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Posts posted by ShadowSixx

  1. Watching that old lady with the toothpick was just cringeworthy lol.


    It's just funny how Carter doesn't know how to use anything that doesn't involve money or things that hired help would do. 


    Other than those things I got nothing else in regards to the episode. Really nothing to snark about. 

  2. Yeah, Wes killed Sam to defend Rebecca who was breaking and entering and stealing and kills Anni because Anni tells him that she's dead, even though she didn't tell him that Bonnie was the one who killed her. He's always committing crimes for the sake of Rebecca's stupid ass. Dummy. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to care what the backstory is between Anni/Wes because Wes spent too much time being an annoying ass more than a character you can root for.


    Out of all characters on this show, Oliver is the only one with some type of moral compass to an extent, because he does hack into computer systems.


    I can understand Connor not wanting to be involved but what still sticks out to me is when they were hiding Sam's body and Connor was hitting Sam with a weapon and he was laughing like some maniac. 

  3. Finally caught the show on CBS.com


    That red shirt on Phil was so unflattering. Made him look like he had severe man boobs.


    I want one of those laundry fabrics. They're so beautiful. I see that they don't want to be hugged by these strangers hugging them because they're given a clue. They'll shake your hand but they don't want to be hugged. I will say that laundry is the chore I hate the most. I hate doing it. So I would have dreaded doing that roadblock.


    I'm amazed that green team beat anchors to the detour. I was like really. Damn shame no team could catch up to the U-Turn and get the green team. I'm just losing faith in anchors because they can't seem to do it at all, always falling behind when they were in the lead at the start. 


    I thought Texas would be in trouble at the candy detour for making them so big. I guess not. They got eliminated anyway. Cheerleaders better be glad it wasn't them that got U-Turned, they're so stupid over being upset that Texas got U-Turned which I just rolled my eyes and wanted to smack them.


    This season just doesn't have that many likable teams at all. Hopefully casting for next season is way better than what they did this season. 

  4. This episode wasn't ANTM it was Real Housewives-ish with all that Justin/Mame/Mikey crap. Yawn. Can we get on to what the show is about which is allegedly about modeling. See why the shit was cancelled. CW knows they can't compete with Bravo and it's Housewives franchise.


    Oh Hadassah, rooting for Mame, must have regretted that as you rewatch the show and seen Mame talking shit about you behind your back.


    It was so nice seeing Dustin again, he's so cute.


    WTF was Tyra wearing on the runway? That shit was hideous. 


    I wasted my time watching this clinking, clanking, clattering, collection of collegenous junk of an episode.

    • Love 4
  5. Oh Wes, really, you didn't want to shoot Anni but mention a dead Rebecca and that's all it takes. His Rebecca schtick is so damn tired, I just want to punch the living shit out of him.  What now Wes killed his mother too while Anni and Eve looked on and took him in as a client?


    Right now out of all the Keating 4, it seems that Connor would be the first to crack right now when last season it was Michaela who look like she would crack first. Connor has done a whole 180 from when he was first introduced. When he was introduced he looked like the bulldog who will manipulate and do whatever it takes to win but now after being involved in 2 murder cover ups, I see he's thinking differently.


    Once Oliver finds out about these 2 murders, wonder what he would think when all is said and done. 


    I did like Michaela calling out for Connor on not leaving her there and preventing him from shooting Anni. I love their friendship. They'll just have each other's back through thick and thin. 


    Good on Asher for running over Sinclair, she was annoying as all hell. Someone was going to do it, but I guess on the plus side, Asher will be part of the group from now on now that he knows about Sam's death and him killing Sinclair, but Anni, Wes killed Sam, not all of them. So her saying them was kind of like WTF, I would think Connor would correct her on him just covering it up and not being the one who killed Sam.


    Sinclair, girl is just so stupid too live and good thing she's dead. She harps on people and wanting to file harassment charges against Nate. I'm surprised there hasn't been any harassment charges against her.


    I was hoping they would give ol' milquetoast Laurel to shoot Anni and maybe give her some umph, but no, so I guess she'll continue to be bland. 


    In the end they're all dumb, they didn't have to participate, they just allow themselves to be so manipulated. I bet they all wish that they chosen different career paths or wanted to be a prosecutor over a defense attorney. 


    Some think Anni ruined Judge Millstone's life but like Frank said, Anni didn't make him corrupt.

    • Love 1
  6. What's going to bite Joe in the end is that he has no gameplay. He might always want to think what happens if he loses an IC. He's had no gameplay, he's not leading an alliance, he's coasting in the middle of alliances or at the bottom since everyone sees him as a big threat. I mean if he made it to the end on F3 what would his argument be, that he won IC, yeah he would have outplayed but what about outwit and outlast. IDK if it'll be too late for him at this point to try and tack on the social game. 


    Fishbach can exit stage left, he's such an annoying ass. Now Abi basically took a backseat to being annoying and since Savage and Kass are sitting their asses on the jury, Fishbach wants to pick up the annoying pieces. Oh Spencer why did you hesitate to jump in the water, dammit. If these people are smart they would see that Fishbach is trying to manipulate the game with all his bitching and whining and eliminate him pronto. 


    Wiggelsworth being a threat. I didn't see it at all, so what if she was on the 1st season of Survivor and well liked by everyone, that doesn't mean anything when it comes to actually voting on who wins and played the game. You can be likable all you want but if you really haven't done anything you're not a threat. How many challenges and IC has she won?...............Yeah, I can't remember either. Wiggelsworth had no gameplay either and if she did editors would have shown it.


    Kass and her damn middle finger, keep it classy. Is she trying to be funny? Is that the only way she can create "chaos" is by giving the finger? Someone should tell her to stick it up her hoo haw and it might make her smile more. 


    So for now my order of rootable are: Spencer, Kelly W., Jeremy, Joe, Keith, Tasha, Ciara, Abi, Fishbach

    • Love 1
  7. I see what happens when there is no sub-plot, you get a ton of cut scenes. There really wasn't much of a subplot between Brian and Stewie. 


    I did like The Nightmare Before Christmas cutaway, well because I love the actual film. The Cosby Show cutscene was a little uncomfortable but funny to watch. 


    I did get a joy out of Lois telling Brian that they were so close to putting him down a year ago.  If only they did it. 


    This type of Peter I can like. I like Peter more when they don't magnify his dumbness. He can still be the fat lovable guy who has dumb moments every now and then. I did laugh at Peter in the end when he refused to get tested for blood to save his sister. So they brought his sister in for one episode and killed her off? Peter has nobody left in his family, they're all dead. 


    I highly doubt that Peter will start treating Meg any differently after this episode, they'll go back to making her the family punching bag. Even though that should be reserved for Brian. 


    Speaking of that jackass I wish he just stop, he knows that out of everyone in the Griffin family he can never get anything over on Stewie. So him pretending to be looking at some numbers but really watching porn, don't know what the hell he expected.

  8. Them acting gung-ho over being top 4 in ANTM, that doesn't say much. Especially with this season being one of the worst ever.


    We were just talking about ribs in the last thread and yet here they are eating ribs lmao. Too funny.


    You know this may sound evil but I'm not moved by these sad stories of their mothers and whatnot because a.) I've seen so many reality contestants always talking about how bad they have it and b.) my mother works her ass off as well to support her family. She worked so much that she lost weight and not on purpose. She was getting thin because of how much she worked, she was barely home. I'm wondering if I can milk that story.


    Now we know this show is struggling budget wise because we have Tyra's mother who is now a "professional photographer" all of a sudden. Then why hasn't Tyra used her before on ANTM? Only people who are photographers this cycle are people who have had Tyra come out of their vagina (her mother) or gets to play in Tyra's vagina Asla. IDK what Yu has done in that regards and quite frankly I don't want to know.


    Mame looked like Grace Jones in her first photo. Mikey's mother looked pissed in the first photo and the second photo. Lacey looked great in her photos.


    I wish Nyle would have told his mom that Kelly "Fugly Ass" Cutrone was hitting on him and his mother would have slapped the fuck out of her.


    Oh come on please, like they would risk someone going home after posing with their mother. Also why blow having male vs male/female vs female for the next show. That tie between Lacey and Mikey was planned. They gave those scores on purpose.


    If I were them I would fail the presentation, they don't want to be ANTM that's career sabotage. They might wanna fail on purpose.


    Yea right, "breaking into a high school" on camera no less, risk having your asses arrested. GTFO. You didn't break in nowhere, you got the school's permission.


    At this point I don't care who wins, they're trying to give Mikey this redemption arc and give Lacey a fall from grace arc when she was strong in the beginning. While Mame and Nyle just coast in the middle. 

    • Love 2
  9. I don't like the begging for change tasks either especially the female reporter nearly stalking a local when he clearly said no. You don't go and bother and follow that person, cause you never know how someone is going to react. He could have knocked her down on the ground. 

    • Love 2
  10. I smelled NEL a mile away, something told me it was just that especially at the end with the cheerleaders all boo hooing it up and crying because they want to go to the end with Team Texas.


    Watching Diana cry and apologize to Justin. UGH to the double UGH!!! WTF is wrong with her. Can you just imagine that marriage, her apologizing for everything while Justin thinks he's always right. 


    Is that really a beach for Krakow? It look more like a pool than an actual beach. 


    Team Paparazzi are still annoying as all hell. They like to freak out first then do the task, when is their elimination coming? It can't happen fast enough.


    I'm wondering what is up with the taxi's there, they don't come when you wave them down, you have to actually go up to them or make a phone call. It looked like waving doesn't work at all there. 


    This season has been a little underwhelming mostly because one team has dominated the whole race, which makes the rest of the racers look a little incompetent at winning one. Still the scenery is the best part of what's going on this season.

    • Love 1
  11. Just about everyone gets some loving with the exception of Asher and Wes. I'm not surprised that Anni slept with Nate, she was wanting it as many times as she came to his house with cobbler. 


    Maybe Michaela might wanna ask some questions before she sleeps with someone, her fiance was gay, Levi is Eggs911 and Caleb showed her a weapon afterwards. If I was her I would lay off men for a minute.


    That DA needs to be killed because she's just one big dumbass who is so incompetent that it's not even funny. 


    Even Laurel being a Bonnie 2.0 still doesn't make her interesting. Something about her is just so damn boring and IDK if at this point if it's the actress fault or not, but something is severely missing from this character. 


    Asher finding the bug was funny and like how he doesn't like being left out of the group. They still treat him as an outsider and is there really a significant reason as to why they do that? Do they not like his frat boy behavior?

    • Love 1
  12. I remember when she said that she and her mom redesigned her career over a pizza.


    I remember when Tyra was admonishing Keenyah for eating and telling her to get a burger and take the bread off (who the hell is going to eat a meat patty with condiments on it? Might as well not order a burger) and saying she can eat whatever she wants because she's paid her dues. 


    Let me also say that last night I had a dream about Nyle. We were hanging out and then he kissed me and as soon as it was about to get to the good part I wake up. I woke up and said dammit. I know some dreams do come true so I'm hoping that one does. 

    • Love 1
  13. Good riddance Savage. Geez what a sniveling baby first at the IC because he can't hold his balls and then can't be eliminated with grace has to give the finger. I wish I could say go back to your supermodel girlfriend/wife whatever but he's on the jury and have to look at him and his lighthouse teeth for the rest of the season.


    Wentworth played that idol at just the right time.


    I would love for Fishbach to be eliminated because his whiny crybaby ass behavior is really grating and if he mentions JT one more time I'm gonna scream. Would he STFU about the "golden boys" of seasons that he's on. He sounds like a bitter high schooler. 


    Ciara, shut up about gameplay, nobody has to play the game how you want them to play, she brought it up again at TC. Her elimination can't come fast enough either. 


    I'll probably be able to enjoy more when Abi, Ciara, and Fishbach are OUT but Kass and Savage is a good start, hopefully one of those three is next. 


    Also point out Probst love for Joe with the "that's how you do it" when Joe is carrying one block while Jeremy carries one on his shoulder and all he gets is "he's doing the work of two people". I guess Jeremy wasn't doing it the right way for Probst. 

    • Love 7
  14. Tyra-Isms


    1. Smize
    2. Booty Tooch/Juicy Booch/
    3. Boom Boom Boom
    4. H2T
    5. Fierce-a-preneur
    6. Booch
    7. Beautytainer
    8. Flawsome
    9. Ty-Over
    10. TyTyTips
    11. Werk the Smirk
    12. Pot Ledom (Which is Top Model spelled backwards)


    I think Miss Jay came up with Slinky Ink.


    You know I would really like to see Tyra guest star on The Walking Dead, no explanation needed. Her last words will be "I'm dying while smizing".

    • Love 3
  15. This episode was pretty much boring. It really lost me when they thought Brian could sophisticate Chris and the one good thing is Chris calling Brian out on his pretentious behavior. 


    Peter is getting inexcusably stupid. I know he's been diagnosed as mentally challenged but it's a little too extreme for me. Thinking the toaster is a computer even though he works at The Brewery and sits behind a computer all day. 

  16. I laughed when Cynthia said the event was suppose to be about her. Oh Cynthia remember the last time something was suppose to be about you, when you had to get away from Peter and all his drama and you're suppose to have a relaxing weekend but it turned into Nene vs Kim drama. Sorry no matter whose event it is, it will never be about you.

    • Love 9
  17. Malorie was tacky for dishing her conversation with Cynthia to the other ladies. That's something you don't do, when you have Kenya of all people saying it's not wise to do that, you know you're in the wrong. I mean really, did they really need to know that Cynthia isn't attracted to Peter when he's naked. That's information that even I wouldn't want to hear. 


    Who owes Todd money? Apollo or Phaedra? If it's Phaedra then Todd needs to ask Phaedra himself and not have Kandi do it, if it's Apollo then uhhh...he's never going to see that money. Government is going to see that money first. 


    I wish Phaedra would stop with that southern bell shit, because she is far from it. She's still sticking to that schtick?


    That video of Peter is inappropriate, you don't lean in and grab a woman by her neck and slowly move your hand down, grazing her breast. That would piss me off and Peter wouldn't like it if Cynthia was caught doing that.


    Kenya vs Sheree should be fun. 

    • Love 13
  18. You're right of course, but I always got the feeling that she landed the GM video because Naomi Campbell either wasn't available or wouldn't do it.  Although that video did feature a lot of models that I hadn't heard of.....and the Freedom video did have NC in a much more featured role (Tyra was at the end of Too Funky video for about 10 seconds).


    I don't ever remember Tyra doing much of the editorial work she is constantly talking about, but she was IIRC the first black woman to get the cover of the SI swimsuit edition, right?


    I'll still always love Naomi more though.


    Don't forget Naomi Campbell was in Michael Jackson's video "In the Closet". Who wouldn't want to be in a Michael Jackson video. Tyra was in Michael Jackson's video "Black or White" but very briefly as she was one of the changing faces. Naomi was more featured in MJ's video.

    • Love 1
  19. I think know the answer to this but I thought I would ask it: Does any of the big players in the fashion industry take Tyra / ANTM (contestants etc.) seriously?


    No they don't take the ANTM contestants seriously. Several former contestants said that the fashion industry don't take them seriously and it's best for them to not even mention ANTM. IDK if the fashion industry takes Tyra seriously but after this cycle I'm pretty sure Tyra is a running joke to them now. 

    • Love 3
  20. So I take it these models are not going overseas at all? Final 4 and still no overseas trip, usually final 6 get to go. Is that budget so strapped that Las Vegas and camping is all they're going to get? What a rip off. I guess Tyra couldn't talk an airline into changing their name to Tymerican Airlines, Telta, Tywest Airlines, Talaska Airlines, Tynited Airlines.


    I agree that the entreprenuer challenge was a little premature. It seems Tyra wants models to follow in her footsteps and like she cares what they do after modeling as she only did it in Cycle 6 but that was only so she can do a photoshoot about it. She didn't say anything else about post life after being a model until now. Some models may not think that far ahead, maybe their main focus is modeling and then they might breakout into something else when it hits them. From the looks of it it only seems that Nyle and Mikey have an idea on what they want to do in the future but Lacey, Mame, and Devin didn't. I was thinking how much more conceited can Tyra get?


    This cycle could end up being a curse for anyone of them. The photography and photos are just bad, most of them shouldn't even put any of them in a portfolio. I feel so bad for these aspiring models, the future might not be so good for them if anyone in the fashion industry watches the show. Which I highly doubt they do.

    • Love 5
  21. ANTM is just tacky and Tyra is always doing shit like that. Just like she did with Kahlen when her friend died she did a coffin photo shoot, when Jael's friend died Tyra had them do a photo shoot about death and think they do that on purpose. So no shocker that she would do the same with Nyle.


    Kelly is just an ugly ass stank bitch. She asks Nyle a question he answers and elaborates and she cuts him off and is just rude about it. Well bitch don't ask anymore questions then. 


    Fierce-a-preneurs I just can't with this anymore, Tyra STFU, just can't stand her anymore. Nobody is going to say that, ever, it's not gonna be a new job title that the world is going to absorb. Go to an event where entreprenuers and CEOs go and say that you're a fierce-a-whatever and they'll laugh your ass right on out of there and never be invited back.


    Lacey's pic was hideous, Mame's wasn't all that, weren't they suppose to be moving the clothes and they choose a test shot, Nyle was stiff, and Devin and Mikey's photos were good. So don't know what Kelly was talking about when she said Devin's was bad. Let's see Kelly take some photos, yikes.


    Mikey is still a skeeze. This season has just been so damn bad.

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