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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Another reason why this season is such a drag is that every damn episode someone must talk about the difference between Gen-X & Millenials. We really need to stop being beaten over the head with it cause I'm tired of hearing it. Who cares??? Hate this stupid ass theme this year. I understand Survivor has themes but this one is just flat out overkill.  Yes people are born different years but we're not defined by it. I can understand if you wanna talk about the difference in music, t.v., clothes, etc. but trying to say Gen-X is hard working and Millenials are lazy is so generalizing and can't be so off the mark. There'a a mix of hard working older people and lazy older people and vice versa.

    • Love 7
  2. 18 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

    IDIOTS! I feel like smashing something myself right now. I can't...I just can't with these fools. A merge is never certain and you would toast one of your best players on the...no your BEST player on your team. This is just so sickening I can't really even comment on whatever else happened in the episode. If Michayla wsan't so rattled she should have outed the idol to Sunday and Brett.

    The only meager silver lining to be found here is that she's guaranteed a ticket to a return season.


    Yea, Michaela should have outed Jay having the idol but she was too upset and possibly forgot.

    • Love 4
  3. I had a feeling that Michaela was gonna be eliminated and dammit man there's nobody for me to root for now. The team would get rid of someone that has been helping them win. I seriously thought that Michaela was gonna punch Jay right in his face. Sad to cause Jay was slowly creeping up on being the 2nd person I would root for but I can't now. Now just gonna watch out of habit but not rooting for anyone.

    Hannah forever out of the loop. I do hope she gets Jay eliminated.

    • Love 11
  4. Saviors never knew where ASZ is. They tried getting the location from Sasha, Daryl, Abe, Maggie, & Carol but they would never tell them where ASZ is.

    • Love 2
  5. 2 hours ago, ganesh said:

    I'm continually annoyed at the seeming lack of intellectual curiosity. I get much of the show was everyone fighting for survival, but still. They did show the one guy at Woodbury, which I thought would be cool, but no. That's been it. 

    I mean, we met two actual science people? That's it?

    Maybe all of the scientist died or the group haven't reached the next lab yet. The last lab was in Atlanta and the next one close to CDC that I know of is the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory in Tennessee. Even though at the time Eugene, Abe, & Rosita were headed to Washington D.C. The group is in Virginia and they can either go to Washington D.C. or Tennessee and see if any scientist are still alive and explain what caused everything.

  6. When was Lori infected at the time of giving birth?

    Now that I thought about what you're saying I hear ya. Because everyone has the virus and will turn after they die if a woman is pregnant with the child will the child be immune?

    I'm thinking in TWD universe, the child won't be immune since the virus only comes forward when you die. If Lori had died before Maggie pulled Judith out of Lori you might have something to work with with Judith being immune but since Lori was alive I don't think Judith would be immune to it.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

    No one died of the virus- they died after being bitten by a walker. It's never been revealed the exact mode of how the whole thing started. We have no reason to think anyone is immune- everyone still alive has just not been bitten, and everyone dead was bitten. 

    No. Shane snapped Randall's neck and he turned and that's when Rick had to come clean about everyone having the virus. Shane was stabbed by Rick, Hershel was decapitated, Governor stabbed Milton, Patrick got the flu, and they weren't bitten and they turned into walkers. Everyone has the virus.

    • Love 3
  8. Hilltop lives rather well as well as they grow food and have trailers and the big house. Negan takes a good percentage of what they got and remind that he doesn't take everything as Negan says he needs them alive in order to produce for him. They can't do that if they're starving and weak. Negan doesn't take everything he takes a percentage.

    • Love 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, oakville said:

    I am curious what percentage of the US population would be alive after 2 years of the ZA? What did Jenner state at the CDC? It has never been explained how some families like Rick's were immune to the virus.

    Nobody is immune to the virus, the guy at the CDC told Rick that everyone has the virus and when they die they all turn no matter in what manner they pass away.

    • Love 9
  10. Yes everything belongs to Negan, but do you think that Negan would be able to control Shiva? I think Negan is smart enough to know that he would be unable to control Shiva so therefore Shiva can stay with Ezekiel. He probably don't want the tiger at his camp. Shiva is dedicated to Ezekiel since Ezekiel found her at the zoo being one of the last animals standing and took care of her, Negan didn't do that.  I think the groups that Negan done Lucille'd are too small to take on Negan and his army of Saviors. Groups would have to team up and build a big army to take down the Saviors. So if ASZ, The Kingdom, and Hilltop team together they may have a fighting chance.

    • Love 1
  11. I'm pretty sure Negan has visited the Kingdom at least once. I'm sure they received the same treatment as ASZ & Hilltop with one of their own being Lucille'd as that's how Negan introduces himself. Possibly doing one of the pick ups of food Negan possibly visited the Kingdom to make sure they're doing what they're suppose to before agreeing to meet at a specific location. I think Jesus said that the Saviors & Negan came to Hilltop on more than one occasion. 

    • Love 2
  12. 16 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

    Yep, yep. Daryl pissed me off so badly when, the morning after the confrontation with the Claimers, when Rick asked about Beth, Daryl said, "She's just GONE." He couldn't summon up the words to say, "There's this big, black car with a cross in the window that took her away. "  So yeah, I don't care what Negan does to him. I'm sick of him and his acting like he's a miser and words are a dollar each.


    Ever since Daryl arrived in ASZ he's been a boring mopey mess. Just being stand offish and giving everyone the cold shoulder. I hope he suffers greatly in Negan's camp and then he eats a tainted pig and has his head bashed in. Can we trade Daryl for Glenn?

    • Love 7
  13. How far apart are these groups from each other?? Little too convenient they're this close to each other and they barely run into each other. I know Hilltop from ASZ is a day away when traveling. How far away is The Kingdom from ASZ, it may not be too taxing and maybe Morgan will tell Rick how far it is when/if he goes back to ASZ. 

    • Love 2
  14. Yea I rather be with the Kingdom than Saviors. If you fall out with Negan you either die or get your face burned off like Dwight. No thank you. Seems like a majority of Saviors lost their humanity and have unlikable people in the group while the Kingdom have some cool characters like Ezekiel, Richard, Jerry, & Benjamin. Odd that a group that just debut already have likable characters because Shane's initial group didn't have likable people and neither did ASZ.

    • Love 6
  15. I do agree about Ezekiel immediately telling Carol & Morgan about the inner goings of the Kingdom isn't smart. It's like members of Rick's group wear a "Trust Me" sign because Jesus told Rick everything about Hilltop. When Aaron met the group he didn't tell them everything about ASZ. He told them that they'll get interviewed and see where they'll fit and then after they were told things about ASZ. For Aaron he at least scouted them out before inviting them to see if they're trustworthy. Ezekiel shouldn't have been so quick to tell them. Even Benjamin (finally know the kid's name lol) was telling Morgan things.

    Now Carol and Daryl wanna keep up their stupid lone wolf schtick which is causing them to be a liability to the group and they're not seeing that. Since they want to keep running off Rick and the rest of the group should be like "fuck it" let them leave. He should treat them how he treated Michonne when he first met her, just don't trust them anymore and how they treated Andrea when she visited the prison. They wanna detach themselves from the group because they're suffering internally from all the deaths of close people. Whatever, everyone has lost someone and to this day I still say Maggie suffered the most, she had to watch Hershel get decapitated and Glenn get brutally beaten in front of her and she may have suffered a miscarriage. Maggie isn't closing herself off even though she has every right to. Carol and Daryl can go fuck themselves.

    • Love 9
  16. This was a solid episode. Ezekiel and Richard from the Kingdom are likeable so far. I think they're awesome. Even the kid whose name I forgotten already lol but I'm sure I'll learn it. Shiva is cool and a nice fit but I highly doubt that a tiger is that manageable. 

    I don't like that Negan now has three groups under his thumb being Hilltop, ASZ, and the Kingdom. Negan is the only getting anything out of the deal while the others will face death if they don't deliver the food and whatever else. Now is the time for Ezekiel, Rick, & Jesus to get their groups together and take out Negan. 

    I do like that Richard sent them infected pigs but I don't think infected meat will work since Terminus ate Bob's infected leg and they didn't suffer anything because they cooked it and I don't think Saviors eat raw pig. 

    • Love 5
  17. I think when the merge happens if they're still in that Michaela, Ken, and Chris will be targeted first because they're threats physically. So I think that they might be on the outs and nobody will want to form an alliance with them. 

    • Love 1
  18. IDK what's going through David's mind when he's doing challenges because his performances have been dismal. When Probst says strategize it doesn't look like they're doing that when it comes to David. It would be best to put him where the least amount of effort is made, preferably sitting on the sidelines cheering but then I think he'll manage to mess that up.

    • Love 2
  19. Wasn't it just great to see Figgy be giddy over seeing CiCi voted out only to turn around and cry like a little piggy. That's what you get and it gave me great pleasure. Then thinking no one knew about her and her lame ass geek bf/hookup whatever you wanna call it. No big surprise when other tribe members see you holdling hands in the morning. Good Riddance!!! YES YES YES!!!!! What a wimpy crybaby. She needed to go and it brought me such joy, what a beautiful episode.

    Funny how Michaela walked up on Jay finding the idol. They were right, that was very bad timing. Michaela continues to rock at challenges and don't care that she helped Zeke & Michelle win. I laughed at her saying that if they can't figure out how to stay in the game with three of them having the numbers. She'll be shocked when she see that Figgy is gone.

    • Love 19
  20. It was an ok episode for me. What I really loved was Stewie calling in and wanting a Master Chef shirt and in the line reading he was wearing a Master Chef shirt. Brian still manages to be a pretentious douche, I rolled my eyes so hard at him deflecting on answering where he heard the quote from. 

  21. Rick killing Negan in the RV might have had deadly consequences if Rick came back alone without Negan. His group were unarmed while Saviors had guns and could have easily killed all of them. Unless Rick ran back to Alexandria to gather everyone else for a sneak attack but know that would have taken a whole day to happen and he wouldn't be suspicious by then lol. 

    • Love 1
  22. Isn't it also amazing that throughout this whole time they were out there, not ONE single walker showed up or made an appearance. Only one at the end to eat Glenn & Abe's remains. I guess walkers were all hypnotized by Negan's verbal diarrhea or they didn't want to hear him talk either.

    • Love 15
  23. I'm really hoping Maggie knocks the fuck out of Daryl when she sees him. I'm sorry but Daryl is coming off really stupid. Bad enough he goes running off in S6 where he, Rosita, Michonne, & Glenn are captured and Daryl is shot as a result but after Abe's death and Negan antagonizing Rosita, Daryl felt the need to punch Negan after Negan clearly said he would only allow one person to get out of line which was Glenn when he saw that Maggie has been captured. Daryl may not have been close to Glenn like he is to Carol or was to Beth and being fond of Denise but it was fucked up what he did. I really do hope Daryl is killed off next when they kill off another major character.

    • Love 10
  24. 1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

    I wish Gareth was still alive so he could eat Negan.

    I bet if Gareth was still alive Rick would go to Terminus and tell Gareth there's a huge group of people that he and his people can eat. They'll have a two year supply of food. 

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