. The "good" guy on the other hand can take out 10 people and have perfect aim. 

    • Love 4
  19. Also is there any point to walkers anymore? They're no longer a threat anymore, so I wouldn't be shocked if we don't see them anymore. Rick able to survive a horde of them in the 1st episode of season 7, Tara and Cindy able to easily dispatch a horde of them. So what's the point?

    • Love 13
  20. It was an ok episode. The cast is just too damn big and show is going extra overtime showing Negan's dominance. Took 4 groups in Oceanside, ASZ, Hilltop, & Kingdom. The Oceanside ladies did the smart thing in moving away and staying hidden so they don't have to deal with the Saviors. I think they feared the worst on being taken advantage of sexually by the Saviors.

    This episode was another filler and didn't need a whole hour when this episode could have been merged with other episodes this season. This season of WD is not starting off well.

    I don't really care much for Tara or Heath because show did a pissy job on establishing them as being part of ASZ. Only time I really noticed Heath was his time with Glenn when they attacked Saviors outpost.

    • Love 7
  21. I guess Cynthia and Leon make better friends than boyfriend/girlfriend, it happens with some couples. They're better as friends than they are in being in a relationship together. They do seem like they could start over again.

    Block just sounds like a complete ass. Can't stand when a parent just out of the blue wants to be involved in a child's life when they should have been involved since the beginning. Not wait years and years, that doesn't make any sense.  When the child reaches pre-teen age is when the parent needs to reach out to the child not send the gf over or talk to the other parent because at this point it's up to the child on whether or not they want to have some type of relationship.

    Kenya & Sheree just sounded ridiculous. If I was Kandi I would have went to the food too and tune that petty back and forth argument out. 

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